path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2011-01-27 20:25:26 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-01-27 20:25:26 +0000
commitba82b29b929f47ae345dbd32e5b6200bf68c231e (patch)
tree15936e35cc3eab1df99a4a9d8e2598e59cf753fe /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac
parent330febc72b402aac2460be2cbc212d5860ed205c (diff)
Primarily a cleanup of the organization of keyw...
Primarily a cleanup of the organization of keywords for the scala and java parsers, and a few other Name-related items. No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaScanners.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaScanners.scala
index 90503480cc..3de17d6b56 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaScanners.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaScanners.scala
@@ -77,170 +77,144 @@ trait JavaScanners extends ast.parser.ScannersCommon {
object JavaScannerConfiguration {
// Keywords -----------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Keyword array; maps from name indices to tokens */
- private var key: Array[Byte] = _
- private var maxKey = 0
- private var tokenName = new Array[Name](128)
- {
- var tokenCount = 0
- // Enter keywords
- def enterKeyword(s: String, tokenId: Int) {
- val n = newTermName(s)
- while (tokenId >= tokenName.length) {
- val newTokName = new Array[Name](tokenName.length * 2)
- Array.copy(tokenName, 0, newTokName, 0, newTokName.length)
- tokenName = newTokName
- }
- tokenName(tokenId) = n
- if (n.start > maxKey) maxKey = n.start
- if (tokenId >= tokenCount) tokenCount = tokenId + 1
- }
- enterKeyword("abstract", ABSTRACT)
- enterKeyword("assert", ASSERT)
- enterKeyword("boolean", BOOLEAN)
- enterKeyword("break", BREAK)
- enterKeyword("byte", BYTE)
- enterKeyword("case", CASE)
- enterKeyword("catch", CATCH)
- enterKeyword("char", CHAR)
- enterKeyword("class", CLASS)
- enterKeyword("const", CONST)
- enterKeyword("continue", CONTINUE)
- enterKeyword("default", DEFAULT)
- enterKeyword("do", DO)
- enterKeyword("double", DOUBLE)
- enterKeyword("else", ELSE)
- enterKeyword("enum", ENUM)
- enterKeyword("extends", EXTENDS)
- enterKeyword("final", FINAL)
- enterKeyword("finally", FINALLY)
- enterKeyword("float", FLOAT)
- enterKeyword("for", FOR)
- enterKeyword("if", IF)
- enterKeyword("goto", GOTO)
- enterKeyword("implements", IMPLEMENTS)
- enterKeyword("import", IMPORT)
- enterKeyword("instanceof", INSTANCEOF)
- enterKeyword("int", INT)
- enterKeyword("interface", INTERFACE)
- enterKeyword("long", LONG)
- enterKeyword("native", NATIVE)
- enterKeyword("new", NEW)
- enterKeyword("package", PACKAGE)
- enterKeyword("private", PRIVATE)
- enterKeyword("protected", PROTECTED)
- enterKeyword("public", PUBLIC)
- enterKeyword("return", RETURN)
- enterKeyword("short", SHORT)
- enterKeyword("static", STATIC)
- enterKeyword("strictfp", STRICTFP)
- enterKeyword("super", SUPER)
- enterKeyword("switch", SWITCH)
- enterKeyword("synchronized", SYNCHRONIZED)
- enterKeyword("this", THIS)
- enterKeyword("throw", THROW)
- enterKeyword("throws", THROWS)
- enterKeyword("transient", TRANSIENT)
- enterKeyword("try", TRY)
- enterKeyword("void", VOID)
- enterKeyword("volatile", VOLATILE)
- enterKeyword("while", WHILE)
- // Build keyword array
- key = new Array[Byte](maxKey + 1)
- for (i <- 0 to maxKey)
- key(i) = IDENTIFIER
- for (j <- 0 until tokenCount)
- if (tokenName(j) ne null)
- key(tokenName(j).start) = j.toByte
+ private val allKeywords = List[(Name, Int)](
+ javanme.ABSTRACTkw -> ABSTRACT,
+ javanme.ASSERTkw -> ASSERT,
+ javanme.BOOLEANkw -> BOOLEAN,
+ javanme.BREAKkw -> BREAK,
+ javanme.BYTEkw -> BYTE,
+ javanme.CASEkw -> CASE,
+ javanme.CATCHkw -> CATCH,
+ javanme.CHARkw -> CHAR,
+ javanme.CLASSkw -> CLASS,
+ javanme.CONSTkw -> CONST,
+ javanme.CONTINUEkw -> CONTINUE,
+ javanme.DEFAULTkw -> DEFAULT,
+ javanme.DOkw -> DO,
+ javanme.DOUBLEkw -> DOUBLE,
+ javanme.ELSEkw -> ELSE,
+ javanme.ENUMkw -> ENUM,
+ javanme.EXTENDSkw -> EXTENDS,
+ javanme.FINALkw -> FINAL,
+ javanme.FINALLYkw -> FINALLY,
+ javanme.FLOATkw -> FLOAT,
+ javanme.FORkw -> FOR,
+ javanme.IFkw -> IF,
+ javanme.GOTOkw -> GOTO,
+ javanme.IMPORTkw -> IMPORT,
+ javanme.INTkw -> INT,
+ javanme.LONGkw -> LONG,
+ javanme.NATIVEkw -> NATIVE,
+ javanme.NEWkw -> NEW,
+ javanme.PACKAGEkw -> PACKAGE,
+ javanme.PRIVATEkw -> PRIVATE,
+ javanme.PUBLICkw -> PUBLIC,
+ javanme.RETURNkw -> RETURN,
+ javanme.SHORTkw -> SHORT,
+ javanme.STATICkw -> STATIC,
+ javanme.STRICTFPkw -> STRICTFP,
+ javanme.SUPERkw -> SUPER,
+ javanme.SWITCHkw -> SWITCH,
+ javanme.THISkw -> THIS,
+ javanme.THROWkw -> THROW,
+ javanme.THROWSkw -> THROWS,
+ javanme.TRYkw -> TRY,
+ javanme.VOIDkw -> VOID,
+ javanme.VOLATILEkw -> VOLATILE,
+ javanme.WHILEkw -> WHILE
+ )
+ private var kwOffset = -1
+ private val kwArray: Array[Int] = {
+ val (offset, arr) = createKeywordArray(allKeywords, IDENTIFIER)
+ kwOffset = offset
+ arr
+ final val tokenName = allKeywords map (_.swap) toMap
//Token representation -----------------------------------------------------
- /** Convert name to token */
- def name2token(name: TermName): Int =
- if (name.start <= maxKey) key(name.start) else IDENTIFIER
- /** Returns the string representation of given token. */
- def token2string(token: Int): String = token match {
- case IDENTIFIER =>
- "identifier"/* + \""+name+"\""*/
- case CHARLIT =>
- "character literal"
- case INTLIT =>
- "integer literal"
- case LONGLIT =>
- "long literal"
- case FLOATLIT =>
- "float literal"
- case DOUBLELIT =>
- "double literal"
- case STRINGLIT =>
- "string literal"
- case COMMA => "`,'"
- case SEMI => "`;'"
- case DOT => "`.'"
- case AT => "`@'"
- case COLON => "`:'"
- case ASSIGN => "`='"
- case EQEQ => "`=='"
- case BANGEQ => "`!='"
- case LT => "`<'"
- case GT => "`>'"
- case LTEQ => "`<='"
- case GTEQ => "`>='"
- case BANG => "`!'"
- case QMARK => "`?'"
- case AMP => "`&'"
- case BAR => "`|'"
- case PLUS => "`+'"
- case MINUS => "`-'"
- case ASTERISK => "`*'"
- case SLASH => "`/'"
- case PERCENT => "`%'"
- case HAT => "`^'"
- case LTLT => "`<<'"
- case GTGT => "`>>'"
- case GTGTGT => "`>>>'"
- case AMPAMP => "`&&'"
- case BARBAR => "`||'"
- case PLUSPLUS => "`++'"
- case MINUSMINUS => "`--'"
- case TILDE => "`~'"
- case DOTDOTDOT => "`...'"
- case AMPEQ => "`&='"
- case BAREQ => "`|='"
- case PLUSEQ => "`+='"
- case MINUSEQ => "`-='"
- case ASTERISKEQ => "`*='"
- case SLASHEQ => "`/='"
- case PERCENTEQ => "`%='"
- case HATEQ => "`^='"
- case LTLTEQ => "`<<='"
- case GTGTEQ => "`>>='"
- case GTGTGTEQ => "`>>>='"
- case LPAREN => "`('"
- case RPAREN => "`)'"
- case LBRACE => "`{'"
- case RBRACE => "`}'"
- case LBRACKET => "`['"
- case RBRACKET => "`]'"
- case EOF => "eof"
- case ERROR => "something"
- case _ =>
- try {
- "`" + tokenName(token) + "'"
- } catch {
- case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
- "`<" + token + ">'"
- case _: NullPointerException =>
- "`<(" + token + ")>'"
- }
+ /** Convert name to token */
+ def name2token(name: Name) = {
+ val idx = name.start - kwOffset
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < kwArray.length) kwArray(idx)
+ }
+ /** Returns the string representation of given token. */
+ def token2string(token: Int): String = token match {
+ case IDENTIFIER => "identifier"
+ case CHARLIT => "character literal"
+ case DOUBLELIT => "double literal"
+ case FLOATLIT => "float literal"
+ case INTLIT => "integer literal"
+ case LONGLIT => "long literal"
+ case STRINGLIT => "string literal"
+ case EOF => "eof"
+ case ERROR => "something"
+ case AMP => "`&'"
+ case AMPAMP => "`&&'"
+ case AMPEQ => "`&='"
+ case ASSIGN => "`='"
+ case ASTERISK => "`*'"
+ case ASTERISKEQ => "`*='"
+ case AT => "`@'"
+ case BANG => "`!'"
+ case BANGEQ => "`!='"
+ case BAR => "`|'"
+ case BARBAR => "`||'"
+ case BAREQ => "`|='"
+ case COLON => "`:'"
+ case COMMA => "`,'"
+ case DOT => "`.'"
+ case DOTDOTDOT => "`...'"
+ case EQEQ => "`=='"
+ case GT => "`>'"
+ case GTEQ => "`>='"
+ case GTGT => "`>>'"
+ case GTGTEQ => "`>>='"
+ case GTGTGT => "`>>>'"
+ case GTGTGTEQ => "`>>>='"
+ case HAT => "`^'"
+ case HATEQ => "`^='"
+ case LBRACE => "`{'"
+ case LBRACKET => "`['"
+ case LPAREN => "`('"
+ case LT => "`<'"
+ case LTEQ => "`<='"
+ case LTLT => "`<<'"
+ case LTLTEQ => "`<<='"
+ case MINUS => "`-'"
+ case MINUSEQ => "`-='"
+ case MINUSMINUS => "`--'"
+ case PERCENT => "`%'"
+ case PERCENTEQ => "`%='"
+ case PLUS => "`+'"
+ case PLUSEQ => "`+='"
+ case PLUSPLUS => "`++'"
+ case QMARK => "`?'"
+ case RBRACE => "`}'"
+ case RBRACKET => "`]'"
+ case RPAREN => "`)'"
+ case SEMI => "`;'"
+ case SLASH => "`/'"
+ case SLASHEQ => "`/='"
+ case TILDE => "`~'"
+ case _ =>
+ try ("`" + tokenName(token) + "'")
+ catch {
+ case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
+ "`<" + token + ">'"
+ case _: NullPointerException =>
+ "`<(" + token + ")>'"
+ }