path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
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authorEugene Burmako <>2013-01-19 12:28:19 +0100
committerEugene Burmako <>2013-05-28 10:19:19 +0200
commit10229316dbf7afa7545d8e279b5960da6ee3db7d (patch)
treecfa50a3207aa5c1b2ce17ffba0fe1413a6f0dd53 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
parente0bbe0af094b9055942c24fcaaa290a31415fa0a (diff)
refactors macro compilation
Upgrades the way that macro defs are compiled by factoring out most of the logic in typedMacroBody and related errors in ContextErrors into an standalone cake. This leads to tighter cohesion and better code reuse as the cake is isolated from the rest of the compiler and is much easier to evolve than just a method body. Increased convenience of coding macro compilation allowed me to further clarify the implementation of the macro engine (e.g. take a look at Validators.scala) and to easily implement additional features, namely: 1) Parameters and return type of macro implementations can now be plain c.Tree's instead of previously mandatory c.Expr's. This makes macros more lightweight as there are a lot of situations when one doesn't need to splice macro params (the only motivation to use exprs over trees). Also as we're on the verge of having quasiquotes in trunk, there soon will be no reason to use exprs at all, since quasiquotes can splice everything. 2) Macro implementations can now be defined in bundles, standalone cakes built around a macro context: This further reduces boilerplate by simplifying implementations complex macros due to the fact that macro programmers no longer need to play path-dependent games to use helpers.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
index 054f96c7b7..09ac13982d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
def AbstractionFromVolatileTypeError(vd: ValDef) =
issueNormalTypeError(vd, "illegal abstraction from value with volatile type "+vd.symbol.tpe)
- private[ContextErrors] def TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersErrorMessage(fun: Tree) =
+ private[scala] def TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersErrorMessage(fun: Tree) =
"wrong number of type parameters for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun)
def TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) = {
@@ -692,7 +692,6 @@ trait ContextErrors {
issueNormalTypeError(expandee, s"macro in $role role can only expand into $allowedExpansions")
- // same reason as for MacroBodyTypecheckException
case object MacroExpansionException extends Exception with scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
protected def macroExpansionError(expandee: Tree, msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition) = {
@@ -712,14 +711,14 @@ trait ContextErrors {
private def MacroTooFewArgumentListsMessage = "too few argument lists for macro invocation"
- def MacroTooFewArgumentLists(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, MacroTooFewArgumentListsMessage)
+ def MacroTooFewArgumentListsError(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, MacroTooFewArgumentListsMessage)
private def MacroTooManyArgumentListsMessage = "too many argument lists for macro invocation"
- def MacroTooManyArgumentLists(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, MacroTooManyArgumentListsMessage)
+ def MacroTooManyArgumentListsError(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, MacroTooManyArgumentListsMessage)
- def MacroTooFewArguments(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, "too few arguments for macro invocation")
+ def MacroTooFewArgumentsError(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, "too few arguments for macro invocation")
- def MacroTooManyArguments(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, "too many arguments for macro invocation")
+ def MacroTooManyArgumentsError(expandee: Tree) = macroExpansionError2(expandee, "too many arguments for macro invocation")
def MacroGeneratedAbort(expandee: Tree, ex: AbortMacroException) = {
// errors have been reported by the macro itself, so we do nothing here
@@ -926,7 +925,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", ""))
- private[ContextErrors] def NotWithinBoundsErrorMessage(prefix: String, targs: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol], explaintypes: Boolean) = {
+ private[scala] def NotWithinBoundsErrorMessage(prefix: String, targs: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol], explaintypes: Boolean) = {
if (explaintypes) {
val bounds = tparams map (tp =>, targs).bounds)
(targs, bounds).zipped foreach ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(bound.lo, targ))
@@ -1233,149 +1232,4 @@ trait ContextErrors {
- // using an exception here is actually a good idea
- // because the lifespan of this exception is extremely small and controlled
- // moreover exceptions let us avoid an avalanche of "if (!hasError) do stuff" checks
- case object MacroBodyTypecheckException extends Exception with scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
- trait MacroErrors {
- self: MacroTyper =>
- private implicit val context0 = typer.context
- val context = typer.context
- // helpers
- private def lengthMsg(flavor: String, violation: String, extra: Symbol) = {
- val noun = if (flavor == "value") "parameter" else "type parameter"
- val message = noun + " lists have different length, " + violation + " extra " + noun
- val suffix = if (extra ne NoSymbol) " " + extra.defString else ""
- message + suffix
- }
- private def abbreviateCoreAliases(s: String): String = List("WeakTypeTag", "Expr").foldLeft(s)((res, x) => res.replace("c.universe." + x, "c." + x))
- private def showMeth(pss: List[List[Symbol]], restpe: Type, abbreviate: Boolean) = {
- var argsPart = (pss map (ps => ps map (_.defString) mkString ("(", ", ", ")"))).mkString
- if (abbreviate) argsPart = abbreviateCoreAliases(argsPart)
- var retPart = restpe.toString
- if (abbreviate || macroDdef.tpt.tpe == null) retPart = abbreviateCoreAliases(retPart)
- argsPart + ": " + retPart
- }
- // not exactly an error generator, but very related
- // and I dearly wanted to push it away from Macros.scala
- private def checkConforms(slot: String, rtpe: Type, atpe: Type) = {
- val verbose = macroDebugVerbose || settings.explaintypes.value
- def check(rtpe: Type, atpe: Type): Boolean = {
- if (rtpe eq atpe) { if (verbose) println(rtpe + " <: " + atpe + "?" + EOL + "true"); true }
- else rtpe <:< atpe
- }
- val ok =
- if (verbose) withTypesExplained(check(rtpe, atpe))
- else check(rtpe, atpe)
- if (!ok) {
- if (!macroDebugVerbose)
- explainTypes(rtpe, atpe)
- compatibilityError("type mismatch for %s: %s does not conform to %s".format(slot, abbreviateCoreAliases(rtpe.toString), abbreviateCoreAliases(atpe.toString)))
- }
- }
- // errors
- private def fail() = {
- // need to set the IS_ERROR flag to prohibit spurious expansions
- if (macroDef != null) macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR
- // not setting ErrorSymbol as in `infer.setError`, because we still need to know that it's a macro
- // otherwise assignTypeToTree in Namers might fail if macroDdef.tpt == EmptyTree
- macroDdef setType ErrorType
- throw MacroBodyTypecheckException
- }
- private def genericError(tree: Tree, message: String) = {
- issueNormalTypeError(tree, message)
- fail()
- }
- private def implRefError(message: String) = {
- val treeInfo.Applied(implRef, _, _) = macroDdef.rhs
- genericError(implRef, message)
- }
- private def compatibilityError(message: String) =
- implRefError(
- "macro implementation has wrong shape:"+
- "\n required: " + showMeth(rparamss, rret, abbreviate = true) +
- "\n found : " + showMeth(aparamss, aret, abbreviate = false) +
- "\n" + message)
- // Phase I: sanity checks
- def MacroDefIsFastTrack() = {
- macroLogVerbose("typecheck terminated unexpectedly: macro is fast track")
- assert(!macroDdef.tpt.isEmpty, "fast track macros must provide result type")
- throw MacroBodyTypecheckException // don't call fail, because we don't need IS_ERROR
- }
- def MacroDefIsQmarkQmarkQmark() = {
- macroLogVerbose("typecheck terminated unexpectedly: macro is ???")
- throw MacroBodyTypecheckException
- }
- def MacroFeatureNotEnabled() = {
- macroLogVerbose("typecheck terminated unexpectedly: language.experimental.macros feature is not enabled")
- fail()
- }
- // Phase II: typecheck the right-hand side of the macro def
- // do nothing, just fail. relevant typecheck errors have already been reported
- def MacroDefUntypeableBodyError() = fail()
- def MacroDefInvalidBodyError() = genericError(macroDdef, "macro body has wrong shape:\n required: macro [<implementation object>].<method name>[[<type args>]]")
- def MacroImplNotPublicError() = implRefError("macro implementation must be public")
- def MacroImplOverloadedError() = implRefError("macro implementation cannot be overloaded")
- def MacroImplWrongNumberOfTypeArgumentsError(macroImplRef: Tree) = implRefError(typer.TyperErrorGen.TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersErrorMessage(macroImplRef))
- def MacroImplNotStaticError() = implRefError("macro implementation must be in statically accessible object")
- // Phase III: check compatibility between the macro def and its macro impl
- // aXXX (e.g. aparams) => characteristics of the macro impl ("a" stands for "actual")
- // rXXX (e.g. rparams) => characteristics of a reference macro impl signature synthesized from the macro def ("r" stands for "reference")
- def MacroImplNonTagImplicitParameters(params: List[Symbol]) = compatibilityError("macro implementations cannot have implicit parameters other than WeakTypeTag evidences")
- def MacroImplParamssMismatchError() = compatibilityError("number of parameter sections differ")
- def MacroImplExtraParamsError(aparams: List[Symbol], rparams: List[Symbol]) = compatibilityError(lengthMsg("value", "found", aparams(rparams.length)))
- def MacroImplMissingParamsError(aparams: List[Symbol], rparams: List[Symbol]) = compatibilityError(abbreviateCoreAliases(lengthMsg("value", "required", rparams(aparams.length))))
- def checkMacroImplParamTypeMismatch(atpe: Type, rparam: Symbol) = checkConforms("parameter " +, rparam.tpe, atpe)
- def checkMacroImplResultTypeMismatch(atpe: Type, rret: Type) = checkConforms("return type", atpe, rret)
- def MacroImplParamNameMismatchError(aparam: Symbol, rparam: Symbol) = compatibilityError("parameter names differ: " + + " != " +
- def MacroImplVarargMismatchError(aparam: Symbol, rparam: Symbol) = {
- if (isRepeated(rparam) && !isRepeated(aparam))
- compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter " + + ": corresponding is not a vararg parameter")
- if (!isRepeated(rparam) && isRepeated(aparam))
- compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter " + + ": corresponding is not a vararg parameter")
- }
- def MacroImplTargMismatchError(atargs: List[Type], atparams: List[Symbol]) =
- compatibilityError(typer.infer.InferErrorGen.NotWithinBoundsErrorMessage("", atargs, atparams, macroDebugVerbose || settings.explaintypes))
- def MacroImplTparamInstantiationError(atparams: List[Symbol], ex: NoInstance) =
- compatibilityError(
- "type parameters "+(atparams map (_.defString) mkString ", ")+" cannot be instantiated\n"+
- ex.getMessage)
- }