path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala
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authorSom Snytt <>2014-02-04 19:29:16 -0800
committerSom Snytt <>2014-02-04 19:49:55 -0800
commitf8e0f9810b7b24e78823e039d2bb77b7d1be9154 (patch)
treeaf1ec75b269a945de9d52ba27e9649b66910019d /src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala
parent8053682d4ff0dcff3c1846a1bac9c718c92cc704 (diff)
SI-8092 Refactor f-interp
A denshish refactor makes the FormatInterpolator a nice bundle that destructures its input and flattens out the classes to give the code some elbow room. Everything shifts left. The `checkType` method is refolded and renamed `pickAcceptable`. An additional test case captures the leading edge test, that a % should follow a hole, and which is the most basic requirement.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e57a36ea2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/FormatInterpolator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Context
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, Stack }
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
+import scala.PartialFunction.cond
+import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
+import java.util.{ Formatter, Formattable, IllegalFormatException }
+abstract class FormatInterpolator {
+ val c: Context
+ import c.universe.{ Match => _, _ }
+ import definitions._
+ @inline private def truly(body: => Unit): Boolean = { body ; true }
+ @inline private def falsely(body: => Unit): Boolean = { body ; false }
+ private def fail(msg: String) = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
+ def interpolate: Tree = c.macroApplication match {
+ case q"$_(..$parts).f(..$args)" =>
+ def badlyInvoked = (parts.length != args.length + 1) && truly {
+ def because(s: String) = s"too $s arguments for interpolated string"
+ val (p, msg) =
+ if (parts.length == 0) (c.prefix.tree.pos, "there are no parts")
+ else if (args.length + 1 < parts.length)
+ (if (args.isEmpty) c.enclosingPosition else args.last.pos, because("few"))
+ else (args(parts.length-1).pos, because("many"))
+ c.abort(p, msg)
+ }
+ if (badlyInvoked) c.macroApplication else interpolated(parts, args)
+ case other =>
+ fail(s"Unexpected application ${showRaw(other)}")
+ other
+ }
+ /** Every part except the first must begin with a conversion for
+ * the arg that preceded it. If the conversion is missing, "%s"
+ * is inserted.
+ *
+ * In any other position, the only permissible conversions are
+ * the literals (%% and %n) or an index reference (%1$ or %<).
+ *
+ * A conversion specifier has the form:
+ *
+ * [index$][flags][width][.precision]conversion
+ *
+ * 1) "...${smth}" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s"
+ * 2) "...${smth}blahblah" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%sblahblah"
+ * 3) "...${smth}%" => error
+ * 4) "...${smth}%n" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s%n"
+ * 5) "...${smth}%%" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s%%"
+ * 6) "...${smth}[%legalJavaConversion]" => okay*
+ * 7) "...${smth}[%illegalJavaConversion]" => error
+ * *Legal according to [[]]
+ */
+ def interpolated(parts: List[Tree], args: List[Tree]) = {
+ val fstring = new StringBuilder
+ val evals = ListBuffer[ValDef]()
+ val ids = ListBuffer[Ident]()
+ val argStack = Stack(args: _*)
+ // create a tmp val and add it to the ids passed to format
+ def defval(value: Tree, tpe: Type): Unit = {
+ val freshName = TermName(c.freshName("arg$"))
+ evals += ValDef(Modifiers(), freshName, TypeTree(tpe) setPos value.pos.focus, value) setPos value.pos
+ ids += Ident(freshName)
+ }
+ // Append the nth part to the string builder, possibly prepending an omitted %s first.
+ // Sanity-check the % fields in this part.
+ def copyPart(part: Tree, n: Int): Unit = {
+ import SpecifierGroups.{ Spec, Index }
+ val s0 = part match {
+ case Literal(Constant(x: String)) => x
+ case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("internal error: argument parts must be a list of string literals")
+ }
+ val s = StringContext.treatEscapes(s0)
+ val ms = fpat findAllMatchIn s
+ def errorLeading(op: Conversion) = op.errorAt(Spec, s"conversions must follow a splice; ${Conversion.literalHelp}")
+ def first = n == 0
+ // a conversion for the arg is required
+ if (!first) {
+ val arg = argStack.pop()
+ def s_%() = {
+ fstring append "%s"
+ defval(arg, AnyTpe)
+ }
+ def accept(op: Conversion) = {
+ if (!op.isLeading) errorLeading(op)
+ op.accepts(arg) match {
+ case Some(tpe) => defval(arg, tpe)
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ if (ms.hasNext) {
+ Conversion(, part.pos, args.size) match {
+ case Some(op) if op.isLiteral => s_%()
+ case Some(op) if op.indexed =>
+ if (op.index map (_ == n) getOrElse true) accept(op)
+ else {
+ // either some other arg num, or '<'
+ c.warning(op.groupPos(Index), "Index is not this arg")
+ s_%()
+ }
+ case Some(op) => accept(op)
+ case None =>
+ }
+ } else s_%()
+ }
+ // any remaining conversions must be either literals or indexed
+ while (ms.hasNext) {
+ Conversion(, part.pos, args.size) match {
+ case Some(op) if first && op.hasFlag('<') => op.badFlag('<', "No last arg")
+ case Some(op) if op.isLiteral || op.indexed => // OK
+ case Some(op) => errorLeading(op)
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ fstring append s
+ }
+ parts.zipWithIndex foreach {
+ case (part, n) => copyPart(part, n)
+ }
+ q"{..$evals; ${fstring.toString}.format(..$ids)}"
+ }
+ val fpat = """%(?:(\d+)\$)?([-#+ 0,(\<]+)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?([tT]?[%a-zA-Z])?""".r
+ object SpecifierGroups extends Enumeration { val Spec, Index, Flags, Width, Precision, CC = Value }
+ val stdContextTags = new { val tc: c.type = c } with StdContextTags
+ import stdContextTags._
+ val tagOfFormattable = typeTag[Formattable]
+ /** A conversion specifier matched by `m` in the string part at `pos`,
+ * with `argc` arguments to interpolate.
+ */
+ sealed trait Conversion {
+ def m: Match
+ def pos: Position
+ def argc: Int
+ import SpecifierGroups.{ Value => SpecGroup, _ }
+ private def maybeStr(g: SpecGroup) = Option(m group
+ private def maybeInt(g: SpecGroup) = maybeStr(g) map (_.toInt)
+ val index: Option[Int] = maybeInt(Index)
+ val flags: Option[String] = maybeStr(Flags)
+ val width: Option[Int] = maybeInt(Width)
+ val precision: Option[Int] = maybeStr(Precision) map (_.drop(1).toInt)
+ val op: String = maybeStr(CC) getOrElse ""
+ def cc: Char = if ("tT" contains op(0)) op(1) else op(0)
+ def indexed: Boolean = index.nonEmpty || hasFlag('<')
+ def isLiteral: Boolean = false
+ def isLeading: Boolean = m.start(0) == 0
+ def verify: Boolean = goodFlags && goodIndex
+ def accepts(arg: Tree): Option[Type]
+ val allFlags = "-#+ 0,(<"
+ def hasFlag(f: Char) = (flags getOrElse "") contains f
+ def hasAnyFlag(fs: String) = fs exists (hasFlag)
+ def badFlag(f: Char, msg: String) = {
+ val i = flags map (_.indexOf(f)) filter (_ >= 0) getOrElse 0
+ errorAtOffset(Flags, i, msg)
+ }
+ def groupPos(g: SpecGroup) = groupPosAt(g, 0)
+ def groupPosAt(g: SpecGroup, i: Int) = pos withPoint (pos.point + m.start( + i)
+ def errorAt(g: SpecGroup, msg: String) = c.error(groupPos(g), msg)
+ def errorAtOffset(g: SpecGroup, i: Int, msg: String) = c.error(groupPosAt(g, i), msg)
+ def noFlags = flags.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Flags, "flags not allowed") }
+ def noWidth = width.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Width, "width not allowed") }
+ def noPrecision = precision.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Precision, "precision not allowed") }
+ def only_-(msg: String) = {
+ val badFlags = (flags getOrElse "") filterNot { case '-' | '<' => true case _ => false }
+ badFlags.isEmpty || falsely { badFlag(badFlags(0), s"Only '-' allowed for $msg") }
+ }
+ protected def okFlags: String = allFlags
+ def goodFlags = {
+ val badFlags = flags map (_ filterNot (okFlags contains _))
+ for (bf <- badFlags; f <- bf) badFlag(f, s"Illegal flag '$f'")
+ badFlags.getOrElse("").isEmpty
+ }
+ def goodIndex = {
+ if (index.nonEmpty && hasFlag('<'))
+ c.warning(groupPos(Index), "Argument index ignored if '<' flag is present")
+ val okRange = index map (i => i > 0 && i <= argc) getOrElse true
+ okRange || hasFlag('<') || falsely { errorAt(Index, "Argument index out of range") }
+ }
+ /** Pick the type of an arg to format from among the variants
+ * supported by a conversion. This is the type of the temporary,
+ * so failure results in an erroneous assignment to the first variant.
+ * A more complete message would be nice.
+ */
+ def pickAcceptable(arg: Tree, variants: Type*): Option[Type] =
+ variants find (arg.tpe <:< _) orElse (
+ variants find (c.inferImplicitView(arg, arg.tpe, _) != EmptyTree)
+ ) orElse Some(variants(0))
+ }
+ object Conversion {
+ import SpecifierGroups.{ Spec, CC, Width }
+ def apply(m: Match, p: Position, n: Int): Option[Conversion] = {
+ def badCC(msg: String) = {
+ val dk = new ErrorXn(m, p)
+ val at = if (dk.op.isEmpty) Spec else CC
+ dk.errorAt(at, msg)
+ }
+ def cv(cc: Char) = cc match {
+ case 'b' | 'B' | 'h' | 'H' | 's' | 'S' =>
+ new GeneralXn(m, p, n)
+ case 'c' | 'C' =>
+ new CharacterXn(m, p, n)
+ case 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' =>
+ new IntegralXn(m, p, n)
+ case 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'g' | 'G' | 'a' | 'A' =>
+ new FloatingPointXn(m, p, n)
+ case 't' | 'T' =>
+ new DateTimeXn(m, p, n)
+ case '%' | 'n' =>
+ new LiteralXn(m, p, n)
+ case _ =>
+ badCC(s"illegal conversion character '$cc'")
+ null
+ }
+ Option(m group map (cc => cv(cc(0))) match {
+ case Some(x) => Option(x) filter (_.verify)
+ case None =>
+ badCC(s"Missing conversion operator in '${m.matched}'; $literalHelp")
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ val literalHelp = "use %% for literal %, %n for newline"
+ }
+ class GeneralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = cc match {
+ case 's' | 'S' if hasFlag('#') => pickAcceptable(arg, tagOfFormattable.tpe)
+ case 'b' | 'B' => if (arg.tpe <:< NullTpe) Some(NullTpe) else Some(BooleanTpe)
+ case _ => Some(AnyTpe)
+ }
+ override protected def okFlags = cc match {
+ case 's' | 'S' => "-#<"
+ case _ => "-<"
+ }
+ }
+ class LiteralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ import SpecifierGroups.Width
+ override val isLiteral = true
+ override def verify = op match {
+ case "%" => super.verify && noPrecision && truly(width foreach (_ => c.warning(groupPos(Width), "width ignored on literal")))
+ case "n" => noFlags && noWidth && noPrecision
+ }
+ override protected val okFlags = "-"
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = None
+ }
+ class CharacterXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ override def verify = super.verify && noPrecision && only_-("c conversion")
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, CharTpe, ByteTpe, ShortTpe, IntTpe)
+ }
+ class IntegralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ override def verify = {
+ def d_# = (cc == 'd' && hasFlag('#') &&
+ truly { badFlag('#', "# not allowed for d conversion") }
+ )
+ def x_comma = (cc != 'd' && hasFlag(',') &&
+ truly { badFlag(',', "',' only allowed for d conversion of integral types") }
+ )
+ super.verify && noPrecision && !d_# && !x_comma
+ }
+ override def accepts(arg: Tree) = {
+ def isBigInt = arg.tpe <:< tagOfBigInt.tpe
+ val maybeOK = "+ ("
+ def bad_+ = cond(cc) {
+ case 'o' | 'x' | 'X' if hasAnyFlag(maybeOK) && !isBigInt =>
+ maybeOK filter hasFlag foreach (badf =>
+ badFlag(badf, s"only use '$badf' for BigInt conversions to o, x, X"))
+ true
+ }
+ if (bad_+) None else pickAcceptable(arg, IntTpe, LongTpe, ByteTpe, ShortTpe, tagOfBigInt.tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ class FloatingPointXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ override def verify = super.verify && (cc match {
+ case 'a' | 'A' =>
+ val badFlags = ",(" filter hasFlag
+ noPrecision && badFlags.isEmpty || falsely {
+ badFlags foreach (badf => badFlag(badf, s"'$badf' not allowed for a, A"))
+ }
+ case _ => true
+ })
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, DoubleTpe, FloatTpe, tagOfBigDecimal.tpe)
+ }
+ class DateTimeXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
+ import SpecifierGroups.CC
+ def hasCC = (op.length == 2 ||
+ falsely { errorAt(CC, "Date/time conversion must have two characters") })
+ def goodCC = ("HIklMSLNpzZsQBbhAaCYyjmdeRTrDFc" contains cc) ||
+ falsely { errorAtOffset(CC, 1, s"'$cc' doesn't seem to be a date or time conversion") }
+ override def verify = super.verify && hasCC && goodCC && noPrecision && only_-("date/time conversions")
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, LongTpe, tagOfCalendar.tpe, tagOfDate.tpe)
+ }
+ class ErrorXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position) extends Conversion {
+ val argc = 0
+ override def verify = false
+ def accepts(arg: Tree) = None
+ }