path: root/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerSeparateCompilationTest.scala
blob: 5c9bd1c18892422cafbc97685244db8ae887c18c (plain) (tree)



package backend.jvm
package opt

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert._

import CodeGenTools._
import ASMConverters._
import AsmUtils._

import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._

object InlinerSeparateCompilationTest {
  val args = "-Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:l:classpath"

class InlinerSeparateCompilationTest {
  import InlinerSeparateCompilationTest._
  import InlinerTest.{listStringLines, assertInvoke, assertNoInvoke}

  def inlnieMixedinMember(): Unit = {
    val codeA =
      """trait T {
        |  @inline def f = 0
        |object O extends T {
        |  @inline def g = 1

    val codeB =
      """class C {
        |  def t1(t: T) = t.f
        |  def t2 = O.f
        |  def t3 = O.g

    val warn = "T::f()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden"
    val List(c, o, oMod, t, tCls) = compileClassesSeparately(List(codeA, codeB), args + " -Yopt-warnings", _.msg contains warn)
    assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1"), "T", "f")
    assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2"))
    assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t3"))

  def inlineSealedMember(): Unit = {
    val codeA =
      """sealed trait T {
        |  @inline def f = 1

    val codeB =
      """class C {
        |  def t1(t: T) = t.f

    val List(c, t, tCls) = compileClassesSeparately(List(codeA, codeB), args)
    assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1"))

  def inlineInheritedMember(): Unit = {
    val codeA =
      """trait T {
        |  @inline final def f = 1
        |trait U extends T {
        |  @inline final def g = f

    val codeB =
      """class C extends U {
        |  def t1 = this.f
        |  def t2 = this.g
        |  def t3(t: T) = t.f

    val List(c, t, tCls, u, uCls) = compileClassesSeparately(List(codeA, codeB), args)
    for (m <- List("t1", "t2", "t3")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, m))

  def inlineWithSelfType(): Unit = {
    val assembly =
      """trait Assembly extends T {
        |  @inline final def g = 1
        |  @inline final def n = m

    val codeA =
      s"""trait T { self: Assembly =>
         |  @inline final def f = g
         |  @inline final def m = 1

    val List(a, aCls, t, tCls) = compileClassesSeparately(List(codeA, assembly), args)
    assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(tCls, "f"))
    assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(aCls, "n"))