path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2010-10-07 22:18:59 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2010-10-07 22:18:59 +0000
commit001e910f9774b2da00da2d56b7ba92d78a9c20ce (patch)
tree9216c2bc6192554894544a2e73d29da7e4e60b47 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
parent68aafb29c162c117d87ef4786ee2226bd08663bc (diff)
Did a bunch of symbol oriented work on checkers.
changes in Global and Typer to accomodate this, and renamed "Checkers" to "ICodeCheckers" to make some less confusing space for the future "SymbolCheckers". No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala')
1 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53205e26ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend
+package icode
+import scala.collection.mutable.{Buffer, ListBuffer, Map, HashMap}
+abstract class ICodeCheckers {
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ /** <p>
+ * This class performs a set of checks similar to what the bytecode
+ * verifier does. For each basic block, it checks that:
+ * </p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>
+ * for primitive operations: the type and numer of operands match
+ * the type of the operation
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * for method calls: the method exists in the type of the receiver
+ * and the number and type of arguments match the declared type of
+ * the method.
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * for object creation: the constructor can be called.
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * for load/stores: the field/local/param exists and the type
+ * of the value matches that of the target.
+ * </li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * For a control flow graph it checks that type stacks at entry to
+ * each basic block 'agree':
+ * </p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>they have the same length</li>
+ * <li>there exists a lub for all types at the same position in stacks.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @author Iulian Dragos
+ * @version 1.0, 06/09/2005
+ *
+ * @todo Better checks for <code>MONITOR_ENTER/EXIT</code>
+ * Better checks for local var initializations
+ */
+ class ICodeChecker {
+ import icodes._
+ import opcodes._
+ var clasz: IClass = _
+ var method: IMethod = _
+ var code: Code = _
+ val in: Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = new HashMap()
+ val out: Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = new HashMap()
+ val emptyStack = new TypeStack()
+ val STRING = REFERENCE(definitions.StringClass)
+ val BOXED_UNIT = REFERENCE(definitions.BoxedUnitClass)
+ val SCALA_NOTHING = REFERENCE(definitions.NothingClass)
+ val SCALA_NULL = REFERENCE(definitions.NullClass)
+ /** A wrapper to route log messages to debug output also.
+ */
+ def logChecker(msg: String) = {
+ log(msg)
+ checkerDebug(msg)
+ }
+ def checkICodes: Unit = {
+ if (settings.verbose.value)
+ println("[[consistency check at the beginning of phase " + + "]]")
+ classes.values foreach check
+ }
+ private def posStr(p: Position) =
+ if (p.isDefined) p.line.toString else "<no pos>"
+ private def indent(s: String, spaces: Int): String = indent(s, " " * spaces)
+ private def indent(s: String, prefix: String): String = {
+ val lines = s split "\\n"
+ lines map (prefix + _) mkString "\n"
+ }
+ private def blockAsString(bl: BasicBlock) = {
+ val s = bl.toList map (instr => posStr(instr.pos) + "\t" + instr) mkString (bl.fullString + " {\n ", "\n ", "\n}")
+ indent(s, "// ")
+ }
+ /** Only called when m1 < m2, so already known that (m1 ne m2).
+ */
+ private def isConfict(m1: IMember, m2: IMember, canOverload: Boolean) = (
+ ( == &&
+ (!canOverload || (m1.symbol.tpe =:= m2.symbol.tpe))
+ )
+ def check(cls: IClass) {
+ logChecker("\n** Checking class " + cls)
+ clasz = cls
+ for (f1 <- cls.fields ; f2 <- cls.fields ; if f1 < f2)
+ if (isConfict(f1, f2, false))
+"Repetitive field name: " + f1.symbol.fullName)
+ for (m1 <- cls.methods ; m2 <- cls.methods ; if m1 < m2)
+ if (isConfict(m1, m2, true))
+"Repetitive method: " + m1.symbol.fullName)
+ clasz.methods foreach check
+ }
+ def check(m: IMethod) {
+ logChecker("\n** Checking method " + m)
+ method = m
+ if (!m.isDeferred)
+ check(m.code)
+ }
+ def check(c: Code) {
+ var worklist: Buffer[BasicBlock] = new ListBuffer()
+ def append(elems: List[BasicBlock]) = elems foreach appendBlock;
+ def appendBlock(bl: BasicBlock) =
+ if (!(worklist contains bl))
+ worklist += bl
+ in.clear;
+ out.clear;
+ code = c;
+ worklist += c.startBlock
+ for (bl <- c.blocks) {
+ in += (bl -> emptyStack)
+ out += (bl -> emptyStack)
+ }
+ while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
+ val block = worklist(0);
+ worklist.trimStart(1);
+ val output = check(block, in(block));
+ if (output != out(block) || (out(block) eq emptyStack)) {
+ if (block.successors.nonEmpty || block.successors.nonEmpty)
+ logChecker("Output changed for " + block.fullString)
+ out(block) = output
+ append(block.successors)
+ block.successors foreach meet
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply the meet operator of the stack lattice on bl's predecessors.
+ * :-). Compute the input to bl by checking that all stacks have the
+ * same length, and taking the lub of types at the same positions.
+ */
+ def meet(bl: BasicBlock) {
+ val preds = bl.predecessors
+ /** XXX workaround #1: one stack empty, the other has BoxedUnit.
+ * One example where this arises is:
+ *
+ * def f(b: Boolean): Unit = synchronized { if (b) () }
+ */
+ def isAllUnits(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack) = {
+ List(s1, s2) forall (x => x.types forall (_ == BOXED_UNIT))
+ }
+ /** XXX workaround #2: different stacks heading into an exception
+ * handler which will clear them anyway. Examples where it arises:
+ *
+ * var bippy: Int = synchronized { if (b) 5 else 10 }
+ */
+ def isHandlerBlock() = bl.exceptionHandlerStart
+ /** The presence of emptyStack means that path has not yet been checked
+ * (and may not be empty) thus the reference eq tests.
+ */
+ def meet2(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack): TypeStack = {
+ def workaround(msg: String) = {
+ checkerDebug(msg + ": " + method + " at block " + bl)
+ checkerDebug(" s1: " + s1)
+ checkerDebug(" s2: " + s2)
+ new TypeStack()
+ }
+ def incompatibleString = (
+ "Incompatible stacks: " + s1 + " and " + s2 + " in " + method + " at entry to:\n" +
+ blockAsString(bl)
+ )
+ if (s1 eq emptyStack) s2
+ else if (s2 eq emptyStack) s1
+ else if (s1.length != s2.length) {
+ if (isAllUnits(s1, s2))
+ workaround("Ignoring mismatched boxed units")
+ else if (isHandlerBlock)
+ workaround("Ignoring mismatched stacks entering exception handler")
+ else
+ throw new CheckerException(incompatibleString)
+ }
+ else {
+ val newStack = new TypeStack((s1.types, s2.types).zipped map lub)
+ if (newStack.nonEmpty)
+ checkerDebug("Checker created new stack:\n (%s, %s) => %s".format(s1, s2, newStack))
+ newStack
+ }
+ }
+ if (preds.nonEmpty) {
+ in(bl) = (preds map out.apply) reduceLeft meet2;
+ log("Input changed for block: " + bl +" to: " + in(bl));
+ }
+ }
+ private var instruction: Instruction = null
+ private var basicBlock: BasicBlock = null
+ /**
+ * Check the basic block to be type correct and return the
+ * produced type stack.
+ */
+ def check(b: BasicBlock, initial: TypeStack): TypeStack = {
+ logChecker({
+ val prefix = "** Checking " + b.fullString
+ if (initial.isEmpty) prefix
+ else prefix + " with initial stack " + initial.types.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
+ })
+ var stack = new TypeStack(initial)
+ def checkStack(len: Int) {
+ if (stack.length < len)
+ ICodeChecker.this.error("Expected at least " + len + " elements on the stack", stack)
+ }
+ def sizeString(push: Boolean) = {
+ val arrow = if (push) "-> " else "<- "
+ val sp = " " * stack.length
+ sp + stack.length + arrow
+ }
+ def _popStack: TypeKind = {
+ if (stack.isEmpty) {
+ error("Popped empty stack in " + b.fullString + ", throwing a Unit")
+ return UNIT
+ }
+ val res = stack.pop
+ checkerDebug(sizeString(false) + res)
+ res
+ }
+ def popStack = { checkStack(1) ; _popStack }
+ def popStack2 = { checkStack(2) ; (_popStack, _popStack) }
+ def popStack3 = { checkStack(3) ; (_popStack, _popStack, _popStack) }
+ def clearStack() = 1 to stack.length foreach (_ => popStack)
+ def pushStack(xs: TypeKind*): Unit = {
+ xs foreach { x =>
+ if (x == UNIT) {
+ /** PP: I admit I'm not yet figuring out how the stacks will balance when
+ * we ignore UNIT, but I expect this knowledge will emerge naturally.
+ * In the meantime I'm logging it to help me out.
+ */
+ logChecker("Ignoring pushed UNIT")
+ }
+ else {
+ stack push x
+ checkerDebug(sizeString(true) + x)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.basicBlock = b
+ def typeError(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind) {
+ error("\n expected: " + k1 + "\n found: " + k2)
+ }
+ def subtypeTest(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind): Unit =
+ if (k1 <:< k2) ()
+ else typeError(k2, k1)
+ for (instr <- b) {
+ def checkLocal(local: Local): Unit = {
+ (method lookupLocal getOrElse {
+ error(" " + local + " is not defined in method " + method)
+ }
+ }
+ def checkField(obj: TypeKind, field: Symbol) {
+ obj match {
+ case REFERENCE(sym) =>
+ if ( == NoSymbol)
+ error(" " + field + " is not defined in class " + clasz);
+ case _ =>
+ error(" expected reference type, but " + obj + " found");
+ }
+ }
+ /** Checks that tpe is a subtype of one of the allowed types */
+ def checkType(tpe: TypeKind, allowed: TypeKind*) {
+ if (isOneOf(tpe, allowed: _*)) ()
+ else error(tpe + " is not one of: " + allowed.mkString("{ ", ", ", " }"))
+ }
+ def checkNumeric(tpe: TypeKind) =
+ /** Checks that the 2 topmost elements on stack are of the
+ * kind TypeKind.
+ */
+ def checkBinop(kind: TypeKind) {
+ val (a, b) = popStack2
+ checkType(a, kind)
+ checkType(b, kind)
+ }
+ /** Check that arguments on the stack match method params. */
+ def checkMethodArgs(method: Symbol) {
+ val params =
+ checkStack(params.length)
+ params.reverse foreach (tpe => checkType(popStack, toTypeKind(tpe)))
+ }
+ /** Checks that the object passed as receiver has a method
+ * <code>method</code> and that it is callable from the current method.
+ *
+ * @param receiver ...
+ * @param method ...
+ */
+ def checkMethod(receiver: TypeKind, method: Symbol) =
+ receiver match {
+ case REFERENCE(sym) =>
+ checkBool( != NoSymbol,
+ "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + sym.fullName);
+ if (method.isPrivate)
+ checkBool(method.owner == clasz.symbol,
+ "Cannot call private method of " + method.owner.fullName
+ + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName);
+ else if (method.isProtected)
+ checkBool(clasz.symbol isSubClass method.owner,
+ "Cannot call protected method of " + method.owner.fullName
+ + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName);
+ case ARRAY(_) =>
+ checkBool(receiver.toType.member( != NoSymbol,
+ "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + receiver)
+ case t =>
+ error("Not a reference type: " + t)
+ }
+ def checkBool(cond: Boolean, msg: String) =
+ if (!cond) error(msg)
+ this.instruction = instr
+ if (settings.debug.value) {
+ log("PC: " + instr)
+ log("stack: " + stack)
+ log("================")
+ }
+ instr match {
+ case THIS(clasz) =>
+ pushStack(toTypeKind(clasz.tpe))
+ case CONSTANT(const) =>
+ pushStack(toTypeKind(const.tpe))
+ case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
+ popStack2 match {
+ case (INT, ARRAY(elem)) =>
+ subtypeTest(elem, kind)
+ pushStack(elem)
+ case (a, b) =>
+ error(" expected and INT and a array reference, but " +
+ a + ", " + b + " found");
+ }
+ case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
+ checkLocal(local)
+ pushStack(local.kind)
+ case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
+ // the symbol's owner should contain it's field, but
+ // this is already checked by the type checker, no need
+ // to redo that here
+ if (isStatic) ()
+ else checkField(popStack, field)
+ pushStack(toTypeKind(field.tpe))
+ case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
+ checkBool((module.isModule || module.isModuleClass),
+ "Expected module: " + module + " flags: " + Flags.flagsToString(module.flags));
+ pushStack(toTypeKind(module.tpe));
+ case STORE_THIS(kind) =>
+ val actualType = popStack
+ if (actualType.isReferenceType) subtypeTest(actualType, kind)
+ else error("Expected this reference but found: " + actualType)
+ case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
+ popStack3 match {
+ case (k, INT, ARRAY(elem)) =>
+ subtypeTest(k, kind)
+ subtypeTest(k, elem)
+ case (a, b, c) =>
+ error(" expected and array reference, and int and " + kind +
+ " but " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + " found");
+ }
+ case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
+ checkLocal(local)
+ val actualType = popStack
+ // PP: ThrowableReference is temporary to deal with exceptions
+ // not yet appearing typed.
+ if (actualType == ThrowableReference || local.kind == SCALA_NULL) ()
+ else subtypeTest(actualType, local.kind)
+ case STORE_FIELD(field, true) => // static
+ val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe)
+ val actualType = popStack
+ subtypeTest(actualType, fieldType)
+ case STORE_FIELD(field, false) => // not static
+ val (value, obj) = popStack2
+ checkField(obj, field)
+ val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe)
+ if (fieldType == SCALA_NULL) ()
+ else subtypeTest(value, fieldType)
+ case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
+ checkStack(instr.consumed)
+ primitive match {
+ case Negation(kind) =>
+ checkType(popStack, kind)
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case Test(op, kind, zero) =>
+ if (zero) checkType(popStack, kind)
+ else checkBinop(kind)
+ pushStack(BOOL)
+ case Comparison(op, kind) =>
+ checkNumeric(kind)
+ checkBinop(kind)
+ pushStack(INT)
+ case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
+ checkNumeric(kind)
+ if (op == NOT)
+ checkType(popStack, kind)
+ else
+ checkBinop(kind)
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case Logical(op, kind) =>
+ checkType(kind, BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG)
+ checkBinop(kind)
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case Shift(op, kind) =>
+ checkType(kind, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG)
+ val (a, b) = popStack2
+ checkType(a, INT)
+ checkType(b, kind)
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case Conversion(src, dst) =>
+ checkNumeric(src)
+ checkNumeric(dst)
+ checkType(popStack, src)
+ pushStack(dst)
+ case ArrayLength(kind) =>
+ popStack match {
+ case ARRAY(elem) => checkType(elem, kind)
+ case arr => error(" array reference expected, but " + arr + " found")
+ }
+ pushStack(INT)
+ case StartConcat =>
+ pushStack(ConcatClass)
+ case EndConcat =>
+ checkType(popStack, ConcatClass)
+ pushStack(STRING)
+ case StringConcat(el) =>
+ checkType(popStack, el)
+ checkType(popStack, ConcatClass)
+ pushStack(ConcatClass)
+ }
+ case CALL_METHOD(method, style) =>
+ def paramCount =
+ def pushReturnType = pushStack(toTypeKind(
+ style match {
+ case Dynamic | InvokeDynamic =>
+ checkStack(1 + paramCount)
+ checkMethodArgs(method)
+ checkMethod(popStack, method)
+ pushReturnType
+ case Static(onInstance) =>
+ if (onInstance) {
+ checkStack(1 + paramCount)
+ checkBool(method.isPrivate || method.isConstructor,
+ "Static call to non-private method.")
+ checkMethodArgs(method)
+ checkMethod(popStack, method)
+ if (!method.isConstructor)
+ pushReturnType
+ }
+ else {
+ checkStack(paramCount);
+ checkMethodArgs(method);
+ pushReturnType
+ }
+ case SuperCall(mix) =>
+ checkStack(1 + paramCount)
+ checkMethodArgs(method)
+ checkMethod(popStack, method)
+ pushReturnType
+ }
+ case NEW(kind) =>
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
+ checkStack(dims)
+ stack.pop(dims) foreach (checkType(_, INT))
+ pushStack(ARRAY(elem))
+ case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
+ val ref = popStack
+ checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + ref)
+ checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + tpe)
+ pushStack(BOOL)
+ case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
+ val ref = popStack
+ checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + ref)
+ checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + tpe)
+ pushStack(tpe)
+ case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
+ checkType(popStack, INT)
+ checkBool(tags.length == labels.length - 1,
+ "The number of tags and labels does not coincide.")
+ checkBool(labels forall (b => code.blocks contains b),
+ "Switch target cannot be found in code.")
+ case JUMP(whereto) =>
+ checkBool(code.blocks contains whereto,
+ "Jump to non-existant block " + whereto)
+ case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
+ checkBool(code.blocks contains success,
+ "Jump to non-existant block " + success)
+ checkBool(code.blocks contains failure,
+ "Jump to non-existant block " + failure)
+ checkBinop(kind)
+ case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
+ checkBool(code.blocks contains success,
+ "Jump to non-existant block " + success)
+ checkBool(code.blocks contains failure,
+ "Jump to non-existant block " + failure)
+ checkType(popStack, kind)
+ case RETURN(UNIT) => ()
+ case RETURN(kind) =>
+ val top = popStack
+ if (kind.isValueType) checkType(top, kind)
+ else checkBool(!top.isValueType, "" + kind + " is a reference type, but " + top + " is not");
+ case THROW() =>
+ val thrown = popStack
+ checkBool(thrown.toType <:< definitions.ThrowableClass.tpe,
+ "Element on top of stack should implement 'Throwable': " + thrown);
+ pushStack(SCALA_NOTHING)
+ case DROP(kind) =>
+ checkType(popStack, kind)
+ case DUP(kind) =>
+ val top = popStack
+ checkType(top, kind)
+ pushStack(top)
+ pushStack(top)
+ case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
+ checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_ENTER on non-reference type")
+ case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
+ checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_EXIT on non-reference type")
+ case BOX(kind) =>
+ checkType(popStack, kind)
+ pushStack(icodes.ObjectReference)
+ case UNBOX(kind) =>
+ popStack
+ pushStack(kind)
+ case LOAD_EXCEPTION() =>
+ clearStack()
+ pushStack(ThrowableReference)
+ case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
+ ()
+ case _ =>
+ abort("Unknown instruction: " + instr)
+ }
+ }
+ stack
+ }
+ //////////////// Error reporting /////////////////////////
+ def error(msg: String) {
+"!! ICode checker fatality in " + method + " at:" + blockAsString(basicBlock) + ":\n " + msg)
+ }
+ def error(msg: String, stack: TypeStack) {
+ error(msg + "\n type stack: " + stack)
+ }
+ //////////////////// Checking /////////////////////////////
+ /** Return true if <code>k1</code> is a subtype of any of the following
+ * types.
+ */
+ def isOneOf(k1: TypeKind, kinds: TypeKind*) = kinds exists (k1 <:< _)
+ }