path: root/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
blob: e47bc7216e6f743c729678c315e1a921763e605a (plain) (tree)















































package scala.reflect
package api

trait Symbols { self: Universe =>

  type Symbol >: Null <: AbsSymbol

  abstract class AbsSymbol { this: Symbol =>

    /** The position of this symbol
    def pos: Position

    /** The modifiers of this symbol
    def modifiers: Set[Modifier]

    /** Does this symbol have given modifier?
    def hasModifier(mod: Modifier): Boolean

    /** A list of annotations attached to this Symbol.
    def annotations: List[self.AnnotationInfo]

    /** Whether this symbol carries an annotation for which the given
     *  symbol is its typeSymbol.
    def hasAnnotation(sym: Symbol): Boolean

    /** The owner of this symbol. This is the symbol
     *  that directly contains the current symbol's definition.
     *  The `NoSymbol` symbol does not have an owner, and calling this method
     *  on one causes an internal error.
     *  The owner of the Scala root class [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootClass]]
     *  and the Scala root object [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootPackage]] is `NoSymbol`.
     *  Every other symbol has a chain of owners that ends in
     *  [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootClass]].
    def owner: Symbol

    /** The name of the symbol as a member of the `Name` type.
    def name: Name

    /** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
     *  are separated by periods.
    def fullName: String

    /** An id number which is unique for all symbols in this universe */
    def id: Int

    /** ...
    def orElse[T](alt: => Symbol): Symbol

     * Set when symbol has a modifier of the form private[X], NoSymbol otherwise.
     *  Access level encoding: there are three scala flags (PRIVATE, PROTECTED,
     *  and LOCAL) which combine with value privateWithin (the "foo" in private[foo])
     *  to define from where an entity can be accessed.  The meanings are as follows:
     *  PRIVATE     access restricted to class only.
     *  PROTECTED   access restricted to class and subclasses only.
     *  LOCAL       can only be set in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED.
     *              Further restricts access to the same object instance.
     *  In addition, privateWithin can be used to set a visibility barrier.
     *  When set, everything contained in the named enclosing package or class
     *  has access.  It is incompatible with PRIVATE or LOCAL, but is additive
     *  with PROTECTED (i.e. if either the flags or privateWithin allow access,
     *  then it is allowed.)
     *  The java access levels translate as follows:
     *  java private:     hasFlag(PRIVATE)                && (privateWithin == NoSymbol)
     *  java package:     !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED)   && (privateWithin == enclosingPackage)
     *  java protected:   hasFlag(PROTECTED)              && (privateWithin == enclosingPackage)
     *  java public:      !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED)   && (privateWithin == NoSymbol)
    def privateWithin: Symbol

    /** For a class: the module or case class factory with the same name in the same package.
     *  For a module: the class with the same name in the same package.
     *  For all others: NoSymbol
    def companionSymbol: Symbol

    /** If symbol is an object definition, its implied associated class,
     *  otherwise NoSymbol
    def moduleClass: Symbol // needed for LiftCode

    /** If this symbol is a top-level class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
     *  top-level class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
    def enclosingTopLevelClass: Symbol

    /** If this symbol is a class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
     *  class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
    def enclosingClass: Symbol

    /** If this symbol is a method, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
     *  method, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
    def enclosingMethod: Symbol

    /** If this symbol is a package class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
     *  package class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
    def enclosingPackageClass: Symbol

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of term?
     *  Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
     *  So for every symbol `sym`, either `sym.isTerm` is true
     *  or `sym.isType` is true.
    def isTerm         : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of method?
     *  If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isMethod       : Boolean

    /** Is this symbol an overloaded method?
    def isOverloaded   : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent a free term captured by reification?
    // needed for ones who wish to inspect reified trees
    def isFreeTerm     : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of type?
     *  Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
     *  So for every symbol `sym`, either `sym.isTerm` is true
     *  or `sym.isType` is true.
    def isType         : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of class?
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isClass        : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a primitive class?
     *  Namely, is it one of [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]],
     *  [[scala.Short]], [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Unit]] or [[scala.Boolean]]?
    def isPrimitiveValueClass: Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a custom value class?
     *  Namely, is AnyVal among its parent classes?
    def isDerivedValueClass: Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a type alias?
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isAliasType    : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of an abstract type?
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isAbstractType : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a skolem?
     *  Skolems are used during typechecking to represent type parameters viewed from inside their scopes.
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isSkolem       : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent an existentially bound type?
     *  If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
    def isExistential  : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol represent a free type captured by reification?
    // needed for ones who wish to inspect reified trees
    def isFreeType     : Boolean

    /** Is the type parameter represented by this symbol contravariant?
    def isContravariant : Boolean

    /** Is the type parameter represented by this symbol contravariant?
    def isCovariant     : Boolean

    /** Does this symbol or its underlying type represent a typechecking error?
    def isErroneous : Boolean

    /** The type signature of this symbol.
     *  Note if the symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
     *  in `typeSignatureIn` with a site type instead.
    def typeSignature: Type   // !!! Since one should almost never use this, let's give it a different name.

    /** The type signature of this symbol seen as a member of given type `site`.
    def typeSignatureIn(site: Type): Type

   /**  A type reference that refers to this type symbol
     *  Note if symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
     *  in `asTypeIn` with a site type instead.
     *  Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
     *  `C`. Then `C.asType` is the type `C[T]`.
     *  By contrast, `C.typeSignature` would be a type signature of form
     *  `PolyType(ClassInfoType(...))` that describes type parameters, value
     *  parameters, parent types, and members of `C`.
    def asType: Type  // !!! Same as typeSignature.

    /** A type reference that refers to this type symbol seen
     *  as a member of given type `site`.
    def asTypeIn(site: Type): Type

    /** The type constructor corresponding to this type symbol.
     *  This is different from `asType` in that type parameters
     *  are part of results of `asType`, but not of `asTypeConstructor`.
     *  Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
     *  `C`. Then `C.asType` is the type `C[T]`, but `C.asTypeConstructor` is `C`.
    def asTypeConstructor: Type  // needed by LiftCode

    /** If this symbol is a class, the type `C.this`, otherwise `NoPrefix`.
    def thisPrefix: Type

    /** If this symbol is a class or trait, its self type, otherwise the type
     *  of the symbol itself.
    def selfType: Type

    /** The overloaded alternatives of this symbol */
    def alternatives: List[Symbol]

    def resolveOverloaded(pre: Type = NoPrefix, targs: Seq[Type] = List(), actuals: Seq[Type]): Symbol

    /** A fresh symbol with given name `name`, position `pos` and flags `flags` that has
     *  the current symbol as its owner.
    def newNestedSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position, flags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol // needed by LiftCode   !!! not enough reason to have in the api

    /** Low-level operation to set the symbol's flags
     *  @return the symbol itself
    def setInternalFlags(flags: Long): this.type // needed by LiftCode   !!! not enough reason to have in the api

    /** Set symbol's type signature to given type
     *  @return the symbol itself
    def setTypeSignature(tpe: Type): this.type // needed by LiftCode       !!! not enough reason to have in the api

    /** Set symbol's annotations to given annotations `annots`.
    def setAnnotations(annots: AnnotationInfo*): this.type // needed by LiftCode       !!! not enough reason to have in the api

    /** The kind of this symbol; used for debugging */
    def kind: String

  val NoSymbol: Symbol