path: root/sources/scalac/transformer/
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authorpaltherr <>2004-01-23 20:39:41 +0000
committerpaltherr <>2004-01-23 20:39:41 +0000
commit5069b94720c924af4171863955cb80ac26a18ecb (patch)
tree9a4a28d18d518801f91a2704cb8a1769d19cff45 /sources/scalac/transformer/
parent4209d6c8883b36b2116197cdc4f25baf0abd846f (diff)
- Simplified and improved tail call optimization
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/transformer/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c5a233e8..0000000000
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scalac.transformer;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import scalac.*;
-import scalac.util.*;
-import scalac.ast.*;
-import scalac.symtab.*;
-import Tree.*;
-/** A Tail Call transformer
- *
- * @author Erik Stenman
- * @version 1.0
- *
- * What it does:
- * Finds calls in tail-positions and
- * replaces them with direct calls to LabelDefs.
- * A call is in a tail-position if it is the last
- * instruciton to be executed in the body of a function.
- * This is done by recursing over the tree keeping track
- * of whether we are in a tail position or not.
- *
- * At the moment this transformation is tageted towards the
- * JVM. Since the JVM only supports jumps to known locations
- * within a function some special care has to be taken.
- * First we have to check that the call is self-recursive.
- * Then we check that the function (or the class) is final.
- * (Otherwise it could be a call to an overridden function in
- * a subclass.)
- * If all conditions are met we introduce a labelDef at the
- * beginning of the function, and redirects the call (apply)
- * to this label.
- *
- * While traversing the tree we use a stack of States to keep track of
- * information about the current node in the tree.
- * inTailPosition -- True iff the curent node is in a tail position
- * currentClass -- The symbol of the enclosing class of the node
- * if there is one.
- * currentFunction -- The symbol of the enclosing function of the node
- * if there is one.
- * newLabel -- When in a function this is the symbol of the
- * LabelDef to recurse back to if a tail-call occures.
- * needLabelDef -- Set to true when a tail call is encounterd to
- * indicate that the LabelDef needs to be inserted.
- */
-public class TailCall extends Transformer {
- final Global global;
- final Definitions definitions;
- private State state = new State();
- public TailCall(Global global, PhaseDescriptor descr) {
- super(global);
- = global;
- this.definitions = global.definitions;
- }
- /* Keep track of information about the current node. */
- private class State {
- State next = null;
- boolean inTailPosition = false;
- Symbol currentClass = null;
- Symbol currentFunction = null;
- Symbol newLabel = null;
- boolean needLabelDef = false;
- }
- /* Push a new empty state on the state stack */
- private void push_new() {
- State old = state;
- state = new State();
- }
- /* Push a copy of the current state on the stack,
- with aditional information about a new LabelDef. */
- private void push_label(Symbol label) {
- State old = state;
- state = new State();
- state.inTailPosition = old.inTailPosition;
- state.currentClass = old.currentClass;
- state.currentFunction = old.currentFunction;
- state.newLabel = label;
- state.needLabelDef = false;
- }
- /* Pop a state from the state stack. */
- private void pop() {
- state =;
- }
- public Tree transform(Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case DefDef(int mods, Name name, AbsTypeDef[] tparams, ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree rhs): {
- AbsTypeDef[] newTparams = tail_transform(tparams,false);
- ValDef[][] newVparams = tail_transform(vparams,false);
- Tree newTpe = tail_transform(tpe,false);
- /* Create a new symbol for the LabelDef */
- Symbol newLabel = new TermSymbol(tree.pos, name, tree.symbol(), Modifiers.LABEL);
- newLabel.setInfo(tree.symbol().type().cloneType(tree.symbol(), newLabel));
- /* Push information about the label on the state stack. */
- push_label(newLabel);
- state.inTailPosition = true;
- state.currentFunction = tree.symbol();
- /* Traverse the body of the function */
- Tree newRhs = transform(rhs);
- /* Was a tail-call inserted? */
- if (state.needLabelDef) {
- pop(); // Pop the label-state from the stack.
- // The LabelDef needs identifiers as parameters.
- Ident [] args = to_ident(newVparams[0]);
- // Create a new LabelDef with the new body of the function as the rhs
- Tree labelDef = new ExtLabelDef(newLabel,args,newRhs).setType(newRhs.getType());
- // Create a new function node with the LabelDef as the rhs.
- return copy.DefDef(tree,tree.symbol(), newTparams,
- newVparams, newTpe, labelDef);
- } else { // No recursive tail-vall inserted.
- pop(); // Pop the label-state from the stack.
- // Don't insert the LabelDef.
- return copy.DefDef(tree,tree.symbol(), newTparams,
- newVparams, newTpe, newRhs);
- }
- }
- case Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] args): {
- if (state.inTailPosition) { // This is a tail-call
- switch (fun) {
- case Select(Tree qual, Name name):
- if (state.currentFunction == fun.symbol()) { // Is is self-recursive?
- // Make sure that function is from the same instance of the class as we are in.
- // If it is an Object (Module) we don't necessarily have a THIS, so we compare
- // the types.
- // If it's a class we have to make sure that the qulifier is a THIS node.
- if ((state.currentClass.isModuleClass() &&
- qual.type.isSameAs(state.currentClass.thisType().widen())) ||
- (qual instanceof This && qual.symbol() == state.currentClass)){
- // We can only rewrite final functions in a safe way.
- if(state.currentFunction.isMethodFinal()) {
- Tree[] newArgs = tail_transform(args,false);
- // Redirect the call to the LabelDef.
- Tree newTarget = new ExtIdent(state.newLabel).setType(fun.getType());
- // Indicate that we have inserted a tail call.
- state.needLabelDef = true;
- return copy.Apply(tree,newTarget,newArgs);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- // TODO: Handle the case of Apply(TypeApply(T))
- // Have to check that the type T is the same as currentFunction.type()
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // Call not in tail-pos: recurse over the arguments.
- Tree[] newArgs = tail_transform(args,false);
- Tree newFun = tail_transform(fun,false);
- // global.debugPrinter.print("OldApply fun "+newFun.symbol().name).println().end();
- return copy.Apply(tree, newFun, newArgs);
- }
- case ClassDef(int mods, Name name, AbsTypeDef[] tparams,
- ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Template impl): {
- return copy.ClassDef(tree, tree.symbol(),tparams,vparams,tpe,
- transform_class(impl,tree.symbol()));
- }
- case AbsTypeDef(int mods, Name name, Tree rhs, Tree lobound):
- return copy.AbsTypeDef(tree, tree.symbol(),
- tail_transform(rhs,false),
- tail_transform(lobound,false));
- case CaseDef(Tree pat, Tree guard, Tree body):
- return copy.CaseDef(tree,
- tail_transform(pat,false),
- tail_transform(guard,false),
- transform(body));
- case Template(Tree[] parents, Tree[] body):
- return copy.Template(tree, tree.symbol(),
- tail_transform(parents,false),
- transform(body));
- case Block(Tree[] stats): {
- int last = stats.length-1;
- // All statements except the last will not be tail-calls
- for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
- Tree t = tail_transform(stats[i],false);
- // We are a bit paranoid about creating garbage...
- if (t != stats[i]) { // ... so we only copy the tree if it changes.
- Tree[] res = new Tree[stats.length];
- // copy all the preceding statements to the new array.
- System.arraycopy(stats, 0, res, 0, i);
- res[i++] = t;
- // Put all the following statements in the new array.
- for (; i < last; i++)
- res[i] = tail_transform(stats[i],false);
- // The last statement might be in a tail position.
- res[last] = transform(stats[last]);
- return copy.Block(tree,res);
- }
- } // No change in the tree after handling all but the last statement.
- if (last > 0) {
- Tree t = transform(stats[last]);
- if (t != stats[last]) {
- Tree[] res = new Tree[stats.length];
- System.arraycopy(stats, 0, res, 0, last);
- res[last] = t;
- return copy.Block(tree,res);
- }
- }
- // No change at all
- return copy.Block(tree,stats);
- }
- case Sequence(Tree[] trees):
- return copy.Sequence(tree, tail_transform(trees,false));
- case Assign(Tree lhs, Tree rhs):
- return copy.Assign(tree,
- tail_transform(lhs,false),
- tail_transform(rhs,false));
- case If(Tree cond, Tree thenp, Tree elsep): {
- return copy.If(tree, tail_transform(cond,false),
- transform(thenp),
- transform(elsep));
- }
- case New(Template templ):
- // At the moment we assume that the call to the constructor can not be
- // a tailcall.
- return copy.New(tree, tail_transform(templ,false));
- case Typed(Tree expr, Tree tpe):
- return copy.Typed(tree,
- transform(expr),
- tail_transform(tpe,false));
- case TypeApply(Tree fun, Tree[] args):
- return copy.TypeApply(tree,
- tail_transform(fun,false),
- tail_transform(args,false));
- default:
- return super.transform(tree);
- }
- }
- public Tree transform_new(Tree tree) {
- push_new();
- Tree res = transform(tree);
- pop();
- return res;
- }
- public Template transform_new(Template t) {
- push_new();
- Template res = (Template)transform((Tree)t);
- pop();
- return res;
- }
- public Tree tail_transform(Tree tree,boolean inTailPosition) {
- boolean save = state.inTailPosition;
- state.inTailPosition = inTailPosition;
- Tree res = transform(tree);
- state.inTailPosition = save;
- return res;
- }
- public Tree[] tail_transform(Tree[] tree,boolean inTailPosition) {
- boolean save = state.inTailPosition;
- state.inTailPosition = inTailPosition;
- Tree[] res = transform(tree);
- state.inTailPosition = save;
- return res;
- }
- public Template tail_transform(Template tree,boolean inTailPosition) {
- boolean save = state.inTailPosition;
- state.inTailPosition = inTailPosition;
- Template res = (Template)transform((Tree)tree);
- state.inTailPosition = save;
- return res;
- }
- public AbsTypeDef[] tail_transform(AbsTypeDef[] tree,boolean inTailPosition) {
- boolean save = state.inTailPosition;
- state.inTailPosition = inTailPosition;
- AbsTypeDef[] res = transform(tree);
- state.inTailPosition = save;
- return res;
- }
- public ValDef[][] tail_transform(ValDef[][] tree,boolean inTailPosition) {
- boolean save = state.inTailPosition;
- state.inTailPosition = inTailPosition;
- ValDef[][] res = transform(tree);
- state.inTailPosition = save;
- return res;
- }
- public Template transform_class(Template t, Symbol currentClass) {
- Symbol saveClass = state.currentClass;
- Symbol saveFunction = state.currentFunction;
- state.currentFunction = null;
- state.currentClass = currentClass;
- Template res = (Template)transform((Tree)t);
- state.currentFunction = saveFunction;
- state.currentClass = saveClass;
- return res;
- }
- private Ident[] to_ident(Tree[] tree) {
- Ident[] ids = new Ident[tree.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
- switch (tree[i]) {
- case AbsTypeDef(int mods, Name name, Tree bound, Tree lobound):
- Ident arg = new ExtIdent(tree[i].symbol());
- arg.setType(tree[i].getType());
- ids[i]= arg;
- break;
- case ValDef(int mods, Name name, Tree tpe, Tree.Empty):
- Ident arg = new ExtIdent(tree[i].symbol());
- arg.setType(tree[i].getType());
- ids[i]= arg;
- break;
- default:
- Debug.abort("bad parameter: " + tree[i]);
- }
- }
- return ids;
- }