path: root/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2011-05-16 22:22:10 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-05-16 22:22:10 +0000
commit1a9b0c9926dcbc086e8aa3c06a41572cd838d06e (patch)
tree8cc06ff3999035f718d0684ac72c68203d81f2c6 /src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
parentfff93cd0497916708e6a9a9207660623ed2e50ee (diff)
Renamed scala.reflect.common to scala.reflect.i...
Renamed scala.reflect.common to scala.reflect.internal to better emphasize that it is not API. (The brush was overly broad, and some files now need to be rescued from being internal.) No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88fab9054b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+package scala.reflect
+package internal
+trait TypeDebugging {
+ self: SymbolTable =>
+ import definitions._
+ // @M toString that is safe during debugging (does not normalize, ...)
+ object TypeDebugStrings {
+ object str {
+ def parentheses(xs: List[_]): String = xs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ def brackets(xs: List[_]): String = if (xs.isEmpty) "" else xs.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
+ def tparams(tparams: List[Type]): String = brackets(tparams map debug)
+ def parents(ps: List[Type]): String = (ps map debug).mkString(" with ")
+ def refine(defs: Scope): String = defs.toList.mkString("{", " ;\n ", "}")
+ }
+ def dump(tp: Type): Unit = {
+ println("** " + tp + " / " + tp.getClass + " **")
+ import tp._
+ println("typeSymbol = " + typeSymbol)
+ println("termSymbol = " + termSymbol)
+ println("widen = " + widen)
+ println("deconst = " + deconst)
+ println("typeOfThis = " + typeOfThis)
+ println("bounds = " + bounds)
+ println("parents = " + parents)
+ println("prefixChain = " + prefixChain)
+ println("typeConstructor = " + typeConstructor)
+ println(" .. typeConstructor.typeParams = " + typeConstructor.typeParams)
+ println(" .. _.variance = " + (typeConstructor.typeParams map (_.variance)))
+ println("typeArgs = " + typeArgs)
+ println("resultType = " + resultType)
+ println("finalResultType = " + finalResultType)
+ println("paramss = " + paramss)
+ println("paramTypes = " + paramTypes)
+ println("typeParams = " + typeParams)
+ println("boundSyms = " + boundSyms)
+ println("baseTypeSeq = " + baseTypeSeq)
+ println("baseClasses = " + baseClasses)
+ println("toLongString = " + toLongString)
+ }
+ private def debug(tp: Type): String = tp match {
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => debug(pre) + "." + sym.nameString + str.tparams(args)
+ case ThisType(sym) => sym.nameString + ".this"
+ case SingleType(pre, sym) => debug(pre) +"."+ sym.nameString +".type"
+ case RefinedType(parents, defs) => str.parents(parents) + str.refine(defs)
+ case ClassInfoType(parents, defs, clazz) => "class "+ clazz.nameString + str.parents(parents) + str.refine(defs)
+ case PolyType(tparams, result) => str.brackets(tparams) + " " + debug(result)
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => ">: "+ debug(lo) +" <: "+ debug(hi)
+ case tv @ TypeVar(_, _) => tv.toString
+ case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe) => "forSome "+ str.brackets(tparams) + " " + debug(qtpe)
+ case _ => tp.toString
+ }
+ def debugString(tp: Type) = debug(tp)
+ }
+ private def TDS = TypeDebugStrings
+ def paramString(tp: Type) = TDS.str parentheses (tp.params map (_.defString))
+ def typeParamsString(tp: Type) = TDS.str brackets (tp.typeParams map (_.defString))
+ def typeArgsString(tp: Type) = TDS.str brackets (tp.typeArgs map (_.safeToString))
+ def debugString(tp: Type) = TDS debugString tp