path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/dispatch/ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher.scala
blob: bc3f29ac68c2d4f670d8ac8b595d143365c69523 (plain) (tree)

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>

package akka.dispatch

import akka.event.EventHandler
import{ ActorRef, IllegalActorStateException }
import akka.util.{ ReflectiveAccess, Switch }

import java.util.Queue
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeUnit, ExecutorService, RejectedExecutionException, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue }

 * Default settings are:
 * <pre/>
 *   - withNewThreadPoolWithLinkedBlockingQueueWithUnboundedCapacity
 *   - NR_START_THREADS = 16
 *   - NR_MAX_THREADS = 128
 *   - KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 60000L // one minute
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * The dispatcher has a fluent builder interface to build up a thread pool to suite your use-case.
 * There is a default thread pool defined but make use of the builder if you need it. Here are some examples.
 * <p/>
 * Scala API.
 * <p/>
 * Example usage:
 * <pre/>
 *   val dispatcher = new ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher("name")
 *   dispatcher
 *     .withNewThreadPoolWithBoundedBlockingQueue(100)
 *     .setCorePoolSize(16)
 *     .setMaxPoolSize(128)
 *     .setKeepAliveTimeInMillis(60000)
 *     .setRejectionPolicy(new CallerRunsPolicy)
 *     .buildThreadPool
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * Java API.
 * <p/>
 * Example usage:
 * <pre/>
 *   ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher dispatcher = new ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher("name");
 *   dispatcher
 *     .withNewThreadPoolWithBoundedBlockingQueue(100)
 *     .setCorePoolSize(16)
 *     .setMaxPoolSize(128)
 *     .setKeepAliveTimeInMillis(60000)
 *     .setRejectionPolicy(new CallerRunsPolicy())
 *     .buildThreadPool();
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * But the preferred way of creating dispatchers is to use
 * the {@link akka.dispatch.Dispatchers} factory object.
 * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
 * @param throughput positive integer indicates the dispatcher will only process so much messages at a time from the
 *                   mailbox, without checking the mailboxes of other actors. Zero or negative means the dispatcher
 *                   always continues until the mailbox is empty.
 *                   Larger values (or zero or negative) increase throughput, smaller values increase fairness
class ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher(
  _name: String,
  val throughput: Int = Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT,
  val throughputDeadlineTime: Int = Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS,
  val mailboxType: MailboxType = Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE,
  val config: ThreadPoolConfig = ThreadPoolConfig())
  extends MessageDispatcher {

  def this(_name: String, throughput: Int, throughputDeadlineTime: Int, mailboxType: MailboxType) =
    this(_name, throughput, throughputDeadlineTime, mailboxType, ThreadPoolConfig()) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(_name: String, throughput: Int, mailboxType: MailboxType) =
    this(_name, throughput, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, mailboxType) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(_name: String, throughput: Int) =
    this(_name, throughput, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(_name: String, _config: ThreadPoolConfig) =
    this(_name, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE, _config)

  def this(_name: String) =
    this(_name, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE) // Needed for Java API usage

  val name = "akka:event-driven:dispatcher:" + _name

  private[akka] val threadFactory = new MonitorableThreadFactory(name)
  private[akka] val executorService = new AtomicReference[ExecutorService](config.createLazyExecutorService(threadFactory))

  private[akka] def dispatch(invocation: MessageInvocation) = {
    val mbox = getMailbox(invocation.receiver)
    mbox enqueue invocation

  private[akka] def executeFuture(invocation: FutureInvocation[_]): Unit = if (active.isOn) {
    try executorService.get() execute invocation
    catch {
      case e: RejectedExecutionException =>
        EventHandler.warning(this, e.toString)
        throw e

   * @return the mailbox associated with the actor
  protected def getMailbox(receiver: ActorRef) = receiver.mailbox.asInstanceOf[MessageQueue with ExecutableMailbox]

  override def mailboxSize(actorRef: ActorRef) = getMailbox(actorRef).size

  def createMailbox(actorRef: ActorRef): AnyRef = mailboxType match {
    case b: UnboundedMailbox =>
      new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[MessageInvocation] with MessageQueue with ExecutableMailbox {
        final def dispatcher = ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher.this
        final def enqueue(m: MessageInvocation) = this.add(m)
        final def dequeue(): MessageInvocation = this.poll()
    case b: BoundedMailbox =>
      new DefaultBoundedMessageQueue(b.capacity, b.pushTimeOut) with ExecutableMailbox {
        final def dispatcher = ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher.this

  private[akka] def start {}

  private[akka] def shutdown {
    val old = executorService.getAndSet(config.createLazyExecutorService(threadFactory))
    if (old ne null) {

  private[akka] def registerForExecution(mbox: MessageQueue with ExecutableMailbox): Unit = {
    if (mbox.dispatcherLock.tryLock()) {
      if (active.isOn && !mbox.suspended.locked) { //If the dispatcher is active and the actor not suspended
        try {
          executorService.get() execute mbox
        } catch {
          case e: RejectedExecutionException =>
            EventHandler.warning(this, e.toString)
            throw e
      } else {
        mbox.dispatcherLock.unlock() //If the dispatcher isn't active or if the actor is suspended, unlock the dispatcher lock

  private[akka] def reRegisterForExecution(mbox: MessageQueue with ExecutableMailbox): Unit =

  override val toString = getClass.getSimpleName + "[" + name + "]"

  def suspend(actorRef: ActorRef) {

  def resume(actorRef: ActorRef) {
    val mbox = getMailbox(actorRef)

 * This is the behavior of an ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatchers mailbox.
trait ExecutableMailbox extends Runnable { self: MessageQueue =>

  def dispatcher: ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher

  final def run = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case ie: InterruptedException =>
    finally {
    if (!self.isEmpty)

   * Process the messages in the mailbox
   * @return true if the processing finished before the mailbox was empty, due to the throughput constraint
  final def processMailbox() {
    if (!self.suspended.locked) {
      var nextMessage = self.dequeue
      if (nextMessage ne null) { //If we have a message
        if (dispatcher.throughput <= 1) //If we only run one message per process
          nextMessage.invoke //Just run it
        else { //But otherwise, if we are throttled, we need to do some book-keeping
          var processedMessages = 0
          val isDeadlineEnabled = dispatcher.throughputDeadlineTime > 0
          val deadlineNs = if (isDeadlineEnabled) System.nanoTime + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(dispatcher.throughputDeadlineTime)
          else 0
          do {
            nextMessage =
              if (self.suspended.locked) {
                null // If we are suspended, abort
              } else { // If we aren't suspended, we need to make sure we're not overstepping our boundaries
                processedMessages += 1
                if ((processedMessages >= dispatcher.throughput) || (isDeadlineEnabled && System.nanoTime >= deadlineNs)) // If we're throttled, break out
                  null //We reached our boundaries, abort
                else self.dequeue //Dequeue the next message
          } while (nextMessage ne null)

object PriorityGenerator {
   * Creates a PriorityGenerator that uses the supplied function as priority generator
  def apply(priorityFunction: Any => Int): PriorityGenerator = new PriorityGenerator {
    def gen(message: Any): Int = priorityFunction(message)

 * A PriorityGenerator is a convenience API to create a Comparator that orders the messages of a
 * PriorityExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher
abstract class PriorityGenerator extends java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation] {
  def gen(message: Any): Int

  final def compare(thisMessage: MessageInvocation, thatMessage: MessageInvocation): Int =
    gen(thisMessage.message) - gen(thatMessage.message)

 * A version of ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher that gives all actors registered to it a priority mailbox,
 * prioritized according to the supplied comparator.
 * The dispatcher will process the messages with the _lowest_ priority first.
class PriorityExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher(
  name: String,
  val comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation],
  throughput: Int = Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT,
  throughputDeadlineTime: Int = Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS,
  mailboxType: MailboxType = Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE,
  config: ThreadPoolConfig = ThreadPoolConfig()) extends ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher(name, throughput, throughputDeadlineTime, mailboxType, config) with PriorityMailbox {

  def this(name: String, comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation], throughput: Int, throughputDeadlineTime: Int, mailboxType: MailboxType) =
    this(name, comparator, throughput, throughputDeadlineTime, mailboxType, ThreadPoolConfig()) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(name: String, comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation], throughput: Int, mailboxType: MailboxType) =
    this(name, comparator, throughput, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, mailboxType) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(name: String, comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation], throughput: Int) =
    this(name, comparator, throughput, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE) // Needed for Java API usage

  def this(name: String, comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation], config: ThreadPoolConfig) =
    this(name, comparator, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE, config)

  def this(name: String, comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation]) =
    this(name, comparator, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT, Dispatchers.THROUGHPUT_DEADLINE_TIME_MILLIS, Dispatchers.MAILBOX_TYPE) // Needed for Java API usage

 * Can be used to give an ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher's actors priority-enabled mailboxes
 * Usage:
 * new ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher(...) with PriorityMailbox {
 *   val comparator = ...comparator that determines mailbox priority ordering...
 * }
trait PriorityMailbox { self: ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher =>
  def comparator: java.util.Comparator[MessageInvocation]

  override def createMailbox(actorRef: ActorRef): AnyRef = self.mailboxType match {
    case b: UnboundedMailbox =>
      new UnboundedPriorityMessageQueue(comparator) with ExecutableMailbox {
        final def dispatcher = self

    case b: BoundedMailbox =>
      new BoundedPriorityMessageQueue(b.capacity, b.pushTimeOut, comparator) with ExecutableMailbox {
        final def dispatcher = self