path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-02-11 23:04:08 -0800
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-02-12 16:37:17 -0800
commite14846ba029418723689fdacc668cd56a8165368 (patch)
tree752347a8f7d2d995b1d58dd254b4e53e5bf6dd9d /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
parentf5ed914fe5ae18a884cd2ab8b2cdede7cf11da94 (diff)
[refactor] move PatternMatching.scala to transform.patmat
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26078118fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Adriaan Moors
+ */
+import{ast, symtab, typechecker, transform, Global}
+import transform._
+import typechecker._
+import symtab._
+import scala.language.postfixOps
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
+import scala.reflect.internal.Types
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.HashSet
+/** Translate pattern matching.
+ *
+ * Either into optimized if/then/else's,
+ * or virtualized as method calls (these methods form a zero-plus monad), similar in spirit to how for-comprehensions are compiled.
+ *
+ * For each case, express all patterns as extractor calls, guards as 0-ary extractors, and sequence them using `flatMap`
+ * (lifting the body of the case into the monad using `one`).
+ *
+ * Cases are combined into a pattern match using the `orElse` combinator (the implicit failure case is expressed using the monad's `zero`).
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * - DCE (on irrefutable patterns)
+ * - update spec and double check it's implemented correctly (see TODO's)
+ *
+ * (longer-term) TODO:
+ * - user-defined unapplyProd
+ * - recover GADT typing by locally inserting implicit witnesses to type equalities derived from the current case, and considering these witnesses during subtyping (?)
+ * - recover exhaustivity/unreachability of user-defined extractors by partitioning the types they match on using an HList or similar type-level structure
+ */
+trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
+ with Debugging
+ with Interface
+ with Translation
+ with TreeMaking
+ with CodeGen
+ with Logic
+ with Analysis
+ with Optimization {
+ import PatternMatchingStats._
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ val phaseName: String = "patmat"
+ def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
+ if (opt.virtPatmat) new MatchTransformer(unit)
+ else noopTransformer
+ class MatchTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case Match(sel, cases) =>
+ val origTp = tree.tpe
+ // setType origTp intended for CPS -- TODO: is it necessary?
+ val translated = translator.translateMatch(treeCopy.Match(tree, transform(sel), transformTrees(cases).asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]]))
+ try {
+ localTyper.typed(translated) setType origTp
+ } catch {
+ case x: (Types#TypeError) =>
+ // TODO: this should never happen; error should've been reported during type checking
+ unit.error(tree.pos, "error during expansion of this match (this is a scalac bug).\nThe underlying error was: "+ x.msg)
+ translated
+ }
+ case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
+ treeCopy.Try(tree, transform(block), translator.translateTry(transformTrees(catches).asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]], tree.tpe, tree.pos), transform(finalizer))
+ case _ => super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ def translator: MatchTranslation with CodegenCore = {
+ new OptimizingMatchTranslator(localTyper)
+ }
+ }
+ class PureMatchTranslator(val typer: analyzer.Typer, val matchStrategy: Tree) extends MatchTranslation with TreeMakers with PureCodegen
+ class OptimizingMatchTranslator(val typer: analyzer.Typer) extends MatchTranslation with TreeMakers with MatchOptimizations
+trait Debugging {
+ val global: Global
+ import global.settings
+ // TODO: the inliner fails to inline the closures to patmatDebug
+ object debugging {
+ val printPatmat = settings.Ypatmatdebug.value
+ @inline final def patmatDebug(s: => String) = if (printPatmat) println(s)
+ }
+trait Interface { self: ast.TreeDSL =>
+ val global: Global
+ import global.{newTermName, Position, Type, analyzer, ErrorType, Symbol, Tree}
+ import analyzer.Typer
+ // 2.10/2.11 compatibility
+ protected final def dealiasWiden(tp: Type) = tp.dealias // 2.11: dealiasWiden
+ protected final def mkTRUE = CODE.TRUE_typed // 2.11: CODE.TRUE
+ protected final def mkFALSE = CODE.FALSE_typed // 2.11: CODE.FALSE
+ protected final def hasStableSymbol(p: Tree) = p.hasSymbol && p.symbol.isStable // 2.11: p.hasSymbolField && p.symbol.isStable
+ protected final def devWarning(str: String) = global.debugwarn(str) // 2.11: omit
+ object vpmName {
+ val one = newTermName("one")
+ val drop = newTermName("drop")
+ val flatMap = newTermName("flatMap")
+ val get = newTermName("get")
+ val guard = newTermName("guard")
+ val isEmpty = newTermName("isEmpty")
+ val orElse = newTermName("orElse")
+ val outer = newTermName("<outer>")
+ val runOrElse = newTermName("runOrElse")
+ val zero = newTermName("zero")
+ val _match = newTermName("__match") // don't call the val __match, since that will trigger virtual pattern matching...
+ def counted(str: String, i: Int) = newTermName(str + i)
+ }
+// talking to userland
+ /** Interface with user-defined match monad?
+ * if there's a `__match` in scope, we use this as the match strategy, assuming it conforms to MatchStrategy as defined below:
+ type Matcher[P[_], M[+_], A] = {
+ def flatMap[B](f: P[A] => M[B]): M[B]
+ def orElse[B >: A](alternative: => M[B]): M[B]
+ }
+ abstract class MatchStrategy[P[_], M[+_]] {
+ // runs the matcher on the given input
+ def runOrElse[T, U](in: P[T])(matcher: P[T] => M[U]): P[U]
+ def zero: M[Nothing]
+ def one[T](x: P[T]): M[T]
+ def guard[T](cond: P[Boolean], then: => P[T]): M[T]
+ }
+ * P and M are derived from one's signature (`def one[T](x: P[T]): M[T]`)
+ * if no `__match` is found, we assume the following implementation (and generate optimized code accordingly)
+ object __match extends MatchStrategy[({type Id[x] = x})#Id, Option] {
+ def zero = None
+ def one[T](x: T) = Some(x)
+ // NOTE: guard's return type must be of the shape M[T], where M is the monad in which the pattern match should be interpreted
+ def guard[T](cond: Boolean, then: => T): Option[T] = if(cond) Some(then) else None
+ def runOrElse[T, U](x: T)(f: T => Option[U]): U = f(x) getOrElse (throw new MatchError(x))
+ }
+ */
+ trait MatchMonadInterface {
+ val typer: Typer
+ val matchOwner = typer.context.owner
+ def reportUnreachable(pos: Position) = typer.context.unit.warning(pos, "unreachable code")
+ def reportMissingCases(pos: Position, counterExamples: List[String]) = {
+ val ceString =
+ if (counterExamples.tail.isEmpty) "input: " + counterExamples.head
+ else "inputs: " + counterExamples.mkString(", ")
+ typer.context.unit.warning(pos, "match may not be exhaustive.\nIt would fail on the following "+ ceString)
+ }
+ def inMatchMonad(tp: Type): Type
+ def pureType(tp: Type): Type
+ final def matchMonadResult(tp: Type): Type =
+ tp.baseType(matchMonadSym).typeArgs match {
+ case arg :: Nil => arg
+ case _ => ErrorType
+ }
+ protected def matchMonadSym: Symbol
+ }
+object PatternMatchingStats {
+ val patmatNanos = Statistics.newTimer ("time spent in patmat", "patmat")
+ val patmatAnaDPLL = Statistics.newSubTimer (" of which DPLL", patmatNanos)
+ val patmatCNF = Statistics.newSubTimer (" of which in CNF conversion", patmatNanos)
+ val patmatCNFSizes = Statistics.newQuantMap[Int, Statistics.Counter](" CNF size counts", "patmat")(Statistics.newCounter(""))
+ val patmatAnaVarEq = Statistics.newSubTimer (" of which variable equality", patmatNanos)
+ val patmatAnaExhaust = Statistics.newSubTimer (" of which in exhaustivity", patmatNanos)
+ val patmatAnaReach = Statistics.newSubTimer (" of which in unreachability", patmatNanos)