path: root/docs/examples/fors.scala
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-12-09 11:06:22 -0800
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-12-09 17:11:05 -0800
commite55510607031aaf7b8473453f83c44a26c9b97e0 (patch)
tree987d4aeeef387ed435acc64ffadfdf78e6f65bce /docs/examples/fors.scala
parentdc6dd58d9da441b591580684f3d2f38d7898e7d4 (diff)
Remove docs/examples; they reside at scala/scala-dist
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/examples/fors.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/docs/examples/fors.scala b/docs/examples/fors.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b937e53fcd..0000000000
--- a/docs/examples/fors.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-package examples
-import scala.xml._
-object fors {
- val e = Node.NoAttributes
- class Person(_name: String, _age: Int) {
- val name = _name
- val age = _age
- }
- def printOlderThan20(xs: Seq[Person]): Iterator[String] =
- printOlderThan20(xs.iterator)
- def printOlderThan20(xs: Iterator[Person]): Iterator[String] =
- for (p <- xs if p.age > 20) yield
- val persons = List(
- new Person("John", 40),
- new Person("Richard", 68)
- )
- def divisors(n: Int): List[Int] =
- for (i <- List.range(1, n+1) if n % i == 0) yield i
- def isPrime(n: Int) = divisors(n).length == 2
- def findNums(n: Int): Iterable[(Int, Int)] =
- for (i <- 1 until n;
- j <- 1 until (i-1);
- if isPrime(i+j)) yield (i, j)
- def sum(xs: List[Double]): Double =
- xs.foldLeft(0.0) { (x, y) => x + y }
- def scalProd(xs: List[Double], ys: List[Double]) =
- sum(for((x, y) <- xs zip ys) yield x * y)
- type Lst = List[Any]
- val prefix = null
- val scope = TopScope
- val books = List(
- Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope,
- Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope,
- Text("Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")),
- Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope,
- Text("Abelson, Harald")),
- Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope,
- Text("Sussman, Gerald J."))),
- Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope,
- Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope,
- Text("Principles of Compiler Design")),
- Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope,
- Text("Aho, Alfred")),
- Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope,
- Text("Ullman, Jeffrey"))),
- Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope,
- Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope,
- Text("Programming in Modula-2")),
- Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope,
- Text("Wirth, Niklaus")))
- )
- def findAuthor(books: Lst) =
- for (Elem(_, "book", _, _, book @ _*) <- books;
- Elem(_, "title", _, _, Text(title)) <- book.toList;
- if (title indexOf "Program") >= 0;
- Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(author)) <- List(book)) yield author
- for (Elem(_, "book", _, _, book @ _*) <- books;
- Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(author)) <- book.toList;
- if author startsWith "Ullman";
- Elem(_, "title", _, _, Text(title)) <- List(book)) yield title
- removeDuplicates(
- for (Elem(_, "book", _, _, b1 @ _* ) <- books;
- Elem(_, "book", _, _, b2 @ _*) <- books;
- if b1 != b2;
- Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(a1)) <- b1.toList;
- Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(a2)) <- b2.toList;
- if a1 == a2) yield Pair(a1, a2))
- def removeDuplicates[a](xs: List[a]): List[a] =
- if (xs.isEmpty)
- xs
- else
- xs.head :: removeDuplicates(for (x <- xs.tail if x != xs.head) yield x)
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- print("Persons over 20:")
- printOlderThan20(persons) foreach { x => print(" " + x) }
- println
- println("divisors(34) = " + divisors(34))
- print("findNums(15) =");
- findNums(15) foreach { x => print(" " + x); }
- println
- val xs = List(3.5, 5.0, 4.5)
- println("average(" + xs + ") = " + sum(xs) / xs.length)
- val ys = List(2.0, 1.0, 3.0)
- println("scalProd(" + xs + ", " + ys +") = " + scalProd(xs, ys))
- }