path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala
blob: b9bc51b635355e64fcccf6a8290d0adfc09e875e (plain) (tree)




/** Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>


import akka.dispatch._
import akka.config.Config._
import akka.util.Helpers.{ narrow, narrowSilently }
import akka.util.ListenerManagement
import akka.AkkaException

import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import akka.util.{ ReflectiveAccess, Duration }
import akka.remoteinterface.RemoteSupport
import akka.japi.{ Creator, Procedure }
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

/** Life-cycle messages for the Actors
sealed trait LifeCycleMessage extends Serializable

/* Marker trait to show which Messages are automatically handled by Akka */
sealed trait AutoReceivedMessage { self: LifeCycleMessage => }

case class HotSwap(code: ActorRef => Actor.Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true)
  extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage {

  /** Java API
  def this(code: akka.japi.Function[ActorRef, Procedure[Any]], discardOld: Boolean) =
    this((self: ActorRef) => {
      val behavior = code(self)
      val result: Actor.Receive = { case msg => behavior(msg) }
    }, discardOld)

  /** Java API with default non-stacking behavior
  def this(code: akka.japi.Function[ActorRef, Procedure[Any]]) = this(code, true)

case object RevertHotSwap extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case class Restart(reason: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case class Exit(dead: ActorRef, killer: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case class Link(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case class Unlink(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case class UnlinkAndStop(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case object PoisonPill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case object Kill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage

case object ReceiveTimeout extends LifeCycleMessage

case class MaximumNumberOfRestartsWithinTimeRangeReached(
  @BeanProperty val victim: ActorRef,
  @BeanProperty val maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int],
  @BeanProperty val withinTimeRange: Option[Int],
  @BeanProperty val lastExceptionCausingRestart: Throwable) extends LifeCycleMessage

// Exceptions for Actors
class ActorStartException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
class IllegalActorStateException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
class ActorKilledException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
class ActorInitializationException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
class ActorTimeoutException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
class InvalidMessageException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)

/** This message is thrown by default when an Actors behavior doesn't match a message
case class UnhandledMessageException(msg: Any, ref: ActorRef) extends Exception {
  override def getMessage() = "Actor %s does not handle [%s]".format(ref, msg)
  override def fillInStackTrace() = this //Don't waste cycles generating stack trace

/** Actor factory module with factory methods for creating various kinds of Actors.
 *  @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
object Actor extends ListenerManagement {

  /** Add shutdown cleanups
  private[akka] lazy val shutdownHook = {
    val hook = new Runnable {
      override def run {
        // Clear Thread.subclassAudits
        val tf = classOf[java.lang.Thread].getDeclaredField("subclassAudits")
        val subclassAudits = tf.get(null).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[_, _]]
        subclassAudits synchronized { subclassAudits.clear }
    Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread(hook))

  val registry = new ActorRegistry

  lazy val remote: RemoteSupport = {
      .getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need to have akka-remote.jar on classpath"))

  private[akka] val TIMEOUT = Duration(config.getInt("", 5), TIME_UNIT).toMillis
  private[akka] val SERIALIZE_MESSAGES = config.getBool("", false)

  /** A Receive is a convenience type that defines actor message behavior currently modeled as
   *  a PartialFunction[Any, Unit].
  type Receive = PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

  private[actor] val actorRefInCreation = new ThreadLocal[Option[ActorRef]] {
    override def initialValue = None

  /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor with type T.
   *  <pre>
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf[MyActor]
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
   *  </pre>
   *  You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
   *  <pre>
   *   val actor = actorOf[MyActor].start()
   *  </pre>
  def actorOf[T <: Actor: ClassTag]: ActorRef = actorOf(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]])

  /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class.
   *  <pre>
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor])
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
   *  </pre>
   *  You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
   *  <pre>
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor]).start()
   *  </pre>
  def actorOf(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => {
    import ReflectiveAccess.{ createInstance, noParams, noArgs }
    createInstance[Actor](clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[_]], noParams, noArgs) match {
      case Right(actor) => actor
      case Left(exception) =>
        val cause = exception match {
          case i: InvocationTargetException => i.getTargetException
          case _                            => exception

        throw new ActorInitializationException(
          "Could not instantiate Actor of " + clazz +
            "\nMake sure Actor is NOT defined inside a class/trait," +
            "\nif so put it outside the class/trait, f.e. in a companion object," +
            "\nOR try to change: 'actorOf[MyActor]' to 'actorOf(new MyActor)'.", cause)

  }, None)

  /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor. Allows you to pass in a factory function
   *  that creates the Actor. Please note that this function can be invoked multiple
   *  times if for example the Actor is supervised and needs to be restarted.
   *  <p/>
   *  This function should <b>NOT</b> be used for remote actors.
   *  <pre>
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf(new MyActor)
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
   *  </pre>
   *  You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
   *  <pre>
   *   val actor = actorOf(new MyActor).start()
   *  </pre>
  def actorOf(factory: => Actor): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => factory, None)

  /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor. Allows you to pass in a factory (Creator<Actor>)
   *  that creates the Actor. Please note that this function can be invoked multiple
   *  times if for example the Actor is supervised and needs to be restarted.
   *  <p/>
   *  This function should <b>NOT</b> be used for remote actors.
   *  JAVA API
  def actorOf(creator: Creator[Actor]): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => creator.create, None)

  /** Use to spawn out a block of code in an event-driven actor. Will shut actor down when
   *  the block has been executed.
   *  <p/>
   *  NOTE: If used from within an Actor then has to be qualified with 'Actor.spawn' since
   *  there is a method 'spawn[ActorType]' in the Actor trait already.
   *  Example:
   *  <pre>
   *  import Actor.{spawn}
   *  spawn  {
   *   ... // do stuff
   *  }
   *  </pre>
  def spawn(body: => Unit)(implicit dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = Dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher): Unit = {
    case object Spawn
    actorOf(new Actor() {
      self.dispatcher = dispatcher
      def receive = {
        case Spawn => try { body } finally { self.stop() }
    }).start() ! Spawn

  /** Implicitly converts the given Option[Any] to a AnyOptionAsTypedOption which offers the method <code>as[T]</code>
   *  to convert an Option[Any] to an Option[T].
  implicit def toAnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption: Option[Any]) = new AnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption)

  /** Implicitly converts the given Future[_] to a AnyOptionAsTypedOption which offers the method <code>as[T]</code>
   *  to convert an Option[Any] to an Option[T].
   *  This means that the following code is equivalent:
   *   (actor !! "foo").as[Int] (Deprecated)
   *   and
   *   (actor !!! "foo").as[Int] (Recommended)
  implicit def futureToAnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyFuture: Future[_]) = new AnyOptionAsTypedOption({
    try { anyFuture.await } catch { case t: FutureTimeoutException => }

/** Actor base trait that should be extended by or mixed to create an Actor with the semantics of the 'Actor Model':
 *  <a href=""></a>
 *  <p/>
 *  An actor has a well-defined (non-cyclic) life-cycle.
 *  <pre>
 *  => NEW (newly created actor) - can't receive messages (yet)
 *     => STARTED (when 'start' is invoked) - can receive messages
 *         => SHUT DOWN (when 'exit' is invoked) - can't do anything
 *  </pre>
 *  <p/>
 *  The Actor's API is available in the 'self' member variable.
 *  <p/>
 *  Here you find functions like:
 *   - !, !!, !!! and forward
 *   - link, unlink, startLink, spawnLink etc
 *   - makeRemote etc.
 *   - start, stop
 *   - etc.
 *  <p/>
 *  Here you also find fields like
 *   - dispatcher = ...
 *   - id = ...
 *   - lifeCycle = ...
 *   - faultHandler = ...
 *   - trapExit = ...
 *   - etc.
 *  <p/>
 *  This means that to use them you have to prefix them with 'self', like this: <tt>self ! Message</tt>
 *  However, for convenience you can import these functions and fields like below, which will allow you do
 *  drop the 'self' prefix:
 *  <pre>
 *  class MyActor extends Actor  {
 *   import self._
 *   id = ...
 *   dispatcher = ...
 *   spawnLink[OtherActor]
 *   ...
 *  }
 *  </pre>
 *  @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
trait Actor {

  /** Type alias because traits cannot have companion objects.
  type Receive = Actor.Receive

   * Some[ActorRef] representation of the 'self' ActorRef reference.
   * <p/>
   * Mainly for internal use, functions as the implicit sender references when invoking
   * the 'forward' function.
  implicit val someSelf: Some[ActorRef] = {
    val optRef = Actor.actorRefInCreation.get
    if (optRef.isEmpty) throw new ActorInitializationException(
      "ActorRef for instance of actor [" + getClass.getName + "] is not in scope." +
        "\n\tYou can not create an instance of an actor explicitly using 'new MyActor'." +
        "\n\tYou have to use one of the factory methods in the 'Actor' object to create a new actor." +
        "\n\tEither use:" +
        "\n\t\t'val actor = Actor.actorOf[MyActor]', or" +
        "\n\t\t'val actor = Actor.actorOf(new MyActor(..))'")
    optRef.asInstanceOf[Some[ActorRef]] = getClass.getName //FIXME: Is this needed?

   * Option[ActorRef] representation of the 'self' ActorRef reference.
   * <p/>
   * Mainly for internal use, functions as the implicit sender references when invoking
   * one of the message send functions ('!', '!!' and '!!!').
  implicit def optionSelf: Option[ActorRef] = someSelf

  /** The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.
   *  <p/>
   *  Can be used to send messages to itself:
   *  <pre>
   *  self ! message
   *  </pre>
   *  Here you also find most of the Actor API.
   *  <p/>
   *  For example fields like:
   *  <pre>
   *  self.dispatcher = ...
   *  self.trapExit = ...
   *  self.faultHandler = ...
   *  self.lifeCycle = ...
   *  self.sender
   *  </pre>
   *  <p/>
   *  Here you also find methods like:
   *  <pre>
   *  self.reply(..)
   *  self.unlink(..)
   *  self.start(..)
   *  self.stop(..)
   *  </pre>
  val self: ScalaActorRef = someSelf.get

  /** User overridable callback/setting.
   *  <p/>
   *  Partial function implementing the actor logic.
   *  To be implemented by concrete actor class.
   *  <p/>
   *  Example code:
   *  <pre>
   *   def receive = {
   *     case Ping =&gt;
   *       println("got a 'Ping' message")
   *       self.reply("pong")
   *     case OneWay =&gt;
   *       println("got a 'OneWay' message")
   *     case unknown =&gt;
   *       println("unknown message: " + unknown)
   *  }
   *  </pre>
  protected def receive: Receive

  /** User overridable callback.
   *  <p/>
   *  Is called when an Actor is started by invoking 'actor.start()'.
  def preStart() {}

  /** User overridable callback.
   *  <p/>
   *  Is called when 'actor.stop()' is invoked.
  def postStop() {}

  /** User overridable callback.
   *  <p/>
   *  Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean up of resources before Actor is terminated.
  def preRestart(reason: Throwable) {}

  /** User overridable callback.
   *  <p/>
   *  Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash.
  def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {}

  /** User overridable callback.
   *  <p/>
   *  Is called when a message isn't handled by the current behavior of the actor
   *  by default it throws an UnhandledMessageException
  def unhandled(msg: Any) {
    throw new UnhandledMessageException(msg, self)

  /** Is the actor able to handle the message passed in as arguments?
  def isDefinedAt(message: Any): Boolean = {
    val behaviorStack = self.hotswap
    message match { //Same logic as apply(msg) but without the unhandled catch-all
      case l: AutoReceivedMessage => true
      case msg if behaviorStack.nonEmpty &&
        behaviorStack.head.isDefinedAt(msg) => true
      case msg if behaviorStack.isEmpty &&
        processingBehavior.isDefinedAt(msg) => true
      case _ => false

  /** Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Receive' (PartialFunction[Any, Unit]) handler.
   *  Puts the behavior on top of the hotswap stack.
   *  If "discardOld" is true, an unbecome will be issued prior to pushing the new behavior to the stack
  def become(behavior: Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true) {
    if (discardOld) unbecome()
    self.hotswap = self.hotswap.push(behavior)

  /** Reverts the Actor behavior to the previous one in the hotswap stack.
  def unbecome(): Unit = {
    val h = self.hotswap
    if (h.nonEmpty) self.hotswap = h.pop

  // =========================================
  // =========================================

  private[akka] final def apply(msg: Any) = {
    if (msg.isInstanceOf[AnyRef] && (msg.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq null))
      throw new InvalidMessageException("Message from [" + self.sender + "] to [" + self.toString + "] is null")
    val behaviorStack = self.hotswap
    msg match {
      case l: AutoReceivedMessage => autoReceiveMessage(l)
      case msg if behaviorStack.nonEmpty &&
        behaviorStack.head.isDefinedAt(msg) => behaviorStack.head.apply(msg)
      case msg if behaviorStack.isEmpty &&
        processingBehavior.isDefinedAt(msg) => processingBehavior.apply(msg)
      case unknown => unhandled(unknown) //This is the only line that differs from processingbehavior

  private final def autoReceiveMessage(msg: AutoReceivedMessage): Unit = msg match {
    case HotSwap(code, discardOld) => become(code(self), discardOld)
    case RevertHotSwap             => unbecome()
    case Exit(dead, reason)        => self.handleTrapExit(dead, reason)
    case Link(child)               =>
    case Unlink(child)             => self.unlink(child)
    case UnlinkAndStop(child)      => self.unlink(child); child.stop()
    case Restart(reason)           => throw reason
    case Kill                      => throw new ActorKilledException("Kill")
    case PoisonPill =>
      val f = self.senderFuture
      if (f.isDefined) f.get.completeWithException(new ActorKilledException("PoisonPill"))

  private lazy val processingBehavior = receive //ProcessingBehavior is the original behavior

private[actor] class AnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption: Option[Any]) {

  /** Convenience helper to cast the given Option of Any to an Option of the given type. Will throw a ClassCastException
   *  if the actual type is not assignable from the given one.
  def as[T]: Option[T] = narrow[T](anyOption)

  /** Convenience helper to cast the given Option of Any to an Option of the given type. Will swallow a possible
   *  ClassCastException and return None in that case.
  def asSilently[T: ClassTag]: Option[T] = narrowSilently[T](anyOption)

/** Marker interface for proxyable actors (such as typed actor).
 *  @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
trait Proxyable {
  private[actor] def swapProxiedActor(newInstance: Actor)

/** Represents the different Actor types.
 *  @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
sealed trait ActorType
object ActorType {
  case object ScalaActor extends ActorType
  case object TypedActor extends ActorType