path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
diff options
authorGilles Dubochet <>2006-03-08 16:29:16 +0000
committerGilles Dubochet <>2006-03-08 16:29:16 +0000
commitc7e1b5449f349d135cce6eceef2a906411d4fd41 (patch)
tree1475a8979bbc646ed4dbef827d3a1e1aaceaef53 /src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
parent2534d32a6e6f6905c5e801493f980f64c7a739fc (diff)
Added a Scaladoc ant task and extended SABBUS t...
Added a Scaladoc ant task and extended SABBUS to use it.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fc1c03f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+/* __ ______________ *\
+** / |/ / ____/ ____/ **
+** / | | /___ / /___ **
+** /_/|__/_____/_____/ Copyright 2005-2006 LAMP/EPFL **
+** $Id: Scalac.scala 5676 2006-02-01 13:51:26Z mcdirmid $
+\* */
+package {
+ import{File, InputStream, FileWriter}
+ import{URL, URLClassLoader}
+ import java.util.{ArrayList, Vector}
+ import{AntClassLoader, BuildException,
+ DirectoryScanner, Project}
+ import
+ import
+ import{FileUtils, GlobPatternMapper,
+ SourceFileScanner}
+ import{EnumeratedAttribute, Reference}
+ import{Reporter, ConsoleReporter}
+ import{Global, FatalError, Settings}
+ import
+ /** An Ant task to document Scala code.
+ * This task can take the following parameters as attributes:<ul>
+ * <li>srcdir (mandatory),</li>
+ * <li>srcref,</li>
+ * <li>destdir,</li>
+ * <li>classpath,</li>
+ * <li>classpathref,</li>
+ * <li>sourcepath,</li>
+ * <li>sourcepathref,</li>
+ * <li>bootclasspath,</li>
+ * <li>bootclasspathref,</li>
+ * <li>extdirs,</li>
+ * <li>extdirsref,</li>
+ * <li>encoding.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * It also takes the following parameters as nested elements:<ul>
+ * <li>src (for srcdir),</li>
+ * <li>classpath,</li>
+ * <li>sourcepath,</li>
+ * <li>bootclasspath,</li>
+ * <li>extdirs.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @author Gilles Dubochet */
+ class Scaladoc extends MatchingTask {
+ /** The unique Ant file utilities instance to use in this task. */
+ private val fileUtils = FileUtils.newFileUtils()
+** Ant user-properties **
+ /** The directories that contain source files to compile. */
+ private var origin: Option[Path] = None
+ /** The directory to put the compiled files in. */
+ private var destination: Option[File] = None
+ /** The class path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var classpath: Option[Path] = None
+ /** The source path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var sourcepath: Option[Path] = None
+ /** The boot class path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var bootclasspath: Option[Path] = None
+ /** The external extensions path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var extdirs: Option[Path] = None
+ /** The character encoding of the files to compile. */
+ private var encoding: Option[String] = None
+** Properties setters **
+ /** Sets the srcdir attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>origin</code>. */
+ def setSrcdir(input: Path) =
+ if (origin.isEmpty) origin = Some(input)
+ else origin.get.append(input)
+ /** Sets the <code>origin</code> as a nested src Ant parameter.
+ * @return An origin path to be configured. */
+ def createSrc(): Path = {
+ if (origin.isEmpty) origin = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ origin.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /** Sets the <code>origin</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to an origin path. */
+ def setSrcref(input: Reference) =
+ createSrc().setRefid(input)
+ /** Sets the destdir attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>destination</code>. */
+ def setDestdir(input: File) =
+ destination = Some(input)
+ /** Sets the classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>classpath</code>. */
+ def setClasspath(input: Path) =
+ if (classpath.isEmpty) classpath = Some(input)
+ else classpath.get.append(input)
+ /** Sets the <code>classpath</code> as a nested classpath Ant parameter.
+ * @return A class path to be configured. */
+ def createClasspath(): Path = {
+ if (classpath.isEmpty) classpath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ classpath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /** Sets the <code>classpath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a class path. */
+ def setClasspathref(input: Reference) =
+ createClasspath().setRefid(input)
+ /** Sets the sourcepath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>sourcepath</code>. */
+ def setSourcepath(input: Path) =
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty) sourcepath = Some(input)
+ else sourcepath.get.append(input)
+ /** Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
+ * @return A source path to be configured. */
+ def createSourcepath(): Path = {
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty) sourcepath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ sourcepath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /** Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a source path. */
+ def setSourcepathref(input: Reference) =
+ createSourcepath().setRefid(input)
+ /** Sets the boot classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>bootclasspath</code>. */
+ def setBootclasspath(input: Path) =
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) bootclasspath = Some(input)
+ else bootclasspath.get.append(input)
+ /** Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant
+ * parameter.
+ * @return A source path to be configured. */
+ def createBootclasspath(): Path = {
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) bootclasspath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ bootclasspath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /** Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as an external reference Ant
+ * parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a source path. */
+ def setBootclasspathref(input: Reference) =
+ createBootclasspath().setRefid(input)
+ /** Sets the external extensions path attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>extdirs</code>. */
+ def setExtdirs(input: Path) =
+ if (extdirs.isEmpty) extdirs = Some(input)
+ else extdirs.get.append(input)
+ /** Sets the <code>extdirs</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
+ * @return An extensions path to be configured. */
+ def createExtdirs(): Path = {
+ if (extdirs.isEmpty) extdirs = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ extdirs.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /** Sets the <code>extdirs</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to an extensions path. */
+ def setExtdirsref(input: Reference) =
+ createExtdirs().setRefid(input)
+ /** Sets the encoding attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>encoding</code>. */
+ def setEncoding(input: String): Unit =
+ encoding = Some(input)
+** Properties getters **
+ /** Gets the value of the classpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The class path as a list of files. */
+ private def getClasspath: List[File] =
+ if (classpath.isEmpty) error("Member 'classpath' is empty.")
+ else
+ List.fromArray(classpath.get.list()).map(nameToFile)
+ /** Gets the value of the origin attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The origin path as a list of files. */
+ private def getOrigin: List[File] =
+ if (origin.isEmpty) error("Member 'origin' is empty.")
+ else List.fromArray(origin.get.list()).map(nameToFile)
+ /** Gets the value of the destination attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The destination as a file. */
+ private def getDestination: File =
+ if (destination.isEmpty) error("Member 'destination' is empty.")
+ else existing(getProject().resolveFile(destination.get.toString()))
+ /** Gets the value of the sourcepath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The source path as a list of files. */
+ private def getSourcepath: List[File] =
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty) error("Member 'sourcepath' is empty.")
+ else List.fromArray(sourcepath.get.list()).map(nameToFile)
+ /** Gets the value of the bootclasspath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The boot class path as a list of files. */
+ private def getBootclasspath: List[File] =
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) error("Member 'bootclasspath' is empty.")
+ else List.fromArray(bootclasspath.get.list()).map(nameToFile)
+ /** Gets the value of the extdirs attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The extensions path as a list of files. */
+ private def getExtdirs: List[File] =
+ if (extdirs.isEmpty) error("Member 'extdirs' is empty.")
+ else List.fromArray(extdirs.get.list()).map(nameToFile)
+** Compilation and support methods **
+ /** This is forwarding method to circumvent bug #281 in Scala 2. Remove when
+ * bug has been corrected. */
+ override protected def getDirectoryScanner(baseDir: =
+ super.getDirectoryScanner(baseDir)
+ /** Transforms a string name into a file relative to the provided base
+ * directory.
+ * @param base A file pointing to the location relative to which the name
+ * will be resolved.
+ * @param name A relative or absolute path to the file as a string.
+ * @return A file created from the name and the base file. */
+ private def nameToFile(base: File)(name: String): File =
+ existing(fileUtils.resolveFile(base, name))
+ /** Transforms a string name into a file relative to the build root
+ * directory.
+ * @param name A relative or absolute path to the file as a string.
+ * @return A file created from the name. */
+ private def nameToFile(name: String): File =
+ existing(getProject().resolveFile(name))
+ /** Tests if a file exists and prints a warning in case it doesn't. Always
+ * returns the file, even if it doesn't exist.
+ * @param file A file to test for existance.
+ * @return The same file. */
+ private def existing(file: File): File = {
+ if (!file.exists())
+ log("Element '" + file.toString() + "' does not exist.",
+ Project.MSG_WARN)
+ file
+ }
+ /** Transforms a path into a Scalac-readable string.
+ * @param path A path to convert.
+ * @return A string-representation of the path like 'a.jar:b.jar'. */
+ private def asString(path: List[File]): String =
+"", File.pathSeparator, "")
+ /** Transforms a file into a Scalac-readable string.
+ * @param path A file to convert.
+ * @return A string-representation of the file like '/x/k/a.scala'. */
+ private def asString(file: File): String =
+ file.getAbsolutePath()
+ /** Generates a build error. Error location will be the current task in the
+ * ant file.
+ * @param message A message describing the error.
+ * @throws BuildException A build error exception thrown in every case. */
+ private def error(message: String): All =
+ throw new BuildException(message, getLocation())
+ private def readResource(resource: String): String = {
+ val chars = new Iterator[Char] {
+ private val stream =
+ this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource)
+ private def readStream(): Char =[Char]
+ private var buf: Char = readStream()
+ def hasNext: Boolean = (buf != (-1.).asInstanceOf[Char])
+ def next: Char = {
+ val bufbuf = buf
+ buf = readStream()
+ bufbuf
+ }
+ }
+ val builder = new StringBuffer()
+ while (chars.hasNext) {
+ builder.append(
+ }
+ builder.toString()
+ }
+ private def writeFile(file: File, content: String) =
+ if (file.exists() && !file.canWrite())
+ error("File " + file + " is not writable")
+ else {
+ val writer = new FileWriter(file, false)
+ writer.write(content)
+ writer.close()
+ }
+** The big execute method **
+ /** Performs the compilation. */
+ override def execute() = {
+ // Tests if all mandatory attributes are set and valid.
+ if (origin.isEmpty) error("Attribute 'srcdir' is not set.")
+ if (getOrigin.isEmpty) error("Attribute 'srcdir' is not set.")
+ if (!destination.isEmpty && !destination.get.isDirectory())
+ error("Attribute 'destdir' does not refer to an existing directory.")
+ if (destination.isEmpty) destination = Some(getOrigin.head)
+ val mapper = new GlobPatternMapper()
+ mapper.setTo("*.html")
+ mapper.setFrom("*.scala")
+ // Scans source directories to build up a compile lists.
+ // If force is false, only files were the .class file in destination is
+ // older than the .scala file will be used.
+ val sourceFiles: List[File] =
+ for {
+ val originDir <- getOrigin;
+ val originFile <- {
+ val includedFiles =
+ getDirectoryScanner(originDir).getIncludedFiles()
+ val list = List.fromArray(includedFiles)
+ if (list.length > 0)
+ log(
+ "Documenting " + list.length + " source file" +
+ (if (list.length > 1) "s" else "") +
+ (" to " + getDestination.toString())
+ )
+ else
+ log("No files selected for documentation", Project.MSG_VERBOSE)
+ list
+ }
+ } yield {
+ log(originFile.toString(), Project.MSG_DEBUG)
+ nameToFile(originDir)(originFile)
+ }
+ // Builds-up the compilation settings for Scalac with the existing Ant
+ // parameters.
+ val reporter = new ConsoleReporter()
+ val settings = new Settings(error)
+ settings.doc.value = true
+ settings.outdir.value = asString(destination.get)
+ if (!classpath.isEmpty)
+ settings.classpath.value = asString(getClasspath)
+ if (!sourcepath.isEmpty)
+ settings.sourcepath.value = asString(getSourcepath)
+ /*else if (origin.get.size() > 0)
+ settings.sourcepath.value = origin.get.list()(0)*/
+ if (!bootclasspath.isEmpty)
+ settings.bootclasspath.value = asString(getBootclasspath)
+ if (!extdirs.isEmpty) settings.extdirs.value = asString(getExtdirs)
+ if (!encoding.isEmpty) settings.encoding.value = encoding.get
+ // Compiles the actual code
+ object compiler extends Global(settings, reporter)
+ try {
+ val run = new compiler.Run
+ run.compile(>f.toString()))
+ object generator extends DocGenerator {
+ val global = compiler
+ val outdir = settings.outdir.value
+ }
+ generator.process(run.units)
+ if (reporter.errors > 0)
+ error (
+ "Document failed with " +
+ reporter.errors + " error" +
+ (if (reporter.errors > 1) "s" else "") +
+ "; see the documenter error output for details."
+ )
+ else if (reporter.warnings > 0)
+ log (
+ "Document suceeded with " +
+ reporter.warnings + " warning" +
+ (if (reporter.warnings > 1) "s" else "") +
+ "; see the documenter output for details."
+ )
+ reporter.printSummary()
+ } catch {
+ case exception: Throwable if (exception.getMessage != null) =>
+ exception.printStackTrace()
+ error("Document failed because of an internal documenter error (" +
+ exception.getMessage + "); see the error output for details.")
+ case exception =>
+ exception.printStackTrace()
+ error("Document failed because of an internal documenter error " +
+ "(no error message provided); see the error output for details.")
+ }
+ writeFile(
+ new File(settings.outdir.value, "script.js"),
+ readResource("scala/tools/ant/resources/script.js")
+ )
+ writeFile(
+ new File(settings.outdir.value, "style.css"),
+ readResource("scala/tools/ant/resources/style.css")
+ )
+ }
+ }