path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2010-02-08 22:28:17 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2010-02-08 22:28:17 +0000
commit171d21f11a58e905de8f96a9bac41f6aced3e384 (patch)
tree1abc4a6ca8597e517b78f2faef13064d7c69cfc6 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala
parent53545e7af8d3455f97d88c1a455fea86461419fb (diff)
Some work on classpaths.
at modulo some minor details which remain to be investigated. It is not entirely integrated, and should not involve any behavioral changes. The patch also contains a number of small improvements targetting widely duplicated code. PathResolver offers a main method. If run with no arguments it will output a pile of information about classpath relevant environment vars and properties. If given arguments, it will output the classpath info that any scala runner script would use if given the same args. There is a wrapper in the tools directory. Example: tools/pathResolver -extdirs /foo -sourcepath /bar | egrep "sourcePath|scalaExtDirs" scalaExtDirs = /foo sourcePath = /bar There is also a (probably temporary) command line option -Ylog-classpath which will print out the settings.classpath value anytime it changes. Review by community.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala
index 75a3414d75..95a2fff8de 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/CompilerCommand.scala
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ package
import Settings.Setting
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** A class representing command line info for scalac */
class CompilerCommand(
@@ -23,31 +25,22 @@ class CompilerCommand(
/** file extensions of files that the compiler can process */
lazy val fileEndings = Properties.fileEndings
- /** Private buffer for accumulating files to compile */
- private var fs: List[String] = List()
- /** Public list of files to compile */
- def files: List[String] = fs.reverse
/** The name of the command */
val cmdName = "scalac"
private val helpSyntaxColumnWidth: Int =
(settings.settingSet map (_.helpSyntax.length)) max
- private def format(s: String): String = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder(s)
- var i = s.length
- while (i < helpSyntaxColumnWidth) { buf.append(' '); i += 1 }
- buf.toString()
- }
+ private def format(s: String): String =
+ if (s.length >= helpSyntaxColumnWidth) s
+ else s + (" " * (helpSyntaxColumnWidth - s.length))
/** Creates a help message for a subset of options based on cond */
def createUsageMsg(label: String, cond: (Setting) => Boolean): String =
settings.settingSet .
filter(cond) .
map(s => format(s.helpSyntax) + " " + s.helpDescription) .
- mkString("Usage: %s <options> <source files>\n%s options include:\n " .
+ toList.sorted.mkString("Usage: %s <options> <source files>\n%s options include:\n " .
format(cmdName, label), "\n ", "\n")
/** Messages explaining usage and options */
@@ -76,52 +69,19 @@ class CompilerCommand(
case None => ""
- /** Whether the command was processed okay */
- var ok = true
- /** Process the arguments and update the settings accordingly.
- This method is called only once, during initialization. */
- protected def processArguments() {
- // initialization
- var args = arguments
- def errorAndNotOk(msg: String) = { error(msg) ; ok = false }
- // given a @ argument expands it out
- def doExpand(x: String) =
- try { args = util.ArgumentsExpander.expandArg(x) ::: args.tail }
- catch { case ex: IOException => errorAndNotOk(ex.getMessage) }
- // true if it's a legit looking source file
- def isSourceFile(x: String) =
- (settings.script.value != "") ||
- (fileEndings exists (x endsWith _))
- // given an option for scalac finds out what it is
- def doOption(x: String): Unit = {
- if (interactive)
- return errorAndNotOk("no options can be given in interactive mode")
- val argsLeft = settings.parseParams(args)
- if (args != argsLeft) args = argsLeft
- else errorAndNotOk("bad option: '" + x + "'")
- }
- // cycle through args until empty or error
- while (!args.isEmpty && ok) args.head match {
- case x if x startsWith "@" => doExpand(x)
- case x if x startsWith "-" => doOption(x)
- case x if isSourceFile(x) => fs = x :: fs ; args = args.tail
- case "" => args = args.tail // quick fix [martin: for what?]
- case x => errorAndNotOk("don't know what to do with " + x)
- }
- ok &&= settings.checkDependencies
- }
// CompilerCommand needs processArguments called at the end of its constructor,
// as does its subclass GenericRunnerCommand, but it cannot be called twice as it
// accumulates arguments. The fact that it's called from within the constructors
// makes initialization order an obstacle to simplicity.
- if (shouldProcessArguments)
- processArguments()
+ val (ok: Boolean, files: List[String]) =
+ if (shouldProcessArguments) {
+ // expand out @filename to the contents of that filename
+ val expandedArguments = arguments flatMap {
+ case x if x startsWith "@" => ArgumentsExpander expandArg x
+ case x => List(x)
+ }
+ settings processArguments expandedArguments
+ }
+ else (true, Nil)