path: root/src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala
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authorEugene Burmako <>2012-04-12 01:59:46 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-04-12 02:04:14 +0200
commit814cf34fb00f9ccb001249f4b3445ebc4f9942c9 (patch)
tree24dd54da571d27f10b0c482a6e08932c318fd7b2 /src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala
parentdb3056f11730da19e4e56f09f12e300bda62f57c (diff)
Next generation of macros
Implements SIP 16: Self-cleaning macros: Features: * Macro defs * Reification * Type tags * Manifests aliased to type tags * Extended reflection API * Several hundred tests * 1111 changed files Not yet implemented: * Reification of refined types * Expr.value splicing * Named and default macro expansions * Intricacies of interaction between macros and implicits * Emission of debug information for macros (compliant with JSR-45) Dedicated to Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e700604612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Reshape.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+package scala.reflect.reify
+package phases
+trait Reshape {
+ self: Reifier =>
+ import mirror._
+ import definitions._
+ import treeInfo._
+ /**
+ * Rolls back certain changes that were introduced during typechecking of the reifee.
+ *
+ * These include:
+ * * Replacing type trees with TypeTree(tpe)
+ * * Transforming Modifiers.annotations into Symbol.annotations
+ * * Transforming Annotated annotations into AnnotatedType annotations
+ * * Transforming Annotated(annot, expr) into Typed(expr, TypeTree(Annotated(annot, _))
+ * * Non-idempotencies of the typechecker:
+ */
+ val reshape = new Transformer {
+ var currentSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ override def transform(tree: Tree) = {
+ currentSymbol = tree.symbol
+ val preTyper = tree match {
+ case tree if tree.isErroneous =>
+ tree
+ case tt @ TypeTree() =>
+ toPreTyperTypeTree(tt)
+ case toa @ TypedOrAnnotated(_) =>
+ toPreTyperTypedOrAnnotated(toa)
+ case ta @ TypeApply(hk, ts) =>
+ val discard = ts collect { case tt: TypeTree => tt } exists isDiscarded
+ if (reifyDebug && discard) println("discarding TypeApply: " + tree)
+ if (discard) hk else ta
+ case classDef @ ClassDef(mods, name, params, impl) =>
+ val Template(parents, self, body) = impl
+ var body1 = trimAccessors(classDef, body)
+ body1 = trimSyntheticCaseClassMembers(classDef, body1)
+ var impl1 = Template(parents, self, body1).copyAttrs(impl)
+ ClassDef(mods, name, params, impl1).copyAttrs(classDef)
+ case moduledef @ ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
+ val Template(parents, self, body) = impl
+ var body1 = trimAccessors(moduledef, body)
+ body1 = trimSyntheticCaseClassMembers(moduledef, body1)
+ var impl1 = Template(parents, self, body1).copyAttrs(impl)
+ ModuleDef(mods, name, impl1).copyAttrs(moduledef)
+ case template @ Template(parents, self, body) =>
+ val discardedParents = parents collect { case tt: TypeTree => tt } filter isDiscarded
+ if (reifyDebug && discardedParents.length > 0) println("discarding parents in Template: " + discardedParents.mkString(", "))
+ val parents1 = parents diff discardedParents
+ val body1 = trimSyntheticCaseClassCompanions(body)
+ Template(parents1, self, body1).copyAttrs(template)
+ case block @ Block(stats, expr) =>
+ val stats1 = trimSyntheticCaseClassCompanions(stats)
+ Block(stats1, expr).copyAttrs(block)
+ case valdef @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if valdef.symbol.isLazy =>
+ if (reifyDebug) println("dropping $lzy in lazy val's name: " + tree)
+ val name1 = if (name endsWith nme.LAZY_LOCAL) name dropRight nme.LAZY_LOCAL.length else name
+ ValDef(mods, name1, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(valdef)
+ case unapply @ UnApply(fun, args) =>
+ def extractExtractor(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val Apply(fun, args) = tree
+ args match {
+ case List(Ident(special)) if special == nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY =>
+ val Select(extractor, flavor) = fun
+ assert(flavor == nme.unapply || flavor == nme.unapplySeq)
+ extractor
+ case _ =>
+ extractExtractor(fun)
+ }
+ }
+ if (reifyDebug) println("unapplying unapply: " + tree)
+ val fun1 = extractExtractor(fun)
+ Apply(fun1, args).copyAttrs(unapply)
+ case Literal(const @ Constant(tpe: Type)) =>
+ // todo. implement this
+ ???
+ case Literal(const @ Constant(sym: Symbol)) =>
+ // todo. implement this
+ ???
+ case _ =>
+ tree
+ }
+ super.transform(preTyper)
+ }
+ override def transformModifiers(mods: Modifiers) = {
+ val mods1 = toPreTyperModifiers(mods, currentSymbol)
+ super.transformModifiers(mods1)
+ }
+ private def toPreTyperModifiers(mods: Modifiers, sym: Symbol) = {
+ if (!sym.annotations.isEmpty) {
+ val Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations) = mods
+ val postTyper = sym.annotations filter (_.original != EmptyTree)
+ if (reifyDebug && !postTyper.isEmpty) println("reify symbol annotations for: " + sym)
+ if (reifyDebug && !postTyper.isEmpty) println("originals are: " + sym.annotations)
+ val preTyper = postTyper map toPreTyperAnnotation
+ mods.withAnnotations(preTyper)
+ } else {
+ mods
+ }
+ }
+ /** Restore pre-typer representation of a type.
+ *
+ * NB: This is the trickiest part of reification!
+ *
+ * In most cases, we're perfectly fine to reify a Type itself (see ``reifyType'').
+ * However if the type involves a symbol declared inside the quasiquote (i.e. registered in ``boundSyms''),
+ * then we cannot reify it, or otherwise subsequent reflective compilation will fail.
+ *
+ * Why will it fail? Because reified deftrees (e.g. ClassDef(...)) will generate fresh symbols during that compilation,
+ * so naively reified symbols will become out of sync, which brings really funny compilation errors and/or crashes, e.g.:
+ *
+ *
+ * To deal with this unpleasant fact, we need to fall back from types to equivalent trees (after all, parser trees don't contain any types, just trees, so it should be possible).
+ * Luckily, these original trees get preserved for us in the ``original'' field when Trees get transformed into TypeTrees.
+ * And if an original of a type tree is empty, we can safely assume that this type is non-essential (e.g. was inferred/generated by the compiler).
+ * In that case the type can be omitted (e.g. reified as an empty TypeTree), since it will be inferred again later on.
+ *
+ * An important property of the original is that it isn't just a pre-typer tree.
+ * It's actually kind of a post-typer tree with symbols assigned to its Idents (e.g. Ident("List") will contain a symbol that points to immutable.this.List).
+ * This is very important, since subsequent reflective compilation won't have to resolve these symbols.
+ * In general case, such resolution cannot be performed, since reification doesn't preserve lexical context,
+ * which means that reflective compilation won't be aware of, say, imports that were provided when the reifee has been compiled.
+ *
+ * This workaround worked surprisingly well and allowed me to fix several important reification bugs, until the abstraction has leaked.
+ * Suddenly I found out that in certain contexts original trees do not contain symbols, but are just parser trees.
+ * To the moment I know only one such situation: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place, but rather creates new trees and typechecks them, so the original remains symless.
+ * Thus we apply a workaround for that in typedAnnotated. I hope this will be the only workaround in this department.
+ *
+ * upd. Recently I went ahead and started using original for all TypeTrees, regardless of whether they refer to local symbols or not.
+ * As a result, ``reifyType'' is never called directly by tree reification (and, wow, it seems to work great!).
+ * The only usage of ``reifyType'' now is for servicing typetags, however, I have some ideas how to get rid of that as well.
+ */
+ private def isDiscarded(tt: TypeTree) = tt.original == null
+ private def toPreTyperTypeTree(tt: TypeTree): Tree = {
+ if (tt.original != null) {
+ // here we rely on the fact that the originals that reach this point
+ // have all necessary symbols attached to them (i.e. that they can be recompiled in any lexical context)
+ // if this assumption fails, please, don't be quick to add postprocessing here (like I did before)
+ // but rather try to fix this in Typer, so that it produces quality originals (like it's done for typedAnnotated)
+ if (reifyDebug) println("TypeTree, essential: %s (%s)".format(tt.tpe, tt.tpe.kind))
+ if (reifyDebug) println("verdict: rolled back to original %s".format(tt.original))
+ transform(tt.original)
+ } else {
+ // type is deemed to be non-essential
+ // erase it and hope that subsequent reflective compilation will be able to recreate it again
+ if (reifyDebug) println("TypeTree, non-essential: %s (%s)".format(tt.tpe, tt.tpe.kind))
+ if (reifyDebug) println("verdict: discarded")
+ TypeTree()
+ }
+ }
+ private def toPreTyperTypedOrAnnotated(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case ty @ Typed(expr1, tt @ TypeTree()) =>
+ if (reifyDebug) println("reify typed: " + tree)
+ val annotatedArg = {
+ def loop(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case annotated1 @ Annotated(ann, annotated2 @ Annotated(_, _)) => loop(annotated2)
+ case annotated1 @ Annotated(ann, arg) => arg
+ case _ => EmptyTree
+ }
+ loop(tt.original)
+ }
+ if (annotatedArg != EmptyTree) {
+ if (annotatedArg.isType) {
+ if (reifyDebug) println("verdict: was an annotated type, reify as usual")
+ ty
+ } else {
+ if (reifyDebug) println("verdict: was an annotated value, equivalent is " + tt.original)
+ toPreTyperTypedOrAnnotated(tt.original)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (reifyDebug) println("verdict: wasn't annotated, reify as usual")
+ ty
+ }
+ case at @ Annotated(annot, arg) =>
+ if (reifyDebug) println("reify type annotations for: " + tree)
+ assert(at.tpe.isInstanceOf[AnnotatedType], "%s (%s)".format(at.tpe, at.tpe.kind))
+ val annot1 = toPreTyperAnnotation(at.tpe.asInstanceOf[AnnotatedType].annotations(0))
+ if (reifyDebug) println("originals are: " + annot1)
+ Annotated(annot1, arg).copyAttrs(at)
+ }
+ /** Restore pre-typer representation of an annotation.
+ * The trick here is to retain the symbols that have been populated during typechecking of the annotation.
+ * If we do not do that, subsequent reflective compilation will fail.
+ */
+ private def toPreTyperAnnotation(ann: AnnotationInfo): Tree = {
+ val args = if (ann.assocs.isEmpty) {
+ ann.args
+ } else {
+ def toScalaAnnotation(jann: ClassfileAnnotArg): Tree = jann match {
+ case LiteralAnnotArg(const) =>
+ Literal(const)
+ case ArrayAnnotArg(arr) =>
+ Apply(Ident(definitions.ArrayModule), arr.toList map toScalaAnnotation)
+ case NestedAnnotArg(ann) =>
+ toPreTyperAnnotation(ann)
+ }
+ ann.assocs map { case (nme, arg) => AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(nme), toScalaAnnotation(arg)) }
+ }
+ def extractOriginal: PartialFunction[Tree, Tree] = { case Apply(Select(New(tpt), _), _) => tpt }
+ assert(extractOriginal.isDefinedAt(ann.original), showRaw(ann.original))
+ New(TypeTree(ann.atp) setOriginal extractOriginal(ann.original), List(args))
+ }
+ // [Eugene] is this implemented correctly?
+ private def trimAccessors(deff: Tree, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ val symdefs = stats collect { case vodef: ValOrDefDef => vodef } map (vodeff => vodeff.symbol -> vodeff) toMap
+ val accessors = collection.mutable.Map[ValDef, List[DefDef]]()
+ stats collect { case ddef: DefDef => ddef } foreach (defdef => {
+ val valdef = symdefs get defdef.symbol.accessedOrSelf collect { case vdef: ValDef => vdef } getOrElse null
+ if (valdef != null) accessors(valdef) = accessors.getOrElse(valdef, Nil) :+ defdef
+ def detectBeanAccessors(prefix: String): Unit = {
+ if ( {
+ var name =
+ def uncapitalize(s: String) = if (s.length == 0) "" else { val chars = s.toCharArray; chars(0) = chars(0).toLower; new String(chars) }
+ def findValDef(name: String) = symdefs.values collect { case vdef: ValDef if nme.dropLocalSuffix( == name => vdef } headOption;
+ val valdef = findValDef(name) orElse findValDef(uncapitalize(name)) orNull;
+ if (valdef != null) accessors(valdef) = accessors.getOrElse(valdef, Nil) :+ defdef
+ }
+ }
+ detectBeanAccessors("get")
+ detectBeanAccessors("set")
+ detectBeanAccessors("is")
+ });
+ var stats1 = stats flatMap {
+ case vdef @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
+ val mods1 = if (accessors.contains(vdef)) {
+ val ddef = accessors(vdef)(0) // any accessor will do
+ val Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations) = mods
+ var flags1 = flags & ~LOCAL
+ if (!ddef.symbol.isPrivate) flags1 = flags1 & ~PRIVATE
+ val privateWithin1 = ddef.mods.privateWithin
+ val annotations1 = accessors(vdef).foldLeft(annotations)((curr, acc) => curr ++ (acc.symbol.annotations map toPreTyperAnnotation))
+ Modifiers(flags1, privateWithin1, annotations1) setPositions mods.positions
+ } else {
+ mods
+ }
+ val mods2 = toPreTyperModifiers(mods1, vdef.symbol)
+ val name1 = nme.dropLocalSuffix(name)
+ val vdef1 = ValDef(mods2, name1, tpt, rhs)
+ if (reifyDebug) println("resetting visibility of field: %s => %s".format(vdef, vdef1))
+ Some(vdef1) // no copyAttrs here, because new ValDef and old symbols are not out of sync
+ case ddef @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
+ if (accessors.values.exists(_.contains(ddef))) {
+ if (reifyDebug) println("discarding accessor method: " + ddef)
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(ddef)
+ }
+ case tree =>
+ Some(tree)
+ }
+ stats1
+ }
+ private def trimSyntheticCaseClassMembers(deff: Tree, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
+ stats filterNot (memberDef => memberDef.isDef && {
+ val isSynthetic = memberDef.symbol.isSynthetic
+ // this doesn't work for local classes, e.g. for ones that are top-level to a quasiquote (see comments to companionClass)
+ // that's why I replace the check with an assumption that all synthetic members are, in fact, generated of case classes
+ // val isCaseMember = deff.symbol.isCaseClass || deff.symbol.companionClass.isCaseClass
+ val isCaseMember = true
+ if (isSynthetic && isCaseMember && reifyDebug) println("discarding case class synthetic def: " + memberDef)
+ isSynthetic && isCaseMember
+ })
+ private def trimSyntheticCaseClassCompanions(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
+ stats diff (stats collect { case moddef: ModuleDef => moddef } filter (moddef => {
+ val isSynthetic = moddef.symbol.isSynthetic
+ // this doesn't work for local classes, e.g. for ones that are top-level to a quasiquote (see comments to companionClass)
+ // that's why I replace the check with an assumption that all synthetic modules are, in fact, companions of case classes
+ // val isCaseCompanion = moddef.symbol.companionClass.isCaseClass
+ val isCaseCompanion = true
+ if (isSynthetic && isCaseCompanion && reifyDebug) println("discarding synthetic case class companion: " + moddef)
+ isSynthetic && isCaseCompanion
+ }))
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file