path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/ModelFactory.scala
blob: 7811d2d7afcf2d620f711409e2a2038decd83357 (plain) (tree)















































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler -- Copyright 2007-2010 LAMP/EPFL */

package doc
package model

import comment._

import scala.collection._

import symtab.Flags

import model.{ RootPackage => RootPackageEntity }

/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) extends CommentFactory { thisFactory =>

  import global._
  import definitions.{ ObjectClass, ScalaObjectClass, RootPackage, EmptyPackage }

  private var droppedPackages = 0
  def templatesCount = templatesCache.size - droppedPackages

  private var modelFinished = false

  /**  */
  def makeModel: Universe = {
    val rootPackage =
      makeRootPackage getOrElse { throw new Error("no documentable class found in compilation units") }
    val universe = new Universe(settings, rootPackage)
    modelFinished = true

  /** */
  protected val templatesCache =
    new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, DocTemplateImpl]

  def findTemplate(query: String): Option[DocTemplateImpl] = {
    if (!modelFinished) throw new Error("cannot find template in unfinished universe")
    templatesCache.values find { tpl => tpl.qualifiedName == query && !tpl.isObject }

  def optimize(str: String): String =
    if (str.length < 16) str.intern else str

  /* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `Entity` type. */
  abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
    val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
    def inTemplate = inTpl
    def toRoot: List[EntityImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def qualifiedName = name

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  trait TemplateImpl extends EntityImpl with TemplateEntity {
    override def qualifiedName = if (inTemplate.isRootPackage) name else optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    def isPackage = sym.isPackage
    def isTrait = sym.isTrait
    def isClass = sym.isClass && !sym.isTrait
    def isObject = sym.isModule && !sym.isPackage
    def isRootPackage = false

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  class NoDocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with NoDocTemplate {
    def isDocTemplate = false

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `MemberEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
  abstract class MemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with MemberEntity {
    lazy val comment =
      if (inTpl == null) None else thisFactory.comment(sym, inTpl)
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[MemberImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def inDefinitionTemplates =
      if (inTpl == null)
        makeTemplate(sym.owner) :: (sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { inhSym => makeTemplate(inhSym.owner) })
    def visibility = {
      if (sym hasFlag Flags.LOCAL) {
        if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) PrivateInInstance()
        else ProtectedInInstance()
      else {
        val qual =
          if (sym.privateWithin != null && sym.privateWithin != NoSymbol)
          else None
        if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) PrivateInTemplate(inTpl)
        else if (sym hasFlag Flags.PROTECTED) ProtectedInTemplate(qual getOrElse inTpl)
        else if (qual.isDefined) PrivateInTemplate(qual.get)
        else Public()
    def flags = {
      val fgs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Paragraph]
      if (sym hasFlag Flags.IMPLICIT) fgs += Paragraph(Text("implicit"))
      if (sym hasFlag Flags.SEALED) fgs += Paragraph(Text("sealed"))
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      if (!sym.isModule && (sym hasFlag Flags.FINAL)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("final"))
    def deprecation =
      if (sym.isDeprecated && sym.deprecationMessage.isDefined)
        Some(parseWiki(sym.deprecationMessage.get, NoPosition))
      else if (sym.isDeprecated)
      else if (comment.isDefined)
    def inheritedFrom =
      if (inTemplate.sym == this.sym.owner || inTemplate.sym.isPackage) Nil else
        makeTemplate(this.sym.owner) :: (sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { os => makeTemplate(os.owner) })
    def resultType = makeType(sym.tpe.finalResultType, inTemplate, sym)
    def isDef = false
    def isVal = false
    def isVar = false
    def isConstructor = false
    def isAliasType = false
    def isAbstractType = false
    def isTemplate = false

  /** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `TemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
    * `TemplateSymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity and to be registered with the
    * `templatesCache` at the very start of its instantiation.
    * The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities.
    * * The owner of the template (as a full template);
    * * All ancestors of the template (as weak templates);
    * * All non-package members (including other templates, as full templates). */
  abstract class DocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with DocTemplateEntity {
    //if (inTpl != null) println("mbr " + sym + " in " + (inTpl.toRoot map (_.sym)).mkString(" > "))
    templatesCache += (sym -> this)
    lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    override def toRoot: List[DocTemplateImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def inSource = if (sym.sourceFile != null) Some(sym.sourceFile, sym.pos.line) else None
    def sourceUrl = {
      def fixPath(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\" +, "/")
      val assumedSourceRoot: String = {
        val fixed = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value)
        if (fixed endsWith "/") fixed.dropRight(1) else fixed
      if (!settings.docsourceurl.isDefault)
        inSource map { case (file, _) =>
          new + "/" + fixPath(file.path).replaceFirst("^" + assumedSourceRoot, ""))
      else None
    def typeParams = if (sym.isClass) sym.typeParams map (makeTypeParam(_, this)) else Nil
    def parentType =
      if (sym.isPackage) None else
        Some(makeType(RefinedType(sym.tpe.parents filter (_ != ScalaObjectClass.tpe), EmptyScope)))
    val linearization = { map { prt =>
        makeTemplate(prt.typeSymbol) match {
          case dtpl: DocTemplateImpl => dtpl.registerSubClass(this)
          case _ =>
      sym.ancestors filter (_ != ScalaObjectClass) map (makeTemplate(_))
    private lazy val subClassesCache = mutable.Buffer.empty[DocTemplateEntity]
    def registerSubClass(sc: DocTemplateEntity) = {
      assert(subClassesCache != null)
      subClassesCache += sc
    def subClasses = subClassesCache.toList
    protected lazy val memberSyms =
       // Only this class's constructors are part of its members, inherited constructors are not. => localShouldDocument(s) && (!s.isConstructor || s.owner == sym))
    val members       = memberSyms flatMap (makeMember(_, this))
    val templates     = members collect { case c: DocTemplateEntity => c }
    val methods       = members collect { case d: Def => d }
    val values        = members collect { case v: Val => v }
    val abstractTypes = members collect { case t: AbstractType => t }
    val aliasTypes    = members collect { case t: AliasType => t }
    override def isTemplate = true
    def isDocTemplate = true
    def companion = sym.companionSymbol match {
      case NoSymbol => None
      case comSym => Some(makeDocTemplate(comSym, inTpl))

  abstract class PackageImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => PackageImpl) extends DocTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with Package {
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[PackageImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    val packages = members collect { case p: Package => p }

  abstract class RootPackageImpl(sym: Symbol) extends PackageImpl(sym, null) with RootPackageEntity

  abstract class NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with NonTemplateMemberEntity {
    override def qualifiedName = optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "#" + name)
    lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "#" + name)

  abstract class ParameterImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with ParameterEntity {
    override def inTemplate = inTpl

  /* ============== MAKER METHODS ============== */

  /** */
  def normalizeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): Symbol = {
    if (aSym == null || aSym == EmptyPackage || aSym == NoSymbol)
    else if (aSym == ScalaObjectClass || aSym == ObjectClass)
    else if (aSym.isModuleClass || aSym.isPackageObject)

  def makeRootPackage: Option[PackageImpl] =
    makePackage(RootPackage, null)

  /** Creates a package entity for the given symbol or returns `None` if the symbol does not denote a package that
    * contains at least one ''documentable'' class, trait or object. Creating a package entity */
  def makePackage(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => PackageImpl): Option[PackageImpl] = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    if (templatesCache isDefinedAt (bSym))
      Some(templatesCache(bSym) match {case p: PackageImpl => p})
    else {
      val pack =
        if (bSym == RootPackage)
          new RootPackageImpl(bSym) {
            override val name = "root"
            override def inTemplate = this
            override def toRoot = this :: Nil
            override def qualifiedName = "_root_"
            override def inheritedFrom = Nil
            override def isRootPackage = true
            override protected lazy val memberSyms =
              ( ++ filter { s =>
                s != EmptyPackage && s != RootPackage
          new PackageImpl(bSym, inTpl) {}
      if (pack.templates.isEmpty) {
        droppedPackages += 1
      else Some(pack)


  /** */
  def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): TemplateImpl = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    if (bSym == RootPackage)
    else if (bSym.isPackage)
      makeTemplate(bSym.owner) match {
        case inPkg: PackageImpl => makePackage(bSym, inPkg) getOrElse (new NoDocTemplateImpl(bSym, inPkg))
        case _ => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' must be in a package")
    else if (templateShouldDocument(bSym))
      makeTemplate(bSym.owner) match {
        case inDTpl: DocTemplateImpl => makeDocTemplate(bSym, inDTpl)
        case _ => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' must be in documentable template")
      new NoDocTemplateImpl(bSym, makeTemplate(bSym.owner))

  /** */
  def makeDocTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): DocTemplateImpl = {
    val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
    val minimumInTpl =
      if (bSym.owner != inTpl.sym)
        makeTemplate(aSym.owner) match {
          case inDTpl: DocTemplateImpl => inDTpl
          case inNDTpl => throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' is owned by '" + inNDTpl + "' which is not documented")
    if (templatesCache isDefinedAt (bSym))
    else if (bSym.isModule || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isModule))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Object
    else if (bSym.isTrait || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isTrait))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Trait {
        def valueParams =
          List(sym.constrParamAccessors map (makeValueParam(_, this)))
    else if (bSym.isClass || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isClass))
      new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, minimumInTpl) with Class {
        def valueParams =
          List(sym.constrParamAccessors map (makeValueParam(_, this)))
        val constructors =
          members collect { case d: Constructor => d }
        def primaryConstructor = (constructors find (_.isPrimary))
        def isCaseClass = sym.isClass && sym.hasFlag(Flags.CASE)
      throw new Error("'" + bSym + "' that isn't a class, trait or object cannot be built as a documentable template")

  /** */
  def makeMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): List[MemberImpl] = {
    def makeMember0(bSym: Symbol): Option[MemberImpl] = {
      if (bSym.isGetter && (bSym.accessed hasFlag Flags.MUTABLE))
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVar = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
      else if (bSym.isMethod && !(bSym hasFlag Flags.ACCESSOR) && !bSym.isConstructor)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Def {
          override def isDef = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
          def typeParams =
            sym.tpe.typeParams map (makeTypeParam(_, inTpl))
          def valueParams =
            sym.paramss map { ps => (ps.zipWithIndex) map { case (p, i) =>
              if (p.nameString contains "$") makeValueParam(p, inTpl, optimize("arg" + i)) else makeValueParam(p, inTpl)
      else if (bSym.isConstructor)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Constructor {
          override def isConstructor = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
          def isPrimary = sym.isPrimaryConstructor
          def valueParams =
            sym.paramss map { ps => (ps.zipWithIndex) map { case (p, i) =>
              if (p.nameString contains "$") makeValueParam(p, inTpl, optimize("arg" + i)) else makeValueParam(p, inTpl)
      else if (bSym.isGetter) // Scala field accessor or Java field
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVal = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
      else if (bSym.isAbstractType)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AbstractType {
          override def isAbstractType = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
          def lo = match {
            case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo.typeSymbol != definitions.NothingClass => Some(makeType(lo, inTpl, sym))
            case _ => None
          def hi = match {
            case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if hi.typeSymbol != definitions.AnyClass => Some(makeType(hi, inTpl, sym))
            case _ => None
      else if (bSym.isAliasType)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AliasType {
          override def isAliasType = true
          def isUseCase = bSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC
          def alias = makeType(sym.tpe, inTpl, sym)
      else if (bSym.isPackage)
        inTpl match { case inPkg: PackageImpl =>  makePackage(bSym, inPkg) }
      else if ((bSym.isClass || bSym.isModule) && templateShouldDocument(bSym))
        Some(makeDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl))
    if ((!aSym.isPackage && aSym.sourceFile == null) || !localShouldDocument(aSym) || aSym.isModuleClass || aSym.isPackageObject || aSym.isMixinConstructor)
    else {
      val allSyms = useCases(aSym, inTpl.sym) map { case (bSym, bComment, bPos) =>
        addCommentBody(bSym, inTpl, bComment, bPos)
      (allSyms ::: List(aSym)) flatMap (makeMember0(_))

  /** */
  def makeTypeParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): TypeParam = {
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with TypeParam {
      def isTypeParam = true
      def isValueParam = false
      def variance: String = {
        if (sym hasFlag Flags.COVARIANT) "+"
        else if (sym hasFlag Flags.CONTRAVARIANT) "-"
        else ""
      def lo = match {
        case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo.typeSymbol != definitions.NothingClass =>
          Some(makeType(lo, inTpl, sym))
        case _ => None
      def hi = match {
        case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if hi.typeSymbol != definitions.AnyClass =>
          Some(makeType(hi, inTpl, sym))
        case _ => None

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl): ValueParam = {
    makeValueParam(aSym, inTpl, aSym.nameString)

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl, newName: String): ValueParam =
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with ValueParam {
      override val name = newName
      def isTypeParam = false
      def isValueParam = true
      def defaultValue =
        if (aSym.hasFlag(Flags.DEFAULTPARAM))
          // units.filter should return only one element
          (currentRun.units filter (_.source.file == aSym.sourceFile)).toList match {
            case List(unit) =>
              (unit.body find (_.symbol == aSym)) match {
                case Some(ValDef(_,_,_,rhs)) => Some(rhs.toString)
                case _ => None
            case _ => None
        else None
      def resultType =
        makeType(sym.tpe, inTpl, sym)
      def isImplicit = aSym.hasFlag(Flags.IMPLICIT)

  /** */
  def makeType(aType: Type, seeInTpl: => TemplateImpl, dclSym: Symbol): TypeEntity = {
    def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
    makeType(aType.asSeenFrom(seeInTpl.sym.thisType, ownerTpl(dclSym)))

  /** */
  def makeType(aType: Type): TypeEntity =
    new TypeEntity {
      private val nameBuffer = new StringBuilder
      private var refBuffer = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (TemplateEntity, Int)]
      private def appendTypes0(types: List[Type], sep: String): Unit = types match {
        case Nil =>
        case tp :: Nil =>
        case tp :: tps =>
          nameBuffer append sep
          appendTypes0(tps, sep)
      private def appendType0(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe.normalize match {
        /* Type refs */
        case tp: TypeRef if (definitions.isFunctionType(tp)) =>
          nameBuffer append '('
          appendTypes0(tp.args.init, ", ")
          nameBuffer append ") ⇒ "
        case tp: TypeRef if (tp.typeSymbol == definitions.RepeatedParamClass) =>
          nameBuffer append '*'
        case tp: TypeRef if (tp.typeSymbol == definitions.ByNameParamClass) =>
          nameBuffer append "⇒ "
        case tp: TypeRef if (definitions.isTupleType(tp)) =>
          nameBuffer append '('
          appendTypes0(tp.args, ", ")
          nameBuffer append ')'
        case TypeRef(pre, aSym, targs) =>
          val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
          if (bSym.isNonClassType)
            nameBuffer append
          else {
            val tpl = makeTemplate(bSym)
            val pos0 = nameBuffer.length
            refBuffer += pos0 -> (tpl,
            nameBuffer append
          if (!targs.isEmpty) {
            nameBuffer append '['
            appendTypes0(targs, ", ")
            nameBuffer append ']'
        /* Refined types */
        case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
          appendTypes0((if (parents.length > 1) parents filterNot (_ == ObjectClass.tpe) else parents), " with ")
          if (!defs.isEmpty) {
            nameBuffer append " {...}" // TODO: actually print the refinement
        /* Polymorphic types */
        case PolyType(tparams, result) if (!tparams.isEmpty) =>
          nameBuffer append '['
          appendTypes0(tparams map (_.tpe), ", ") // TODO: actually print the polytype's symbols (not just types)
          nameBuffer append ']'
        /* Eval-by-name types */
        case PolyType(tparams, result) if (tparams.isEmpty) =>
          nameBuffer append '⇒'
        case tpen =>
          nameBuffer append tpen.toString
      val refEntity = refBuffer
      val name = optimize(nameBuffer.toString)

  def templateShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    (aSym.isPackageClass || (aSym.sourceFile != null)) && localShouldDocument(aSym) && ( aSym.owner == NoSymbol || templateShouldDocument(aSym.owner) )

  def localShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    !(aSym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) && ((aSym hasFlag Flags.PROTECTED) || aSym.privateWithin == NoSymbol) && !(aSym hasFlag Flags.SYNTHETIC)
