path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
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authorHubert Plociniczak <>2012-01-25 11:33:53 +0100
committerHubert Plociniczak <>2012-01-25 11:33:53 +0100
commitc800d1fec5241ed8c29e5af30465856f9b583246 (patch)
treea37c194bb2d632adf9adeda17a107913f63864ba /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
parentde2b0c68785afc0f801fbe8d2750366e90c9fa70 (diff)
Use context for buffering errors that cannot/shouldn't be reported in the given moment (instead of throwing type errors). This avoids previous problems where we were creating fake error trees in some incorrect places like in type completers in Namers etc. Implicits relied heavily on type errors being thrown but performance should stay the same due to some explicit checks/returns.
Some of the problems involved how ambiguous error messages were collected/reported because it was very random (similarly for divergent implicits). This should be more explicit now. Reduced the number of unnecessary cyclic references being thrown (apart from those in Symbols/Types which don't have a context and need to stay for now as is). Review by @paulp, @odersky.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala')
1 files changed, 1052 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
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index 0000000000..a762e44bda
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+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
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+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package typechecker
+import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import{ countElementsAsString, countAsString }
+import symtab.Flags.{ PRIVATE, PROTECTED }
+trait ContextErrors {
+ self: Analyzer =>
+ import global._
+ object ErrorKinds extends Enumeration {
+ type ErrorKind = Value
+ val Normal, Access, Ambiguous, Divergent = Value
+ }
+ import ErrorKinds.ErrorKind
+ trait AbsTypeError extends Throwable {
+ def errPos: Position
+ def errMsg: String
+ def kind: ErrorKind
+ }
+ case class NormalTypeError(underlyingTree: Tree, errMsg: String, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Normal)
+ extends AbsTypeError {
+ def errPos:Position = underlyingTree.pos
+ override def toString() = "[Type error at:" + underlyingTree.pos + "] " + errMsg
+ }
+ case class SymbolTypeError(underlyingSym: Symbol, errMsg: String, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Normal)
+ extends AbsTypeError {
+ def errPos = underlyingSym.pos
+ }
+ case class TypeErrorWrapper(ex: TypeError, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Normal)
+ extends AbsTypeError {
+ def errMsg = ex.msg
+ def errPos = ex.pos
+ }
+ case class TypeErrorWithUnderlyingTree(tree: Tree, ex: TypeError, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Normal)
+ extends AbsTypeError {
+ def errMsg = ex.msg
+ def errPos = tree.pos
+ }
+ case class AmbiguousTypeError(underlyingTree: Tree, errPos: Position, errMsg: String, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Ambiguous) extends AbsTypeError
+ case class PosAndMsgTypeError(errPos: Position, errMsg: String, kind: ErrorKind = ErrorKinds.Normal) extends AbsTypeError
+ object ErrorUtils {
+ def issueNormalTypeError(tree: Tree, msg: String)(implicit context: Context) {
+ issueTypeError(NormalTypeError(tree, msg))
+ }
+ def issueSymbolTypeError(sym: Symbol, msg: String)(implicit context: Context) {
+ issueTypeError(SymbolTypeError(sym, msg))
+ }
+ def issueDivergentImplicitsError(tree: Tree, msg: String)(implicit context: Context) {
+ issueTypeError(NormalTypeError(tree, msg, ErrorKinds.Divergent))
+ }
+ def issueAmbiguousTypeError(pre: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, err: AmbiguousTypeError)(implicit context: Context) {
+ context.issueAmbiguousError(pre, sym1, sym2, err)
+ }
+ def issueTypeError(err: AbsTypeError)(implicit context: Context) { context.issue(err) }
+ def typeErrorMsg(found: Type, req: Type, possiblyMissingArgs: Boolean) = {
+ def missingArgsMsg = if (possiblyMissingArgs) "\n possible cause: missing arguments for method or constructor" else ""
+ "type mismatch" + foundReqMsg(found, req) + missingArgsMsg
+ }
+ }
+ import ErrorUtils._
+ trait TyperContextErrors {
+ self: Typer =>
+ import infer.setError
+ object TyperErrorGen {
+ implicit val context0: Context = infer.getContext
+ def UnstableTreeError(tree: Tree) = {
+ def addendum = {
+ "\n Note that "+tree.symbol+" is not stable because its type, "+tree.tpe+", is volatile."
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ "stable identifier required, but "+tree+" found." + (
+ if (isStableExceptVolatile(tree)) addendum else ""))
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def NoImplicitFoundError(tree: Tree, param: Symbol) = {
+ def errMsg = {
+ val paramName =
+ val paramTp = param.tpe
+ paramTp.typeSymbol match {
+ case ImplicitNotFoundMsg(msg) => msg.format(paramName, paramTp)
+ case _ =>
+ "could not find implicit value for "+
+ (if (paramName startsWith nme.EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX) "evidence parameter of type "
+ else "parameter "+paramName+": ")+paramTp
+ }
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, errMsg)
+ }
+ def AdaptTypeError(tree: Tree, found: Type, req: Type) = {
+ // If the expected type is a refinement type, and the found type is a refinement or an anon
+ // class, we can greatly improve the error message by retyping the tree to recover the actual
+ // members present, then display along with the expected members. This is done here because
+ // this is the last point where we still have access to the original tree, rather than just
+ // the found/req types.
+ val foundType: Type = req.normalize match {
+ case RefinedType(parents, decls) if !decls.isEmpty && found.typeSymbol.isAnonOrRefinementClass =>
+ val retyped = typed (tree.duplicate setType null)
+ val foundDecls = retyped.tpe.decls filter (sym => !sym.isConstructor && !sym.isSynthetic)
+ if (foundDecls.isEmpty) found
+ else {
+ // The members arrive marked private, presumably because there was no
+ // expected type and so they're considered members of an anon class.
+ foundDecls foreach (_ resetFlag (PRIVATE | PROTECTED))
+ // TODO: if any of the found parents match up with required parents after normalization,
+ // print the error so that they match. The major beneficiary there would be
+ // java.lang.Object vs. AnyRef.
+ refinedType(found.parents, found.typeSymbol.owner, foundDecls, tree.pos)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ found
+ }
+ assert(!found.isErroneous && !req.isErroneous)
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, withAddendum(tree.pos)(typeErrorMsg(found, req, infer.isPossiblyMissingArgs(found, req))) )
+ if (settings.explaintypes.value)
+ explainTypes(found, req)
+ }
+ def WithFilterError(tree: Tree, ex: AbsTypeError) = {
+ issueTypeError(ex)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def ParentTypesError(templ: Template, ex: TypeError) = {
+ templ.tpe = null
+ issueNormalTypeError(templ, ex.getMessage())
+ }
+ // additional parentTypes errors
+ def ConstrArgsInTraitParentTpeError(arg: Tree, parent: Symbol) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(arg, parent + " is a trait; does not take constructor arguments")
+ def MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(supertpt, "missing type arguments")
+ // typedIdent
+ def AmbiguousIdentError(tree: Tree, name: Name, msg: String) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "reference to " + name + " is ambiguous;\n" + msg)
+ def SymbolNotFoundError(tree: Tree, name: Name, owner: Symbol, startingIdentCx: Context) = {
+ // This laborious determination arrived at to keep the tests working.
+ val calcSimilar = (
+ name.length > 2 && (
+ startingIdentCx.reportErrors
+ || startingIdentCx.enclClassOrMethod.reportErrors
+ )
+ )
+ // avoid calculating if we're in "silent" mode.
+ // name length check to limit unhelpful suggestions for e.g. "x" and "b1"
+ val similar = {
+ if (!calcSimilar) ""
+ else {
+ val allowed = (
+ startingIdentCx.enclosingContextChain
+ flatMap (ctx => ctx.scope.toList ++ ctx.imports.flatMap(_.allImportedSymbols))
+ filter (sym => sym.isTerm == name.isTermName)
+ filterNot (sym => sym.isPackage || sym.isSynthetic || sym.hasMeaninglessName)
+ )
+ val allowedStrings = (
+"" +
+ filterNot (s => (s contains '$') || (s contains ' '))
+ )
+ similarString("" + name, allowedStrings)
+ }
+ }
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "not found: "+decodeWithKind(name, owner) + similar)
+ }
+ // typedAppliedTypeTree
+ def AppliedTypeNoParametersError(tree: Tree, errTpe: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, errTpe + " does not take type parameters")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def AppliedTypeWrongNumberOfArgsError(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, tparams: List[Symbol]) = {
+ val tptSafeString: String = try {
+ tpt.tpe.toString()
+ } catch {
+ case _: CyclicReference =>
+ tpt.toString()
+ }
+ val msg = "wrong number of type arguments for "+tptSafeString+", should be "+tparams.length
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, msg)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // typedTypeDef
+ def LowerBoundError(tree: TypeDef, lowB: Type, highB: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "lower bound "+lowB+" does not conform to upper bound "+highB)
+ def HiddenSymbolWithError[T <: Tree](tree: T): T =
+ setError(tree)
+ def SymbolEscapesScopeError[T <: Tree](tree: T, badSymbol: Symbol): T = {
+ val modifierString = if (badSymbol.isPrivate) "private " else ""
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, modifierString + badSymbol + " escapes its defining scope as part of type "+tree.tpe)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // typedDefDef
+ def StarParamNotLastError(param: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(param, "*-parameter must come last")
+ def StarWithDefaultError(meth: Symbol) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(meth, "a parameter section with a `*'-parameter is not allowed to have default arguments")
+ def InvalidConstructorDefError(ddef: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(ddef, "constructor definition not allowed here")
+ def DeprecatedParamNameError(param: Symbol, name: Name) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(param, "deprecated parameter name "+ name +" has to be distinct from any other parameter name (deprecated or not).")
+ // computeParamAliases
+ def SuperConstrReferenceError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "super constructor cannot be passed a self reference unless parameter is declared by-name")
+ def SuperConstrArgsThisReferenceError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "super constructor arguments cannot reference unconstructed `this`")
+ // typedValDef
+ def VolatileValueError(vdef: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(vdef, "values cannot be volatile")
+ def FinalVolatileVarError(vdef: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(vdef, "final vars cannot be volatile")
+ def LocalVarUninitializedError(vdef: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(vdef, "local variables must be initialized")
+ //typedAssign
+ def AssignmentError(tree: Tree, varSym: Symbol) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ if (varSym != null && varSym.isValue) "reassignment to val"
+ else "assignment to non variable")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def UnexpectedTreeAssignmentConversionError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "Unexpected tree during assignment conversion.")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def MultiDimensionalArrayError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "cannot create a generic multi-dimensional array of more than "+ definitions.MaxArrayDims+" dimensions")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ //typedSuper
+ def MixinMissingParentClassNameError(tree: Tree, mix: Name, clazz: Symbol) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, mix+" does not name a parent class of "+clazz)
+ def AmbiguousParentClassError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "ambiguous parent class qualifier")
+ //typedSelect
+ def NotAMemberError(sel: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name) = {
+ def errMsg = {
+ val owner = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
+ val target = qual.tpe.widen
+ def targetKindString = if (owner.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) "type parameter " else ""
+ def nameString = decodeWithKind(name, owner)
+ /** Illuminating some common situations and errors a bit further. */
+ def addendum = {
+ val companion = {
+ if (name.isTermName && owner.isPackageClass) {
+ target.member(name.toTypeName) match {
+ case NoSymbol => ""
+ case sym => "\nNote: %s exists, but it has no companion object.".format(sym)
+ }
+ }
+ else ""
+ }
+ val semicolon = (
+ if (linePrecedes(qual, sel))
+ "\npossible cause: maybe a semicolon is missing before `"+nameString+"'?"
+ else
+ ""
+ )
+ companion + semicolon
+ }
+ withAddendum(qual.pos)(
+ if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) target + " does not have a constructor"
+ else nameString + " is not a member of " + targetKindString + target + addendum
+ )
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(sel, errMsg)
+ // the error has to be set for the copied tree, otherwise
+ // the error remains persistent acros multiple compilations
+ // and causes problems
+ //setError(sel)
+ }
+ //typedNew
+ def IsAbstractError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, sym + " is abstract; cannot be instantiated")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def DoesNotConformToSelfTypeError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, tpe0: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, sym + " cannot be instantiated because it does not conform to its self-type " + tpe0)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ //typedEta
+ def UnderscoreEtaError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "_ must follow method; cannot follow " + tree.tpe)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ //typedReturn
+ def ReturnOutsideOfDefError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "return outside method definition")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def ReturnWithoutTypeError(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, owner + " has return statement; needs result type")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ //typedBind
+ def VariableInPatternAlternativeError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "illegal variable in pattern alternative")
+ //setError(tree)
+ }
+ //typedCase
+ def StarPositionInPatternError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "_* may only come last")
+ //typedFunction
+ def MaxFunctionArityError(fun: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(fun, "implementation restricts functions to " + definitions.MaxFunctionArity + " parameters")
+ setError(fun)
+ }
+ def WrongNumberOfParametersError(tree: Tree, argpts: List[Type]) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "wrong number of parameters; expected = " + argpts.length)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def MissingParameterTypeError(fun: Tree, vparam: ValDef, pt: Type) = {
+ def anonMessage = (
+ "\nThe argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)" +
+ "\nExpected type was: " + pt.toLongString
+ )
+ val suffix =
+ if (!vparam.mods.isSynthetic) ""
+ else " for expanded function" + (fun match {
+ case Function(_, Match(_, _)) => anonMessage
+ case _ => " " + fun
+ })
+ issueNormalTypeError(vparam, "missing parameter type" + suffix)
+ }
+ def ConstructorsOrderError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def OnlyDeclarationsError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "only declarations allowed here")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // typedAnnotation
+ def AnnotationNotAConstantError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "annotation argument needs to be a constant; found: " + tree)
+ def AnnotationArgNullError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "annotation argument cannot be null")
+ def ArrayConstantsError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "Array constants have to be specified using the `Array(...)' factory method")
+ def ArrayConstantsTypeMismatchError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "found array constant, expected argument of type " + pt)
+ def UnexpectedTreeAnnotation(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "unexpected tree in annotation: "+ tree)
+ def AnnotationTypeMismatchError(tree: Tree, expected: Type, found: Type) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "expected annotation of type " + expected + ", found " + found)
+ def MultipleArgumentListForAnnotationError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "multiple argument lists on classfile annotation")
+ def UnknownAnnotationNameError(tree: Tree, name: Name) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "unknown annotation argument name: " + name)
+ def DuplicateValueAnnotationError(tree: Tree, name: Name) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "duplicate value for annotation argument " + name)
+ def ClassfileAnnotationsAsNamedArgsError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "classfile annotation arguments have to be supplied as named arguments")
+ def AnnotationMissingArgError(tree: Tree, annType: Type, sym: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "annotation " + annType.typeSymbol.fullName + " is missing argument " +
+ def NestedAnnotationError(tree: Tree, annType: Type) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "nested classfile annotations must be defined in java; found: "+ annType)
+ def UnexpectedTreeAnnotationError(tree: Tree, unexpected: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "unexpected tree after typing annotation: "+ unexpected)
+ // TODO no test case
+ //typedExistentialTypeTree
+ def AbstractionFromVolatileTypeError(vd: ValDef) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(vd, "illegal abstraction from value with volatile type "+vd.symbol.tpe)
+ def TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "wrong number of type parameters for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun))
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def TypedApplyDoesNotTakeTpeParametersError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, treeSymTypeMsg(fun)+" does not take type parameters.")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // doTypeApply
+ //tryNamesDefaults
+ def WrongNumberOfArgsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "wrong number of arguments for "+ treeSymTypeMsg(fun))
+ def TooManyArgsNamesDefaultsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "too many arguments for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun))
+ // can it still happen? see test case neg/t960.scala
+ // TODO no test case
+ def OverloadedUnapplyError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "cannot resolve overloaded unapply")
+ def UnapplyWithSingleArgError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "an unapply method must accept a single argument.")
+ def MultipleVarargError(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "when using named arguments, the vararg parameter has to be specified exactly once")
+ def ModuleUsingCompanionClassDefaultArgsErrror(tree: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "module extending its companion class cannot use default constructor arguments")
+ def NotEnoughArgsError(tree: Tree, fun0: Tree, missing0: List[Symbol]) = {
+ def notEnoughArgumentsMsg(fun: Tree, missing: List[Symbol]) = {
+ val suffix = {
+ if (missing.isEmpty) ""
+ else {
+ val keep = missing take 3 map (
+ ".\nUnspecified value parameter%s %s".format(
+ if (missing.tail.isEmpty) "" else "s",
+ if (missing drop 3 nonEmpty) (keep :+ "...").mkString(", ")
+ else keep.mkString("", ", ", ".")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "not enough arguments for " + treeSymTypeMsg(fun) + suffix
+ }
+ NormalTypeError(tree, notEnoughArgumentsMsg(fun0, missing0))
+ }
+ //doTypedApply - patternMode
+ // TODO: missing test case
+ def TooManyArgsPatternError(fun: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(fun, "too many arguments for unapply pattern, maximum = "+definitions.MaxTupleArity)
+ def WrongNumberArgsPatternError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "wrong number of arguments for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun))
+ def ApplyWithoutArgsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) =
+ NormalTypeError(tree, fun.tpe+" does not take parameters")
+ //checkClassType
+ def TypeNotAStablePrefixError(tpt: Tree, pre: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tpt, "type "+pre+" is not a stable prefix")
+ setError(tpt)
+ }
+ def ClassTypeRequiredError(tree: Tree, found: AnyRef) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "class type required but "+found+" found")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // validateParentClasses
+ def ParentSuperSubclassError(parent: Tree, superclazz: Symbol,
+ parentSym: Symbol, mixin: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent, "illegal inheritance; super"+superclazz+
+ "\n is not a subclass of the super"+parentSym+
+ "\n of the mixin " + mixin)
+ def ParentNotATraitMixinError(parent: Tree, mixin: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent, mixin+" needs to be a trait to be mixed in")
+ def ParentFinalInheritanceError(parent: Tree, mixin: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent, "illegal inheritance from final "+mixin)
+ def ParentSealedInheritanceError(parent: Tree, psym: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent, "illegal inheritance from sealed " + psym + ": " + context.unit.source.file.canonicalPath + " != " + psym.sourceFile.canonicalPath)
+ def ParentSelfTypeConformanceError(parent: Tree, selfType: Type) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent,
+ "illegal inheritance;\n self-type "+selfType+" does not conform to "+
+ parent +"'s selftype "+parent.tpe.typeOfThis)
+ // TODO: missing test case
+ def ParentInheritedTwiceError(parent: Tree, parentSym: Symbol) =
+ NormalTypeError(parent, parentSym+" is inherited twice")
+ //adapt
+ def MissingArgsForMethodTpeError(tree: Tree, meth: Symbol) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ "missing arguments for " + meth.fullLocationString + (
+ if (meth.isConstructor) ""
+ else ";\nfollow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function"
+ ))
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def MissingTypeParametersError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, tree.symbol+" takes type parameters")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def KindArityMismatchError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ tree.tpe+" takes "+countElementsAsString(tree.tpe.typeParams.length, "type parameter")+
+ ", expected: "+countAsString(pt.typeParams.length))
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def CaseClassConstructorError(tree: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, tree.symbol + " is not a case class constructor, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq method")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ //TODO Needs test case
+ def ConstructorPrefixError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, restpe.prefix+" is not a legal prefix for a constructor")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // SelectFromTypeTree
+ def TypeSelectionFromVolatileTypeError(tree: Tree, qual: Tree) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "illegal type selection from volatile type "+qual.tpe)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // packedType
+ def InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree: Tree, pre: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "Inferred type "+tree.tpe+" contains type selection from volatile type "+pre)
+ def AbstractExistentiallyOverParamerizedTpeError(tree: Tree, tp: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "can't existentially abstract over parameterized type " + tp)
+ //manifestTreee
+ def MissingManifestError(tree: Tree, full: Boolean, tp: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "cannot find "+(if (full) "" else "class ")+"manifest for element type "+tp)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // TODO needs test case
+ // cases where we do not necessarily return trees
+ def DependentMethodTpeConversionToFunctionError(tree: Tree, tp: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "method with dependent type "+tp+" cannot be converted to function value")
+ //checkStarPatOK
+ def StarPatternWithVarargParametersError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "star patterns must correspond with varargs parameters")
+ // TODO missing test case
+ def FinitaryError(tparam: Symbol) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(tparam, "class graph is not finitary because type parameter "" is expansively recursive")
+ // TODO missing test case for a second case
+ def QualifyingClassError(tree: Tree, qual: Name) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ if (qual.isEmpty) tree + " can be used only in a class, object, or template"
+ else qual + " is not an enclosing class")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // def stabilize
+ def NotAValueError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, sym.kindString + " " + sym.fullName + " is not a value")
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ // checkNoDoubleDefs...
+ def DefDefinedTwiceError(sym0: Symbol, sym1: Symbol) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym0, sym1+" is defined twice"+
+ {if(!settings.debug.value) "" else " in "+context0.unit}+
+ {if (sym0.isMacro && sym1.isMacro) " \n(note that macros cannot be overloaded)" else ""})
+ // cyclic errors
+ def CyclicAliasingOrSubtypingError(errPos: Position, sym0: Symbol) =
+ issueTypeError(PosAndMsgTypeError(errPos, "cyclic aliasing or subtyping involving "+sym0))
+ def CyclicReferenceError(errPos: Position, lockedSym: Symbol) =
+ issueTypeError(PosAndMsgTypeError(errPos, "illegal cyclic reference involving " + lockedSym))
+ def MacroExpandError(tree: Tree, t: Any) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "macros must return a compiler-specific tree; returned class is: " + t.getClass)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trait InferencerContextErrors {
+ self: Inferencer =>
+ private def applyErrorMsg(tree: Tree, msg: String, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type) = {
+ def asParams(xs: List[Any]) = xs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ def resType = if (pt isWildcard) "" else " with expected result type " + pt
+ def allTypes = (alternatives(tree) flatMap (_.paramTypes)) ++ argtpes :+ pt
+ def locals = alternatives(tree) flatMap (_.typeParams)
+ withDisambiguation(locals, allTypes: _*) {
+ treeSymTypeMsg(tree) + msg + asParams(argtpes) + resType
+ }
+ }
+ object InferErrorGen {
+ implicit val context0 = getContext
+ object PolyAlternativeErrorKind extends Enumeration {
+ type ErrorType = Value
+ val WrongNumber, NoParams, ArgsDoNotConform = Value
+ }
+ private def ambiguousErrorMsgPos(pos: Position, pre: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, rest: String) =
+ if (sym1.hasDefaultFlag && sym2.hasDefaultFlag && sym1.enclClass == sym2.enclClass) {
+ val methodName = nme.defaultGetterToMethod(
+ (sym1.enclClass.pos,
+ "in "+ sym1.enclClass +", multiple overloaded alternatives of " + methodName +
+ " define default arguments")
+ } else {
+ (pos,
+ ("ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,\n" +
+ "both " + sym1 + sym1.locationString + " of type " + pre.memberType(sym1) +
+ "\nand " + sym2 + sym2.locationString + " of type " + pre.memberType(sym2) +
+ "\nmatch " + rest)
+ )
+ }
+ def AccessError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, owner0: Symbol, explanation: String) = {
+ def errMsg = {
+ val location = if (sym.isClassConstructor) owner0 else pre.widen
+ underlying(sym).fullLocationString + " cannot be accessed in " +
+ location + explanation
+ }
+ NormalTypeError(tree, errMsg, ErrorKinds.Access)
+ }
+ def NoMethodInstanceError(fn: Tree, args: List[Tree], msg: String) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(fn,
+ "no type parameters for " +
+ applyErrorMsg(fn, " exist so that it can be applied to arguments ", args map (_.tpe.widen), WildcardType) +
+ "\n --- because ---\n" + msg)
+ // TODO: no test case
+ def NoConstructorInstanceError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type, pt: Type, msg: String) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ "constructor of type " + restpe +
+ " cannot be uniquely instantiated to expected type " + pt +
+ "\n --- because ---\n" + msg)
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def ConstrInstantiationError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type, pt: Type) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ "constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type" + foundReqMsg(restpe, pt))
+ setError(tree)
+ }
+ def NoBestMethodAlternativeError(tree: Tree, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ applyErrorMsg(tree, " cannot be applied to ", argtpes, pt))
+ def AmbiguousMethodAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pre: Type, best: Symbol,
+ firstCompeting: Symbol, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type) = {
+ val msg0 =
+ "argument types " + argtpes.mkString("(", ",", ")") +
+ (if (pt == WildcardType) "" else " and expected result type " + pt)
+ val (pos, msg) = ambiguousErrorMsgPos(tree.pos, pre, best, firstCompeting, msg0)
+ issueAmbiguousTypeError(pre, best, firstCompeting, AmbiguousTypeError(tree, pos, msg))
+ }
+ def NoBestExprAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, withAddendum(tree.pos)(typeErrorMsg(tree.symbol.tpe, pt, isPossiblyMissingArgs(tree.symbol.tpe, pt))))
+ def AmbiguousExprAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pre: Type, best: Symbol, firstCompeting: Symbol, pt: Type) = {
+ val (pos, msg) = ambiguousErrorMsgPos(tree.pos, pre, best, firstCompeting, "expected type " + pt)
+ setError(tree)
+ issueAmbiguousTypeError(pre, best, firstCompeting, AmbiguousTypeError(tree, pos, msg))
+ }
+ // checkBounds
+ def KindBoundErrors(tree: Tree, prefix: String, targs: List[Type],
+ tparams: List[Symbol], kindErrors: List[String]) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ prefix + "kinds of the type arguments " + targs.mkString("(", ",", ")") +
+ " do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters "+
+ tparams.mkString("(", ",", ")") + tparams.head.locationString+ "." +
+ kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", ""))
+ }
+ def NotWithinBounds(tree: Tree, prefix: String, targs: List[Type],
+ tparams: List[Symbol], kindErrors: List[String]) = {
+ if (settings.explaintypes.value) {
+ val bounds = tparams map (tp =>, targs).bounds)
+ (targs, bounds).zipped foreach ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(bound.lo, targ))
+ (targs, bounds).zipped foreach ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(targ, bound.hi))
+ ()
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ prefix + "type arguments " + targs.mkString("[", ",", "]") +
+ " do not conform to " + tparams.head.owner + "'s type parameter bounds " +
+ (tparams map (_.defString)).mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+ }
+ //substExpr
+ def PolymorphicExpressionInstantiationError(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], pt: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree,
+ "polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type" +
+ foundReqMsg(polyType(undetparams, skipImplicit(tree.tpe)), pt))
+ //checkCheckable
+ def TypePatternOrIsInstanceTestError(tree: Tree, tp: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "type "+tp+" cannot be used in a type pattern or isInstanceOf test")
+ def PatternTypeIncompatibleWithPtError1(tree: Tree, pattp: Type, pt: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "pattern type is incompatible with expected type" + foundReqMsg(pattp, pt))
+ def IncompatibleScrutineeTypeError(tree: Tree, pattp: Type, pt: Type) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "scrutinee is incompatible with pattern type" + foundReqMsg(pattp, pt))
+ def PatternTypeIncompatibleWithPtError2(pat: Tree, pt1: Type, pt: Type) = {
+ def errMsg = {
+ val sym = pat.tpe.typeSymbol
+ val clazz = sym.companionClass
+ val addendum = (
+ if (sym.isModuleClass && clazz.isCaseClass && (clazz isSubClass pt1.typeSymbol)) {
+ // TODO: move these somewhere reusable.
+ val typeString = clazz.typeParams match {
+ case Nil => "" +
+ case xs => xs map (_ => "_") mkString ( + "[", ",", "]")
+ }
+ val caseString = (
+ clazz.caseFieldAccessors
+ map (_ => "_") // could use the actual param names here
+ mkString ( + "(", ",", ")")
+ )
+ (
+ "\nNote: if you intended to match against the class, try `case _: " +
+ typeString + "` or `case " + caseString + "`"
+ )
+ }
+ else ""
+ )
+ "pattern type is incompatible with expected type"+foundReqMsg(pat.tpe, pt) + addendum
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(pat, errMsg)
+ }
+ def PolyAlternativeError(tree: Tree, argtypes: List[Type], sym: Symbol, err: PolyAlternativeErrorKind.ErrorType) = {
+ import PolyAlternativeErrorKind._
+ val msg =
+ err match {
+ case WrongNumber =>
+ "wrong number of type parameters for " + treeSymTypeMsg(tree)
+ case NoParams =>
+ treeSymTypeMsg(tree) + " does not take type parameters"
+ case ArgsDoNotConform =>
+ "type arguments " + argtypes.mkString("[", ",", "]") +
+ " conform to the bounds of none of the overloaded alternatives of\n "+sym+
+ ": "
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, msg)
+ ()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trait NamerContextErrors {
+ self: Namer =>
+ object NamerErrorGen {
+ implicit val context0 = context
+ object SymValidateErrors extends Enumeration {
+ val ImplicitConstr, ImplicitNotTerm, ImplicitTopObject,
+ OverrideClass, SealedNonClass, AbstractNonClass,
+ OverrideConstr, AbstractOverride, LazyAndEarlyInit,
+ ByNameParameter, AbstractVar = Value
+ }
+ object DuplicatesErrorKinds extends Enumeration {
+ val RenamedTwice, AppearsTwice = Value
+ }
+ import SymValidateErrors._
+ import DuplicatesErrorKinds._
+ import symtab.Flags
+ def TypeSigError(tree: Tree, ex: TypeError) = {
+ ex match {
+ case CyclicReference(sym, info: TypeCompleter) =>
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, typer.cyclicReferenceMessage(sym, info.tree) getOrElse ex.getMessage())
+ case _ =>
+ context0.issue(TypeErrorWithUnderlyingTree(tree, ex))
+ }
+ }
+ def GetterDefinedTwiceError(getter: Symbol) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(getter, getter+" is defined twice")
+ def ValOrValWithSetterSuffixError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "Names of vals or vars may not end in `_='")
+ def PrivateThisCaseClassParameterError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "private[this] not allowed for case class parameters")
+ def BeanPropertyAnnotationLimitationError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "implementation limitation: the BeanProperty annotation cannot be used in a type alias or renamed import")
+ def BeanPropertyAnnotationFieldWithoutLetterError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "`BeanProperty' annotation can be applied only to fields that start with a letter")
+ def BeanPropertyAnnotationPrivateFieldError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "`BeanProperty' annotation can be applied only to non-private fields")
+ def DoubleDefError(currentSym: Symbol, prevSym: Symbol) = {
+ val s1 = if (prevSym.isModule) "case class companion " else ""
+ val s2 = if (prevSym.isSynthetic) "(compiler-generated) " + s1 else ""
+ val s3 = if (prevSym.isCase) "case class " + else "" + prevSym
+ issueSymbolTypeError(currentSym, + " is already defined as " + s2 + s3)
+ }
+ def MaxParametersCaseClassError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "Implementation restriction: case classes cannot have more than " + definitions.MaxFunctionArity + " parameters.")
+ def InheritsItselfError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, tree.tpe.typeSymbol+" inherits itself")
+ def MissingParameterOrValTypeError(vparam: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(vparam, "missing parameter type")
+ def RootImportError(tree: Tree) =
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, "_root_ cannot be imported")
+ def SymbolValidationError(sym: Symbol, errKind: SymValidateErrors.Value) {
+ val msg = errKind match {
+ case ImplicitConstr =>
+ "`implicit' modifier not allowed for constructors"
+ case ImplicitNotTerm =>
+ "`implicit' modifier can be used only for values, variables and methods"
+ case ImplicitTopObject =>
+ "`implicit' modifier cannot be used for top-level objects"
+ case OverrideClass =>
+ "`override' modifier not allowed for classes"
+ case SealedNonClass =>
+ "`sealed' modifier can be used only for classes"
+ case AbstractNonClass =>
+ "`abstract' modifier can be used only for classes; it should be omitted for abstract members"
+ case OverrideConstr =>
+ "`override' modifier not allowed for constructors"
+ case AbstractOverride =>
+ "`abstract override' modifier only allowed for members of traits"
+ case LazyAndEarlyInit =>
+ "`lazy' definitions may not be initialized early"
+ case ByNameParameter =>
+ "pass-by-name arguments not allowed for case class parameters"
+ case AbstractVar =>
+ "only classes can have declared but undefined members" + abstractVarMessage(sym)
+ }
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym, msg)
+ }
+ def AbstractMemberWithModiferError(sym: Symbol, flag: Int) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym, "abstract member may not have " + Flags.flagsToString(flag) + " modifier")
+ def IllegalModifierCombination(sym: Symbol, flag1: Int, flag2: Int) =
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym, "illegal combination of modifiers: %s and %s for: %s".format(
+ Flags.flagsToString(flag1), Flags.flagsToString(flag2), sym))
+ def IllegalDependentMethTpeError(sym: Symbol)(context: Context) = {
+ val errorAddendum =
+ ": parameter appears in the type of another parameter in the same section or an earlier one"
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym, "illegal dependent method type" + errorAddendum)(context)
+ }
+ def DuplicatesError(tree: Tree, name: Name, kind: DuplicatesErrorKinds.Value) = {
+ val msg = kind match {
+ case RenamedTwice =>
+ "is renamed twice"
+ case AppearsTwice =>
+ "appears twice as a target of a renaming"
+ }
+ issueNormalTypeError(tree, name.decode + " " + msg)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trait ImplicitsContextErrors {
+ self: ImplicitSearch =>
+ import definitions._
+ def AmbiguousImplicitError(info1: ImplicitInfo, info2: ImplicitInfo,
+ pre1: String, pre2: String, trailer: String)
+ (isView: Boolean, pt: Type, tree: Tree)(implicit context0: Context) = {
+ if (!info1.tpe.isErroneous && !info2.tpe.isErroneous) {
+ val coreMsg =
+ pre1+" "+info1.sym.fullLocationString+" of type "+info1.tpe+"\n "+
+ pre2+" "+info2.sym.fullLocationString+" of type "+info2.tpe+"\n "+
+ trailer
+ val errMsg =
+ if (isView) {
+ val found = pt.typeArgs(0)
+ val req = pt.typeArgs(1)
+ def defaultExplanation =
+ "Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:\n "+
+ coreMsg+"are possible conversion functions from "+ found+" to "+req
+ def explanation = {
+ val sym = found.typeSymbol
+ // Explain some common situations a bit more clearly.
+ if (AnyRefClass.tpe <:< req) {
+ if (sym == AnyClass || sym == UnitClass) {
+ "Note: " + + " is not implicitly converted to AnyRef. You can safely\n" +
+ "pattern match `x: AnyRef` or cast `x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]` to do so."
+ }
+ else boxedClass get sym match {
+ case Some(boxed) =>
+ "Note: an implicit exists from " + sym.fullName + " => " + boxed.fullName + ", but\n" +
+ "methods inherited from Object are rendered ambiguous. This is to avoid\n" +
+ "a blanket implicit which would convert any " + sym.fullName + " to any AnyRef.\n" +
+ "You may wish to use a type ascription: `x: " + boxed.fullName + "`."
+ case _ =>
+ defaultExplanation
+ }
+ }
+ else defaultExplanation
+ }
+ typeErrorMsg(found, req, infer.isPossiblyMissingArgs(found, req)) + "\n" + explanation
+ } else {
+ "ambiguous implicit values:\n "+coreMsg + "match expected type "+pt
+ }
+ context.issueAmbiguousError(AmbiguousTypeError(tree, tree.pos, errMsg))
+ }
+ }
+ def DivergingImplicitExpansionError(tree: Tree, pt: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit context0: Context) =
+ issueDivergentImplicitsError(tree,
+ "diverging implicit expansion for type "+pt+"\nstarting with "+
+ sym.fullLocationString)
+ }
+ object NamesDefaultsErrorsGen {
+ import typer.infer.setError
+ def NameClashError(sym: Symbol, arg: Tree)(implicit context: Context) = {
+ setError(arg) // to distinguish it from ambiguous reference error
+ def errMsg =
+ "%s definition needs %s because '%s' is used as a named argument in its body.".format(
+ "variable", // "method"
+ "type", // "result type"
+ issueSymbolTypeError(sym, errMsg)
+ }
+ def AmbiguousReferenceInNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name)(implicit context: Context) = {
+ if (!arg.isErroneous) { // check if name clash wasn't reported already
+ issueNormalTypeError(arg,
+ "reference to "+ name +" is ambiguous; it is both a method parameter "+
+ "and a variable in scope.")
+ setError(arg)
+ } else arg
+ }
+ def UnknownParameterNameNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name)(implicit context: Context) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(arg, "unknown parameter name: " + name)
+ setError(arg)
+ }
+ def DoubleParamNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name)(implicit context: Context) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(arg, "parameter specified twice: "+ name)
+ setError(arg)
+ }
+ def PositionalAfterNamedNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree)(implicit context: Context) = {
+ issueNormalTypeError(arg, "positional after named argument.")
+ setError(arg)
+ }
+ }