path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2012-12-25 21:51:18 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-12-26 06:14:41 -0800
commit6084d2d948bb92c5153e0e4391c3bf80d2eafe38 (patch)
treede1978ba93b3c194e3361b00cd409cd8681e5e7b /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
parentd2a7aa4ba1c048e52affb0eb2b9167a18dc29c83 (diff)
Removed old pattern matcher.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index b94ae99263..6e89f6387e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -211,16 +211,11 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
* }
* new $anon()
- * If `settings.XoldPatmat.value`, also synthesized AbstractPartialFunction subclasses (see synthPartialFunction).
- *
def transformFunction(fun: Function): Tree =
deEta(fun) match {
// nullary or parameterless
case fun1 if fun1 ne fun => fun1
- case _ if fun.tpe.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass =>
- // only get here when running under -Xoldpatmat
- synthPartialFunction(fun)
case _ =>
val parents = (
if (isFunctionType(fun.tpe)) addSerializable(abstractFunctionForFunctionType(fun.tpe))
@@ -259,131 +254,6 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
- /** Transform a function node (x => body) of type PartialFunction[T, R] where
- * body = expr match { case P_i if G_i => E_i }_i=1..n
- * to (assuming none of the cases is a default case):
- *
- * class $anon() extends AbstractPartialFunction[T, R] with Serializable {
- * def applyOrElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 = (expr: @unchecked) match {
- * case P_1 if G_1 => E_1
- * ...
- * case P_n if G_n => E_n
- * case _ => default(expr)
- * }
- * def isDefinedAt(x: T): boolean = (x: @unchecked) match {
- * case P_1 if G_1 => true
- * ...
- * case P_n if G_n => true
- * case _ => false
- * }
- * }
- * new $anon()
- *
- * If there's a default case, the original match is used for applyOrElse, and isDefinedAt returns `true`
- */
- def synthPartialFunction(fun: Function) = {
- if (!settings.XoldPatmat.value)
- devWarning("Under the new pattern matching scheme, PartialFunction should have been synthesized during typers.")
- val targs = fun.tpe.typeArgs
- val (formals, restpe) = (targs.init, targs.last)
- val anonClass = fun.symbol.owner newAnonymousFunctionClass(fun.pos, inConstructorFlag) addAnnotation serialVersionUIDAnnotation
- val parents = addSerializable(appliedType(AbstractPartialFunctionClass, targs: _*))
- anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, anonClass)
- // duplicate before applyOrElseMethodDef is run so that it does not mess up our trees and label symbols (we have a fresh set)
- // otherwise `TreeSymSubstituter(fun.vparams map (_.symbol), params)` won't work as the subst has been run already
- val bodyForIDA = {
- val duped = fun.body.duplicate
- val oldParams = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]()
- val newParams = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]()
- val oldSyms0 =
- duped filter {
- case l@LabelDef(_, params, _) =>
- params foreach {p =>
- val oldSym = p.symbol
- p.symbol = oldSym.cloneSymbol
- oldParams += oldSym
- newParams += p.symbol
- }
- true
- case _ => false
- } map (_.symbol)
- val oldSyms = oldParams.toList ++ oldSyms0
- val newSyms = newParams.toList ++ (oldSyms0 map (_.cloneSymbol))
- // println("duping "+ oldSyms +" --> "+ (newSyms map (_.ownerChain)))
- val substLabels = new TreeSymSubstituter(oldSyms, newSyms)
- substLabels(duped)
- }
- // def applyOrElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 =
- val applyOrElseMethodDef = {
- val methSym = anonClass.newMethod(nme.applyOrElse, fun.pos, newFlags = FINAL | OVERRIDE | SYNTHETIC)
- val List(argtpe) = formals
- val A1 = methSym newTypeParameter(newTypeName("A1")) setInfo TypeBounds.upper(argtpe)
- val B1 = methSym newTypeParameter(newTypeName("B1")) setInfo TypeBounds.lower(restpe)
- val methFormals = List(A1.tpe, functionType(List(A1.tpe), B1.tpe))
- val params@List(x, default) = methSym newSyntheticValueParams methFormals
- methSym setInfoAndEnter polyType(List(A1, B1), MethodType(params, B1.tpe))
- val substParam = new TreeSymSubstituter(fun.vparams map (_.symbol), List(x))
- val body = localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos) { import CODE._
- def defaultAction(scrut: Tree) = REF(default) APPLY (REF(x))
- substParam(fun.body) match {
- case orig@Match(selector, cases) =>
- if (cases exists treeInfo.isDefaultCase) orig
- else {
- val defaultCase = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, defaultAction(selector.duplicate))
- Match(/*gen.mkUnchecked*/(selector), cases :+ defaultCase)
- }
- }
- }
- body.changeOwner(fun.symbol -> methSym)
- val methDef = DefDef(methSym, body)
- // Have to repack the type to avoid mismatches when existentials
- // appear in the result - see SI-4869.
- methDef.tpt setType localTyper.packedType(body, methSym)
- methDef
- }
- val isDefinedAtMethodDef = {
- val methSym = anonClass.newMethod(nme.isDefinedAt, fun.pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC)
- val params = methSym newSyntheticValueParams formals
- methSym setInfoAndEnter MethodType(params, BooleanClass.tpe)
- val substParam = new TreeSymSubstituter(fun.vparams map (_.symbol), params)
- def doSubst(x: Tree) = substParam(resetLocalAttrsKeepLabels(x)) // see pos/t1761 for why `resetLocalAttrs`, but must keep label symbols around
- val body = bodyForIDA match {
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- if (cases exists treeInfo.isDefaultCase) TRUE
- else
- doSubst(Match(/*gen.mkUnchecked*/(selector),
- (cases map (c => deriveCaseDef(c)(x => TRUE))) :+ (
- }
- body.changeOwner(fun.symbol -> methSym)
- DefDef(methSym, body)
- }
- localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos) {
- Block(
- List(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, List(applyOrElseMethodDef, isDefinedAtMethodDef), fun.pos)),
- Typed(New(anonClass.tpe), TypeTree(fun.tpe)))
- }
- }
def transformArgs(pos: Position, fun: Symbol, args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type]) = {
val isJava = fun.isJavaDefined
def transformVarargs(varargsElemType: Type) = {
@@ -674,35 +544,6 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
def isDefaultCatch(cdef: CaseDef) = isThrowable(cdef.pat) && cdef.guard.isEmpty
- def postTransformTry(tree: Try) = {
- val body = tree.block
- val catches = tree.catches
- val finalizer = tree.finalizer
- if (!settings.XoldPatmat.value) {
- if (catches exists (cd => !treeInfo.isCatchCase(cd)))
- devWarning("VPM BUG - illegal try/catch " + catches)
- tree
- } else if (catches forall treeInfo.isCatchCase) {
- tree
- } else {
- val exname = unit.freshTermName("ex$")
- val cases =
- if ((catches exists treeInfo.isDefaultCase) || isDefaultCatch(catches.last)) catches
- else catches :+ CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Throw(Ident(exname)))
- val catchall =
- atPos(tree.pos) {
- CaseDef(
- Bind(exname, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)),
- EmptyTree,
- Match(Ident(exname), cases))
- }
- debuglog("rewrote try: " + catches + " ==> " + catchall);
- val catches1 = localTyper.typedCases(
- List(catchall), ThrowableClass.tpe, WildcardType)
- treeCopy.Try(tree, body, catches1, finalizer)
- }
- }
tree match {
/* Some uncurry post transformations add members to templates.
@@ -734,7 +575,9 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
addJavaVarargsForwarders(dd, flatdd)
case tree: Try =>
- postTransformTry(tree)
+ if (tree.catches exists (cd => !treeInfo.isCatchCase(cd)))
+ devWarning("VPM BUG - illegal try/catch " + tree.catches)
+ tree
case Apply(Apply(fn, args), args1) =>
treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, args ::: args1)