path: root/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2012-04-22 05:46:50 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-04-22 06:12:23 -0700
commit8c95273b70288e4e3a547fa43f2dbdb40a71b9ea (patch)
tree214e7cb1fb5655f002a58ae8b6b3a60e53e50817 /src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
parent3c9c18ddccc17c2b0e62195315ba2abb72d3b761 (diff)
Reflection and reification: Names and Symbols.
- Consolidating many islands of name organization. Folds NameManglers into StdNames. Brings more of the string constants together with similar constants. Move name manipulation methods which produce TypeNames into object tpnme rather than nme. - Starting on MethodSymbolApi, ClassSymbolApi, etc so we can put sensible methods on sensible entities. This pushed into Definitions, where I pulled a whole bunch out of the api side (or at least marked my intention to do so -- too many tests use them to make them easy to remove) and on the compiler side, returned something more specific than Symbol a bunch of places. - Added a number of conveniences to Definitions to make it easier to get properly typed symbols. Note: one way in which you might notice having better typed Symbols is with Sets, which have the annoying property of inferring a type based on what they've been constructed with and then hard failing when you test for the presence of a more general type. So this: val mySet = Set(a, b) println(mySet(c)) ..goes from compiling to not compiling if a and b receive more specific types (e.g. they are MethodSymbols) and c is a Symbol or ClassSymbol or whatever. This is easily remedied on a site-by-site basis - create Set[Symbol](...) not Set(...) - but is an interesting and unfortunate consequence of type inference married to invariance. The changes to DummyMirror where things became ??? were driven by the need to lower its tax; type "Nothing" is a lot more forgiving about changes than is any specific symbol type.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
index c5fe1ecb45..54be83c98f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
@@ -6,27 +6,141 @@
package scala.reflect
package internal
-import scala.collection.immutable
-import NameTransformer.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
+import Chars.isOperatorPart
import annotation.switch
import language.implicitConversions
+import scala.collection.immutable
-trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
+trait StdNames {
+ self: SymbolTable =>
def encode(str: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(NameTransformer.encode(str))
implicit def lowerTermNames(n: TermName): String = n.toString
- // implicit def stringToTermName(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s)
- /** This should be the first trait in the linearization. */
- trait Keywords {
+ /** Tensions: would like the keywords to be the very first names entered into the names
+ * storage so their ids count from 0, which simplifies the parser. Switched to abstract
+ * classes to avoid all the indirection which is generated with implementation-containing
+ * traits. Since all these classes use eager vals, that means the constructor with the
+ * keywords must run first. If it's the top in the superclass chain, then CommonNames
+ * must inherit from it, which means TypeNames would inherit keywords as well.
+ *
+ * Solution: Keywords extends CommonNames and uses early defs to beat the
+ * CommonNames constructor out of the starting gate. This is its builder.
+ */
+ private class KeywordSetBuilder {
private var kws: Set[TermName] = Set()
- private def kw(s: String): TermName = {
+ def apply(s: String): TermName = {
val result = newTermNameCached(s)
kws = kws + result
+ def result: Set[TermName] = {
+ val result = kws
+ kws = null
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ private final object compactify extends (String => String) {
+ val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
+ /**
+ *
+ * The hashed name has the form (prefix + marker + md5 + marker + suffix), where
+ * - prefix/suffix.length = MaxNameLength / 4
+ * - md5.length = 32
+ *
+ * We obtain the formula:
+ *
+ * FileNameLength = 2*(MaxNameLength / 4) + 2.marker.length + 32 + 6
+ *
+ * (+6 for ".class"). MaxNameLength can therefore be computed as follows:
+ */
+ val marker = "$$$$"
+ val MaxNameLength = math.min(
+ settings.maxClassfileName.value - 6,
+ 2 * (settings.maxClassfileName.value - 6 - 2*marker.length - 32)
+ )
+ def toMD5(s: String, edge: Int): String = {
+ val prefix = s take edge
+ val suffix = s takeRight edge
+ val cs = s.toArray
+ val bytes = Codec toUTF8 cs
+ md5 update bytes
+ val md5chars = md5.digest() map (b => (b & 0xFF).toHexString) mkString
+ prefix + marker + md5chars + marker + suffix
+ }
+ def apply(s: String): String = (
+ if (s.length <= MaxNameLength) s
+ else toMD5(s, MaxNameLength / 4)
+ )
+ }
+ abstract class CommonNames {
+ type NameType <: Name
+ protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): NameType
+ def flattenedName(segments: Name*): NameType =
+ compactify(segments mkString NAME_JOIN_STRING)
+ val NAME_JOIN_STRING: String = NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
+ val SINGLETON_SUFFIX: String = ".type"
+ val ANON_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "$anon"
+ val ANON_FUN_NAME: NameType = "$anonfun"
+ val EMPTY: NameType = ""
+ val EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME: NameType = "<empty>"
+ val IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX = "$class"
+ val IMPORT: NameType = "<import>"
+ val MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX: NameType = "$module"
+ val PACKAGE: NameType = "package"
+ val ROOT: NameType = "<root>"
+ val SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX: NameType = "$sp"
+ // value types (and AnyRef) are all used as terms as well
+ // as (at least) arguments to the @specialize annotation.
+ final val Boolean: NameType = "Boolean"
+ final val Byte: NameType = "Byte"
+ final val Char: NameType = "Char"
+ final val Double: NameType = "Double"
+ final val Float: NameType = "Float"
+ final val Int: NameType = "Int"
+ final val Long: NameType = "Long"
+ final val Short: NameType = "Short"
+ final val Unit: NameType = "Unit"
+ final val ScalaValueNames: scala.List[NameType] =
+ scala.List(Byte, Char, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)
+ // some types whose companions we utilize
+ final val AnyRef: NameType = "AnyRef"
+ final val Array: NameType = "Array"
+ final val List: NameType = "List"
+ final val Seq: NameType = "Seq"
+ final val Symbol: NameType = "Symbol"
+ final val ClassTag: NameType = "ClassTag"
+ final val TypeTag : NameType = "TypeTag"
+ final val ConcreteTypeTag: NameType = "ConcreteTypeTag"
+ // fictions we use as both types and terms
+ final val ERROR: NameType = "<error>"
+ final val NO_NAME: NameType = "<none>" // formerly NOSYMBOL
+ final val WILDCARD: NameType = "_"
+ }
+ /** This should be the first trait in the linearization. */
+ // abstract class Keywords extends CommonNames {
+ abstract class Keywords extends {
+ private val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
final val CASEkw: TermName = kw("case")
@@ -81,66 +195,20 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
final val HASHkw: TermName = kw("#")
final val ATkw: TermName = kw("@")
- final val keywords = {
- val result = kws.toSet
- kws = null
- result
- }
+ final val keywords = kw.result
+ } with CommonNames {
final val javaKeywords = new JavaKeywords()
- trait CommonNames /*extends LibraryCommonNames*/ {
- type NameType <: Name
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): NameType
- val EMPTY: NameType = ""
- val ANON_FUN_NAME: NameType = "$anonfun"
- val ANON_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "$anon"
- val EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME: NameType = "<empty>"
- val IMPORT: NameType = "<import>"
- val MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX: NameType = "$module"
- val ROOT: NameType = "<root>"
- val PACKAGE: NameType = "package"
- val SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX: NameType = "$sp"
- // value types (and AnyRef) are all used as terms as well
- // as (at least) arguments to the @specialize annotation.
- final val Boolean: NameType = "Boolean"
- final val Byte: NameType = "Byte"
- final val Char: NameType = "Char"
- final val Double: NameType = "Double"
- final val Float: NameType = "Float"
- final val Int: NameType = "Int"
- final val Long: NameType = "Long"
- final val Short: NameType = "Short"
- final val Unit: NameType = "Unit"
- final val ScalaValueNames: scala.List[NameType] =
- scala.List(Byte, Char, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)
- // some types whose companions we utilize
- final val AnyRef: NameType = "AnyRef"
- final val Array: NameType = "Array"
- final val List: NameType = "List"
- final val Seq: NameType = "Seq"
- final val Symbol: NameType = "Symbol"
- final val ClassTag: NameType = "ClassTag"
- final val TypeTag : NameType = "TypeTag"
- final val ConcreteTypeTag: NameType = "ConcreteTypeTag"
- // fictions we use as both types and terms
- final val ERROR: NameType = "<error>"
- final val NO_NAME: NameType = "<none>" // formerly NOSYMBOL
- final val WILDCARD: NameType = "_"
- }
+ abstract class TypeNames extends Keywords {
+ type NameType = TypeName
+ protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(name)
- trait TypeNames extends CommonNames {
final val BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<byname>"
final val EQUALS_PATTERN_NAME: NameType = "<equals>"
final val JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<repeated...>"
final val LOCAL_CHILD: NameType = "<local child>"
+ final val REFINE_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<refinement>"
final val REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<repeated>"
final val WILDCARD_STAR: NameType = "_*"
@@ -161,7 +229,7 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
final val Annotation: NameType = "Annotation"
final val ClassfileAnnotation: NameType = "ClassfileAnnotation"
final val Enum: NameType = "Enum"
+ final val Group: NameType = "Group"
final val Tree: NameType = "Tree"
final val TypeTree: NameType = "TypeTree"
@@ -189,34 +257,195 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
final val SignatureATTR: NameType = "Signature"
final val SourceFileATTR: NameType = "SourceFile"
final val SyntheticATTR: NameType = "Synthetic"
+ def dropSingletonName(name: Name): TypeName = name dropRight SINGLETON_SUFFIX.length toTypeName
+ def singletonName(name: Name): TypeName = name append SINGLETON_SUFFIX toTypeName
+ def implClassName(name: Name): TypeName = name append IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX toTypeName
+ def interfaceName(implname: Name): TypeName = implname dropRight IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX.length toTypeName
- trait TermNames extends Keywords with CommonNames {
+ abstract class TermNames extends Keywords {
+ type NameType = TermName
+ protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(name)
+ /** Base strings from which synthetic names are derived. */
+ val BITMAP_PREFIX = "bitmap$"
+ val CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING = "check$ifrefutable$"
+ val DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING = "$default$"
+ val DO_WHILE_PREFIX = "doWhile$"
+ val EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX = "evidence$"
+ val EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX = "exceptionResult"
+ val LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX = "<local " // owner of local blocks
+ val PROTECTED_PREFIX = "protected$"
+ val SUPER_PREFIX_STRING = "super$"
+ val WHILE_PREFIX = "while$"
// Compiler internal names
- val ANYNAME: NameType = "<anyname>"
- val CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "<init>"
- val FAKE_LOCAL_THIS: NameType = "this$"
- val INITIALIZER: NameType = CONSTRUCTOR // Is this buying us something?
- val LAZY_LOCAL: NameType = "$lzy"
- val MIRROR_PREFIX: NameType = "$mr."
- val MIRROR_SHORT: NameType = "$mr"
- val MIRROR_FREE_PREFIX: NameType = "free$"
- val MIRROR_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX: NameType = "$this"
- val MIRROR_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX: NameType = "$value"
- val MIRROR_SYMDEF_PREFIX: NameType = "symdef$"
- val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "$init$"
- val OUTER: NameType = "$outer"
- val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER + LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING // "$outer ", note the space
- val OUTER_SYNTH: NameType = "<outer>" // emitted by virtual pattern matcher, replaced by outer accessor in explicitouter
- val SELECTOR_DUMMY: NameType = "<unapply-selector>"
- val SELF: NameType = "$this"
- val SPECIALIZED_INSTANCE: NameType = "specInstance$"
- val STAR: NameType = "*"
- val THIS: NameType = "_$this"
+ val ANYNAME: NameType = "<anyname>"
+ val CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "<init>"
+ val FAKE_LOCAL_THIS: NameType = "this$"
+ val INITIALIZER: NameType = CONSTRUCTOR // Is this buying us something?
+ val LAZY_LOCAL: NameType = "$lzy"
+ val MIRROR_FREE_PREFIX: NameType = "free$"
+ val MIRROR_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX: NameType = "$this"
+ val MIRROR_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX: NameType = "$value"
+ val MIRROR_PREFIX: NameType = "$mr."
+ val MIRROR_SHORT: NameType = "$mr"
+ val MIRROR_SYMDEF_PREFIX: NameType = "symdef$"
+ val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "$init$"
+ val OUTER: NameType = "$outer"
+ val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER + LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING // "$outer ", note the space
+ val OUTER_SYNTH: NameType = "<outer>" // emitted by virtual pattern matcher, replaced by outer accessor in explicitouter
+ val SELECTOR_DUMMY: NameType = "<unapply-selector>"
+ val SELF: NameType = "$this"
+ val SETTER_SUFFIX: NameType = encode("_=")
+ val SPECIALIZED_INSTANCE: NameType = "specInstance$"
+ val STAR: NameType = "*"
+ val THIS: NameType = "_$this"
+ @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
+ @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
+ def isConstructorName(name: Name) = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
+ def isExceptionResultName(name: Name) = name startsWith EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX
+ def isImplClassName(name: Name) = name endsWith IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX
+ def isLocalDummyName(name: Name) = name startsWith LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX
+ def isLocalName(name: Name) = name endsWith LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def isLoopHeaderLabel(name: Name) = (name startsWith WHILE_PREFIX) || (name startsWith DO_WHILE_PREFIX)
+ def isProtectedAccessorName(name: Name) = name startsWith PROTECTED_PREFIX
+ def isSuperAccessorName(name: Name) = name startsWith SUPER_PREFIX_STRING
+ def isReplWrapperName(name: Name) = name containsName INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER
+ def isSetterName(name: Name) = name endsWith SETTER_SUFFIX
+ def isTraitSetterName(name: Name) = isSetterName(name) && (name containsName TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
+ def isSingletonName(name: Name) = name endsWith SINGLETON_SUFFIX
+ def isModuleName(name: Name) = name endsWith MODULE_SUFFIX_NAME
+ def isOpAssignmentName(name: Name) = name match {
+ case raw.NE | raw.LE | raw.GE | EMPTY => false
+ case _ =>
+ name.endChar == '=' && name.startChar != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.startChar)
+ }
+ /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator`
+ */
+ def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String = EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING): TermName =
+ newTermNameCached(base.fullName('$') + separator + name)
+ /** The expanded setter name of `name` relative to this class `base`
+ */
+ def expandedSetterName(name: TermName, base: Symbol): TermName =
+ expandedName(name, base, separator = TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
+ /** If `name` is an expandedName name, the original name.
+ * Otherwise `name` itself.
+ */
+ def originalName(name: Name): Name = {
+ var i = name.length
+ while (i >= 2 && !(name(i - 1) == '$' && name(i - 2) == '$')) i -= 1
+ if (i >= 2) {
+ while (i >= 3 && name(i - 3) == '$') i -= 1
+ name.subName(i, name.length)
+ } else name
+ }
+ def unspecializedName(name: Name): Name = (
+ if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX)
+ name.subName(0, name.lastIndexOf('m') - 1)
+ else name
+ )
+ /*
+ def anonNumberSuffix(name: Name): Name = {
+ ("" + name) lastIndexOf '$' match {
+ case -1 => nme.EMPTY
+ case idx =>
+ val s = name drop idx
+ if (s.toString forall (_.isDigit)) s
+ else nme.EMPTY
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /** Return the original name and the types on which this name
+ * is specialized. For example,
+ * {{{
+ * splitSpecializedName("foo$mIcD$sp") == ('foo', "I", "D")
+ * }}}
+ * `foo$mIcD$sp` is the name of a method specialized on two type
+ * parameters, the first one belonging to the method itself, on Int,
+ * and another one belonging to the enclosing class, on Double.
+ */
+ def splitSpecializedName(name: Name): (Name, String, String) =
+ if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX) {
+ val name1 = name dropRight SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX.length
+ val idxC = name1 lastIndexOf 'c'
+ val idxM = name1 lastIndexOf 'm'
+ (name1.subName(0, idxM - 1),
+ name1.subName(idxC + 1, name1.length).toString,
+ name1.subName(idxM + 1, idxC).toString)
+ } else
+ (name, "", "")
+ def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = if (isLocalName(name)) localToGetter(name) else name
+ def getterToLocal(name: TermName): TermName = name append LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def getterToSetter(name: TermName): TermName = name append SETTER_SUFFIX
+ def localToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name dropRight LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING.length
+ def dropLocalSuffix(name: Name): Name = if (name endsWith ' ') name dropRight 1 else name
+ def setterToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = {
+ if (p < name.length)
+ setterToGetter(name drop (p + TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING.length))
+ else
+ name.subName(0, name.length - SETTER_SUFFIX.length)
+ }
+ def defaultGetterName(name: Name, pos: Int): TermName = {
+ val prefix = if (isConstructorName(name)) "init" else name
+ newTermName(prefix + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING + pos)
+ }
+ def defaultGetterToMethod(name: Name): TermName = {
+ val p = name.pos(DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING)
+ if (p < name.length) name.toTermName.subName(0, p)
+ else name.toTermName
+ }
+ // If the name ends with $nn where nn are
+ // all digits, strip the $ and the digits.
+ // Otherwise return the argument.
+ def stripAnonNumberSuffix(name: Name): Name = {
+ var pos = name.length
+ while (pos > 0 && name(pos - 1).isDigit)
+ pos -= 1
+ if (pos <= 0 || pos == name.length || name(pos - 1) != '$') name
+ else name.subName(0, pos - 1)
+ }
+ def stripModuleSuffix(name: Name): Name = (
+ if (isModuleName(name)) name dropRight MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING.length else name
+ )
+ def localDummyName(clazz: Symbol): TermName = newTermName(LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX + + ">")
+ def superName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(SUPER_PREFIX_STRING + name)
+ /** The name of an accessor for protected symbols. */
+ def protName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_PREFIX + name)
+ /** The name of a setter for protected symbols. Used for inherited Java fields. */
+ def protSetterName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_SET_PREFIX + name)
final val Nil: NameType = "Nil"
final val Predef: NameType = "Predef"
@@ -508,19 +737,11 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
val toInteger: NameType = "toInteger"
- object tpnme extends AbsTypeNames with TypeNames /*with LibraryTypeNames*/ with TypeNameMangling {
- type NameType = TypeName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(name)
- val REFINE_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<refinement>"
- }
+ object tpnme extends TypeNames with AbsTypeNames { }
/** For fully qualified type names.
object fulltpnme extends TypeNames {
- type NameType = TypeName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(name)
val RuntimeNothing: NameType = "scala.runtime.Nothing$"
val RuntimeNull: NameType = "scala.runtime.Null$"
val JavaLangEnum: NameType = "java.lang.Enum"
@@ -535,18 +756,9 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
val RuntimeNull = toBinary(fulltpnme.RuntimeNull).toTypeName
- object fullnme extends TermNames {
- type NameType = TermName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(name)
- val MirrorPackage: NameType = "scala.reflect.mirror"
- }
val javanme = nme.javaKeywords
- object nme extends AbsTermNames with TermNames /*with LibraryTermNames*/ with TermNameMangling {
- type NameType = TermName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(name)
+ object nme extends TermNames with AbsTermNames {
/** Translate a String into a list of simple TypeNames and TermNames.
* In all segments before the last, type/term is determined by whether
@@ -586,40 +798,20 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
def newBitmapName(bitmapPrefix: Name, n: Int) = bitmapPrefix append ("" + n)
- val BITMAP_PREFIX: String = "bitmap$"
val BITMAP_NORMAL: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "" // initialization bitmap for public/protected lazy vals
val BITMAP_TRANSIENT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "trans$" // initialization bitmap for transient lazy vals
val BITMAP_PRIVATE: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "priv$" // initialization bitmap for private lazy vals
val BITMAP_CHECKINIT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "init$" // initialization bitmap for checkinit values
val BITMAP_CHECKINIT_TRANSIENT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "inittrans$" // initialization bitmap for transient checkinit values
- /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator`
- */
- def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String = EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING): TermName =
- newTermNameCached(base.fullName('$') + separator + name)
def isModuleVarName(name: Name): Boolean =
stripAnonNumberSuffix(name) endsWith MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX
def moduleVarName(name: TermName): TermName =
newTermNameCached("" + name + MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX)
- val ROOTPKG: TermName = "_root_"
- /** Base strings from which synthetic names are derived. */
- val CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING = "check$ifrefutable$"
- val DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING = "$default$"
- val DO_WHILE_PREFIX = "doWhile$"
- val EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR_STRING = "eqEqTemp$"
- val EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX = "evidence$"
- val EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX = "exceptionResult"
- val WHILE_PREFIX = "while$"
+ val ROOTPKG: TermName = "_root_"
+ val EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR: TermName = "eqEqTemp$"
def getCause = sn.GetCause
def getClass_ = sn.GetClass
@@ -783,6 +975,11 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
case 22 => nme._22
case _ => newTermName("_" + j)
+ @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def dropSingletonName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.dropSingletonName(name)
+ @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def singletonName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.singletonName(name)
+ @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def implClassName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.implClassName(name)
+ @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def interfaceName(implname: Name): TypeName = tpnme.interfaceName(implname)
abstract class SymbolNames {
@@ -816,12 +1013,7 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
class JavaKeywords {
- private var kws: Set[TermName] = Set()
- private def kw(s: String): TermName = {
- val result = newTermNameCached(s)
- kws = kws + result
- result
- }
+ private val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
final val ASSERTkw: TermName = kw("assert")
@@ -874,11 +1066,7 @@ trait StdNames extends NameManglers { self: SymbolTable =>
final val VOLATILEkw: TermName = kw("volatile")
final val WHILEkw: TermName = kw("while")
- final val keywords = {
- val result = kws.toSet
- kws = null
- result
- }
+ final val keywords = kw.result
private abstract class JavaNames extends SymbolNames {