path: root/docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala
diff options
authormichelou <>2006-06-07 09:07:33 +0000
committermichelou <>2006-06-07 09:07:33 +0000
commit0ab820501a2cd3a3fac90fdd4dea1a432d49de9e (patch)
tree56e186baec4f829c94886180b280de13cbea1fbc /docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala
parent95ff3d2928f8d1dc2a7a5e77595b80088496eeba (diff)
added Scala project to build HTML and man pages
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala b/docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21af878758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/man/src/man/man1/scalac.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2006 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Stephane Micheloud
+ */
+//$Id: $
+package man.man1
+object scalac extends Command {
+ import ManPage._
+ protected val cn = new Error().getStackTrace()(0).getClassName()
+ val name = Section("NAME",
+ MBold(command) & " " & NDash & " Compiler for the " &
+ Link("Scala 2", "") & " language")
+ val synopsis = Section("SYNOPSIS",
+ CmdLine(" [ " & Argument("options") & " ] " &
+ Argument("source files")))
+ val parameters = Section("PARAMETERS",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ Mono(Argument("options")),
+ "Command line options. See " & Link(Bold("OPTIONS"), "#options") &
+ " below."),
+ Definition(
+ Mono(Argument("source files")),
+ "One or more source files to be compiled (such as " &
+ Mono("MyClass.scala") & ").")))
+ val description = Section("DESCRIPTION",
+ "The " & MBold(command) & " tool reads class and object definitions, " &
+ "written in the Scala programming language, and compiles them into " &
+ "bytecode class files.",
+ "By default, the compiler puts each class file in the same directory " &
+ "as its source file. You can specify a separate destination directory " &
+ "with -d (see " & Link(Bold("OPTIONS"), "#options") & ", below).")
+ val options = Section("OPTIONS",
+ "The compiler has a set of standard options that are supported on the " &
+ "current development environment and will be supported in future " &
+ "releases. An additional set of non-standard options are specific to " &
+ "the current virtual machine implementation and are subject to change " &
+ "in the future. Non-standard options begin with " & Bold("-X") & ".",
+ Section("Standard Options",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("g"),
+ "Generate debugging info"),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("nowarn"),
+ "Generate no warnings"),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("verbose"),
+ "Output messages about what the compiler is doing"),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("classpath", Argument("path")),
+ "Specify where to find user class files (on Unix-based systems " &
+ "a colon-separated list of paths, on Windows-based systems, a " &
+ "semicolon-separate list of paths). This does not override the " &
+ "built-in (" & Mono("\"boot\"") & ") search path."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("sourcepath", Argument("path")),
+ "Specify where to find input source files."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("bootclasspath", Argument("path")),
+ "Override location of bootstrap class files (where to find the " &
+ "standard built-in classes, such as \"" & Mono("scala.List") & "\")."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("extdirs", Argument("dirs")),
+ "Override location of installed extensions."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("d", Argument("directory")),
+ "Specify where to place generated class files."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("encoding", Argument("encoding")),
+ "Specify character encoding used by source files."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("target:", Argument("target")),
+ "Specify which backend to use (" & Mono(Italic("jvm-1.5") & ", " &
+ Italic("jvm-1.4") & ", " & Italic("msil") & ", " & Italic("cldc")) &
+ ")."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("migrate"),
+ "Assist in migrating from Scala version 1.0."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("statistics"),
+ "Print compiler statistics."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("resident"),
+ "Compiler stays resident, files to compile are read from standard " &
+ "input."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("version"),
+ "Print product version and exit."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("?") & "| " & CmdOption("help"),
+ "Print a synopsis of standard options."))),
+ Section("Non-Standard Options",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xinline"),
+ "Perform inlining when possible."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xcloselim"),
+ "Perform closure elimination."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xshowcls", Argument("class")),
+ "Show class info."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xshowobj", Argument("object")),
+ "Show object info."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xshowicode"),
+ "Print the generated ICode."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xgadt"),
+ "Enable gadt for classes."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xlinearizer", Argument("Xlinearizer")),
+ "Linearizer to use (" & Mono("normal,dfs,rpo") & ")."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("Xgenerics"),
+ "Use generic Java types."))),
+ Section("Debug Options",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("debug"),
+ "Output debugging messages."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("explaintypes"),
+ "Explain type errors in more detail."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("uniqid"),
+ "Print identifiers with unique names (debugging option)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("printtypes"),
+ "Print tree types (debugging option)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("prompt"),
+ "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("noimports"),
+ "Compile without any implicit imports."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("nopredefs"),
+ "Compile without any implicit predefined values."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("skip:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Skip " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("check:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Check the tree after " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("print:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Print out program after " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("printer:", Argument("printer")),
+ "Printer to use."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("print-file", Argument("file")),
+ "Specify file in which to print trees."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("graph:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Graph the program after " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("stop:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Stop after first phase in " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."),
+ Definition(
+ CmdOption("log:", Argument("phases")),
+ "Log operations in " & Argument("phases") & " (see below)."))),
+ Section("Compilation Phases",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("initial"),
+ "initializing compiler"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("parse"),
+ "parse source files"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("namer"),
+ "create symbols"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("analyze"),
+ "name and type analysis"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("refcheck"),
+ "reference checking"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("uncurry"),
+ "uncurry function types and applications"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("transmatch"),
+ "translate match expressions"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("lambdalift"),
+ "lambda lifter"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("typesasvalues"),
+ "represent types as values"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("addaccessors"),
+ "add accessors for constructor arguments"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("explicitouterclasses"),
+ "make links from inner classes to enclosing one explicit"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("addconstructors"),
+ "add explicit constructor for each class"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("tailcall"),
+ "add tail-calls"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("wholeprog"),
+ "perform whole program analysis"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("addinterfaces"),
+ "add one interface per class"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("expandmixins"),
+ "expand mixins by code copying"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("boxing"),
+ "makes boxing explicit"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("erasure"),
+ "type eraser"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("icode"),
+ "generate icode"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("codegen"),
+ "enable code generation"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("terminal"),
+ "compilation terminated"),
+ Definition(
+ MItalic("all"),
+ "matches all phases"))))
+ val environment = Section("ENVIRONMENT",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ MBold("JAVACMD"),
+ "Specify the " & MBold("java") & " command to be used " &
+ "for running the Scala commands")))
+ val examples = Section("EXAMPLES",
+ DefinitionList(
+ Definition(
+ "Compile a Scala program to the current directory",
+ CmdLine("HelloWorld")),
+ Definition(
+ "Compile a Scala program to the destination directory " &
+ MBold("classes"),
+ CmdLine(CmdOption("d", "classes") & "HelloWorld.scala")),
+ Definition(
+ "Compile a Scala program using a user-defined " & MBold("java") & " " &
+ "command",
+ MBold("env JAVACMD") & Mono("=/usr/local/bin/cacao ") &
+ CmdLine(CmdOption("d", "classes") & "HelloWorld.scala")),
+ Definition(
+ "Compile all Scala files found in the source directory " &
+ MBold("src") & " to the destination directory " &
+ MBold("classes"),
+ CmdLine(CmdOption("d", "classes") & "src/*.scala"))))
+ val exitStatus = Section("EXIT STATUS",
+ MBold(command) & " returns a zero exist status if it succeeds to " &
+ "compile the specified input files. Non zero is returned in case " &
+ "of failure.")
+ val seeAlso = Section("SEE ALSO",
+ Link(Bold("scala") & "(1)", "scala.html") & ", " &
+ Link(Bold("scaladoc") & "(1)", "scaladoc.html") & ", " &
+ Link(Bold("scalaint") & "(1)", "scalaint.html") & ", " &
+ Link(Bold("scalascript") & "(1)", "scalascript.html"))
+ def manpage = new Document {
+ title = command
+ date = "April 29, 2005"
+ author = "Stephane Micheloud"
+ version = "0.1"
+ sections = List(
+ name,
+ synopsis,
+ parameters,
+ options,
+ environment,
+ examples,
+ exitStatus,
+ authors,
+ bugs,
+ copyright,
+ seeAlso)
+ }