path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/TypeDiagnostics.scala
blob: 71e645493166e089002eb657b1773ecc231d67dc (plain) (tree)



































































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package typechecker

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.control.Exception.ultimately
import symtab.Flags._
import PartialFunction._

/** An interface to enable higher configurability of diagnostic messages
 *  regarding type errors.  This is barely a beginning as error messages are
 *  distributed far and wide across the codebase.  The plan is to partition
 *  error messages into some broad groups and provide some mechanism for
 *  being more or less verbose on a selective basis.  Possible groups include
 *  such examples as
 *    arity errors
 *    kind errors
 *    variance errors
 *    ambiguity errors
 *    volatility/stability errors
 *    implementation restrictions
 *  And more, and there is plenty of overlap, so it'll be a process.
 *  @author Paul Phillips
 *  @version 1.0
trait TypeDiagnostics {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._

  /** For errors which are artifacts of the implementation: such messages
   *  indicate that the restriction may be lifted in the future.
  def restrictionWarning(pos: Position, unit: CompilationUnit, msg: String): Unit =
    unit.warning(pos, "Implementation restriction: " + msg)
  def restrictionError(pos: Position, unit: CompilationUnit, msg: String): Unit =
    unit.error(pos, "Implementation restriction: " + msg)

  /** A map of Positions to addendums - if an error involves a position in
   *  the map, the addendum should also be printed.
  private val addendums = perRunCaches.newMap[Position, () => String]()
  private var isTyperInPattern = false

  /** Devising new ways of communicating error info out of
   *  desperation to work on error messages.  This is used
   *  by typedPattern to wrap its business so we can generate
   *  a sensible error message when things go south.
  def typingInPattern[T](body: => T): T = {
    val saved = isTyperInPattern
    isTyperInPattern = true
    try body
    finally isTyperInPattern = saved

  def setAddendum(pos: Position, msg: () => String) =
    if (pos != NoPosition)
      addendums(pos) = msg

  def withAddendum(pos: Position) = (_: String) + addendums.getOrElse(pos, () => "")()

  def decodeWithKind(name: Name, owner: Symbol): String = {
    val prefix = (
      if (name.isTypeName) "type "
      else if (owner.isPackageClass) "object "
      else "value "
    prefix + name.decode

  /** Does the positioned line assigned to t1 precede that of t2?
  def posPrecedes(p1: Position, p2: Position) = p1.isDefined && p2.isDefined && p1.line < p2.line
  def linePrecedes(t1: Tree, t2: Tree) = posPrecedes(t1.pos, t2.pos)

  private object DealiasedType extends TypeMap {
    def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      // Avoid "explaining" that String is really java.lang.String,
      // while still dealiasing types from non-default namespaces.
      case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym.isAliasType && !sym.isInDefaultNamespace =>
      case _ =>

  /** An explanatory note to be added to error messages
   *  when there's a problem with abstract var defs */
  def abstractVarMessage(sym: Symbol): String =
    if (underlyingSymbol(sym).isVariable)
      "\n(Note that variables need to be initialized to be defined)"
    else ""

  private def methodTypeErrorString(tp: Type) = tp match {
    case mt @ MethodType(params, resultType)  =>
      def forString = params map (_.defString)

       forString.mkString("(", ",", ")") + resultType
    case x                                    => x.toString

   * [a, b, c] => "(a, b, c)"
   * [a, B]    => "(param1, param2)"
   * [a, B, c] => "(param1, ..., param2)"
  final def exampleTuplePattern(names: List[Name]): String = {
    val arity = names.length
    val varPatterNames: Option[List[String]] = sequence(names map {
      case name if nme.isVariableName(name) => Some(name.decode)
      case _                                => None
    def parenthesize(a: String) = s"($a)"
    def genericParams = (Seq("param1") ++ (if (arity > 2) Seq("...") else Nil) ++ Seq(s"param$arity"))
    parenthesize(varPatterNames.getOrElse(genericParams).mkString(", "))

  def alternatives(tree: Tree): List[Type] = tree.tpe match {
    case OverloadedType(pre, alternatives)  => alternatives map pre.memberType
    case _                                  => Nil
  def alternativesString(tree: Tree) =
    alternatives(tree) map (x => "  " + methodTypeErrorString(x)) mkString ("", " <and>\n", "\n")

  /** The symbol which the given accessor represents (possibly in part).
   *  This is used for error messages, where we want to speak in terms
   *  of the actual declaration or definition, not in terms of the generated setters
   *  and getters.
  def underlyingSymbol(member: Symbol): Symbol =
    if (!member.hasAccessorFlag) member
    else if (!member.isDeferred) member.accessed
    else {
      val getter = if (member.isSetter) member.getter(member.owner) else member
      val flags  = if (getter.setter(member.owner) != NoSymbol) DEFERRED.toLong | MUTABLE else DEFERRED

      getter.owner.newValue(, getter.pos, flags) setInfo getter.tpe.resultType

  def treeSymTypeMsg(tree: Tree): String = {
    val sym               = tree.symbol
    def hasParams         = tree.tpe.paramSectionCount > 0
    def preResultString   = if (hasParams) ": " else " of type "

    def patternMessage    = "pattern " + tree.tpe.finalResultType + valueParamsString(tree.tpe)
    def exprMessage       = "expression of type " + tree.tpe
    def overloadedMessage = s"overloaded method $sym with alternatives:\n" + alternativesString(tree)
    def moduleMessage     = "" + sym
    def defaultMessage    = moduleMessage + preResultString + tree.tpe
    def applyMessage      = defaultMessage + tree.symbol.locationString

    if (!tree.hasExistingSymbol) {
      if (isTyperInPattern) patternMessage
      else exprMessage
    else if (sym.isOverloaded) overloadedMessage
    else if (sym.isModule) moduleMessage
    else if ( == nme.apply) applyMessage
    else defaultMessage

  def disambiguate(ss: List[String]) = ss match {
    case Nil      => Nil
    case s :: ss  => s :: (ss map { case `s` => "(some other)"+s ; case x => x })

  // todo: use also for other error messages
  def existentialContext(tp: Type) = tp.skolemsExceptMethodTypeParams match {
    case Nil  => ""
    case xs   => " where " + (disambiguate(xs map (_.existentialToString)) mkString ", ")

  def explainAlias(tp: Type) = {
    // Don't automatically normalize standard aliases; they still will be
    // expanded if necessary to disambiguate simple identifiers.
    val deepDealias = DealiasedType(tp)
    if (tp eq deepDealias) "" else {
      // A sanity check against expansion being identical to original.
      val s = "" + deepDealias
      if (s == "" + tp) ""
      else "\n    (which expands to)  " + s

  /** Look through the base types of the found type for any which
   *  might have been valid subtypes if given conformant type arguments.
   *  Examine those for situations where the type error would have been
   *  eliminated if the variance were different.  In such cases, append
   *  an additional explanatory message.
   *  TODO: handle type aliases better.
  def explainVariance(found: Type, req: Type): String = {
    found.baseTypeSeq.toList foreach { tp =>
      if (tp.typeSymbol isSubClass req.typeSymbol) {
        val foundArgs = tp.typeArgs
        val reqArgs   = req.typeArgs
        val params    = req.typeConstructor.typeParams

        if (foundArgs.nonEmpty && foundArgs.length == reqArgs.length) {
          val relationships = (foundArgs, reqArgs, params).zipped map {
            case (arg, reqArg, param) =>
              def mkMsg(isSubtype: Boolean) = {
                val op      = if (isSubtype) "<:" else ">:"
                val suggest = if (isSubtype) "+" else "-"
                val reqsym  = req.typeSymbol
                def isJava  = reqsym.isJavaDefined
                def isScala = reqsym hasTransOwner ScalaPackageClass

                val explainFound = "%s %s %s%s, but ".format(
                  arg, op, reqArg,
                  // If the message involves a type from the base type sequence rather than the
                  // actual found type, we need to explain why we're talking about it.  Less brute
                  // force measures than comparing normalized Strings were producing error messages
                  // like "and java.util.ArrayList[String] <: java.util.ArrayList[String]" but there
                  // should be a cleaner way to do this.
                  if (found.dealiasWiden.toString == tp.dealiasWiden.toString) ""
                  else " (and %s <: %s)".format(found, tp)
                val explainDef = {
                  val prepend = if (isJava) "Java-defined " else ""
                  "%s%s is %s in %s.".format(prepend, reqsym, param.variance, param)
                // Don't suggest they change the class declaration if it's somewhere
                // under scala.* or defined in a java class, because attempting either
                // would be fruitless.
                val suggestChange = "\nYou may wish to " + (
                  if (isScala || isJava)
                    "investigate a wildcard type such as `_ %s %s`. (SLS 3.2.10)".format(op, reqArg)
                    "define %s as %s%s instead. (SLS 4.5)".format(, suggest,

                Some("Note: " + explainFound + explainDef + suggestChange)
              // In these cases the arg is OK and needs no explanation.
              val conforms = (
                   (arg =:= reqArg)
                || ((arg <:< reqArg) && param.isCovariant)
                || ((reqArg <:< arg) && param.isContravariant)
              val invariant = param.variance.isInvariant

              if (conforms)                             Some("")
              else if ((arg <:< reqArg) && invariant)   mkMsg(isSubtype = true)   // covariant relationship
              else if ((reqArg <:< arg) && invariant)   mkMsg(isSubtype = false)  // contravariant relationship
              else None // we assume in other cases our ham-fisted advice will merely serve to confuse
          val messages = relationships.flatten
          // the condition verifies no type argument came back None
          if (messages.size == foundArgs.size)
            return messages filterNot (_ == "") mkString ("\n", "\n", "")
    ""    // no elaborable variance situation found

  // For found/required errors where AnyRef would have sufficed:
  // explain in greater detail.
  def explainAnyVsAnyRef(found: Type, req: Type): String = {
    if (AnyRefTpe <:< req) notAnyRefMessage(found) else ""

  // TODO - figure out how to avoid doing any work at all
  // when the message will never be seen.  I though context.reportErrors
  // being false would do that, but if I return "<suppressed>" under
  // that condition, I see it.
  def foundReqMsg(found: Type, req: Type): String = {
    def baseMessage = (
      ";\n found   : " + found.toLongString + existentialContext(found) + explainAlias(found) +
       "\n required: " + req + existentialContext(req) + explainAlias(req)
    (   withDisambiguation(Nil, found, req)(baseMessage)
      + explainVariance(found, req)
      + explainAnyVsAnyRef(found, req)

  def typePatternAdvice(sym: Symbol, ptSym: Symbol) = {
    val clazz = if (sym.isModuleClass) sym.companionClass else sym
    val caseString =
      if (clazz.isCaseClass && (clazz isSubClass ptSym))
        ( clazz.caseFieldAccessors
          map (_ => "_")    // could use the actual param names here
          mkString (s"`case ${}(", ",", ")`")
        "`case _: " + (clazz.typeParams match {
          case Nil  => "" +
          case xs   => xs map (_ => "_") mkString ( + "[", ",", "]")
        })+ "`"

    if (!clazz.exists) ""
    else "\nNote: if you intended to match against the class, try "+ caseString

  case class TypeDiag(tp: Type, sym: Symbol) extends Ordered[TypeDiag] {
    // save the name because it will be mutated until it has been
    // distinguished from the other types in the same error message
    private val savedName =
    def restoreName()     = = savedName
    def modifyName(f: String => String) = sym setName newTypeName(f(

    /** Prepend java.lang, scala., or Predef. if this type originated
     *  in one of those.
    def qualifyDefaultNamespaces() = {
      val intersect = Set(trueOwner, aliasOwner) intersect UnqualifiedOwners
      if (intersect.nonEmpty) preQualify()

    // functions to manipulate the name
    def preQualify()   = modifyName(trueOwner.fullName + "." + _)
    def postQualify()  = modifyName(_ + "(in " + trueOwner + ")")
    def typeQualify()  = if (sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) postQualify()
    def nameQualify()  = if (trueOwner.isPackageClass) preQualify() else postQualify()

    def trueOwner  = tp.typeSymbol.effectiveOwner
    def aliasOwner = tp.typeSymbolDirect.effectiveOwner

    def sym_==(other: TypeDiag)     = tp.typeSymbol ==
    def owner_==(other: TypeDiag)   = trueOwner == other.trueOwner
    def string_==(other: TypeDiag)  = tp.toString ==
    def name_==(other: TypeDiag)    = ==

    def compare(other: TypeDiag) =
      if (this == other) 0
      else if (sym isLess other.sym) -1
      else 1

    override def toString = {
      |tp = %s
      |tp.typeSymbol = %s
      |tp.typeSymbol.owner = %s
      |tp.typeSymbolDirect = %s
      |tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner = %s
        tp, tp.typeSymbol, tp.typeSymbol.owner, tp.typeSymbolDirect, tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner
  /** This is tricky stuff - we need to traverse types deeply to
   *  explain name ambiguities, which may occur anywhere.  However
   *  when lub explosions come through it knocks us into an n^2
   *  disaster, see SI-5580.  This is trying to perform the initial
   *  filtering of possibly ambiguous types in a sufficiently
   *  aggressive way that the state space won't explode.
  private def typeDiags(locals: List[Symbol], types0: Type*): List[TypeDiag] = {
    val types   = types0.toList
    // If two different type diag instances are seen for a given
    // key (either the string representation of a type, or the simple
    // name of a symbol) then keep them for disambiguation.
    val strings = mutable.Map[String, Set[TypeDiag]]() withDefaultValue Set()
    val names   = mutable.Map[Name, Set[TypeDiag]]() withDefaultValue Set()

    val localsSet = locals.toSet

    def record(t: Type, sym: Symbol) = {
      if (!localsSet(sym)) {
        val diag = TypeDiag(t, sym)
        strings("" + t) += diag
        names( += diag
    for (tpe <- types ; t <- tpe) {
      t match {
        case ConstantType(_)    => record(t, t.underlying.typeSymbol)
        case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => record(t, sym)
        case _                  => ()

    val collisions = strings.values ++ names.values filter (_.size > 1)

  /** The distinct pairs from an ordered list. */
  private def pairs[T <: Ordered[T]](xs: Seq[T]): Seq[(T, T)] = {
    for (el1 <- xs ; el2 <- xs ; if el1 < el2) yield
      ((el1, el2))

  /** Given any number of types, alters the name information in the symbols
   *  until they can be distinguished from one another: then executes the given
   *  code.  The names are restored and the result is returned.
  def withDisambiguation[T](locals: List[Symbol], types: Type*)(op: => T): T = {
    val typeRefs = typeDiags(locals, types: _*)
    val toCheck  = pairs(typeRefs) filterNot { case (td1, td2) => td1 sym_== td2 }

    ultimately(typeRefs foreach (_.restoreName())) {
      for ((td1, td2) <- toCheck) {
        val tds = List(td1, td2)

        // If the types print identically, qualify them:
        //   a) If the dealiased owner is a package, the full path
        //   b) Otherwise, append (in <owner>)
        if (td1 string_== td2)
          tds foreach (_.nameQualify())

        // If they have the same simple name, and either of them is in the
        // scala package or predef, qualify with scala so it is not confusing why
        // e.g. java.util.Iterator and Iterator are different types.
        if (td1 name_== td2)
          tds foreach (_.qualifyDefaultNamespaces())

        // If they still print identically:
        //   a) If they are type parameters with different owners, append (in <owner>)
        //   b) Failing that, the best we can do is append "(some other)" to the latter.
        if (td1 string_== td2) {
          if (td1 owner_== td2)
            td2.modifyName("(some other)" + _)
            tds foreach (_.typeQualify())
      // performing the actual operation

  trait TyperDiagnostics {
    self: Typer =>

    private def contextError(context0: Analyzer#Context, pos: Position, msg: String) = context0.error(pos, msg)
    private def contextError(context0: Analyzer#Context, pos: Position, err: Throwable) = context0.error(pos, err)
    private def contextWarning(pos: Position, msg: String) = context.unit.warning(pos, msg)

    def permanentlyHiddenWarning(pos: Position, hidden: Name, defn: Symbol) =
      contextWarning(pos, "imported `%s' is permanently hidden by definition of %s".format(hidden, defn.fullLocationString))

    object checkUnused {
      val ignoreNames = Set[TermName]("readResolve", "readObject", "writeObject", "writeReplace")

      class UnusedPrivates extends Traverser {
        val defnTrees = ListBuffer[MemberDef]()
        val targets   = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
        val setVars   = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
        val treeTypes = mutable.Set[Type]()

        def defnSymbols = defnTrees.toList map (_.symbol)
        def localVars   = defnSymbols filter (t => t.isLocal && t.isVar)

        def qualifiesTerm(sym: Symbol) = (
             (sym.isModule || sym.isMethod || sym.isPrivateLocal || sym.isLocal)
          && !nme.isLocalName(
          && !sym.isParameter
          && !sym.isParamAccessor       // could improve this, but it's a pain
          && !sym.isEarlyInitialized    // lots of false positives in the way these are encoded
          && !(sym.isGetter && sym.accessed.isEarlyInitialized)
        def qualifiesType(sym: Symbol) = !sym.isDefinedInPackage
        def qualifies(sym: Symbol) = (
             (sym ne null)
          && (sym.isTerm && qualifiesTerm(sym) || sym.isType && qualifiesType(sym))

        override def traverse(t: Tree): Unit = {
          t match {
            case t: MemberDef if qualifies(t.symbol)   => defnTrees += t
            case t: RefTree if t.symbol ne null        => targets += t.symbol
            case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol != null  => setVars += lhs.symbol
            case _                                     =>
          // Only record type references which don't originate within the
          // definition of the class being referenced.
          if (t.tpe ne null) {
            for (tp <- t.tpe ; if !treeTypes(tp) && !currentOwner.ownerChain.contains(tp.typeSymbol)) {
              tp match {
                case NoType | NoPrefix    =>
                case NullaryMethodType(_) =>
                case MethodType(_, _)     =>
                case _                    =>
                  log(s"$tp referenced from $currentOwner")
                  treeTypes += tp
            // e.g. val a = new Foo ; new a.Bar ; don't let a be reported as unused.
            t.tpe.prefix foreach {
              case SingleType(_, sym) => targets += sym
              case _                 =>
        def isUnusedType(m: Symbol): Boolean = (
          && !m.isTypeParameterOrSkolem // would be nice to improve this
          && (m.isPrivate || m.isLocal)
          && !(treeTypes.exists(tp => tp exists (t => t.typeSymbolDirect == m)))
        def isUnusedTerm(m: Symbol): Boolean = (
          && (m.isPrivate || m.isLocal)
          && !targets(m)
          && !( == nme.WILDCARD)              // e.g. val _ = foo
          && !ignoreNames(        // serialization methods
          && !isConstantType(     // subject to constant inlining
          && !treeTypes.exists(_ contains m)        // e.g. val a = new Foo ; new a.Bar
        def unusedTypes = defnTrees.toList filter (t => isUnusedType(t.symbol))
        def unusedTerms = defnTrees.toList filter (v => isUnusedTerm(v.symbol))
        // local vars which are never set, except those already returned in unused
        def unsetVars = localVars filter (v => !setVars(v) && !isUnusedTerm(v))

      def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) = {

        val p = new UnusedPrivates
        p traverse unit.body
        val unused = p.unusedTerms
        unused foreach { defn: DefTree =>
          val sym             = defn.symbol
          val pos = (
            if (defn.pos.isDefined) defn.pos
            else if (sym.pos.isDefined) sym.pos
            else sym match {
              case sym: TermSymbol => sym.referenced.pos
              case _               => NoPosition
          val why = if (sym.isPrivate) "private" else "local"
          val what = (
            if (sym.isDefaultGetter) "default argument"
            else if (sym.isConstructor) "constructor"
            else if (sym.isVar || sym.isGetter && sym.accessed.isVar) "var"
            else if (sym.isVal || sym.isGetter && sym.accessed.isVal) "val"
            else if (sym.isSetter) "setter"
            else if (sym.isMethod) "method"
            else if (sym.isModule) "object"
            else "term"
          unit.warning(pos, s"$why $what in ${sym.owner} is never used")
        p.unsetVars foreach { v =>
          unit.warning(v.pos, s"local var ${} in ${v.owner} is never set - it could be a val")
        p.unusedTypes foreach { t =>
          val sym = t.symbol
          val why = if (sym.isPrivate) "private" else "local"
          unit.warning(t.pos, s"$why ${sym.fullLocationString} is never used")

    object checkDead {
      private val exprStack: mutable.Stack[Symbol] = mutable.Stack(NoSymbol)
      // The method being applied to `tree` when `apply` is called.
      private def expr =

      private def exprOK =
        (expr != Object_synchronized) &&
        !(expr.isLabel && treeInfo.isSynthCaseSymbol(expr)) // it's okay to jump to matchEnd (or another case) with an argument of type nothing

      private def treeOK(tree: Tree) = {
        val isLabelDef = tree match { case _: LabelDef => true; case _ => false}
        tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol == NothingClass && !isLabelDef

      @inline def updateExpr[A](fn: Tree)(f: => A) = {
        if (fn.symbol != null && fn.symbol.isMethod && !fn.symbol.isConstructor) {
          exprStack push fn.symbol
          try f finally exprStack.pop()
        } else f
      def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
        // Error suppression will squash some of these warnings unless we circumvent it.
        // It is presumed if you are using a -Y option you would really like to hear
        // the warnings you've requested.
        if (settings.warnDeadCode && context.unit.exists && treeOK(tree) && exprOK)
          context.warning(tree.pos, "dead code following this construct", force = true)

      // The checkDead call from typedArg is more selective.
      def inMode(mode: Mode, tree: Tree): Tree = if (mode.typingMonoExprByValue) apply(tree) else tree

    private def symWasOverloaded(sym: Symbol) = sym.owner.isClass &&
    private def cyclicAdjective(sym: Symbol)  = if (symWasOverloaded(sym)) "overloaded" else "recursive"

    /** Returns Some(msg) if the given tree is untyped apparently due
     *  to a cyclic reference, and None otherwise.
    def cyclicReferenceMessage(sym: Symbol, tree: Tree) = condOpt(tree) {
      case ValDef(_, _, tpt, _) if tpt.tpe == null        => "recursive "+sym+" needs type"
      case DefDef(_, _, _, _, tpt, _) if tpt.tpe == null  => List(cyclicAdjective(sym), sym, "needs result type") mkString " "
      case Import(expr, selectors)                        =>
        ( "encountered unrecoverable cycle resolving import." +
          "\nNote: this is often due in part to a class depending on a definition nested within its companion." +
          "\nIf applicable, you may wish to try moving some members into another object."

    /** Report a type error.
     *  @param pos    The position where to report the error
     *  @param ex     The exception that caused the error
    def reportTypeError(context0: Context, pos: Position, ex: TypeError) {
      if (ex.pos == NoPosition) ex.pos = pos
      // TODO: should be replaced by throwErrors
      // but it seems that throwErrors excludes some of the errors that should actually be
      // buffered, causing TypeErrors to fly around again. This needs some more investigation.
      if (!context0.reportErrors) throw ex
      if (settings.debug) ex.printStackTrace()

      ex match {
        case CyclicReference(sym, info: TypeCompleter) =>
          if (context0.owner.isTermMacro) {
            // see comments to TypeSigError for an explanation of this special case
            throw ex
          } else {
            val pos = info.tree match {
              case Import(expr, _)  => expr.pos
              case _                => ex.pos
            contextError(context0, pos, cyclicReferenceMessage(sym, info.tree) getOrElse ex.getMessage())

            if (sym == ObjectClass)
              throw new FatalError("cannot redefine root "+sym)
        case _ =>
          contextError(context0, ex.pos, ex)