path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
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authorJason Zaugg <>2015-10-29 16:49:22 +1000
committerJason Zaugg <>2016-01-29 16:16:16 +1000
commitdf0d105f90816960b711c35a3289ff460295d1cc (patch)
treea478b92f5ae83d308a97f7f7ccd60c5e38b339ac /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
parent8a761a313bfe3d79afefed1622b69a850636d732 (diff)
Use invokedynamic for structural calls, symbol literals, lamba ser.
The previous encodings created static fields in the enclosing class to host caches. However, this isn't an option once emit code in default methods of interfaces, as Java interfaces don't allow private static fields. We could continue to emit fields, and make them public when added to traits. Or, as chosen in this commit, we can emulate a call-site specific static field by using invokedynamic: when the call site is linked, our bootstrap methid can perform one-time computation, and we can capture the result in the CallSite. To implement this, I've allowed encoding of arbitrary invokedynamic calls in ApplyDynamic. The encoding is: ApplyDynamic( NoSymbol.newTermSymbol(TermName("methodName")).setInfo(invokedType) Literal(Constant(bootstrapMethodSymbol)) :: ( Literal(Constant(staticArg0)) :: Literal(Constant(staticArgN)) :: Nil ) ::: (dynArg0 :: dynArgN :: Nil) ) So far, static args may be `MethodType`, numeric or string literals, or method symbols, all of which can be converted to constant pool entries. `MethodTypes` are transformed to the erased JVM type and are converted to descriptors as String constants. I've taken advantage of this for symbol literal caching and for the structural call site cache. I've also included a test case that shows how a macro could target this (albeit using private APIs) to cache compiled regexes. I haven't managed to use this for LambdaMetafactory yet, not sure if the facility is general enough.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
index 1d98b5da31..112dedce81 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
@@ -87,24 +87,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- def addStaticVariableToClass(forName: TermName, forType: Type, forInit: Tree, isFinal: Boolean): Symbol = {
- val flags = PRIVATE | STATIC | SYNTHETIC | (
- if (isFinal) FINAL else 0
- )
- val varSym = currentClass.newVariable(mkTerm("" + forName), ad.pos, flags.toLong) setInfoAndEnter forType
- if (!isFinal)
- varSym.addAnnotation(VolatileAttr)
- val varDef = typedPos(ValDef(varSym, forInit))
- newStaticMembers append transform(varDef)
- val varInit = typedPos( REF(varSym) === forInit )
- newStaticInits append transform(varInit)
- varSym
- }
def addStaticMethodToClass(forBody: (Symbol, Symbol) => Tree): Symbol = {
val methSym = currentClass.newMethod(mkTerm(nme.reflMethodName.toString), ad.pos, STATIC | SYNTHETIC)
val params = methSym.newSyntheticValueParams(List(ClassClass.tpe))
@@ -115,9 +97,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- def fromTypesToClassArrayLiteral(paramTypes: List[Type]): Tree =
- ArrayValue(TypeTree(ClassClass.tpe), paramTypes map LIT)
def reflectiveMethodCache(method: String, paramTypes: List[Type]): Symbol = {
/* Implementation of the cache is as follows for method "def xyz(a: A, b: B)"
(SoftReference so that it does not interfere with classloader garbage collection,
@@ -128,7 +107,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
var reflPoly$Cache: SoftReference[scala.runtime.MethodCache] = new SoftReference(new EmptyMethodCache())
def reflMethod$Method(forReceiver: JClass[_]): JMethod = {
- var methodCache: MethodCache = reflPoly$Cache.find(forReceiver)
+ var methodCache: StructuralCallSite = indy[StructuralCallSite.bootstrap, "(LA;LB;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
if (methodCache eq null) {
methodCache = new EmptyMethodCache
reflPoly$Cache = new SoftReference(methodCache)
@@ -137,41 +116,32 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
if (method ne null)
return method
else {
- method = ScalaRunTime.ensureAccessible(forReceiver.getMethod("xyz", reflParams$Cache))
- reflPoly$Cache = new SoftReference(methodCache.add(forReceiver, method))
+ method = ScalaRunTime.ensureAccessible(forReceiver.getMethod("xyz", methodCache.parameterTypes()))
+ methodCache.add(forReceiver, method)
return method
- */
- val reflParamsCacheSym: Symbol =
- addStaticVariableToClass(nme.reflParamsCacheName, arrayType(ClassClass.tpe), fromTypesToClassArrayLiteral(paramTypes), true)
- def mkNewPolyCache = gen.mkSoftRef(NEW(TypeTree(EmptyMethodCacheClass.tpe)))
- val reflPolyCacheSym: Symbol = addStaticVariableToClass(nme.reflPolyCacheName, SoftReferenceClass.tpe, mkNewPolyCache, false)
- def getPolyCache = gen.mkCast(fn(REF(reflPolyCacheSym), nme.get), MethodCacheClass.tpe)
+ invokedynamic is used rather than a static field for the cache to support emitting bodies of methods
+ in Java 8 interfaces, which don't support private static fields.
+ */
addStaticMethodToClass((reflMethodSym, forReceiverSym) => {
- val methodCache = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("methodCache"), ad.pos) setInfo MethodCacheClass.tpe
+ val methodCache = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("methodCache"), ad.pos) setInfo StructuralCallSite.tpe
val methodSym = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("method"), ad.pos) setInfo MethodClass.tpe
+ val dummyMethodType = MethodType(NoSymbol.newSyntheticValueParams(paramTypes), AnyTpe)
- ValDef(methodCache, getPolyCache),
- REF(methodCache) === NEW(TypeTree(EmptyMethodCacheClass.tpe)),
- REF(reflPolyCacheSym) === gen.mkSoftRef(REF(methodCache))
- ) ENDIF,
- ValDef(methodSym, (REF(methodCache) DOT methodCache_find)(REF(forReceiverSym))),
+ ValDef(methodCache, ApplyDynamic(gen.mkAttributedIdent(StructuralCallSite_dummy), LIT(StructuralCallSite_bootstrap) :: LIT(dummyMethodType) :: Nil).setType(StructuralCallSite.tpe)),
+ ValDef(methodSym, (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_find)(REF(forReceiverSym))),
IF (REF(methodSym) OBJ_NE NULL) .
THEN (Return(REF(methodSym)))
- def methodSymRHS = ((REF(forReceiverSym) DOT Class_getMethod)(LIT(method), REF(reflParamsCacheSym)))
- def cacheRHS = ((REF(methodCache) DOT methodCache_add)(REF(forReceiverSym), REF(methodSym)))
+ def methodSymRHS = ((REF(forReceiverSym) DOT Class_getMethod)(LIT(method), (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_getParameterTypes)()))
+ def cacheAdd = ((REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_add)(REF(forReceiverSym), REF(methodSym)))
REF(methodSym) === (REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.ensureAccessibleMethod) APPLY (methodSymRHS)),
- REF(reflPolyCacheSym) === gen.mkSoftRef(cacheRHS),
+ cacheAdd,
@@ -371,6 +341,8 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
reporter.error(ad.pos, "Cannot resolve overload.")
(Nil, NoType)
+ case NoType =>
+ abort(ad.symbol.toString)
typedPos {
val sym = currentOwner.newValue(mkTerm("qual"), ad.pos) setInfo qual0.tpe
@@ -448,7 +420,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* refinement, where the refinement defines a parameter based on a
* type variable. */
- case tree: ApplyDynamic =>
+ case tree: ApplyDynamic if tree.symbol.owner.isRefinementClass =>
/* Some cleanup transformations add members to templates (classes, traits, etc).
@@ -478,46 +450,15 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* This transformation should identify Scala symbol invocations in the tree and replace them
- * with references to a static member. Also, whenever a class has at least a single symbol invocation
- * somewhere in its methods, a new static member should be created and initialized for that symbol.
- * For instance, say we have a Scala class:
- *
- * class Cls {
- * def someSymbol1 = 'Symbolic1
- * def someSymbol2 = 'Symbolic2
- * def sameSymbol1 = 'Symbolic1
- * val someSymbol3 = 'Symbolic3
- * }
- *
- * After transformation, this class looks like this:
- *
- * class Cls {
- * private <static> var symbol$1: scala.Symbol
- * private <static> var symbol$2: scala.Symbol
- * private <static> var symbol$3: scala.Symbol
- * private val someSymbol3: scala.Symbol
- *
- * private <static> def <clinit> = {
- * symbol$1 = Symbol.apply("Symbolic1")
- * symbol$2 = Symbol.apply("Symbolic2")
- * }
- *
- * private def <init> = {
- * someSymbol3 = symbol$3
- * }
- *
- * def someSymbol1 = symbol$1
- * def someSymbol2 = symbol$2
- * def sameSymbol1 = symbol$1
- * val someSymbol3 = someSymbol3
- * }
+ * with references to a statically cached instance.
* The reasoning behind this transformation is the following. Symbols get interned - they are stored
* in a global map which is protected with a lock. The reason for this is making equality checks
* quicker. But calling Symbol.apply, although it does return a unique symbol, accesses a locked object,
* making symbol access slow. To solve this, the unique symbol from the global symbol map in Symbol
- * is accessed only once during class loading, and after that, the unique symbol is in the static
- * member. Hence, it is cheap to both reach the unique symbol and do equality checks on it.
+ * is accessed only once during class loading, and after that, the unique symbol is in the statically
+ * initialized call site returned by invokedynamic. Hence, it is cheap to both reach the unique symbol
+ * and do equality checks on it.
* And, finally, be advised - Scala's Symbol literal (scala.Symbol) and the Symbol class of the compiler
* have little in common.
@@ -525,15 +466,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
case Apply(fn @ Select(qual, _), (arg @ Literal(Constant(symname: String))) :: Nil)
if treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(qual) && fn.symbol == Symbol_apply && !currentClass.isTrait =>
- def transformApply = {
- // add the symbol name to a map if it's not there already
- val rhs = gen.mkMethodCall(Symbol_apply, arg :: Nil)
- val staticFieldSym = getSymbolStaticField(tree.pos, symname, rhs, tree)
- // create a reference to a static field
- val ntree = typedWithPos(tree.pos)(REF(staticFieldSym))
- super.transform(ntree)
- }
- transformApply
+ super.transform(treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, atPos(fn.pos)(Ident(SymbolLiteral_dummy).setType(, LIT(SymbolLiteral_bootstrap) :: arg :: Nil))
// Replaces `Array(Predef.wrapArray(ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]), <tag>)`
// with just `ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]`
@@ -550,32 +483,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- /* Returns the symbol and the tree for the symbol field interning a reference to a symbol 'synmname'.
- * If it doesn't exist, i.e. the symbol is encountered the first time,
- * it creates a new static field definition and initialization and returns it.
- */
- private def getSymbolStaticField(pos: Position, symname: String, rhs: Tree, tree: Tree): Symbol = {
- symbolsStoredAsStatic.getOrElseUpdate(symname, {
- val theTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
- // create a symbol for the static field
- val stfieldSym = (
- currentClass.newVariable(mkTerm("symbol$"), pos, PRIVATE | STATIC | SYNTHETIC | FINAL)
- setInfoAndEnter SymbolClass.tpe
- )
- // create field definition and initialization
- val stfieldDef = theTyper.typedPos(pos)(ValDef(stfieldSym, rhs))
- val stfieldInit = theTyper.typedPos(pos)(REF(stfieldSym) === rhs)
- // add field definition to new defs
- newStaticMembers append stfieldDef
- newStaticInits append stfieldInit
- stfieldSym
- })
- }
} // CleanUpTransformer