path: root/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
diff options
authorMatthias Zenger <>2003-02-20 10:45:48 +0000
committerMatthias Zenger <>2003-02-20 10:45:48 +0000
commitde0a87e4a03bdd902391c847a956cdc8558a73ec (patch)
tree08049a02352ae0da52fd2fbe430ce5d7779531e3 /sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
parenteac21ad76df4442e7610cbc6c2433c55898ac05b (diff)
Initial version of the pattern matcher component.
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/transformer/matching/')
1 files changed, 852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b706419137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+** **
+** $Id$
+\* */
+package scalac.transformer;
+import scalac.*;
+import scalac.ast.*;
+import scalac.util.*;
+import scalac.symtab.*;
+import scalac.typechecker.*;
+import PatternNode.*;
+import Tree.*;
+public class PatternMatcher {
+ public static final Name RESULT_N = Name.fromString("$result");
+ public static final Name SCALA_N = Name.fromString("scala");
+ public static final Name BOOLEAN_N = Name.fromString("Boolean");
+ public static final Name TRUE_N = Name.fromString("True");
+ public static final Name FALSE_N = Name.fromString("False");
+ public static final Name AND_N = Name.fromString("$amp$amp");
+ public static final Name OR_N = Name.fromString("$bar$bar");
+ public static final Name NOT_N = Name.fromString("$bang");
+ public static final Name EQUALS_N = Name.fromString("$eq$eq");
+ public static final Name SCALA_MATCHERROR_N = Name.fromString("scala.MatchError");
+ public static final Name MATCHERROR_N = Name.fromString("MatchError");
+ public static final Name FAIL_N = Name.fromString("fail");
+ public static final Name WILDCARD_N = Name.fromString("_");
+ /** the current compilation unit
+ */
+ Unit unit;
+ /** the global fresh name creator
+ */
+ FreshNameCreator fresh;
+ /** the global tree factory
+ */
+ TreeFactory make;
+ /** the global definitions component
+ */
+ Definitions defs;
+ /** the global tree generation component
+ */
+ TreeGen gen;
+ /** type inference engine
+ */
+ Infer infer;
+ /** the owner of the pattern matching expression
+ */
+ Symbol owner;
+ /** the selector expression
+ */
+ Tree selector;
+ /** the root of the pattern node structure
+ */
+ PatternNode root;
+ /** the symbol of the result variable
+ */
+ Symbol resultVar;
+ /** the statics of class Boolean
+ */
+ Symbol statics;
+ /** true symbol
+ */
+ Symbol trueSym;
+ /** false symbol
+ */
+ Symbol falseSym;
+ /** constructor
+ */
+ public PatternMatcher(Unit unit, Infer infer, Symbol owner, Tree selector, Type tpe) {
+ this.unit = unit;
+ this.fresh =;
+ this.make =;
+ this.gen =;
+ this.defs =;
+ this.owner = owner;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ this.root = makeConstrPat(selector.pos,
+ selector.type);
+ this.root.and = makeHeader(selector.pos,
+ selector.type,
+ make.Ident(selector.pos,
+ root.symbol().name)
+ .setType(selector.type)
+ .setSymbol(root.symbol()));
+ this.resultVar = new TermSymbol(selector.pos,
+ owner,
+ Modifiers.MUTABLE);
+ this.resultVar.setType(tpe);
+ this.statics = defs.getModule(Names.scala_Boolean);
+ this.trueSym = defs.TRUE();
+ this.falseSym = defs.FALSE();
+ this.infer = infer;
+ }
+ /** return the analyzed type
+ */
+ public Type typeOf(Symbol sym) {
+ return sym.type();
+ //return sym.typeAt(;
+ }
+ /** return the analyzed type
+ */
+ public Type typeOf0(Symbol sym) {
+ return sym.typeAt(;
+ }
+ /** factories
+ */
+ public Header makeHeader(int pos, Type type, Tree selector) {
+ Header node = new Header(selector, null);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.type = type;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public Body makeBody(int pos, ValDef[] bound, Tree guard, Tree body) {
+ Body node = new Body(new ValDef[][]{bound}, new Tree[]{guard}, new Tree[]{body});
+ node.pos = pos;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public void updateBody(Body tree, ValDef[] bound, Tree guard, Tree body) {
+ if (tree.guard[tree.guard.length - 1] == Tree.Empty)
+ unit.error(body.pos, "unreachable code");
+ ValDef[][] bd = new ValDef[tree.bound.length + 1][];
+ Tree[] ng = new Tree[tree.guard.length + 1];
+ Tree[] nb = new Tree[tree.body.length + 1];
+ System.arraycopy(tree.bound, 0, bd, 0, tree.bound.length);
+ System.arraycopy(tree.guard, 0, ng, 0, tree.guard.length);
+ System.arraycopy(tree.body, 0, nb, 0, tree.body.length);
+ bd[bd.length - 1] = bound;
+ ng[ng.length - 1] = guard;
+ nb[nb.length - 1] = body;
+ tree.bound = bd;
+ tree.guard = ng;
+ tree.body = nb;
+ }
+ public DefaultPat makeDefaultPat(int pos, Type type) {
+ DefaultPat node = new DefaultPat();
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.type = type;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public ConstrPat makeConstrPat(int pos, Type type) {
+ ConstrPat node = new ConstrPat(newVar(pos, type));
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.type = type;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public ConstantPat makeConstantPat(int pos, Type type, Object value) {
+ ConstantPat node = new ConstantPat(value);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.type = type;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public VariablePat makeVariablePat(int pos, Tree tree) {
+ VariablePat node = new VariablePat(tree);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.type = tree.type;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public TermSymbol newVar(int pos, Name name, Type type) {
+ TermSymbol sym = new TermSymbol(pos, name, owner, 0);
+ sym.setType(type);
+ return sym;
+ }
+ public TermSymbol newVar(int pos, Type type) {
+ return newVar(pos, fresh.newName("temp"), type);
+ }
+ public Tree copy(Tree tree) {
+ return tree; // insert copy function here
+ }
+ /** pretty printer
+ */
+ public void print() {
+ print(root.and, "");
+ }
+ public void print(PatternNode patNode, String indent) {
+ if (patNode == null)
+ System.out.println(indent + "NULL");
+ else
+ switch (patNode) {
+ case Header(Tree selector, Header next):
+ System.out.println(indent + "HEADER(" + patNode.type + ", " + selector + ")");
+ print(patNode.or, indent + "|");
+ if (next != null)
+ print(next, indent);
+ break;
+ case ConstrPat(Symbol casted):
+ String s = "-- " + patNode.type.symbol().name + "(" + patNode.type + ", " + casted + ") -> ";
+ String ind = indent;
+ indent = (patNode.or != null) ?
+ indent :
+ indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) + " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
+ indent += " ";
+ System.out.println(ind + s);
+ print(patNode.and, indent);
+ if (patNode.or != null)
+ print(patNode.or, ind);
+ break;
+ case DefaultPat():
+ System.out.println(indent + "-- _ -> ");
+ print(patNode.and, indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) +
+ " ");
+ if (patNode.or != null)
+ print(patNode.or, indent);
+ break;
+ case ConstantPat(Object value):
+ String s = "-- CONST(" + value + ") -> ";
+ String ind = indent;
+ indent = (patNode.or != null) ?
+ indent :
+ indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) + " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
+ indent += " ";
+ System.out.println(ind + s);
+ print(patNode.and, indent);
+ if (patNode.or != null)
+ print(patNode.or, ind);
+ break;
+ case VariablePat(Tree tree):
+ String s = "-- STABLEID(" + tree + ": " + patNode.type + ") -> ";
+ String ind = indent;
+ indent = (patNode.or != null) ?
+ indent :
+ indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) + " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
+ indent += " ";
+ System.out.println(ind + s);
+ print(patNode.and, indent);
+ if (patNode.or != null)
+ print(patNode.or, ind);
+ break;
+ case Body(_, _, Tree[] stats):
+ System.out.println(indent + "BODY(" + stats.length + ")");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void enter(CaseDef tree) {
+ enter(tree.pos, tree.pat, tree.guard, tree.body);
+ }
+ protected CaseEnv enter(int pos, Tree pat, Tree guard, Tree body) {
+ CaseEnv env = new CaseEnv();
+ //PatternNode matched = match(pat, root);
+ PatternNode target = enter1(pat, -1, root, root.symbol(), env);
+ //if (target.and != null)
+ // unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
+ if (target.and == null)
+ target.and = makeBody(pos, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
+ else if (target.and instanceof Body)
+ updateBody((Body)target.and, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
+ else
+ unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
+ return env;
+ }
+ public PatternNode match(Tree pat, PatternNode target) {
+ // advance one step in pattern
+ PatternNode next = target.and;
+ // we are done (no match yet)
+ if (next == null)
+ return null;
+ // check if matched
+ switch (next) {
+ case Body(_, _, _):
+ return next;
+ case Header(_, _):
+ Header header = (Header)next;
+ // get pattern arguments
+ Tree[] patArgs = patternArgs(pat);
+ // get next pattern node
+ PatternNode patNode = patternNode(pat, header, null);
+ do {
+ next = header;
+ while ((next = next.or) != null)
+ if (superPat(next, patNode) &&
+ ((target = match(patArgs, next)) != null))
+ return target;
+ else if (isDefaultPat(next))
+ return next.and;
+ } while ((header = != null);
+ return null;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ }
+ }
+ public PatternNode match(Tree[] pats, PatternNode target) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < pats.length; i++)
+ if ((target = match(pats[i], target)) == null)
+ return null;
+ return target;
+ }
+ protected Tree[] patternArgs(Tree tree) {
+ switch (tree) {
+ case Apply(_, Tree[] args):
+ return args;
+ default:
+ return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ }
+ }
+ protected Type getConstrType(Type tpe) {
+ return tpe;
+ /*
+ switch (tpe) {
+ case ConstructorType(Type result):
+ return result;
+ default:
+ return tpe;
+ } */
+ }
+ protected Type getHeaderType(Type tpe) {
+ switch (tpe) {
+ case PolyType(_, Type res):
+ return res;
+ default:
+ return tpe;
+ }
+ }
+ protected PatternNode patternNode(Tree tree, Header header, CaseEnv env) {
+ switch (tree) {
+ case Apply(_, _): // pattern with args
+ return makeConstrPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tree.type));
+ case Typed(Ident(Name name), Tree tpe): // variable pattern
+ if ((env != null) && (name != WILDCARD_N))
+ env.newBoundVar(tree.pos, ((Tree.Typed)tree).expr.symbol(), getConstrType(tpe.type), header);
+ if (header.type.isSubType(getConstrType(tpe.type)))
+ return makeDefaultPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tpe.type));
+ else
+ return makeConstrPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tpe.type));
+ case Ident(Name name): // pattern without args or variable
+ if (tree.symbol().isPrimaryConstructor())
+ return makeConstrPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tree.type));
+ else if (name.isVariable()) {
+ if ((env != null) && (name != WILDCARD_N))
+ env.newBoundVar(tree.pos, tree.symbol(), getConstrType(tree.type), header);
+ return makeDefaultPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(header.type));
+ } else
+ return makeVariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
+ case Select(_, Name name): // variable
+ if (tree.symbol().isPrimaryConstructor())
+ return makeConstrPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tree.type));
+ else
+ return makeVariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
+ case Literal(Object value):
+ return makeConstantPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(tree.type), value);
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ }
+ }
+ protected boolean superPat(PatternNode p, PatternNode q) {
+ switch (p) {
+ case DefaultPat():
+ switch (q) {
+ case DefaultPat():
+ return true;
+ //case ConstantPat(_, _):
+ // return q.type.isSubType(p.type);
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ConstrPat(_):
+ switch (q) {
+ case ConstrPat(_):
+ return q.type.isSubType(p.type);
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ConstantPat(Object pval):
+ switch (q) {
+ case ConstantPat(Object qval):
+ return pval.equals(qval);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected boolean isDefaultPat(PatternNode p) {
+ switch (p) {
+ case DefaultPat():
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public PatternNode enter(Tree pat,
+ int index,
+ PatternNode target,
+ Symbol casted,
+ CaseEnv env) {
+ switch (target) {
+ case ConstrPat(Symbol newCasted):
+ return enter1(pat, index, target, newCasted, env);
+ default:
+ return enter1(pat, index, target, casted, env);
+ }
+ }
+ public PatternNode enter1(Tree pat,
+ int index,
+ PatternNode target,
+ Symbol casted,
+ CaseEnv env) {
+ //System.out.println("enter(" + pat + ", " + index + ", " + target + ", " + casted + ")");
+ // get pattern arguments
+ Tree[] patArgs = patternArgs(pat);
+ // get case fields
+ assert patArgs.length == nCaseComponents(pat);
+ // advance one step in pattern
+ Header curHeader = (Header)target.and;
+ // check if we have to add a new header
+ if (curHeader == null) {
+ assert index >= 0 : casted;
+ Symbol ts = ((ClassSymbol) casted.type().symbol())
+ .caseFieldAccessor(index);
+ target.and = curHeader = makeHeader(
+ pat.pos,
+ getHeaderType(typeOf0(ts)),
+ make.Apply(
+ pat.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ pat.pos,
+ make.Ident(pat.pos,
+ .setType(typeOf(casted))
+ .setSymbol(casted),
+ .setType(Type.MethodType(
+ getHeaderType(typeOf0(ts))))
+ .setSymbol(ts),
+ Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY).setType(getHeaderType(typeOf0(ts))));
+ curHeader.or = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env);
+ return enter(patArgs, curHeader.or, casted, env);
+ }
+ // find most recent header
+ while ( != null)
+ curHeader =;
+ // create node
+ PatternNode patNode = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env);
+ PatternNode next = curHeader;
+ // enter node
+ while (true)
+ if (superPat(next, patNode))
+ return enter(patArgs, next, casted, env);
+ else if (isDefaultPat(next) ||
+ ((next.or == null) && isDefaultPat(patNode)))
+ return enter(
+ patArgs,
+ (curHeader = ( =
+ makeHeader(patNode.pos, curHeader.type, curHeader.selector))).or
+ = patNode,
+ casted,
+ env);
+ else if (next.or == null)
+ return enter(patArgs, next.or = patNode, casted, env);
+ else
+ next = next.or;
+ }
+ public PatternNode enter(Tree[] pats, PatternNode target, Symbol casted, CaseEnv env) {
+ switch (target) {
+ case ConstrPat(Symbol newCasted):
+ casted = newCasted;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pats.length; i++)
+ target = enter1(pats[i], i, target, casted, env);
+ return target;
+ }
+ protected int nCaseComponents(Tree tree) {
+ switch (tree) {
+ case Apply(Tree fn, _):
+ Type tpe = typeOf(tree.type.symbol().constructor());
+ //System.out.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol().constructor());
+ switch (tpe) {
+ // I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but obviously, currently all case classes
+ // without constructor arguments have type NoType
+ case NoType:
+ return 0;
+ case MethodType(Symbol[] args, _):
+ return args.length;
+ case PolyType(Symbol[] tvars, MethodType(Symbol[] args, _)):
+ return args.length;
+ case PolyType(Symbol[] tvars, _):
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError("not yet implemented;" +
+ "pattern matching for " + tree + ": " + tpe);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+//////////// generator methods
+ public Tree toTree() {
+ TreeList ts = new TreeList();
+ ts.append(
+ make.ValDef(selector.pos,
+ 0,
+ root.symbol().name,
+ gen.mkType(selector.pos, selector.type),
+ selector).setType(defs.UNIT_TYPE).setSymbol(root.symbol()));
+ ts.append(
+ make.ValDef(selector.pos,
+ Modifiers.MUTABLE,
+ gen.mkType(selector.pos, typeOf(resultVar)),
+ Tree.Empty).setType(defs.UNIT_TYPE).setSymbol(resultVar));
+ ts.append(
+ make.If(
+ selector.pos,
+ toTree(root.and),
+ make.Ident(selector.pos,
+ mkThrowMatchError(selector.pos, typeOf(resultVar))).setType(typeOf(resultVar)));
+ return mkBlock(selector.pos, ts.toArray(), typeOf(resultVar));
+ }
+ protected Tree toTree(PatternNode node) {
+ Tree res = mkBoolean(node.pos, false);
+ while (node != null)
+ switch (node) {
+ case Header(Tree selector, Header next):
+ //res = mkAnd(mkNegate(res), toTree(node.or, selector));
+ res = mkOr(res, toTree(node.or, selector));
+ node = next;
+ break;
+ case Body(ValDef[][] bound, Tree[] guard, Tree[] body):
+ for (int i = guard.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Tree[] ts = new Tree[bound[i].length + 1];
+ System.arraycopy(bound[i], 0, ts, 0, bound[i].length);
+ ts[bound[i].length] = mkBlock(body[i].pos,
+ new Tree[]{
+ make.Assign(
+ body[i].pos,
+ make.Ident(body[i].pos,
+ .setType(typeOf(resultVar)).setSymbol(resultVar),
+ body[i]).setType(defs.UNIT_TYPE),
+ mkBoolean(body[i].pos, true)
+ }, defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ if (guard[i] != Tree.Empty)
+ ts[bound[i].length] = mkAnd(guard[i], ts[bound[i].length]);
+ res = mkOr(mkBlock(body[i].pos, ts, defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE), res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected Tree toTree(PatternNode node, Tree selector) {
+ if (node == null)
+ return mkBoolean(selector.pos, false);
+ switch (node) {
+ case DefaultPat():
+ return toTree(node.and);
+ case ConstrPat(Symbol casted):
+ return make.If(
+ selector.pos,
+ mkIs(selector, node.type),
+ mkBlock(selector.pos,
+ new Tree[]{
+ make.ValDef(selector.pos,
+ 0,
+ gen.mkType(selector.pos, node.type),
+ mkAs(selector, node.type))
+ .setType(defs.UNIT_TYPE).setSymbol(casted),
+ toTree(node.and)}, defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE),
+ toTree(node.or, selector)).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ case ConstantPat(Object value):
+ return make.If(
+ selector.pos,
+ mkEquals(selector,
+ make.Literal(selector.pos, value)
+ .setType(node.type)),
+ toTree(node.and),
+ toTree(node.or, selector)).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ case VariablePat(Tree tree):
+ return make.If(
+ selector.pos,
+ mkEquals(selector, tree),
+ toTree(node.and),
+ toTree(node.or, selector)).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ }
+ }
+ protected Tree mkBlock(int pos, Tree[] ts, Type tpe) {
+ if (ts.length == 1)
+ return ts[0];
+ else if (ts.length > 1)
+ switch (ts[ts.length - 1]) {
+ case Block(Tree[] ts0):
+ Tree[] ts1 = new Tree[ts0.length + ts.length - 1];
+ System.arraycopy(ts, 0, ts1, 0, ts.length - 1);
+ System.arraycopy(ts0, 0, ts1, ts.length - 1, ts0.length);
+ return mkBlock(pos, ts1, tpe);
+ }
+ return make.Block(pos, ts).setType(tpe);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkBoolean(int pos, boolean bool) {
+ Name name = bool ? TRUE_N : FALSE_N;
+ Symbol val = bool ? trueSym : falseSym;
+ return make.Select(
+ pos,
+ make.Select(
+ pos,
+ make.Ident(pos, SCALA_N)
+ .setType(typeOf(defs.SCALA)).setSymbol(defs.SCALA),
+ BOOLEAN_N).setType(typeOf(statics)).setSymbol(statics),
+ name).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE).setSymbol(val);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkNegate(Tree tree) {
+ switch (tree) {
+ case Select(_, _):
+ if (tree.symbol() == trueSym)
+ return mkBoolean(tree.pos, false);
+ else if (tree.symbol() == falseSym)
+ return mkBoolean(tree.pos, true);
+ }
+ Symbol fun = tree.type.lookup(NOT_N);
+ if ( == NOT_N) {
+ //System.out.println(fun.typeAt(;//DEBUG
+ //System.out.println(fun.typeAt(;//DEBUG
+ //System.out.println(fun.type());//DEBUG
+ }
+ return make.Apply(
+ tree.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ tree.pos,
+ tree,
+ NOT_N).type(typeOf(fun)).symbol(fun),
+ gen.Select(tree, NOT_N),
+ Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkAnd(Tree left, Tree right) {
+ switch (left) {
+ case Select(_, _):
+ if (left.symbol() == trueSym)
+ return right;
+ else if (left.symbol() == falseSym)
+ return left;
+ else if (right.symbol() == trueSym)
+ return left;
+ }
+ Symbol fun = left.type.lookup(AND_N);
+ return make.Apply(
+ left.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ left.pos,
+ left,
+ AND_N).setType(typeOf(fun)).setSymbol(fun),
+ new Tree[]{right}).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkOr(Tree left, Tree right) {
+ switch (left) {
+ case Select(_, _):
+ if (left.symbol() == trueSym)
+ return left;
+ else if (left.symbol() == falseSym)
+ return right;
+ else if (right.symbol() == falseSym)
+ return left;
+ }
+ Symbol fun = left.type.lookup(OR_N);
+ return make.Apply(
+ left.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ left.pos,
+ left,
+ OR_N).setType(typeOf(fun)).setSymbol(fun),
+ new Tree[]{right}).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkIs(Tree tree, Type type) {
+ return
+ make.Apply(
+ tree.pos,
+ make.TypeApply(
+ tree.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ tree.pos,
+ tree,
+ new Tree[]{gen.mkType(tree.pos, type)})
+ .setType(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE)),
+ Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkAs(Tree tree, Type type) {
+ return
+ make.Apply(
+ tree.pos,
+ make.TypeApply(
+ tree.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ tree.pos,
+ tree,
+ new Tree[]{gen.mkType(tree.pos, type)})
+ .setType(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, type)),
+ Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY).setType(type);
+ }
+ protected Tree mkEquals(Tree left, Tree right) {
+ Symbol fun = left.type.lookup(EQUALS_N);
+ switch (typeOf(fun)) {
+ case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes):
+ Tree t = make.Select(left.pos, left, EQUALS_N);
+ infer.methodAlternative(t, alts, alttypes,
+ new Type[]{right.type}, defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ return make.Apply(left.pos, t, new Tree[]{right}).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ default:
+ return make.Apply(
+ left.pos,
+ make.Select(
+ left.pos,
+ left,
+ EQUALS_N).setType(typeOf(fun)).setSymbol(fun),
+ new Tree[]{right}).setType(defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Tree mkThrowMatchError(int pos, Type type) {
+ Symbol matchErrorModule = defs.SCALA.members().lookup(MATCHERROR_N);
+ outer: switch (typeOf(matchErrorModule)) {
+ case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes):
+ for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++)
+ switch (alttypes[i]) {
+ case TypeRef(_, _, _):
+ matchErrorModule = alts[i];
+ break outer;
+ }
+ }
+ Symbol failMethod = typeOf(matchErrorModule).lookup(FAIL_N);
+ return
+ make.Apply(
+ pos,
+ make.TypeApply(
+ pos,
+ make.Select(
+ pos,
+ make.Select(
+ pos,
+ make.Ident(pos, Names.scala).setType(typeOf(defs.SCALA)).setSymbol(defs.SCALA),
+ .setSymbol(matchErrorModule)
+ .setType(typeOf(matchErrorModule)),
+ FAIL_N).setType(typeOf(failMethod)).setSymbol(failMethod),
+ new Tree[]{gen.mkType(pos, type)})
+ .setType(((Type.PolyType) typeOf(failMethod)).result.subst(
+ failMethod.typeParams(),
+ new Type[]{type})),
+ new Tree[]{
+ make.Literal(pos, unit.toString()).setType(defs.STRING_TYPE),
+ make.Literal(pos, new Integer(Position.line(pos))).setType(defs.INT_TYPE)
+ }).setType(type);
+ }
+ class CaseEnv {
+ protected ValDef[] boundVars = new ValDef[4];
+ protected int numVars = 0;
+ public void newBoundVar(int pos, Symbol sym, Type type, Header sh) {
+ sym.setOwner(PatternMatcher.this.owner); // FIXME should be corrected earlier
+ if (numVars == boundVars.length) {
+ ValDef[] newVars = new ValDef[numVars * 2];
+ System.arraycopy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars);
+ boundVars = newVars;
+ }
+ sym.setType(type);
+ boundVars[numVars++] = (ValDef)make.ValDef(
+ pos,
+ 0,
+ gen.mkType(pos, type),
+ sh.selector).setType(defs.UNIT_TYPE).setSymbol(sym);
+ }
+ public ValDef[] boundVars() {
+ ValDef[] newVars = new ValDef[numVars];
+ System.arraycopy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars);
+ return newVars;
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+ if (!(obj instanceof CaseEnv))
+ return false;
+ CaseEnv env = (CaseEnv)obj;
+ if (env.numVars != numVars)
+ return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++)
+ if ((boundVars[i].name != env.boundVars[i].name) ||
+ !boundVars[i].tpe.type.isSameAs(env.boundVars[i].tpe.type) ||
+ (boundVars[i].rhs != env.boundVars[i].rhs))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }