path: root/scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap
diff options
authorLukas Rytz <>2017-03-03 17:48:24 +0100
committerLukas Rytz <>2017-03-09 08:40:24 +0100
commit42f813e18160b6ea8dfc9c2ae850a67dd0819773 (patch)
treefbeb43c2b5769cd0a29b7b3dffe4a68d34710a20 /scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap
parent828a8923c4f1c6c6c884a18675e2effa91c73197 (diff)
[backport] new repo, version numbers for integration builds
Integration builds now have version number like `2.12.2-bin-sha7` or `2.13.0-pre-sha7` and are published to scala-integration (no longer scala-release-temp). scala-release-temp is still used in the bootstrap script for publishing locker.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap b/scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap
index abb5b283c6..216a93637b 100644
--- a/scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap
+++ b/scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
# Script Overview
# - determine scala version
# - determine module versions
-# - build minimal core (aka locker) of Scala, use the determined version number, publish to private-repo
-# - build those modules where a binary compatible version doesn't exist, publish to private-repo
-# - build Scala using the previously built core and bootstrap modules, publish to private-repo (overwrites the minimal core version on private-repo)
-# - for releases (not nightlies)
+# - build minimal core (aka locker) of Scala, use the determined version number, publish to scala-integration
+# - build those modules where a binary compatible version doesn't exist, publish to scala-integration
+# - build Scala using the previously built core and bootstrap modules, publish to scala-integration, overwriting
+# the existing artifacts (note: in 2.12.x we use scala-release-temp for locker, but that doesn't work in 2.11.x,
+# because we can only pass in one `extra.repo` to ant, see comment in PR 5764).
+# - for releases
# - stage Scala on sonatype
# - rebuild modules that needed a rebuild with this Scala build, and stage them on sonatype
# - for nightlies
# - force rebuild all modules and publish them locally (for testing purposes)
# - the Scala version is serialized to, which is passed downstream to scala-release jobs
-# - this removes the need to tag scala/scala-dist (it's still encouraged for releases, but not a hard requirement)
# Specifying the Scala version:
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@
# - Note: After building a release, the jenkins job provides an updated file as artifact.
# Put this file in the Scala repo and create a pull request, and also update the file build.number.
-# - Otherwise, a nightly release is built:
-# - version number is read from the build.number file, extended with -$sha-nightly
+# - Otherwise, an integration build is performed:
+# - version number is read from the build.number file, extended with -[bin|pre]-$sha
# Specifying module versions: there are two modes
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
# to be re-built using the 2.11.1 release, we could not use 2.11.0. We could also not release the modules
# after 2.11.1 was out, because that way the scala-library-all pom of 2.11.1 would depend on the old modules.
-# (*)
+# (*)
# Binary incompatible changes in Modules: example with Scala 2.11 / 2.12 and scala-parser-combinators
@@ -107,24 +108,30 @@ mkdir -p $baseDir/ivy2
rm -rf $baseDir/resolutionScratch_
mkdir -p $baseDir/resolutionScratch_
-# repo used to publish "locker" scala to (to start the bootstrap)
-# Used below in sbtArgs since we use a dedicated repository to share artifcacts between jobs,
-# so we need to configure SBT to use these rather than its default, Maven Central.
-# See
-cat > "$sbtRepositoryConfig" << EOF
+function generateRepositoriesConfig(){
+ # Used below in sbtArgs since we use a dedicated repository to share artifcacts between jobs,
+ # so we need to configure SBT to use these rather than its default, Maven Central.
+ # See
+ sbtRepositoryConfig="$scriptsDir/repositories-scala-release"
+ jcenterCacheUrl=${jcenterCacheUrl-""}
+ cat > "$sbtRepositoryConfig" << EOF
- private-repo: $releaseTempRepoUrl
+ script-repo: $1
jcenter-cache: $jcenterCacheUrl
typesafe-ivy-releases:, [organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext], bootOnly
sbt-plugin-releases:, [organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
+# repo for locker, quick and the modules
+# adding `integrationRepoUrl` to find the locker scala version when building modules
+generateRepositoriesConfig $integrationRepoUrl
##### git
gfxd() {
@@ -198,15 +205,15 @@ sbtResolve() {
# then set the version to the right one and publish (which won't re-gen the docs).
# Also tried publish-local without docs using 'set publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false' and republishing, no dice.
-# Each buildModule() function is invoked twice: first to build against locker and publish to private-repo, then
+# Each buildModule() function is invoked twice: first to build against locker and publish to artifactory, then
# to build against the release and publish to sonatype (or publish-local if publishToSonatype is not "yes").
-# In the second round, sbtResolve is always true: the module will be found in the private-repo!
+# In the second round, sbtResolve is always true: the module will be found in the artifactory!
# Therefore, if MODULE_BUILT is "yes" (in the second round), we know that we need to build (and publish) the
# module again.
-# Note: we tried an alternative solution in which sbtResolve would not look at private-repo, but that fails. For example,
+# Note: we tried an alternative solution in which sbtResolve would not look at artifactory, but that fails. For example,
# scala-xml depends on scala-library, so sbt tries to find the scala-library of the version that we are currently building,
-# which exists only in private-repo.
+# which exists only in artifactory.
buildXML() {
if [ "$XML_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-xml" $XML_VER )
@@ -281,7 +288,7 @@ buildActorsMigration(){
-# should only be called with publishTasks publishing to private-repo
+# should only be called with publishTasks publishing to artifactory
if [ "$SCALACHECK_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scalacheck" "scalacheck" $SCALACHECK_VER )
then echo "Found scalacheck $SCALACHECK_VER; not building."
@@ -292,9 +299,9 @@ buildScalacheck(){
-# build modules, using ${buildTasks[@]} (except for Scalacheck, which is hard-coded to publish to private-repo)
+# build modules, using ${buildTasks[@]} (except for Scalacheck, which is hard-coded to publish to artifactory)
buildModules() {
- publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-private-repo")' "set every publishTo := Some(\"private-repo\" at \"$releaseTempRepoUrl\")")
+ publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-private-repo")' "set every publishTo := Some(\"publish-repo\" at \"$integrationRepoUrl\")")
@@ -329,20 +336,19 @@ scalaVerToBinary() {
local patch="$(echo $2 | sed -e "s#$RE#\3#")"
# The binary version is majMin (e.g. "2.12") if
- # - there's no suffix : 2.12.0, 2.12.1
- # - the suffix starts with "-bin": 2.12.0-bin-M1
- # - the patch version is > 0 : 2.12.1-M1, 1.12.3-RC2, 2.12.1-sha-nightly, 2.12.2-SNAPSHOT
+ # - there's no suffix : 2.12.0, 2.12.1
+ # - the suffix starts with "-bin" : 2.12.1-bin-sha, 2.12.1-bin-sha-custom, 2.12.1-bin-SNAPSHOT
+ # - the suffix is \w+ and patch version is > 0: 2.12.1-M1, 2.12.1-RC2 (also 2.12.1-sha, 2.12.1-SNAPSHOT, which we don't use)
- # Otherwise, the binary version is the full version: 2.12.0-M1, 2.12.0-RC2, 2.12.0-sha-nightly, 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT
+ # Otherwise, the binary version is the full version: 2.12.0-M1, 2.12.0-RC2, 2.12.0-pre-sha, 2.12.0-pre-SNAPSHOT
+ # (also 2.12.0-sha, 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT, which we don't use)
- # Adapted from sbt:
+ # Adapted from sbt:
- # Note: during the pre-release cycle of a major release (e.g. before 2.12.0), the SCALA_BINARY_VER of nightly / SNAPSHOT
- # versions is the full version, e.g. 2.12.0-sha-nightly, so modules are always re-built. This is in line with what sbt
- # does: for example, with scalaVersion := "2.12.0-SNAPSHOT", sbt will resolve scala-xml as scala-xml_2.12.0-SNAPSHOT.
- # Once the 2.12.0 release is out, the binary version is 2.12 for all versions (e.g. for 2.12.1-sha-nightly).
+ # During the pre-release cycle of a major release (e.g. before 2.12.0), the SCALA_BINARY_VER of integration / SNAPSHOT
+ # versions is the full version, e.g. 2.12.0-pre-sha, so modules are always re-built.
- if [[ "$3" == "" || "${3:0:4}" == "-bin" || "$patch" != "0" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$3" == "" || "${3:0:4}" == "-bin" || ("$patch" != "0" && "$3" =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$) ]]; then
echo "$majMin"
echo "$1"
@@ -363,10 +369,15 @@ determineScalaVersion() {
if [ -z "$scalaTag" ]
- echo "No tag found, building nightly snapshot."
+ echo "No tag found, running an integration build."
parseScalaProperties "build.number"
- SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-nightly"
+ local shaSuffix=$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c1-7)
+ local cross="bin"
+ if [[ $SCALA_VER_BASE =~ ^.*\.0$ ]]; then
+ cross="pre"
+ fi
+ SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="-$cross-$shaSuffix"
# TODO: publish nightly snapshot using this script - currently it's a separate jenkins job still running at EPFL.
@@ -468,20 +479,31 @@ createNetrcFile() {
grep 'password=' $1 | sed 's/password=\(.*\)/password \1/' >> $netrcFile
+# deletes existing artifacts (core and modules) matching the $SCALA_VER from the repository passed as argument
removeExistingBuilds() {
- createNetrcFile "$HOME/.credentials-private-repo"
- local netrcFile="$HOME/.credentials-private-repo-netrc"
- local storageApiUrl=`echo $releaseTempRepoUrl | sed 's/\(scala-release-temp\)/api\/storage\/\1/'`
- local scalaLangModules=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/org/scala-lang | jq -r '.children | .[] | "org/scala-lang" + .uri'`
- for module in "org/scalacheck" $scalaLangModules; do
- local artifacts=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/$module | jq -r ".children | .[] | select(.uri | endswith(\"$SCALA_VER\")) | .uri"`
- for artifact in $artifacts; do
- echo "Deleting $releaseTempRepoUrl$module$artifact"
- curl -s --netrc-file $netrcFile -X DELETE $releaseTempRepoUrl$module$artifact
+ local repoUrl=$1
+ local repoPrefix=""
+ if [[ $repoUrl == "$repoPrefix"* ]]; then
+ local repoId=${1#$repoPrefix}
+ local storageApiUrl="${repoPrefix}api/storage/$repoId"
+ createNetrcFile "$HOME/.credentials-private-repo"
+ local netrcFile="$HOME/.credentials-private-repo-netrc"
+ # "module" is not a scala module (like scala-xml), but an artifact of a boostrap build. the variable
+ # contains: "org/scala-lang/modules", "org/scala-lang/scala-compiler", "org/scala-lang/scala-library", ...
+ local scalaLangModules=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/org/scala-lang | jq -r '.children | .[] | "org/scala-lang" + .uri' | grep -v actors-migration`
+ for module in $scalaLangModules; do
+ local artifacts=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/$module | jq -r ".children | .[] | select(.uri | endswith(\"$SCALA_VER\")) | .uri"`
+ for artifact in $artifacts; do
+ echo "Deleting $repoUrl$module$artifact"
+ curl -s --netrc-file $netrcFile -X DELETE $repoUrl$module$artifact
+ done
- done
+ else
+ echo "Unknown repo, not deleting anything: $repoUrl"
+ fi
constructUpdatedModuleVersions() {
@@ -507,7 +529,7 @@ constructUpdatedModuleVersions() {
if [ ! -z "$SCALA_BINARY_VER" ]; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala.binary.version=$SCALA_BINARY_VER"); fi
-# build locker (scala + modules) and quick, publishing everything to private-repo
+# build locker (scala + modules) and quick, publishing everything to artifactory
bootstrap() {
echo "### Bootstrapping"
@@ -524,8 +546,8 @@ bootstrap() {
# in sabbus lingo, the resulting Scala build will be used as starr to build the released Scala compiler
ant -Dmaven.version.number=$SCALA_VER\
- -Dremote.release.repository=$releaseTempRepoUrl\
+ -Dremote.release.repository=$integrationRepoUrl\
@@ -561,14 +583,14 @@ bootstrap() {
# which is fully cross-versioned (for $SCALA_VER, the version we're releasing)
ant -Dstarr.version=$SCALA_VER\
- -Dextra.repo.url=$releaseTempRepoUrl\
+ -Dextra.repo.url=$integrationRepoUrl\
${updatedModuleVersions[@]} \
- -Dremote.release.repository=$releaseTempRepoUrl\
+ -Dremote.release.repository=$integrationRepoUrl\
$antBuildTask $publishPrivateTask
@@ -614,7 +636,7 @@ determineScalaVersion
+removeExistingBuilds $integrationRepoUrl