path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
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authorEugene Burmako <>2012-11-24 22:32:17 +0100
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-12-06 23:17:26 +0100
commit40063b0009d55ed527bf1625d99a168a8faa4124 (patch)
treeb25bc2d1c7502d3eac1ef3d66bd84c05ae819a84 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
parent85f320258cbd68c4235cf0cdf2fede9ab6e88c8b (diff)
refactors handling of parent types
At the moment parser does too much w.r.t handling of parent types. It checks whether a parent can have value arguments or not and more importantly, it synthesizes constructors and super calls. This approach is fundamentally incompatible with upcoming type macros. Take for example the following two snippets of code: `class C extends A(2)` `class D extends A(2) with B(3)` In the first snippet, `A` might be a type macro, therefore the super call `A.super(2)` eagerly emitted by the parser might be meaningless. In the second snippet parser will report an error despite that `B` might be a type macro which expands into a trait. Unfortunately we cannot simply augment the parser with the `isTypeMacro` check. This is because to find out whether an identifier refers to a type macro, one needs to perform a typecheck, which the parser cannot do. Therefore we need a deep change in how parent types and constructors are processed by the compiler, which is implemented in this commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index 7c76eff9d8..3f5a4036aa 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -1378,13 +1378,6 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (member(qual, name) != NoSymbol) qual
else adaptToMember(qual, HasMember(name))
- private def typePrimaryConstrBody(clazz : Symbol, cbody: Tree, tparams: List[Symbol], enclTparams: List[Symbol], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = {
- // XXX: see about using the class's symbol....
- enclTparams foreach (sym => context.scope.enter(sym))
- namer.enterValueParams(vparamss)
- typed(cbody)
- }
private def validateNoCaseAncestor(clazz: Symbol) = {
if (!phase.erasedTypes) {
for (ancestor <- clazz.ancestors find (_.isCase)) {
@@ -1486,125 +1479,263 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
unit.error(tparam.pos, "type parameter of value class may not be specialized")
- def parentTypes(templ: Template): List[Tree] =
- if (templ.parents.isEmpty) List(atPos(templ.pos)(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe)))
- else try {
- val clazz = context.owner
- // Normalize supertype and mixins so that supertype is always a class, not a trait.
- var supertpt = typedTypeConstructor(templ.parents.head)
- val firstParent = supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol
- var mixins = templ.parents.tail map typedType
- // If first parent is a trait, make it first mixin and add its superclass as first parent
- while ((supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol.initialize.isTrait) {
- val supertpt1 = typedType(supertpt)
- if (!supertpt1.isErrorTyped) {
- mixins = supertpt1 :: mixins
- supertpt = TypeTree(supertpt1.tpe.firstParent) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
- }
+ /** Typechecks a parent type reference.
+ *
+ * This typecheck is harder than it might look, because it should honor early
+ * definitions and also perform type argument inference with the help of super call
+ * arguments provided in `encodedtpt`.
+ *
+ * The method is called in batches (batch = 1 time per each parent type referenced),
+ * two batches per definition: once from namer, when entering a ClassDef or a ModuleDef
+ * and once from typer, when typechecking the definition.
+ *
+ * ***Arguments***
+ *
+ * `encodedtpt` represents the parent type reference wrapped in an `Apply` node
+ * which indicates value arguments (i.e. type macro arguments or super constructor call arguments)
+ * If no value arguments are provided by the user, the `Apply` node is still
+ * there, but its `args` will be set to `Nil`.
+ * This argument is synthesized by `tools.nsc.ast.Parsers.templateParents`.
+ *
+ * `templ` is an enclosing template, which contains a primary constructor synthesized by the parser.
+ * Such a constructor is a DefDef which contains early initializers and maybe a super constructor call
+ * (I wrote "maybe" because trait constructors don't call super constructors).
+ * This argument is synthesized by `tools.nsc.ast.Trees.Template`.
+ *
+ * `inMixinPosition` indicates whether the reference is not the first in the
+ * list of parents (and therefore cannot be a class) or the opposite.
+ *
+ * ***Return value and side effects***
+ *
+ * Returns a `TypeTree` representing a resolved parent type.
+ * If the typechecked parent reference implies non-nullary and non-empty argument list,
+ * this argument list is attached to the returned value in SuperCallArgsAttachment.
+ * The attachment is necessary for the subsequent typecheck to fixup a super constructor call
+ * in the body of the primary constructor (see `typedTemplate` for details).
+ *
+ * This method might invoke `typedPrimaryConstrBody`, hence it might cause the side effects
+ * described in the docs of that method. It might also attribute the Super(_, _) reference
+ * (if present) inside the primary constructor of `templ`.
+ *
+ * ***Example***
+ *
+ * For the following definition:
+ *
+ * class D extends {
+ * val x = 2
+ * val y = 4
+ * } with B(x)(3) with C(y) with T
+ *
+ * this method will be called six times:
+ *
+ * (3 times from the namer)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Apply(Ident(B), List(Ident(x))), List(3)), templ, inMixinPosition = false)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Ident(C), List(Ident(y))), templ, inMixinPosition = true)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Ident(T), List()), templ, inMixinPosition = true)
+ *
+ * (3 times from the typer)
+ * <the same three calls>
+ */
+ private def typedParentType(encodedtpt: Tree, templ: Template, inMixinPosition: Boolean): Tree = {
+ val app = treeInfo.dissectApplied(encodedtpt)
+ val (treeInfo.Applied(core, targs, argss), decodedtpt) = (app, app.callee)
+ val argssAreTrivial = argss == Nil || argss == ListOfNil
+ // we cannot avoid cyclic references with `initialize` here, because when type macros arrive,
+ // we'll have to check the probe for isTypeMacro anyways.
+ // therefore I think it's reasonable to trade a more specific "inherits itself" error
+ // for a generic, yet understandable "cyclic reference" error
+ var probe = typedTypeConstructor(core.duplicate).tpe.typeSymbol
+ if (probe == null) probe = NoSymbol
+ probe.initialize
+ if (probe.isTrait || inMixinPosition) {
+ if (!argssAreTrivial) {
+ if (probe.isTrait) ConstrArgsInParentWhichIsTraitError(encodedtpt, probe)
+ else () // a class in a mixin position - this warrants an error in `validateParentClasses`
+ // therefore here we do nothing, e.g. don't check that the # of ctor arguments
+ // matches the # of ctor parameters or stuff like that
- if (supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass && firstParent.isTrait)
- supertpt.tpe = AnyRefClass.tpe
- // Determine
- // - supertparams: Missing type parameters from supertype
- // - supertpe: Given supertype, polymorphic in supertparams
- val supertparams = if (supertpt.hasSymbol) supertpt.symbol.typeParams else List()
- var supertpe = supertpt.tpe
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- supertpe = PolyType(supertparams, appliedType(supertpe, supertparams map (_.tpeHK)))
- // A method to replace a super reference by a New in a supercall
- def transformSuperCall(scall: Tree): Tree = (scall: @unchecked) match {
- case Apply(fn, args) =>
- treeCopy.Apply(scall, transformSuperCall(fn), args map (_.duplicate))
- case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
- treeCopy.Select(
- scall,
- atPos(supertpt.pos.focus)(New(TypeTree(supertpe)) setType supertpe),
+ typedType(decodedtpt)
+ } else {
+ var supertpt = typedTypeConstructor(decodedtpt)
+ val supertparams = if (supertpt.hasSymbol) supertpt.symbol.typeParams else Nil
+ if (supertparams.nonEmpty) {
+ typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ) { superRef =>
+ val supertpe = PolyType(supertparams, appliedType(supertpt.tpe, supertparams map (_.tpeHK)))
+ val supercall = New(supertpe, mmap(argss)(_.duplicate))
+ val treeInfo.Applied(Select(ctor, nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _, _) = supercall
+ ctor setType supertpe // this is an essential hack, otherwise it will occasionally fail to typecheck
+ atPos(supertpt.pos.focus)(supercall)
+ } match {
+ case EmptyTree => MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
+ case tpt => supertpt = TypeTree(tpt.tpe) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
+ }
+ // this is the place where we tell the typer what argss should be used for the super call
+ // if argss are nullary or empty, then (see the docs for `typedPrimaryConstrBody`)
+ // the super call dummy is already good enough, so we don't need to do anything
+ if (argssAreTrivial) supertpt else supertpt updateAttachment SuperCallArgsAttachment(argss)
+ }
+ }
- treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
- case constr @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
- // Convert constructor body to block in environment and typecheck it
- val (preSuperStats, superCall) = {
- val (stats, rest) = cstats span (x => !treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(x))
- (stats map (_.duplicate), if (rest.isEmpty) EmptyTree else rest.head.duplicate)
- }
- val cstats1 = if (superCall == EmptyTree) preSuperStats else preSuperStats :+ superCall
- val cbody1 = treeCopy.Block(cbody, preSuperStats, superCall match {
- case Apply(_, _) if supertparams.nonEmpty => transformSuperCall(superCall)
- case _ => cunit.duplicate
- })
- val outercontext = context.outer
- assert(clazz != NoSymbol, templ)
- val cscope = outercontext.makeNewScope(constr, outercontext.owner)
- val cbody2 = newTyper(cscope) // called both during completion AND typing.
- .typePrimaryConstrBody(clazz,
- cbody1, supertparams, clazz.unsafeTypeParams, vparamss map (
- superCall match {
- case Apply(_, _) =>
- val sarg = treeInfo.firstArgument(superCall)
- if (sarg != EmptyTree && supertpe.typeSymbol != firstParent)
- ConstrArgsInTraitParentTpeError(sarg, firstParent)
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- supertpt = TypeTree(cbody2.tpe) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
- case _ =>
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
- }
+ /** Typechecks the mishmash of trees that happen to be stuffed into the primary constructor of a given template.
+ * Before commencing the typecheck applies `superCallTransform` to a super call (if the latter exists).
+ * The transform can return `EmptyTree`, in which case the super call is replaced with a literal unit.
+ *
+ * ***Return value and side effects***
+ *
+ * If a super call is present in the primary constructor and is not erased by the transform, returns it typechecked.
+ * Otherwise (e.g. if the primary constructor is missing or the super call isn't there) returns `EmptyTree`.
+ *
+ * As a side effect, this method attributes the underlying fields of early vals.
+ * Early vals aren't typechecked anywhere else, so it's essential to call `typedPrimaryConstrBody`
+ * at least once per definition. It'd be great to disentangle this logic at some point.
+ *
+ * ***Example***
+ *
+ * For the following definition:
+ *
+ * class D extends {
+ * val x = 2
+ * val y = 4
+ * } with B(x)(3) with C(y) with T
+ *
+ * the primary constructor of `templ` will be:
+ *
+ * Block(List(
+ * ValDef(NoMods, x, TypeTree(), 2)
+ * ValDef(NoMods, y, TypeTree(), 4)
+ * Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)), List()),
+ * Literal(Constant(())))
+ *
+ * Note the Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) part. This is the representation of
+ * a fill-me-in-later supercall dummy. The argss are Nil, which encodes the fact
+ * that supercall argss are unknown during parsing and need to be transplanted from one of the parent types.
+ * Read more about why the argss are unknown in `tools.nsc.ast.Trees.Template`.
+ *
+ * The entire Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)), List()) is a dummy,
+ * and it's the one and only possible representation that can be emitted by parser.
+ *
+ * Despite of being unwieldy, this tree is quite convenient because:
+ * * It works as is for the case when no processing is required (empty ctor args for the superclass)
+ * * Stripping off the Apply produces a core that only needs rewrapping with applications of actual argss.
+ *
+ * For some time I was thinking of using just Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)),
+ * but that one required wrapping even if the superclass doesn't take any argss.
+ *
+ * Another option would be to introduce a singleton tree akin to `emptyValDef` and use it as a dummy.
+ * Unfortunately this won't work out of the box, because the Super part is supposed to get attributed
+ * during `typedPrimaryConstrBody`.
+ *
+ * We could introduce another attachment for that or change SuperCallArgsAttachment
+ * to accommodate for the attributed Super, and then using the attached info to adjust the primary constructor
+ * during typedTemplate. However, given the scope of necessary changes (beyond a few lines) and the fact that,
+ * according to Martin, the whole thing is to be rewritten soon, I'd say we don't do the follow-up refactoring.
+ */
+ private def typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ: Template)(superCallTransform: Tree => Tree): Tree =
+ treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
+ case ctor @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
+ val (preSuperStats, superCall) = {
+ val (stats, rest) = cstats span (x => !treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(x))
+ (stats map (_.duplicate), if (rest.isEmpty) EmptyTree else rest.head.duplicate)
+ }
+ val superCall1 = (superCall match {
+ case Apply(superRef @ Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil) => superCallTransform(superRef)
+ case EmptyTree => EmptyTree
+ }) orElse cunit
+ val cbody1 = treeCopy.Block(cbody, preSuperStats, superCall1)
+ val clazz = context.owner
+ assert(clazz != NoSymbol, templ)
+ val cscope = context.outer.makeNewScope(ctor, context.outer.owner)
+ val cbody2 = { // called both during completion AND typing.
+ val typer1 = newTyper(cscope)
+ // XXX: see about using the class's symbol....
+ clazz.unsafeTypeParams foreach (sym => typer1.context.scope.enter(sym))
+ typer1.namer.enterValueParams(vparamss map (
+ typer1.typed(cbody1)
+ }
- val preSuperVals = treeInfo.preSuperFields(templ.body)
- if (preSuperVals.isEmpty && preSuperStats.nonEmpty)
- debugwarn("Wanted to zip empty presuper val list with " + preSuperStats)
- else
- map2(preSuperStats, preSuperVals)((ldef, gdef) => gdef.tpt.tpe = ldef.symbol.tpe)
+ val preSuperVals = treeInfo.preSuperFields(templ.body)
+ if (preSuperVals.isEmpty && preSuperStats.nonEmpty)
+ debugwarn("Wanted to zip empty presuper val list with " + preSuperStats)
+ else
+ map2(preSuperStats, preSuperVals)((ldef, gdef) => gdef.tpt.tpe = ldef.symbol.tpe)
- case _ =>
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
- }
-/* experimental: early types as type arguments
- val hasEarlyTypes = templ.body exists (treeInfo.isEarlyTypeDef)
- val earlyMap = new EarlyMap(clazz)
- List.mapConserve(supertpt :: mixins){ tpt =>
- val tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz, tpt)
- if (hasEarlyTypes) tpt1 else tpt1 setType earlyMap(tpt1.tpe)
+ if (superCall1 == cunit) EmptyTree else cbody2
+ case _ =>
+ EmptyTree
+ }
+ /** Makes sure that the first type tree in the list of parent types is always a class.
+ * If the first parent is a trait, prepend its supertype to the list until it's a class.
+ */
+ private def normalizeFirstParent(parents: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = parents match {
+ case first :: rest if treeInfo.isTraitRef(first) =>
+ def explode(supertpt: Tree, acc: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ if (treeInfo.isTraitRef(supertpt)) {
+ val supertpt1 = typedType(supertpt)
+ if (!supertpt1.isErrorTyped) {
+ val supersupertpt = TypeTree(supertpt1.tpe.firstParent) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
+ return explode(supersupertpt, supertpt1 :: acc)
+ }
+ }
+ if (supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass) supertpt.tpe = AnyRefClass.tpe
+ supertpt :: acc
+ explode(first, Nil) ++ rest
+ case _ => parents
+ }
- //Console.println("parents("+clazz") = "+supertpt :: mixins);//DEBUG
+ /** Certain parents are added in the parser before it is known whether
+ * that class also declared them as parents. For instance, this is an
+ * error unless we take corrective action here:
+ *
+ * case class Foo() extends Serializable
+ *
+ * So we strip the duplicates before typer.
+ */
+ private def fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(parents: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = parents match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case x :: xs =>
+ val sym = x.symbol
+ x :: fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(
+ if (isPossibleSyntheticParent(sym)) xs filterNot (_.symbol == sym)
+ else xs
+ )
+ }
- // Certain parents are added in the parser before it is known whether
- // that class also declared them as parents. For instance, this is an
- // error unless we take corrective action here:
- //
- // case class Foo() extends Serializable
- //
- // So we strip the duplicates before typer.
- def fixDuplicates(remaining: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = remaining match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case x :: xs =>
- val sym = x.symbol
- x :: fixDuplicates(
- if (isPossibleSyntheticParent(sym)) xs filterNot (_.symbol == sym)
- else xs
- )
+ def parentTypes(templ: Template): List[Tree] = templ.parents match {
+ case Nil => List(atPos(templ.pos)(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe)))
+ case first :: rest =>
+ try {
+ val supertpts = fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(normalizeFirstParent(
+ typedParentType(first, templ, inMixinPosition = false) +:
+ (rest map (typedParentType(_, templ, inMixinPosition = true)))))
+ // if that is required to infer the targs of a super call
+ // typedParentType calls typedPrimaryConstrBody to do the inferring typecheck
+ // as a side effect, that typecheck also assigns types to the fields underlying early vals
+ // however if inference is not required, the typecheck doesn't happen
+ // and therefore early fields have their type trees not assigned
+ // here we detect this situation and take preventive measures
+ if (treeInfo.hasUntypedPreSuperFields(templ.body))
+ typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ)(superRef => EmptyTree)
+ supertpts mapConserve (tpt => checkNoEscaping.privates(context.owner, tpt))
+ } catch {
+ case ex: TypeError =>
+ // fallback in case of cyclic errors
+ // @H none of the tests enter here but I couldn't rule it out
+ // upd. @E when a definitions inherits itself, we end up here
+ // because `typedParentType` triggers `initialize` for parent types symbols
+ log("Type error calculating parents in template " + templ)
+ log("Error: " + ex)
+ ParentTypesError(templ, ex)
+ List(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe))
- fixDuplicates(supertpt :: mixins) mapConserve (tpt => checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz, tpt))
- }
- catch {
- case ex: TypeError =>
- // fallback in case of cyclic errors
- // @H none of the tests enter here but I couldn't rule it out
- log("Type error calculating parents in template " + templ)
- log("Error: " + ex)
- ParentTypesError(templ, ex)
- List(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe))
- }
+ }
/** <p>Check that</p>
* <ul>
@@ -1844,7 +1975,8 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
// the following is necessary for templates generated later
assert( != EmptyScope, clazz)
enterSyms(context.outer.make(templ, clazz,, templ.body)
- validateParentClasses(parents1, selfType)
+ if (!templ.isErrorTyped) // if `parentTypes` has invalidated the template, don't validate it anymore
+ validateParentClasses(parents1, selfType)
if (clazz.isCase)
@@ -1854,9 +1986,28 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (!phase.erasedTypes && ! // @S: prevent crash for duplicated type members
- val body =
- if (isPastTyper || reporter.hasErrors) templ.body
- else templ.body flatMap rewrappingWrapperTrees(namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, _))
+ val body = {
+ val body =
+ if (isPastTyper || reporter.hasErrors) templ.body
+ else templ.body flatMap rewrappingWrapperTrees(namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, _))
+ parents1.head match {
+ case CarriesSuperCallArgs(argss) =>
+ if (clazz.isTrait) {
+ ConstrArgsInParentOfTraitError(parents1.head, clazz)
+ body
+ } else {
+ val primaryCtor = treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body)
+ val primaryCtor1 = (deriveDefDef(primaryCtor) {
+ case block @ Block(earlyVals :+ Apply(superRef, Nil), unit) =>
+ val pos = wrappingPos(parents1.head.pos, argss.flatten)
+ val superCall = atPos(pos)((superRef /: argss)(Apply.apply))
+ Block(earlyVals :+ superCall, unit) setPos pos
+ }) setPos pos
+ body map { case `primaryCtor` => primaryCtor1; case stat => stat }
+ }
+ case _ => body
+ }
+ }
val body1 = typedStats(body, templ.symbol)
@@ -2603,7 +2754,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (members.head eq EmptyTree) setError(tree)
else {
val typedBlock = typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
- Block(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, ListOfNil, members, tree.pos.focus), atPos(tree.pos.focus)(New(anonClass.tpe)))
+ Block(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, members, tree.pos.focus), atPos(tree.pos.focus)(New(anonClass.tpe)))
// Don't leak implementation details into the type, see SI-6575
if (isPartial && !typedBlock.isErrorTyped)