path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/Definitions.scala
blob: 0eb58e3ad278bb2f904cd39d62484bd3349f12f7 (plain) (tree)






























































































































































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package symtab

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ HashMap }
import Flags._
import PartialFunction._
import classfile.ClassfileConstants

trait Definitions extends reflect.generic.StandardDefinitions {
  self: SymbolTable =>

  object definitions extends AbsDefinitions {
    private var isInitialized = false
    def isDefinitionsInitialized = isInitialized

    // symbols related to packages
    var emptypackagescope: Scope = null //debug

    // This is the package _root_.  The actual root cannot be referenced at
    // the source level, but _root_ is essentially a function () => <root>.
    lazy val RootPackage: Symbol = {
      val rp = NoSymbol.newValue(NoPosition, nme.ROOTPKG)
        .setFlag(FINAL | MODULE | PACKAGE | JAVA)
        .setInfo(PolyType(List(), RootClass.tpe))
      RootClass.sourceModule = rp
    // This is the actual root of everything, including the package _root_.
    lazy val RootClass: ModuleClassSymbol = NoSymbol.newModuleClass(NoPosition, tpnme.ROOT)
          .setFlag(FINAL | MODULE | PACKAGE | JAVA).setInfo(rootLoader)

    // The empty package, which holds all top level types without given packages.
    lazy val EmptyPackage       = RootClass.newPackage(NoPosition, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME).setFlag(FINAL)
    lazy val EmptyPackageClass  = EmptyPackage.moduleClass

    lazy val JavaLangPackage    = getModule(sn.JavaLang)
    lazy val ScalaPackage       = getModule("scala")
    lazy val ScalaPackageClass  = ScalaPackage.tpe.typeSymbol

    lazy val RuntimePackage       = getModule("scala.runtime")
    lazy val RuntimePackageClass  = RuntimePackage.tpe.typeSymbol

    // convenient one-argument parameter lists
    lazy val anyparam     = List(AnyClass.typeConstructor)
    lazy val anyvalparam  = List(AnyValClass.typeConstructor)
    lazy val anyrefparam  = List(AnyRefClass.typeConstructor)

    // private parameter conveniences
    private def booltype = BooleanClass.typeConstructor
    private def boolparam = List(booltype)
    private def bytetype = ByteClass.typeConstructor
    private def byteparam = List(bytetype)
    private def shorttype = ShortClass.typeConstructor
    private def shortparam = List(shorttype)
    private def inttype = IntClass.typeConstructor
    private def intparam = List(inttype)
    private def longtype = LongClass.typeConstructor
    private def longparam = List(longtype)
    private def floattype = FloatClass.typeConstructor
    private def floatparam = List(floattype)
    private def doubletype = DoubleClass.typeConstructor
    private def doubleparam = List(doubletype)
    private def chartype = CharClass.typeConstructor
    private def charparam = List(chartype)
    private def stringtype = StringClass.typeConstructor

    // top types
    lazy val AnyClass     = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Any, Nil) setFlag (ABSTRACT)
    lazy val AnyValClass  = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyVal, anyparam) setFlag (ABSTRACT | SEALED)
    lazy val AnyRefClass  = newAlias(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyRef, ObjectClass.typeConstructor)
    lazy val ObjectClass  = getClass(sn.Object)

    // bottom types
    lazy val NullClass            = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Null, anyrefparam) setFlag (ABSTRACT | TRAIT | FINAL)
    lazy val NothingClass         = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Nothing, anyparam) setFlag (ABSTRACT | TRAIT | FINAL)
    lazy val RuntimeNothingClass  = getClass(ClassfileConstants.SCALA_NOTHING)
    lazy val RuntimeNullClass     = getClass(ClassfileConstants.SCALA_NULL)
    lazy val AnyValCompanionClass = getClass("scala.runtime.AnyValCompanion").setFlag(SEALED | ABSTRACT | TRAIT)

    // the scala value classes
    import ClassfileConstants._

    lazy val UnitClass    = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Unit, anyvalparam).setFlag(ABSTRACT | FINAL)
    lazy val ByteClass    = newValueClass(nme.Byte,    BYTE_TAG, 2)
    lazy val ShortClass   = newValueClass(nme.Short,   SHORT_TAG, 4)
    lazy val CharClass    = newValueClass(nme.Char,    CHAR_TAG, 3)
    lazy val IntClass     = newValueClass(nme.Int,     INT_TAG, 12)
    lazy val LongClass    = newValueClass(nme.Long,    LONG_TAG, 24)
    lazy val FloatClass   = newValueClass(nme.Float,   FLOAT_TAG, 48)
    lazy val DoubleClass  = newValueClass(nme.Double,  DOUBLE_TAG, 96)
    lazy val BooleanClass = newValueClass(nme.Boolean, BOOL_TAG, 0)
      def Boolean_and = getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND)
      def Boolean_or  = getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR)

    def ScalaValueClasses = List(

    // exceptions and other throwables
    lazy val ClassCastExceptionClass        = getClass("java.lang.ClassCastException")
    lazy val IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass = getClass(sn.IOOBException)
    lazy val InvocationTargetExceptionClass = getClass(sn.InvTargetException)
    lazy val MatchErrorClass                = getClass("scala.MatchError")
    lazy val NonLocalReturnControlClass     = getClass("scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl")
    lazy val NullPointerExceptionClass      = getClass(sn.NPException)
    lazy val ThrowableClass                 = getClass(sn.Throwable)
    lazy val UninitializedErrorClass        = getClass("scala.UninitializedFieldError")

    // annotations
    lazy val AnnotationClass            = getClass("scala.annotation.Annotation")
    lazy val ClassfileAnnotationClass   = getClass("scala.annotation.ClassfileAnnotation")
    lazy val StaticAnnotationClass      = getClass("scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation")
    lazy val uncheckedStableClass       = getClass("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedStable")
    lazy val uncheckedVarianceClass     = getClass("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance")
    lazy val UncheckedClass             = getClass("scala.unchecked")
    lazy val ThrowsClass                = getClass("scala.throws")
    lazy val TailrecClass               = getClass("scala.annotation.tailrec")
    lazy val SwitchClass                = getClass("scala.annotation.switch")
    lazy val ElidableMethodClass        = getClass("scala.annotation.elidable")
    lazy val ImplicitNotFoundClass      = getClass("scala.annotation.implicitNotFound")
    lazy val VarargsClass               = getClass("scala.annotation.varargs")
    lazy val FieldTargetClass           = getClass("")
    lazy val GetterTargetClass          = getClass("")
    lazy val SetterTargetClass          = getClass("")
    lazy val BeanGetterTargetClass      = getClass("")
    lazy val BeanSetterTargetClass      = getClass("")
    lazy val ParamTargetClass           = getClass("")
    lazy val ScalaInlineClass           = getClass("scala.inline")
    lazy val ScalaNoInlineClass         = getClass("scala.noinline")
    lazy val SpecializedClass           = getClass("scala.specialized")

    // fundamental reference classes
    lazy val ScalaObjectClass     = getClass("scala.ScalaObject")
    lazy val PartialFunctionClass = getClass("scala.PartialFunction")
    lazy val SymbolClass          = getClass("scala.Symbol")
    lazy val StringClass          = getClass(sn.String)
    lazy val ClassClass           = getClass(sn.Class)
      def Class_getMethod = getMember(ClassClass, nme.getMethod_)

    // fundamental modules
    lazy val PredefModule: Symbol = getModule("scala.Predef")
    lazy val PredefModuleClass = PredefModule.tpe.typeSymbol
      def Predef_classOf = getMember(PredefModule, nme.classOf)
      def Predef_error    = getMember(PredefModule, nme.error)
      def Predef_identity = getMember(PredefModule, nme.identity)
      def Predef_conforms = getMember(PredefModule, nme.conforms)
    lazy val ConsoleModule: Symbol = getModule("scala.Console")
    lazy val ScalaRunTimeModule: Symbol = getModule("scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime")
    lazy val SymbolModule: Symbol = getModule("scala.Symbol")
      lazy val Symbol_apply = getMember(SymbolModule, nme.apply)
      def SeqFactory = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.Seq)
      def arrayApplyMethod = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "array_apply")
      def arrayUpdateMethod = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "array_update")
      def arrayLengthMethod = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "array_length")
      def arrayCloneMethod = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "array_clone")
      def ensureAccessibleMethod = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "ensureAccessible")
      def scalaRuntimeHash = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, "hash")
      def scalaRuntimeSameElements = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.sameElements)

    // classes with special meanings
    lazy val NotNullClass     = getClass("scala.NotNull")
    lazy val DelayedInitClass = getClass("scala.DelayedInit")
      def delayedInitMethod = getMember(DelayedInitClass, nme.delayedInit)
      // a dummy value that communicates that a delayedInit call is compiler-generated
      // from phase UnCurry to phase Constructors
      def delayedInitArgVal = EmptyPackageClass.newValue(NoPosition, nme.delayedInitArg)

    lazy val TypeConstraintClass   = getClass("scala.annotation.TypeConstraint")
    lazy val SingletonClass        = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Singleton, anyparam) setFlag (ABSTRACT | TRAIT | FINAL)
    lazy val SerializableClass     = getClass("scala.Serializable")
    lazy val JavaSerializableClass = getClass(sn.JavaSerializable)
    lazy val ComparableClass       = getClass("java.lang.Comparable")

    lazy val RepeatedParamClass = newCovariantPolyClass(
      tparam => seqType(tparam.typeConstructor)

    lazy val JavaRepeatedParamClass = newCovariantPolyClass(
      tparam => arrayType(tparam.typeConstructor)

    def isByNameParamType(tp: Type)        = tp.typeSymbol == ByNameParamClass
    def isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass
    def isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type)  = tp.typeSymbol == JavaRepeatedParamClass
    def isRepeatedParamType(tp: Type)      = isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) || isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp)

    def isScalaVarArgs(params: List[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isScalaRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe)
    def isVarArgsList(params: List[Symbol])  = params.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe)
    def isVarArgTypes(formals: List[Type])   = formals.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(formals.last)

    def isPrimitiveArray(tp: Type) = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => isValueClass(arg.typeSymbol)
      case _                                  => false
    def isArrayOfSymbol(tp: Type, elem: Symbol) = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => arg.typeSymbol == elem
      case _                                  => false

    lazy val ByNameParamClass = newCovariantPolyClass(
      tparam => AnyClass.typeConstructor
    lazy val EqualsPatternClass = {
      val clazz = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.EQUALS_PATTERN_NAME, Nil)
      clazz setInfo PolyType(List(newTypeParam(clazz, 0)), ClassInfoType(anyparam, new Scope, clazz))

    // collections classes
    lazy val ConsClass          = getClass("scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon")
    lazy val IterableClass      = getClass("scala.collection.Iterable")
    lazy val IteratorClass      = getClass("scala.collection.Iterator")
    lazy val ListClass          = getClass("scala.collection.immutable.List")
    lazy val SeqClass           = getClass("scala.collection.Seq")
    lazy val StringBuilderClass = getClass("scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder")
    lazy val TraversableClass   = getClass("scala.collection.Traversable")

    lazy val ListModule       = getModule("scala.collection.immutable.List")
      def List_apply = getMember(ListModule, nme.apply)
    lazy val NilModule        = getModule("scala.collection.immutable.Nil")
    lazy val SeqModule        = getModule("scala.collection.Seq")

    // arrays and their members
    lazy val ArrayModule  = getModule("scala.Array")
    lazy val ArrayClass   = getClass("scala.Array")
      def Array_apply      = getMember(ArrayClass, nme.apply)
      def Array_update     = getMember(ArrayClass, nme.update)
      def Array_length     = getMember(ArrayClass, nme.length)
      lazy val Array_clone = getMember(ArrayClass, nme.clone_)

    // reflection / structural types
    lazy val SoftReferenceClass     = getClass("java.lang.ref.SoftReference")
    lazy val WeakReferenceClass     = getClass("java.lang.ref.WeakReference")
    lazy val MethodClass            = getClass(sn.MethodAsObject)
      def methodClass_setAccessible = getMember(MethodClass, nme.setAccessible)
    lazy val EmptyMethodCacheClass  = getClass("scala.runtime.EmptyMethodCache")
    lazy val MethodCacheClass       = getClass("scala.runtime.MethodCache")
      def methodCache_find  = getMember(MethodCacheClass, nme.find_)
      def methodCache_add   = getMember(MethodCacheClass, nme.add_)

    // scala.reflect
    lazy val PartialManifestClass  = getClass("scala.reflect.ClassManifest")
    lazy val PartialManifestModule = getModule("scala.reflect.ClassManifest")
    lazy val FullManifestClass     = getClass("scala.reflect.Manifest")
    lazy val FullManifestModule    = getModule("scala.reflect.Manifest")
    lazy val OptManifestClass      = getClass("scala.reflect.OptManifest")
    lazy val NoManifest            = getModule("scala.reflect.NoManifest")
    lazy val CodeClass             = getClass(sn.Code)
    lazy val CodeModule            = getModule(sn.Code)
      def Code_lift = getMember(CodeModule, nme.lift_)

    lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnotation = getClass("scala.reflect.ScalaSignature")
    lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation = getClass("scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature")

    // invoke dynamic support
    lazy val LinkageModule = getModule("java.dyn.Linkage")
      lazy val Linkage_invalidateCallerClass = getMember(LinkageModule, "invalidateCallerClass")
    lazy val DynamicDispatchClass = getModule("scala.runtime.DynamicDispatch")
      lazy val DynamicDispatch_DontSetTarget = getMember(DynamicDispatchClass, "DontSetTarget")

    // Option classes
    lazy val OptionClass: Symbol = getClass("scala.Option")
    lazy val SomeClass: Symbol   = getClass("scala.Some")
    lazy val NoneModule: Symbol  = getModule("scala.None")

    def isOptionType(tp: Type)  = cond(tp.normalize) { case TypeRef(_, OptionClass, List(_)) => true }
    def isSomeType(tp: Type)    = cond(tp.normalize) { case TypeRef(_,   SomeClass, List(_)) => true }
    def isNoneType(tp: Type)    = cond(tp.normalize) { case TypeRef(_,   NoneModule, List(_)) => true }

    def optionType(tp: Type)    = typeRef(OptionClass.typeConstructor.prefix, OptionClass, List(tp))
    def someType(tp: Type)      = typeRef(SomeClass.typeConstructor.prefix, SomeClass, List(tp))
    def symbolType              = typeRef(SymbolClass.typeConstructor.prefix, SymbolClass, List())
    def longType                = typeRef(LongClass.typeConstructor.prefix, LongClass, List())

    // Product, Tuple, Function
    private def mkArityArray(name: String, arity: Int, countFrom: Int = 1): Array[Symbol] = {
      val list = countFrom to arity map (i => getClass("scala." + name + i))
      if (countFrom == 0) list.toArray
      else (NoSymbol +: list).toArray

    val MaxTupleArity, MaxProductArity, MaxFunctionArity = 22
    /** The maximal dimensions of a generic array creation.
     *  I.e. new Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[T]]]]] creates a 5 times
     *  nested array. More is not allowed.
    val MaxArrayDims = 5
    lazy val TupleClass     = mkArityArray("Tuple", MaxTupleArity)
    lazy val ProductClass   = mkArityArray("Product", MaxProductArity)
    lazy val FunctionClass  = mkArityArray("Function", MaxFunctionArity, 0)
    lazy val AbstractFunctionClass = mkArityArray("runtime.AbstractFunction", MaxFunctionArity, 0)

      def tupleField(n: Int, j: Int) = getMember(TupleClass(n), "_" + j)
      def isTupleType(tp: Type): Boolean = isTupleType(tp, false)
      def isTupleTypeOrSubtype(tp: Type): Boolean = isTupleType(tp, true)
      private def isTupleType(tp: Type, subtypeOK: Boolean) = tp.normalize match {
        case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
          val len = args.length
          len <= MaxTupleArity && {
            val tsym = TupleClass(len)
            (sym == tsym) || (subtypeOK && !tp.isHigherKinded && sym.isSubClass(tsym))
        case _ => false

      def tupleType(elems: List[Type]) = {
        val len = elems.length
        if (len <= MaxTupleArity) {
          val sym = TupleClass(len)
          typeRef(sym.typeConstructor.prefix, sym, elems)
        } else NoType

    lazy val ProductRootClass: Symbol = getClass("scala.Product")
      def Product_productArity = getMember(ProductRootClass, nme.productArity)
      def Product_productElement = getMember(ProductRootClass, nme.productElement)
      // def Product_productElementName = getMember(ProductRootClass, nme.productElementName)
      def Product_productPrefix = getMember(ProductRootClass, nme.productPrefix)
      def Product_canEqual = getMember(ProductRootClass, nme.canEqual_)

      def productProj(z:Symbol, j: Int): Symbol = getMember(z, nme.productAccessorName(j))
      def productProj(n: Int,   j: Int): Symbol = productProj(ProductClass(n), j)

      /** returns true if this type is exactly ProductN[T1,...,Tn], not some subclass */
      def isExactProductType(tp: Type): Boolean = cond(tp.normalize) {
        case TypeRef(_, sym, elems) =>
          val len = elems.length
          len <= MaxProductArity && sym == ProductClass(len)

      def productType(elems: List[Type]) = {
        if (elems.isEmpty) UnitClass.tpe
        else {
          val len = elems.length
          if (len <= MaxProductArity) {
            val sym = ProductClass(len)
            typeRef(sym.typeConstructor.prefix, sym, elems)
          else NoType

    /** if tpe <: ProductN[T1,...,TN], returns Some(T1,...,TN) else None */
    def getProductArgs(tpe: Type): Option[List[Type]] =
      tpe.baseClasses collectFirst { case x if isExactProductType(x.tpe) => tpe.baseType(x).typeArgs }

    def unapplyUnwrap(tpe:Type) = (tpe match {
      case PolyType(_,MethodType(_, res)) => res
      case MethodType(_, res)             => res
      case tpe                            => tpe

    def functionApply(n: Int) = getMember(FunctionClass(n), nme.apply)
    def functionType(formals: List[Type], restpe: Type) = {
      val len = formals.length
      if (len <= MaxFunctionArity) {
        val sym = FunctionClass(len)
        typeRef(sym.typeConstructor.prefix, sym, formals :+ restpe)
      } else NoType

    def abstractFunctionForFunctionType(tp: Type) = tp.normalize match {
      case tr @ TypeRef(_, _, args) if isFunctionType(tr) =>
        val sym = AbstractFunctionClass(args.length - 1)
        typeRef(sym.typeConstructor.prefix, sym, args)
      case _ =>

    def isFunctionType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.normalize match {
      case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
        val len = args.length
        len < MaxFunctionArity && sym == FunctionClass(len - 1)
      case _ =>

    def isSeqType(tp: Type) = elementType(SeqClass, tp.normalize) != NoType

    def elementType(container: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, `container`, arg :: Nil)  => arg
      case _                                    => NoType

    def seqType(arg: Type)    = typeRef(SeqClass.typeConstructor.prefix, SeqClass, List(arg))
    def arrayType(arg: Type)  = typeRef(ArrayClass.typeConstructor.prefix, ArrayClass, List(arg))
    def byNameType(arg: Type) = appliedType(ByNameParamClass.typeConstructor, List(arg))

    def ClassType(arg: Type) =
      if (phase.erasedTypes || forMSIL) ClassClass.tpe
      else appliedType(ClassClass.tpe, List(arg))

    // .NET backend

    lazy val ComparatorClass = getClass("scala.runtime.Comparator")
    // System.ValueType
    lazy val ValueTypeClass: Symbol = getClass(sn.ValueType)
    // System.MulticastDelegate
    lazy val DelegateClass: Symbol = getClass(sn.Delegate)
    var Delegate_scalaCallers: List[Symbol] = List()
    // Symbol -> (Symbol, Type): scalaCaller -> (scalaMethodSym, DelegateType)
    // var Delegate_scalaCallerInfos: HashMap[Symbol, (Symbol, Type)] = _
    lazy val Delegate_scalaCallerTargets: HashMap[Symbol, Symbol] = new HashMap()

    def isCorrespondingDelegate(delegateType: Type, functionType: Type): Boolean = {
      isSubType(delegateType, DelegateClass.tpe) &&
      (delegateType.member(nme.apply).tpe match {
      	case MethodType(delegateParams, delegateReturn) =>
      	  isFunctionType(functionType) &&
      	  (functionType.normalize match {
      	    case TypeRef(_, _, args) =>
      	      ( => {
                      if (pt.tpe == AnyClass.tpe) definitions.ObjectClass.tpe else pt})
      	       ::: List(delegateReturn)) == args
      	    case _ => false
        case _ => false

    // members of class scala.Any
    var Any_==          : Symbol = _
    var Any_!=          : Symbol = _
    var Any_equals      : Symbol = _
    var Any_hashCode    : Symbol = _
    var Any_toString    : Symbol = _
    var Any_isInstanceOf: Symbol = _
    var Any_asInstanceOf: Symbol = _
    var Any_##          : Symbol = _

    // members of class java.lang.{Object, String}
    var Object_eq          : Symbol = _
    var Object_ne          : Symbol = _
    var Object_==          : Symbol = _
    var Object_!=          : Symbol = _
    var Object_##          : Symbol = _
    var Object_synchronized: Symbol = _
    lazy val Object_isInstanceOf = newPolyMethod(
      ObjectClass, "$isInstanceOf",
      tparam => MethodType(List(), booltype)) setFlag FINAL
    lazy val Object_asInstanceOf = newPolyMethod(
      ObjectClass, "$asInstanceOf",
      tparam => MethodType(List(), tparam.typeConstructor)) setFlag FINAL

    def Object_getClass  = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.getClass_)
    def Object_clone     = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.clone_)
    def Object_finalize  = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.finalize_)
    def Object_notify    = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.notify_)
    def Object_notifyAll = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.notifyAll_)
    def Object_equals    = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.equals_)
    def Object_hashCode  = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.hashCode_)
    def Object_toString  = getMember(ObjectClass, nme.toString_)

    var String_+           : Symbol = _

    // boxed classes
    lazy val ObjectRefClass         = getClass("scala.runtime.ObjectRef")
    lazy val VolatileObjectRefClass = getClass("scala.runtime.VolatileObjectRef")
    lazy val BoxesRunTimeClass      = getModule("scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime")
    lazy val BoxedNumberClass       = getClass(sn.BoxedNumber)
    lazy val BoxedCharacterClass    = getClass(sn.BoxedCharacter)
    lazy val BoxedBooleanClass      = getClass(sn.BoxedBoolean)
    lazy val BoxedByteClass         = getClass("java.lang.Byte")
    lazy val BoxedShortClass        = getClass("java.lang.Short")
    lazy val BoxedIntClass          = getClass("java.lang.Integer")
    lazy val BoxedLongClass         = getClass("java.lang.Long")
    lazy val BoxedFloatClass        = getClass("java.lang.Float")
    lazy val BoxedDoubleClass       = getClass("java.lang.Double")

    lazy val BoxedUnitClass         = getClass("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit")
    lazy val BoxedUnitModule        = getModule("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit")
      def BoxedUnit_UNIT = getMember(BoxedUnitModule, "UNIT")
      def BoxedUnit_TYPE = getMember(BoxedUnitModule, "TYPE")

    // special attributes
    lazy val BeanPropertyAttr: Symbol           = getClass(sn.BeanProperty)
    lazy val BooleanBeanPropertyAttr: Symbol    = getClass(sn.BooleanBeanProperty)
    lazy val CloneableAttr: Symbol              = getClass("scala.cloneable")
    lazy val DeprecatedAttr: Symbol             = getClass("scala.deprecated")
    lazy val DeprecatedNameAttr: Symbol         = getClass("scala.deprecatedName")
    lazy val MigrationAnnotationClass: Symbol   = getClass("scala.annotation.migration")
    lazy val NativeAttr: Symbol                 = getClass("scala.native")
    lazy val RemoteAttr: Symbol                 = getClass("scala.remote")
    lazy val ScalaNumberClass: Symbol           = getClass("scala.math.ScalaNumber")
    lazy val ScalaStrictFPAttr: Symbol          = getClass("scala.annotation.strictfp")
    lazy val SerialVersionUIDAttr: Symbol       = getClass("scala.SerialVersionUID")
    lazy val SerializableAttr: Symbol           = getClass("scala.annotation.serializable") // @serializable is deprecated
    lazy val TraitSetterAnnotationClass: Symbol = getClass("scala.runtime.TraitSetter")
    lazy val TransientAttr: Symbol              = getClass("scala.transient")
    lazy val VolatileAttr: Symbol               = getClass("scala.volatile")

    lazy val AnnotationDefaultAttr: Symbol = {
      val attr = newClass(RuntimePackageClass, tpnme.AnnotationDefaultATTR, List(AnnotationClass.typeConstructor))
      // This attribute needs a constructor so that modifiers in parsed Java code make sense enter (attr newConstructor NoPosition setInfo MethodType(Nil, attr.tpe))

    def getModule(fullname: Name): Symbol =

    def getClass(fullname: Name): Symbol = {
      var result = getModuleOrClass(fullname.toTypeName)
      while (result.isAliasType) result =

    def getMember(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = {
      if (owner == NoSymbol) NoSymbol
      else match {
        case NoSymbol => throw new FatalError(owner + " does not have a member " + name)
        case result   => result

    /** If you're looking for a class, pass a type name.
     *  If a module, a term name.
    private def getModuleOrClass(path: Name): Symbol = {
      val module   = path.isTermName
      val fullname = path.toTermName
      if (fullname == nme.NO_NAME)
        return NoSymbol

      var sym: Symbol = RootClass
      var i = 0
      var j = fullname.pos('.', i)
      while (j < fullname.length) {
        sym =, j))
        i = j + 1
        j = fullname.pos('.', i)
      val result =
        if (module), j)).suchThat(_ hasFlag MODULE)
        else, j).toTypeName)
      if (result == NoSymbol) {
        if (settings.debug.value)
          { log(; log( }//debug
        throw new MissingRequirementError((if (module) "object " else "class ") + fullname)


    private def newClass(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, parents: List[Type]): Symbol = {
      val clazz = owner.newClass(NoPosition, name)
      clazz.setInfo(ClassInfoType(parents, new Scope, clazz))

    private def newCovariantPolyClass(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, parent: Symbol => Type): Symbol = {
      val clazz  = newClass(owner, name, List())
      val tparam = newTypeParam(clazz, 0) setFlag COVARIANT
      val p      = parent(tparam)
/*      p.typeSymbol.initialize
      println(p.typeSymbol + " flags: " + Flags.flagsToString(p.typeSymbol.flags))
      val parents = /*if (p.typeSymbol.isTrait)
        List(definitions.AnyRefClass.tpe, p)
                    else*/ List(p)
      println("creating " + name + " with parents " + parents) */
          ClassInfoType(List(AnyRefClass.tpe, p), new Scope, clazz)))

    private def newAlias(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, alias: Type): Symbol = {
      val tpsym = owner.newAliasType(NoPosition, name)

    private def newMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName): Symbol = {
      val msym = owner.newMethod(NoPosition, name.encode)

    private def newMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, formals: List[Type], restpe: Type): Symbol = {
      val msym = newMethod(owner, name)
      val params = msym.newSyntheticValueParams(formals)
      msym.setInfo(MethodType(params, restpe))

    /** tcon receives the type parameter symbol as argument */
    private def newPolyMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, tcon: Symbol => Type): Symbol =
      newPolyMethodCon(owner, name, tparam => msym => tcon(tparam))

    /** tcon receives the type parameter symbol and the method symbol as arguments */
    private def newPolyMethodCon(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, tcon: Symbol => Symbol => Type): Symbol = {
      val msym = newMethod(owner, name)
      val tparam = newTypeParam(msym, 0)
      msym.setInfo(PolyType(List(tparam), tcon(tparam)(msym)))

    private def newParameterlessMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, restpe: Type) =
      newMethod(owner, name).setInfo(PolyType(List(),restpe))

    private def newTypeParam(owner: Symbol, index: Int): Symbol =
      owner.newTypeParameter(NoPosition, newTypeName("T" + index)) setInfo TypeBounds.empty

    val boxedClass = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
    val boxedModule = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
    val unboxMethod = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]     // Type -> Method
    val boxMethod = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]       // Type -> Method
    val primitiveCompanions = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]     // AnyVal -> Companion
    /** Maps a companion object like scala.Int to scala.runtime.Int. */
    lazy val runtimeCompanions = (primitiveCompanions map { sym =>
      sym -> getModule("scala.runtime." +

    def isUnbox(m: Symbol) = unboxMethod.valuesIterator contains m
    def isBox(m: Symbol) = boxMethod.valuesIterator contains m

    val refClass = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
    val volatileRefClass = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
    val abbrvTag = new HashMap[Symbol, Char]
    private val numericWeight = new HashMap[Symbol, Int]

    def isNumericSubClass(sub: Symbol, sup: Symbol) = {
      val cmp = for (w1 <- numericWeight get sub ; w2 <- numericWeight get sup) yield w2 % w1
      cmp exists (_ == 0)

    /** Create a companion object for scala.Unit.
    private def initUnitCompanionObject() {
      val module = ScalaPackageClass.newModule(NoPosition, "Unit")
      val mclass = module.moduleClass
      mclass.setInfo(ClassInfoType(List(AnyRefClass.tpe, AnyValCompanionClass.tpe), new Scope, mclass))
      primitiveCompanions += module

    private[symtab] def newValueClass(name: TermName, tag: Char, weight: Int): Symbol = {
      val tpName = name.toTypeName
      val boxedName = sn.Boxed(tpName).toTermName

      val clazz = newClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpName, anyvalparam) setFlag (ABSTRACT | FINAL)
      boxedClass(clazz) = getClass(boxedName)
      boxedModule(clazz) = getModule(boxedName)
      refClass(clazz) = getClass("scala.runtime." + name + "Ref")
      volatileRefClass(clazz) = getClass("scala.runtime.Volatile" + name + "Ref")
      abbrvTag(clazz) = tag
      if (weight > 0) numericWeight(clazz) = weight

      val module = ScalaPackageClass.newModule(NoPosition, name)
      val mclass = module.moduleClass
      mclass.setInfo(ClassInfoType(List(AnyRefClass.tpe, AnyValCompanionClass.tpe), new Scope, mclass))
      primitiveCompanions += module

      boxMethod(clazz)   = newMethod(mclass,, List(clazz.typeConstructor), boxedClass(clazz).tpe)
      unboxMethod(clazz) = newMethod(mclass, nme.unbox, List(ObjectClass.typeConstructor), clazz.typeConstructor)


    /** Sets-up symbols etc. for value classes, and their boxed versions. This
      * method is called once from within the body of init. */
    private def initValueClasses() {
      // init scala.Boolean
      newParameterlessMethod(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!, booltype)
      List(nme.EQ, nme.NE, nme.ZOR, nme.ZAND, nme.OR, nme.AND, nme.XOR) foreach {
        newMethod(BooleanClass, _, boolparam, booltype)

      def initValueClass(clazz: Symbol, isCardinal: Boolean) {
        assert (clazz ne null)
        val boolBinOps  = List(nme.EQ, nme.NE, nme.LT, nme.LE, nme.GT, nme.GE)
        val otherBinOps = List(nme.ADD, nme.SUB, nme.MUL, nme.DIV, nme.MOD)
        val cardBinOps  = List(nme.OR, nme.AND, nme.XOR)
        val shiftOps    = List(nme.LSL, nme.LSR, nme.ASR)

        def addBinops(params: List[Type], restype: Type, isCardinal: Boolean) = {
          boolBinOps foreach  (x => newMethod(clazz, x, params, booltype))
          otherBinOps foreach (x => newMethod(clazz, x, params, restype))

          if (isCardinal)
            cardBinOps foreach (x => newMethod(clazz, x, params, restype))

        // conversion methods
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toByte,   bytetype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toShort,  shorttype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toChar,   chartype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toInt,    inttype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toLong,   longtype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toFloat,  floattype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.toDouble, doubletype)

        // def +(s: String): String
        newMethod(clazz, nme.ADD, List(stringtype), stringtype)

        def isLongFloatOrDouble = clazz match {
          case LongClass | FloatClass | DoubleClass => true
          case _                                    => false
        val restype = if (isLongFloatOrDouble) clazz.typeConstructor else inttype

        // shift operations
        if (isCardinal)
          for (op <- shiftOps ; param <- List(intparam, longparam))
            newMethod(clazz, op, param, restype)

        // unary operations
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.UNARY_+, restype)
        newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.UNARY_-, restype)

        if (isCardinal) {
          newParameterlessMethod(clazz, nme.UNARY_~, restype)

        // binary operations
        List(byteparam, shortparam, charparam, intparam) .
          foreach (x => addBinops(x, restype, isCardinal))

        addBinops(longparam,   (if (isCardinal) longtype else restype),               isCardinal)
        addBinops(floatparam,  (if (clazz eq DoubleClass) doubletype else floattype), false     )
        addBinops(doubleparam, doubletype,                                            false     )

      List(ByteClass, ShortClass, CharClass, IntClass, LongClass) foreach (x => initValueClass(x, true))
      List(FloatClass, DoubleClass)                               foreach (x => initValueClass(x, false))

      def addModuleMethod(clazz: Symbol, name: TermName, value: Any) = {
        val owner = clazz.linkedClassOfClass
        newParameterlessMethod(owner, name, ConstantType(Constant(value)))
      def addDeprecatedModuleMethod(clazz: Symbol, name: TermName, value: Any, msg: String) = {
        val m = addModuleMethod(clazz, name, value)
        val arg = Literal(Constant(msg))
        m.addAnnotation(AnnotationInfo(DeprecatedAttr.tpe, List(arg), List()))
      addModuleMethod(ByteClass,  "MinValue",  java.lang.Byte.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(ByteClass,  "MaxValue",  java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(ShortClass, "MinValue",  java.lang.Short.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(ShortClass, "MaxValue",  java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(CharClass,  "MinValue",  java.lang.Character.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(CharClass,  "MaxValue",  java.lang.Character.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(IntClass,   "MinValue",  java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(IntClass,   "MaxValue",  java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(LongClass,  "MinValue",  java.lang.Long.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(LongClass,  "MaxValue",  java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE)

      addDeprecatedModuleMethod(FloatClass, "MinValue", -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE, "use Float.MinNegativeValue instead")
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "MinNegativeValue", -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "MaxValue",  java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE)
      addDeprecatedModuleMethod(FloatClass, "Epsilon",   java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE, "use Float.MinPositiveValue instead")
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "MinPositiveValue", java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "NaN",       java.lang.Float.NaN)
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "PositiveInfinity", java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
      addModuleMethod(FloatClass, "NegativeInfinity", java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

      addDeprecatedModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "MinValue", -java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE, "use Double.MinNegativeValue instead")
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "MinNegativeValue", -java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "MaxValue",  java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE)
      // see #3791. change cycle for `Epsilon`: 1. deprecate, 2. remove, 3. re-introduce as
      // org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils.EPSILON (0x1.0p-53). not sure what to do for float.
      addDeprecatedModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "Epsilon",   java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE, "use Double.MinPositiveValue instead")
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "MinPositiveValue",   java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE)
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "NaN",       java.lang.Double.NaN)
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "PositiveInfinity", java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
      addModuleMethod(DoubleClass, "NegativeInfinity", java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

    /** Is symbol a phantom class for which no runtime representation exists? */
    def isPhantomClass(sym: Symbol) =
      sym == AnyClass || sym == AnyValClass || sym == NullClass || sym == NothingClass

    /** Is symbol a value class? */
    def isValueClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
      (sym eq UnitClass) || (boxedClass contains sym)

    /** If symbol is a value class or a boxed value class, return the value class: otherwise NoSymbol. */
    def unboxedValueClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (isValueClass(sym)) sym
      else if (sym == BoxedUnitClass) sym
      else, NoSymbol)

    /** Is symbol a numeric value class? */
    def isNumericValueClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
      numericWeight contains sym

    /** Is type's symbol a numeric value class? */
    def isNumericValueType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => isNumericValueClass(sym)
      case _ => false

    // todo: reconcile with javaSignature!!!
    def signature(tp: Type): String = {
      def erasure(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
        case st: SubType => erasure(st.supertype)
        case RefinedType(parents, _) => erasure(parents.head)
        case _ => tp
      def flatNameString(sym: Symbol, separator: Char): String =
        if (sym.owner.isPackageClass) sym.fullName('.') + (if (sym.isModuleClass) "$" else "")
        else flatNameString(sym.owner, separator) + "$" + sym.simpleName;
      def signature1(etp: Type): String = {
        if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) "[" + signature1(erasure(etp.normalize.typeArgs.head))
        else if (isValueClass(etp.typeSymbol)) abbrvTag(etp.typeSymbol).toString()
        else "L" + flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '/') + ";"
      val etp = erasure(tp)
      if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) signature1(etp)
      else flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '.')

    /** getModule2/getClass2 aren't needed at present but may be again,
     *  so for now they're mothballed.
    // def getModule2(name1: Name, name2: Name) = {
    //   try getModuleOrClass(name1.toTermName)
    //   catch { case ex1: FatalError =>
    //     try getModuleOrClass(name2.toTermName)
    //     catch { case ex2: FatalError => throw ex1 }
    //   }
    // }
    // def getClass2(name1: Name, name2: Name) = {
    //   try {
    //     val result = getModuleOrClass(name1.toTypeName)
    //     if (result.isAliasType) getClass(name2) else result
    //   }
    //   catch { case ex1: FatalError =>
    //     try getModuleOrClass(name2.toTypeName)
    //     catch { case ex2: FatalError => throw ex1 }
    //   }
    // }

    def init {
      if (isInitialized) return

      EmptyPackageClass.setInfo(ClassInfoType(Nil, new Scope, EmptyPackageClass))

      abbrvTag(UnitClass) = 'V'


      // members of class scala.Any
      Any_== = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.EQ, anyparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Any_!= = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.NE, anyparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Any_equals = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.equals_, anyparam, booltype)
      Any_hashCode = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.hashCode_, Nil, inttype)
      Any_toString = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.toString_, Nil, stringtype)
      Any_## = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.HASHHASH, Nil, inttype) setFlag FINAL

      Any_isInstanceOf = newPolyMethod(
        AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOf_, tparam => booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Any_asInstanceOf = newPolyMethod(
        AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOf_, tparam => tparam.typeConstructor) setFlag FINAL

      // members of class java.lang.{ Object, String }
      Object_## = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.HASHHASH, Nil, inttype) setFlag FINAL
      Object_== = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.EQ, anyrefparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Object_!= = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.NE, anyrefparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Object_eq = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.eq, anyrefparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Object_ne = newMethod(ObjectClass,, anyrefparam, booltype) setFlag FINAL
      Object_synchronized = newPolyMethodCon(
        ObjectClass, nme.synchronized_,
        tparam => msym => MethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(List(tparam.typeConstructor)), tparam.typeConstructor)) setFlag FINAL

      String_+ = newMethod(
        StringClass, "+", anyparam, stringtype) setFlag FINAL

      val forced = List( // force initialization of every symbol that is entered as a side effect
        AnnotationDefaultAttr, // #2264
      // AnyVal is sealed but needs to be made aware of its children
      ScalaValueClasses foreach (AnyValClass addChild _)

      if (forMSIL) {
        val intType = IntClass.typeConstructor
        val intParam = List(intType)
        val longType = LongClass.typeConstructor
        val charType = CharClass.typeConstructor
        val unitType = UnitClass.typeConstructor
        val stringType = StringClass.typeConstructor
        val stringParam = List(stringType)

        // additional methods of Object
        newMethod(ObjectClass, "clone", List(), AnyRefClass.typeConstructor)
        // wait in Java returns void, on .NET Wait returns boolean. by putting
        //  `booltype` the compiler adds a `drop` after calling wait.
        newMethod(ObjectClass, "wait", List(), booltype)
        newMethod(ObjectClass, "wait", List(longType), booltype)
        newMethod(ObjectClass, "notify", List(), unitType)
        newMethod(ObjectClass, "notifyAll", List(), unitType)

        // additional methods of String
        newMethod(StringClass, "length", List(), intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "compareTo", stringParam, intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "charAt", intParam, charType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "concat", stringParam, stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "indexOf", intParam, intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "indexOf", List(intType, intType), intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "indexOf", stringParam, intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "indexOf", List(stringType, intType), intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "lastIndexOf", intParam, intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "lastIndexOf", List(intType, intType), intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "lastIndexOf", stringParam, intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "lastIndexOf", List(stringType, intType), intType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "toLowerCase", List(), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "toUpperCase", List(), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "startsWith", stringParam, booltype)
        newMethod(StringClass, "endsWith", stringParam, booltype)
        newMethod(StringClass, "substring", intParam, stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "substring", List(intType, intType), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "trim", List(), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "intern", List(), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "replace", List(charType, charType), stringType)
        newMethod(StringClass, "toCharArray", List(), arrayType(charType))
      isInitialized = true
    } //init

    var nbScalaCallers: Int = 0
    def newScalaCaller(delegateType: Type): Symbol = {
      assert(forMSIL, "scalaCallers can only be created if target is .NET")
      // object: reference to object on which to call (scala-)method
      val paramTypes: List[Type] = List(ObjectClass.tpe)
      val name: String =  "$scalaCaller$$" + nbScalaCallers
      // tparam => resultType, which is the resultType of PolyType, i.e. the result type after applying the
      // type parameter =-> a MethodType in this case
      // TODO: set type bounds manually (-> MulticastDelegate), see newTypeParam
      val newCaller = newMethod(DelegateClass, name, paramTypes, delegateType) setFlag (FINAL | STATIC)
      // val newCaller = newPolyMethod(DelegateClass, name,
      // tparam => MethodType(paramTypes, tparam.typeConstructor)) setFlag (FINAL | STATIC)
      Delegate_scalaCallers = Delegate_scalaCallers ::: List(newCaller)
      nbScalaCallers += 1

    // def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol, delType: Type) {
    // assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller)
    // Delegate_scalaCallerInfos += (scalaCaller -> (methSym, delType))
    // }

    def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol) {
      assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller)
      Delegate_scalaCallerTargets += (scalaCaller -> methSym)