path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
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authorDen Shabalin <>2013-12-02 16:31:33 +0100
committerDen Shabalin <>2013-12-10 16:02:45 +0100
commit4c899ea34c01eebf1215abd579d11393cf20a487 (patch)
tree2b730c5274281f94b216f7f59a2ccfb7ef82160c /src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
parent4be6ea147a7d8f300c1e6db2a216b50fe8cf5dc7 (diff)
Refactor Holes and Reifiers slices of Quasiquotes cake
This commit performs a number of preliminary refactoring needed to implement unliftable: 1. Replace previous inheritance-heavy implementation of Holes with similar but much simpler one. Holes are now split into two different categories: ApplyHole and UnapplyHole which correspondingly represent information about holes in construction and deconstruction quasiquotes. 2. Make Placeholders extract holes rather than their field values. This is required to be able to get additional mode-specific information from holes (e.g. only ApplyHoles have types). 3. Bring ApplyReifier & UnapplyReifier even closer to the future where there is just a single base Reifier with mode parameter. Along the way a few bugs were fixed: 1. SI-7980 SI-7996 fail with nice error on bottom types splices 2. Use asSeenFrom instead of typeArguments in parseCardinality. This fixes a crash if T <:< Iterable[Tree] but does not itself have any type arguments. 3. Fix spurious error message on splicing of Lists through Liftable[List[T]]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
index 325e6d0783..c90401e765 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
@@ -30,158 +30,114 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
import definitions._
import universeTypes._
- /** Location characterizes a kind of a non-terminal in Scala syntax where something is going to be spliced.
- * A location is typically associated with a type of the things that can be spliced there.
- * Associated type might be different from an actual tpe of a splicee due to lifting.
- * This is the first pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
- */
- sealed abstract class Location(val tpe: Type)
- case object UnknownLocation extends Location(NoType)
- case class TreeLocation(override val tpe: Type) extends Location(tpe)
- case object NameLocation extends Location(nameType)
- case object ModsLocation extends Location(modsType)
- case object FlagsLocation extends Location(flagsType)
- case object SymbolLocation extends Location(symbolType)
- case class IterableLocation(card: Cardinality, sublocation: TreeLocation) extends Location(NoType) {
- override val tpe = {
- def loop(n: Cardinality, tpe: Type): Type =
- if (n == NoDot) tpe
- else appliedType(IterableClass.toType, List(loop(n.pred, tpe)))
- loop(card, sublocation.tpe)
+ protected lazy val IterableTParam = IterableClass.typeParams(0).asType.toType
+ protected def inferParamImplicit(tfun: Type, targ: Type) = c.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(tfun, List(targ)), silent = true)
+ protected def inferLiftable(tpe: Type): Tree = inferParamImplicit(liftableType, tpe)
+ protected def isLiftableType(tpe: Type) = inferLiftable(tpe) != EmptyTree
+ protected def isNativeType(tpe: Type) =
+ (tpe <:< treeType) || (tpe <:< nameType) || (tpe <:< modsType) ||
+ (tpe <:< flagsType) || (tpe <:< symbolType)
+ protected def isBottomType(tpe: Type) =
+ tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe || tpe <:< NullClass.tpe
+ protected def stripIterable(tpe: Type, limit: Option[Cardinality] = None): (Cardinality, Type) =
+ if ( { _ == NoDot }.getOrElse { false }) (NoDot, tpe)
+ else if (tpe != null && !isIterableType(tpe)) (NoDot, tpe)
+ else if (isBottomType(tpe)) (NoDot, tpe)
+ else {
+ val targ = IterableTParam.asSeenFrom(tpe, IterableClass)
+ val (card, innerTpe) = stripIterable(targ, { _.pred })
+ (card.succ, innerTpe)
+ protected def iterableTypeFromCard(n: Cardinality, tpe: Type): Type = {
+ if (n == NoDot) tpe
+ else appliedType(IterableClass.toType, List(iterableTypeFromCard(n.pred, tpe)))
- /** Hole type describes location, cardinality and a pre-reification routine associated with a hole.
- * An interesting thing about HoleType is that it can be completely inferred from the type of the splicee.
- * This is the second pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
+ /** Hole encapsulates information about splices in quasiquotes.
+ * It packs together a cardinality of a splice, pre-reified tree
+ * representation (possibly preprocessed) and position.
- case class HoleType(preprocessor: Tree => Tree, location: Location, cardinality: Cardinality) {
- def makeHole(tree: Tree) = Hole(preprocessor(tree), location, cardinality)
+ abstract class Hole {
+ val tree: Tree
+ val pos: Position
+ val cardinality: Cardinality
- object HoleType {
- def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[HoleType] = tpe match {
- case NativeType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
- case LiftableType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
- case IterableTreeType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
- case IterableLiftableType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
- case _ => None
- }
- trait HoleTypeExtractor {
- def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[HoleType] = {
- for {
- preprocessor <- this.preprocessor(tpe)
- location <- this.location(tpe)
- cardinality <- Some(this.cardinality(tpe))
- } yield HoleType(preprocessor, location, cardinality)
- }
- def preprocessor(tpe: Type): Option[Tree => Tree]
- def location(tpe: Type): Option[Location]
- def cardinality(tpe: Type): Cardinality = parseCardinality(tpe)._1
- def lifter(tpe: Type): Option[Tree => Tree] = {
- val lifterTpe = appliedType(liftableType, List(tpe))
- val lifter = c.inferImplicitValue(lifterTpe, silent = true)
- if (lifter != EmptyTree) Some(tree => {
- val lifted = Apply(lifter, List(tree))
- val targetType = Select(u, tpnme.Tree)
- atPos(tree.pos)(TypeApply(Select(lifted, nme.asInstanceOf_), List(targetType)))
- }) else None
- }
+ object Hole {
+ def apply(card: Cardinality, tree: Tree): Hole =
+ if (method != nme.unapply) new ApplyHole(card, tree)
+ else new UnapplyHole(card, tree)
+ def unapply(hole: Hole): Some[(Tree, Cardinality)] = Some((hole.tree, hole.cardinality))
+ }
- def iterator(tpe: Type)(elementTransform: Tree => Tree): Option[Tree => Tree] = {
- def reifyIterable(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality): Tree = {
- def loop(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality) =
- if (n == NoDot) elementTransform(tree)
- else {
- val x: TermName = c.freshName()
- val wrapped = reifyIterable(Ident(x), n.pred)
- val xToWrapped = Function(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), x, TypeTree(), EmptyTree)), wrapped)
- Select(Apply(Select(tree,, List(xToWrapped)), nme.toList)
- }
- if (tree.tpe != null && (tree.tpe <:< listTreeType || tree.tpe <:< listListTreeType)) tree
- else atPos(tree.pos)(loop(tree, n))
- }
- val card = parseCardinality(tpe)._1
- if (card != NoDot) Some(reifyIterable(_, card)) else None
- }
+ class ApplyHole(card: Cardinality, splicee: Tree) extends Hole {
+ val (strippedTpe: Type, tpe: Type) = {
+ if (stripIterable(splicee.tpe)._1.value < card.value) cantSplice()
+ val (_, strippedTpe) = stripIterable(splicee.tpe, limit = Some(card))
+ if (isBottomType(strippedTpe)) cantSplice()
+ else if (isNativeType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromCard(card, strippedTpe))
+ else if (isLiftableType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromCard(card, treeType))
+ else cantSplice()
- object NativeType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
- def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = Some(identity)
- def location(tpe: Type) = {
- if (tpe <:< treeType) Some(TreeLocation(tpe))
- else if (tpe <:< nameType) Some(NameLocation)
- else if (tpe <:< modsType) Some(ModsLocation)
- else if (tpe <:< flagsType) Some(FlagsLocation)
- else if (tpe <:< symbolType) Some(SymbolLocation)
- else None
- }
+ val tree = {
+ def inner(itpe: Type)(tree: Tree) =
+ if (isNativeType(itpe)) tree
+ else if (isLiftableType(itpe)) lifted(itpe)(tree)
+ else global.abort("unreachable")
+ if (card == NoDot) inner(strippedTpe)(splicee)
+ else iterated(card, strippedTpe, inner(strippedTpe))(splicee)
- object LiftableType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
- def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = lifter(tpe)
- def location(tpe: Type) = Some(TreeLocation(treeType))
+ val pos = splicee.pos
+ val cardinality = stripIterable(tpe)._1
+ protected def cantSplice(): Nothing = {
+ val (iterableCard, iterableType) = stripIterable(splicee.tpe)
+ val holeCardMsg = if (card != NoDot) s" with $card" else ""
+ val action = "splice " + splicee.tpe + holeCardMsg
+ val suggestCard = card != iterableCard || card != NoDot
+ val spliceeCardMsg = if (card != iterableCard && iterableCard != NoDot) s"using $iterableCard" else "omitting the dots"
+ val cardSuggestion = if (suggestCard) spliceeCardMsg else ""
+ val suggestLifting = (card == NoDot || iterableCard != NoDot) && !(iterableType <:< treeType) && !isLiftableType(iterableType)
+ val liftedTpe = if (card != NoDot) iterableType else splicee.tpe
+ val liftSuggestion = if (suggestLifting) s"providing an implicit instance of Liftable[$liftedTpe]" else ""
+ val advice =
+ if (isBottomType(iterableType)) "bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake"
+ else "consider " + List(cardSuggestion, liftSuggestion).filter(_ != "").mkString(" or ")
+ c.abort(splicee.pos, s"Can't $action, $advice")
- object IterableTreeType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
- def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = iterator(tpe)(identity)
- def location(tpe: Type) = {
- val (card, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe)
- if (card != NoDot && elementTpe <:< treeType) Some(IterableLocation(card, TreeLocation(elementTpe)))
- else None
- }
+ protected def lifted(tpe: Type)(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val lifter = inferLiftable(tpe)
+ assert(lifter != EmptyTree, s"couldnt find a liftable for $tpe")
+ val lifted = Apply(lifter, List(tree))
+ val targetType = Select(u, tpnme.Tree)
+ atPos(tree.pos)(TypeApply(Select(lifted, nme.asInstanceOf_), List(targetType)))
- object IterableLiftableType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
- def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = {
- val (_, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe)
- for {
- lifter <- this.lifter(elementTpe)
- iterator <- this.iterator(tpe)(lifter)
- } yield iterator
+ protected def iterated(card: Cardinality, tpe: Type, elementTransform: Tree => Tree = identity)(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ assert(card != NoDot)
+ def reifyIterable(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality): Tree = {
+ def loop(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality): Tree =
+ if (n == NoDot) elementTransform(tree)
+ else {
+ val x: TermName = c.freshName()
+ val wrapped = reifyIterable(Ident(x), n.pred)
+ val xToWrapped = Function(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), x, TypeTree(), EmptyTree)), wrapped)
+ Select(Apply(Select(tree,, List(xToWrapped)), nme.toList)
+ }
+ if (tree.tpe != null && (tree.tpe <:< listTreeType || tree.tpe <:< listListTreeType)) tree
+ else atPos(tree.pos)(loop(tree, n))
- def location(tpe: Type) = Some(IterableLocation(cardinality(tpe), TreeLocation(treeType)))
+ reifyIterable(tree, card)
- /** Hole encapsulates information about splices in quasiquotes.
- * It packs together a cardinality of a splice, a splicee (possibly preprocessed)
- * and the description of the location in Scala syntax where the splicee can be spliced.
- * This is the third pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
- */
- case class Hole(tree: Tree, location: Location, cardinality: Cardinality)
- object Hole {
- def apply(splicee: Tree, holeCard: Cardinality): Hole = {
- if (method == nme.unapply) return new Hole(splicee, UnknownLocation, holeCard)
- val (spliceeCard, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(splicee.tpe)
- def cantSplice() = {
- val holeCardMsg = if (holeCard != NoDot) s" with $holeCard" else ""
- val action = "splice " + splicee.tpe + holeCardMsg
- val suggestCard = holeCard != spliceeCard || holeCard != NoDot
- val spliceeCardMsg = if (holeCard != spliceeCard && spliceeCard != NoDot) s"using $spliceeCard" else "omitting the dots"
- val cardSuggestion = if (suggestCard) spliceeCardMsg else ""
- def canBeLifted(tpe: Type) = HoleType.LiftableType.unapply(tpe).nonEmpty
- val suggestLifting = (holeCard == NoDot || spliceeCard != NoDot) && !(elementTpe <:< treeType) && !canBeLifted(elementTpe)
- val liftedTpe = if (holeCard != NoDot) elementTpe else splicee.tpe
- val liftSuggestion = if (suggestLifting) s"providing an implicit instance of Liftable[$liftedTpe]" else ""
- val advice = List(cardSuggestion, liftSuggestion).filter(_ != "").mkString(" or ")
- c.abort(splicee.pos, s"Can't $action, consider $advice")
- }
- val holeTpe = splicee.tpe match {
- case _ if holeCard != spliceeCard => cantSplice()
- case HoleType(holeTpe) => holeTpe
- case _ => cantSplice()
- }
- holeTpe.makeHole(splicee)
+ class UnapplyHole(val cardinality: Cardinality, pat: Tree) extends Hole {
+ val (tree, pos) = pat match {
+ case Bind(pname, inner) => (Bind(pname, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), inner.pos)
- def parseCardinality(tpe: Type): (Cardinality, Type) = {
- if (tpe != null && isIterableType(tpe)) {
- val (card, innerTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe.typeArguments.head)
- (card.succ, innerTpe)
- } else (NoDot, tpe)
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file