path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2013-12-15 18:28:03 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-12-15 18:28:03 -0800
commit11bfa25e37d32f4017d5c04b4899b1bdfbd95e06 (patch)
tree42fab30ce189d1bc93fbecb5496448a7176ba5e9 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
parentdbe7a366c994fe359edc368bfcd8a6a35a00e0da (diff)
SI-7897, SI-6675 improves name-based patmat
This emerges from a recent attempt to eliminate pattern matcher related duplication and to bake the scalac-independent logic out of it. I had in mind something a lot cleaner, but it was a whole lot of work to get it here and I can take it no further. Key file to admire is PatternExpander.scala, which should provide a basis for some separation of concerns. The bugs addressed are a CCE involving Tuple1 and an imprecise warning regarding multiple pattern crushing. Editorial: auto-tupling unapply results was a terrible idea which should never have escaped from the crib. It is tantamount to purposely throwing type safety down the toilet in the very place where people need type safety the most. See SI-6111 and SI-6675 for some other comments.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7858cb5586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+package scala
+package tools
+package nsc
+package transform
+package patmat
+/** This is scalac-specific logic layered on top of the scalac-agnostic
+ * "matching products to patterns" logic defined in PatternExpander.
+ */
+trait ScalacPatternExpanders {
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ import definitions._
+ import treeInfo._
+ type PatternAligned = ScalacPatternExpander#Aligned
+ implicit class AlignedOps(val aligned: PatternAligned) {
+ import aligned._
+ def expectedTypes = typedPatterns map (_.tpe)
+ def unexpandedFormals = extractor.varargsTypes
+ }
+ trait ScalacPatternExpander extends PatternExpander[Tree, Type] {
+ def NoPattern = EmptyTree
+ def NoType = global.NoType
+ def newPatterns(patterns: List[Tree]): Patterns = patterns match {
+ case init :+ last if isStar(last) => Patterns(init, last)
+ case _ => Patterns(patterns, NoPattern)
+ }
+ def elementTypeOf(tpe: Type) = {
+ val seq = repeatedToSeq(tpe)
+ ( typeOfMemberNamedHead(seq)
+ orElse typeOfMemberNamedApply(seq)
+ orElse definitions.elementType(ArrayClass, seq)
+ )
+ }
+ def newExtractor(whole: Type, fixed: List[Type], repeated: Repeated): Extractor =
+ logResult(s"newExtractor($whole, $fixed, $repeated")(Extractor(whole, fixed, repeated))
+ // Turn Seq[A] into Repeated(Seq[A], A, A*)
+ def repeatedFromSeq(seqType: Type): Repeated = {
+ val elem = elementTypeOf(seqType)
+ val repeated = scalaRepeatedType(elem)
+ Repeated(seqType, elem, repeated)
+ }
+ // Turn A* into Repeated(Seq[A], A, A*)
+ def repeatedFromVarargs(repeated: Type): Repeated =
+ Repeated(repeatedToSeq(repeated), repeatedToSingle(repeated), repeated)
+ /** In this case we are basing the pattern expansion on a case class constructor.
+ * The argument is the MethodType carried by the primary constructor.
+ */
+ def applyMethodTypes(method: Type): Extractor = {
+ val whole = method.finalResultType
+ method.paramTypes match {
+ case init :+ last if isScalaRepeatedParamType(last) => newExtractor(whole, init, repeatedFromVarargs(last))
+ case tps => newExtractor(whole, tps, NoRepeated)
+ }
+ }
+ /** In this case, expansion is based on an unapply or unapplySeq method.
+ * Unfortunately the MethodType does not carry the information of whether
+ * it was unapplySeq, so we have to funnel that information in separately.
+ */
+ def unapplyMethodTypes(method: Type, isSeq: Boolean): Extractor = {
+ val whole = firstParamType(method)
+ val result = method.finalResultType
+ val expanded = (
+ if (result =:= BooleanTpe) Nil
+ else typeOfMemberNamedGet(result) match {
+ case rawGet if !hasSelectors(rawGet) => rawGet :: Nil
+ case rawGet => typesOfSelectors(rawGet)
+ }
+ )
+ expanded match {
+ case init :+ last if isSeq => newExtractor(whole, init, repeatedFromSeq(last))
+ case tps => newExtractor(whole, tps, NoRepeated)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object alignPatterns extends ScalacPatternExpander {
+ /** Converts a T => (A, B, C) extractor to a T => ((A, B, CC)) extractor.
+ */
+ def tupleExtractor(extractor: Extractor): Extractor =
+ extractor.copy(fixed = tupleType(extractor.fixed) :: Nil)
+ private def validateAligned(tree: Tree, aligned: Aligned): Aligned = {
+ import aligned._
+ def owner = tree.symbol.owner
+ def offering = extractor.offeringString
+ def symString = tree.symbol.fullLocationString
+ def offerString = if (extractor.isErroneous) "" else s" offering $offering"
+ def arityExpected = ( if (extractor.hasSeq) "at least " else "" ) + productArity
+ def err(msg: String) = currentUnit.error(tree.pos, msg)
+ def warn(msg: String) = currentUnit.warning(tree.pos, msg)
+ def arityError(what: String) = err(s"$what patterns for $owner$offerString: expected $arityExpected, found $totalArity")
+ if (isStar && !isSeq)
+ err("Star pattern must correspond with varargs or unapplySeq")
+ else if (elementArity < 0)
+ arityError("not enough")
+ else if (elementArity > 0 && !extractor.hasSeq)
+ arityError("too many")
+ aligned
+ }
+ def apply(sel: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Aligned = {
+ val fn = sel match {
+ case Unapplied(fn) => fn
+ case _ => sel
+ }
+ val patterns = newPatterns(args)
+ val isSeq = == nme.unapplySeq
+ val isUnapply = == nme.unapply
+ val extractor = match {
+ case nme.unapply => unapplyMethodTypes(fn.tpe, isSeq = false)
+ case nme.unapplySeq => unapplyMethodTypes(fn.tpe, isSeq = true)
+ case _ => applyMethodTypes(fn.tpe)
+ }
+ /** Rather than let the error that is SI-6675 pollute the entire matching
+ * process, we will tuple the extractor before creation Aligned so that
+ * it contains known good values.
+ */
+ def productArity = extractor.productArity
+ def acceptMessage = if (extractor.isErroneous) "" else s" to hold ${extractor.offeringString}"
+ val requiresTupling = isUnapply && patterns.totalArity == 1 && productArity > 1
+ if (settings.lint && requiresTupling && effectivePatternArity(args) == 1)
+ currentUnit.warning(sel.pos, s"${sel.symbol.owner} expects $productArity patterns$acceptMessage but crushing into $productArity-tuple to fit single pattern (SI-6675)")
+ val normalizedExtractor = if (requiresTupling) tupleExtractor(extractor) else extractor
+ validateAligned(fn, Aligned(patterns, normalizedExtractor))
+ }
+ def apply(tree: Tree): Aligned = tree match {
+ case Apply(fn, args) => apply(fn, args)
+ case UnApply(fn, args) => apply(fn, args)
+ }
+ }