path: root/test/files/run/t2127.scala
blob: 839c8d6a5c8346cb8f186df110bf69a92d996936 (plain) (tree)

// Seems to be fixed in trunk

// As discussed here:

//Simplified example:

    class Test private (val value : Int)

    abstract class Bar(val ctor : (Int) => Test)

    object Test extends Bar(new Test(_)) { //<--- ILLEGAL ACCESS
      def main(args: Array[String]){}

//however the following is legal:
    class Foo private (val value : Int)

    abstract class Bar{

        var ctor : (Int) => Foo


    object Foo extends Bar{

        ctor = new Foo(_) //<--- Legal access


The constructor invocation of Bar is done within the scope of object Foo's constructor, and therefore the private constructor of Foo should be visible and accessible.