path: root/test/files/scalacheck/process.scala
blob: 1e06c4669e7a9f07fc1d387703c2105864047af0 (plain) (tree)

/** process tests.

import{ File, FileNotFoundException, IOException, InputStream, OutputStream, FileInputStream }
import{ URI, URISyntaxException, URL }
import org.scalacheck._
import Prop._
import sys.process._
import{ File => SFile }

/** This has scrounged bits of sbt to flesh it out enough to run.
package processtest {

  object exit
    def fn(code: Int) = System.exit(code)
  	def main(args: Array[String]) = exit.fn(java.lang.Integer.parseInt(args(0)))
  object cat
  	def main(args: Array[String])
      try {
       if (args.length == 0)
         IO.transfer(, System.out)
      } catch {
       case e =>
         System.err.println("Error: " + e.toString)
  	private def catFiles(filenames: List[String]): Option[String] = filenames match {
       case head :: tail =>
         val file = new File(head)
         if (file.isDirectory)
           throw new IOException("Is directory: " + file)
         else if (file.exists) {
           IO.transfer(file, System.out)
           throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file or directory: " + file)
       case Nil => None
  object echo
  	def main(args: Array[String])
  		System.out.println(args.mkString(" "))

object IO {
  def transfer(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit = BasicIO.transferFully(in, out)
  def transfer(in: File, out: OutputStream): Unit        = BasicIO.transferFully(new FileInputStream(in), out)

	def classLocation(cl: Class[_]): URL = {
		val codeSource = cl.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource
		if(codeSource == null) sys.error("No class location for " + cl)
		else codeSource.getLocation
	def classLocationFile(cl: Class[_]): File = toFile(classLocation(cl))
	def classLocation[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): URL = classLocation(mf.erasure)
	def classLocationFile[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): File = classLocationFile(mf.erasure)

	def toFile(url: URL) =
		try { new File(url.toURI) }
		catch { case _: URISyntaxException => new File(url.getPath) }

class ProcessSpecification extends Properties("Process I/O") {
	implicit val exitCodeArb: Arbitrary[Array[Byte]] = Arbitrary(Gen.choose(0, 10) flatMap { size =>
	  Gen.resize(size, Arbitrary.arbArray[Byte].arbitrary)

	/*property("Correct exit code") = forAll( (exitCode: Byte) => checkExit(exitCode))
	property("#&& correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ #&& _)(_ && _))
	property("#|| correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ #|| _)(_ || _))
	property("### correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ ### _)( (x,latest) => latest))*/
	property("Pipe to output file") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkFileOut(data))
	property("Pipe to input file") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkFileIn(data))
	property("Pipe to process") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkPipe(data))

	private def checkBinary(codes: Array[Byte])(reduceProcesses: (ProcessBuilder, ProcessBuilder) => ProcessBuilder)(reduceExit: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean) =
		(codes.length > 1) ==>
			val unsignedCodes =
			val exitCode = => Process(process("processtest.exit " + code))).reduceLeft(reduceProcesses) !
			val expectedExitCode =
			toBoolean(exitCode) == expectedExitCode
	private def toBoolean(exitCode: Int) = exitCode == 0
	private def checkExit(code: Byte) =
		val exitCode = unsigned(code)
		(process("processtest.exit " + exitCode) !) == exitCode
	private def checkFileOut(data: Array[Byte]) =
		withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
			val catCommand = process(" " + temporaryFile.getAbsolutePath)
			catCommand #> temporaryFile2
	private def checkFileIn(data: Array[Byte]) =
		withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
			val catCommand = process("")
			temporaryFile #> catCommand #> temporaryFile2
	private def checkPipe(data: Array[Byte]) =
		withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
			val catCommand = process("")
			temporaryFile #> catCommand #| catCommand #> temporaryFile2
	private def temp() = SFile(File.createTempFile("processtest", ""))
	private def withData(data: Array[Byte])(f: (File, File) => ProcessBuilder) =
		val temporaryFile1 = temp()
		val temporaryFile2 = temp()
		try {
		  temporaryFile1 writeBytes data
			val process = f(temporaryFile1.jfile, temporaryFile2.jfile)
			( process ! ) == 0 &&
				val b1 = temporaryFile1.slurp()
				val b2 = temporaryFile2.slurp()
				b1 == b2
	private def unsigned(b: Byte): Int = ((b: Int) +256) % 256
	private def process(command: String) = {
		val thisClasspath = List(getSource[ScalaObject], getSource[IO.type], getSource[SourceTag]).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
		"java -cp " + thisClasspath + " " + command
	private def getSource[T : Manifest]: String =
private trait SourceTag

object Test extends ProcessSpecification { }