diff options
authorLukas Rytz <>2014-10-13 14:34:24 +0200
committerLukas Rytz <>2014-11-04 14:11:21 +0100
commitd39525ac06c8d319b43d3388d624fb2c1dcbd601 (patch)
parentbe82759d7f56f1d78b4123fec0706f4f4565133e (diff)
GenBCode: Compact local variable slots
After eliminating unreachable code, there may be unused local varaible slots. Such gaps increase the method's frame size unnecessarily. The optimization does not attempt to re-use the same local variable slot for non-overlapping locals (proper register allocation): def f(b: Boolean) = if (b) { val x = e; x } else { val y = e; y } x and y will not use the same slot, even though they could. This was originally implemented by Miguel in
4 files changed, 191 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
index c206927db9..fd14083cf7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
+ object VarInstruction {
+ def unapply(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Option[VarInsnNode] = {
+ if (isVarInstruction(instruction)) Some(instruction.asInstanceOf[VarInsnNode])
+ else None
+ }
+ }
def isJumpNonJsr(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
// JSR is deprecated in classfile version 50, disallowed in 51. historically, it was used to implement finally.
@@ -47,6 +55,11 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
(op >= Opcodes.IFEQ && op <= Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE) || op == Opcodes.IFNULL || op == Opcodes.IFNONNULL
+ def isVarInstruction(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ val op = instruction.getOpcode
+ (op >= Opcodes.ILOAD && op <= Opcodes.ALOAD) || (op >= Opcodes.ISTORE && op <= Opcodes.ASTORE)
+ }
def isExecutable(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = instruction.getOpcode >= 0
def nextExecutableInstruction(instruction: AbstractInsnNode, alsoKeep: AbstractInsnNode => Boolean = Set()): Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
index 29754d5500..8fff478326 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
@@ -122,8 +122,11 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
recurse = settings.YoptRecurseUnreachableJumps && (jumpsChanged || liveHandlerRemoved)
- // Removing stale local variable descriptors is required for correctness of unreachable-code, therefore no dedicated setting
- val localsRemoved = if (settings.YoptUnreachableCode) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method) else false
+ // (*) Removing stale local variable descriptors is required for correctness of unreachable-code
+ val localsRemoved =
+ if (settings.YoptCompactLocals) compactLocalVariables(method)
+ else if (settings.YoptUnreachableCode) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)() // (*)
+ else false
val lineNumbersRemoved = if (settings.YoptEmptyLineNumbers) removeEmptyLineNumbers(method) else false
@@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* the same index, but distinct start / end ranges are different variables, they may have not the
* same type or name.
- def removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method: MethodNode): Boolean = {
+ def removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method: MethodNode)(fistLocalIndex: Int = parametersSize(method), renumber: Int => Int = identity): Boolean = {
def variableIsUsed(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode, varIndex: Int): Boolean = {
start != end && (start match {
case v: VarInsnNode if v.`var` == varIndex => true
@@ -224,23 +227,98 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
val initialNumVars = method.localVariables.size
val localsIter = method.localVariables.iterator()
- // The parameters and `this` (for instance methods) have the lowest indices in the local variables
- // table. Note that double / long fields occupy two slots, so we sum up the sizes. Since getSize
- // returns 0 for void, we have to add `max 1`.
- val paramsSize = max 1).sum
- val thisSize = if ((method.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0) 1 else 0
- val endParamIndex = paramsSize + thisSize
while (localsIter.hasNext) {
val local =
- // parameters and `this` have the lowest indices, starting at 0
- val used = local.index < endParamIndex || variableIsUsed(local.start, local.end, local.index)
- if (!used)
- localsIter.remove()
+ val index = local.index
+ // parameters and `this` (the lowest indices, starting at 0) are never removed or renumbered
+ if (index >= fistLocalIndex) {
+ if (!variableIsUsed(local.start, local.end, index)) localsIter.remove()
+ else if (renumber(index) != index) local.index = renumber(index)
+ }
method.localVariables.size != initialNumVars
+ * The number of local varialbe slots used for parameters and for the `this` reference.
+ */
+ private def parametersSize(method: MethodNode): Int = {
+ // Double / long fields occupy two slots, so we sum up the sizes. Since getSize returns 0 for
+ // void, we have to add `max 1`.
+ val paramsSize = max 1).sum
+ val thisSize = if ((method.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0) 1 else 0
+ paramsSize + thisSize
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compact the local variable slots used in the method's implementation. This prevents having
+ * unused slots for example after eliminating unreachable code.
+ *
+ * This transformation reduces the size of the frame for invoking the method. For example, if the
+ * method has an ISTORE instruction to the local variable 3, the maxLocals of the method is at
+ * least 4, even if some local variable slots below 3 are not used by any instruction.
+ *
+ * This could be improved by doing proper register allocation.
+ */
+ def compactLocalVariables(method: MethodNode): Boolean = {
+ // This array is built up to map local variable indices from old to new.
+ val renumber = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
+ // Add the index of the local variable used by `varIns` to the `renumber` array.
+ def addVar(varIns: VarInsnNode): Unit = {
+ val index = varIns.`var`
+ val isWide = (varIns.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case Opcodes.LLOAD | Opcodes.DLOAD | Opcodes.LSTORE | Opcodes.DSTORE => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ // Ensure the length of `renumber`. Unused variable indices are mapped to -1.
+ val minLenght = if (isWide) index + 2 else index + 1
+ for (i <- renumber.length until minLenght) renumber += -1
+ renumber(index) = index
+ if (isWide) renumber(index + 1) = index
+ }
+ // first phase: collect all used local variables. if the variable at index x is used, set
+ // renumber(x) = x, otherwsie renumber(x) = -1. if the variable is wide (long or doulbe), set
+ // renumber(x+1) = x.
+ val firstLocalIndex = parametersSize(method)
+ for (i <- 0 until firstLocalIndex) renumber += i // parameters and `this` are always used.
+ method.instructions.iterator().asScala foreach {
+ case VarInstruction(varIns) => addVar(varIns)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ // assign the next free slot to each used local variable.
+ // for example, rewrite (0, 1, -1, 3, -1, 5) to (0, 1, -1, 2, -1, 3).
+ var nextIndex = firstLocalIndex
+ for (i <- firstLocalIndex until renumber.length if renumber(i) != -1) {
+ renumber(i) = nextIndex
+ nextIndex += 1
+ }
+ // Update the local variable descriptors according to the renumber table, and eliminate stale entries
+ val removedLocalVariableDescriptors = removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)(firstLocalIndex, renumber)
+ if (nextIndex == renumber.length) removedLocalVariableDescriptors
+ else {
+ // update variable instructions according to the renumber table
+ method.maxLocals = nextIndex
+ method.instructions.iterator().asScala.foreach {
+ case VarInstruction(varIns) =>
+ val oldIndex = varIns.`var`
+ if (oldIndex >= firstLocalIndex && renumber(oldIndex) != oldIndex)
+ varIns.`var` = renumber(varIns.`var`)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* In order to run an Analyzer, the maxLocals / maxStack fields need to be available. The ASM
* framework only computes these values during bytecode generation.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
index 2406b9e66b..2c9d101106 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -215,20 +215,21 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val recurseUnreachableJumps = Choice("recurse-unreachable-jumps", "Recursively apply unreachable-code and simplify-jumps (if enabled) until reaching a fixpoint.")
val emptyLineNumbers = Choice("empty-line-numbers", "Eliminate unnecessary line number information.")
val emptyLabels = Choice("empty-labels", "Eliminate and collapse redundant labels in the bytecode.")
+ val compactLocals = Choice("compact-locals", "Eliminate empty slots in the sequence of local variables.")
val lNone = Choice("l:none", "Don't enable any optimizations.")
private val defaultChoices = List(unreachableCode)
- val lDefault = Choice("l:default", "Enable default optimizations: "+ defaultChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = defaultChoices)
+ val lDefault = Choice("l:default", "Enable default optimizations: "+ defaultChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = defaultChoices)
- private val methodChoices = List(unreachableCode, simplifyJumps, recurseUnreachableJumps, emptyLineNumbers, emptyLabels)
- val lMethod = Choice("l:method", "Enable intra-method optimizations: "+ methodChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = methodChoices)
+ private val methodChoices = List(unreachableCode, simplifyJumps, recurseUnreachableJumps, emptyLineNumbers, emptyLabels, compactLocals)
+ val lMethod = Choice("l:method", "Enable intra-method optimizations: "+ methodChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = methodChoices)
private val projectChoices = List(lMethod)
- val lProject = Choice("l:project", "Enable cross-method optimizations within the current project: "+ projectChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = projectChoices)
+ val lProject = Choice("l:project", "Enable cross-method optimizations within the current project: "+ projectChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = projectChoices)
private val classpathChoices = List(lProject)
- val lClasspath = Choice("l:classpath", "Enable cross-method optmizations across the entire classpath: "+ classpathChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = classpathChoices)
+ val lClasspath = Choice("l:classpath", "Enable cross-method optimizations across the entire classpath: "+ classpathChoices.mkString(","), expandsTo = classpathChoices)
val Yopt = MultiChoiceSetting(
@@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
def YoptRecurseUnreachableJumps = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.recurseUnreachableJumps)
def YoptEmptyLineNumbers = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.emptyLineNumbers)
def YoptEmptyLabels = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.emptyLabels)
+ def YoptCompactLocals = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.compactLocals)
private def removalIn212 = "This flag is scheduled for removal in 2.12. If you have a case where you need this flag then please report a bug."
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CompactLocalVariablesTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CompactLocalVariablesTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc748196d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CompactLocalVariablesTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import CodeGenTools._
+import ASMConverters._
+class CompactLocalVariablesTest {
+ // recurse-unreachable-jumps is required for eliminating catch blocks, in the first dce round they
+ // are still live.only after eliminating the empty handler the catch blocks become unreachable.
+ val methodOptCompiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = "-target:jvm-1.6 -Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:unreachable-code,recurse-unreachable-jumps,compact-locals")
+ val noCompactVarsCompiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = "-target:jvm-1.6 -Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:unreachable-code,recurse-unreachable-jumps")
+ @Test
+ def compactUnused(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """def f: Double = {
+ | try { }
+ | catch {
+ | case _: Throwable =>
+ | // eliminated by dce
+ | val i = 1
+ | val d = 1d
+ | val f = 1f
+ | val l = 1l
+ | }
+ |
+ | val i = 1 // variable index 1 (it's an instance method, so at index 0 we have `this`)
+ | val d = 1d // 2,3
+ | val f = 1f // 4
+ | val l = 1l // 5,6
+ |
+ | try { }
+ | catch {
+ | case _: Throwable =>
+ | // eliminated by dce
+ | val i = 1
+ | val d = 1d
+ | val f = 1f
+ | val l = 1l
+ | }
+ |
+ | val ii = 1 // 7
+ | val dd = 1d // 8,9
+ | val ff = 1f // 10
+ | val ll = 1l // 11,12
+ |
+ | i + ii + d + dd + f + ff + l + ll
+ |}
+ |""".stripMargin
+ val List(noCompact) = compileMethods(noCompactVarsCompiler)(code)
+ val List(withCompact) = compileMethods(methodOptCompiler)(code)
+ // code is the same, except for local var indices
+ assertTrue(noCompact.instructions.size == withCompact.instructions.size)
+ val varOpSlots = convertMethod(withCompact).instructions collect {
+ case VarOp(_, v) => v
+ }
+ assertTrue(varOpSlots.toString, varOpSlots == List(1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, // stores
+ 1, 7, 2, 8, 4, 10, 5, 11)) // loads
+ // the local variables descriptor table is cleaned up to remove stale entries after dce,
+ // also when the slots are not compacted
+ assertTrue(noCompact.localVariables.size == withCompact.localVariables.size)
+ assertTrue(noCompact.maxLocals == 25)
+ assertTrue(withCompact.maxLocals == 13)
+ }