path: root/build.xml
diff options
authorGeoff Reedy <>2012-02-06 09:05:32 -0700
committerGeoff Reedy <>2012-02-06 09:05:32 -0700
commit0c73665be747937a80a8178268782a470f0b3413 (patch)
tree46bcf8970efaa9c56f9dd44f9393863295527da5 /build.xml
parent28b2d0c13aba7156431076119c920c7dcee6dc77 (diff)
Automatically fetch jars as needed
Use mappers with uptodate and touch tasks to detect if any jars need to be downloaded based on the modification time of the desired.sha1 files
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 57d2eed1c0..d5a35bd7e7 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -210,28 +210,33 @@ PROPERTIES
============================================================================ -->
- <condition property="starr.absent">
- <not><available file="${lib.dir}/scala-library.jar"/></not>
- </condition>
- <!-- It's such a PITA to perform the amazing && in ant, forget it.
- I'll just check the compiler jar. -->
- <target name="init.starr.check">
- <uptodate property="starr.compiler.uptodate"
- srcfile="${lib.dir}/scala-compiler.jar.desired.sha1"
- targetfile="${lib.dir}/scala-compiler.jar" />
+ <target name="init.jars.check">
+ <uptodate property="lib.jars.uptodate">
+ <srcfiles dir="${basedir}">
+ <include name="lib/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ <include name="test/files/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ <include name="tools/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ </srcfiles>
+ <mapper type="glob" from="*.desired.sha1" to="*"/>
+ </uptodate>
- <target name="init.starr" depends="init.starr.check" unless="starr.compiler.uptodate">
+ <target name="init.jars" depends="init.jars.check" unless="lib.jars.uptodate">
<echo level="warn" message="Updating bootstrap libs. (To do this by hand, run ./"/>
<exec osfamily="unix" vmlauncher="false" executable="./" failifexecutionfails="true" />
<exec osfamily="windows" vmlauncher="false" executable="" failifexecutionfails="true" />
<!-- uptodate task needs to know these are what's in the sha. -->
- <touch file="${lib.dir}/scala-library.jar" />
- <touch file="${lib.dir}/scala-compiler.jar" />
+ <touch>
+ <fileset dir="${basedir}">
+ <include name="lib/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ <include name="test/files/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ <include name="tools/**/*.desired.sha1"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <mapper type="glob" from="*.desired.sha1" to="*"/>
+ </touch>
- <target name="init" depends="init.starr">
+ <target name="init" depends="init.jars">
<!-- scalac.args.optimise is selectively overridden in certain antcall tasks. -->
<property name="scalac.args.optimise" value=""/>
<!-- scalac.args.quickonly are added to quick.* targets but not others (particularly, locker.)