path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
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authorDen Shabalin <>2013-07-08 20:48:17 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2013-07-08 21:20:28 +0200
commit7184fe0d3740ac8558067c18bdf449a65a8a26b9 (patch)
tree34afa3886443f46121710eccde1be74c553dc386 /src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
parent32949c496e2703e05ff07fae8d19bf91fe733e71 (diff)
implements quasiquotes
- Additions to the reflection API: - The Quasiquotes implicit class that defines `q`, `tq`, `pq` and `cq` interpolators which now become a part of the `scala.reflect.api. Universe`. - Implementations of the interpolators are macro-based and are hardwired through `FastTrack`. - The `Liftable` class and the `StandardLiftables` slice of the cake that provide a type class and a bunch of its instances that allow to easily splice user-defined types into quasiquotes. - Additional methods in `BuildUtils` that are used by the quasiquote macro to generate trees, notably: - `SyntacticClassDef`. An extractor/constructor that allows to construct and deconstruct classes using arguments that mirror syntactic form of ClassDefs (e.g. constructor outside of the body). - `TupleN`, `TupleTypeN`. Extractor/constructor for easy construction of ast that represents a tuple term or type with given amount of elements. - Actual implementation of quasiquotes in the ` quasiquotes` package which is organized into a cake called `Quasiquotes` with slices introducing core abstractions necessary to splice into Scala syntax, routines for interfacing with the parser, and customized reifiers for tree construction and deconstruction.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d171d52d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package quasiquotes
+import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
+import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
+class Cardinality private[Cardinality](val value: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ def pred = { assert(value - 1 >= 0); new Cardinality(value - 1) }
+ def succ = new Cardinality(value + 1)
+ override def toString = if (value == 0) "no dots" else "." * (value + 1)
+object Cardinality {
+ val NoDot = new Cardinality(0)
+ val DotDot = new Cardinality(1)
+ val DotDotDot = new Cardinality(2)
+ object Dot { def unapply(card: Cardinality) = card != NoDot }
+ def parseDots(part: String) = {
+ if (part.endsWith("...")) (part.stripSuffix("..."), DotDotDot)
+ else if (part.endsWith("..")) (part.stripSuffix(".."), DotDot)
+ else (part, NoDot)
+ }
+/** Defines abstractions that provide support for splicing into Scala syntax.
+ */
+trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
+ import global._
+ import Cardinality._
+ import definitions._
+ import universeTypes._
+ /** Location characterizes a kind of a non-terminal in Scala syntax where something is going to be spliced.
+ * A location is typically associated with a type of the things that can be spliced there.
+ * Associated type might be different from an actual tpe of a splicee due to lifting.
+ * This is the first pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
+ */
+ sealed abstract class Location(val tpe: Type)
+ case object UnknownLocation extends Location(NoType)
+ case class TreeLocation(override val tpe: Type) extends Location(tpe)
+ case object NameLocation extends Location(nameType)
+ case object ModsLocation extends Location(modsType)
+ case object FlagsLocation extends Location(flagsType)
+ case object SymbolLocation extends Location(symbolType)
+ case class IterableLocation(card: Cardinality, sublocation: TreeLocation) extends Location(NoType) {
+ override val tpe = {
+ def loop(n: Cardinality, tpe: Type): Type =
+ if (n == NoDot) tpe
+ else appliedType(IterableClass.toType, List(loop(n.pred, tpe)))
+ loop(card, sublocation.tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Hole type describes location, cardinality and a pre-reification routine associated with a hole.
+ * An interesting thing about HoleType is that it can be completely inferred from the type of the splicee.
+ * This is the second pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
+ */
+ case class HoleType(preprocessor: Tree => Tree, location: Location, cardinality: Cardinality) {
+ def makeHole(tree: Tree) = Hole(preprocessor(tree), location, cardinality)
+ }
+ object HoleType {
+ def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[HoleType] = tpe match {
+ case NativeType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
+ case LiftableType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
+ case IterableTreeType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
+ case IterableLiftableType(holeTpe) => Some(holeTpe)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ trait HoleTypeExtractor {
+ def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[HoleType] = {
+ for {
+ preprocessor <- this.preprocessor(tpe)
+ location <- this.location(tpe)
+ cardinality <- Some(this.cardinality(tpe))
+ } yield HoleType(preprocessor, location, cardinality)
+ }
+ def preprocessor(tpe: Type): Option[Tree => Tree]
+ def location(tpe: Type): Option[Location]
+ def cardinality(tpe: Type): Cardinality = parseCardinality(tpe)._1
+ def lifter(tpe: Type): Option[Tree => Tree] = {
+ val lifterTpe = appliedType(LiftableClass.toType, List(tpe))
+ val lifter = c.inferImplicitValue(lifterTpe, silent = true)
+ if (lifter != EmptyTree) Some(tree => {
+ val lifted = Apply(lifter, List(u, tree))
+ val targetType = Select(u, tpnme.Tree)
+ atPos(tree.pos)(TypeApply(Select(lifted, nme.asInstanceOf_), List(targetType)))
+ }) else None
+ }
+ def iterator(tpe: Type)(elementTransform: Tree => Tree): Option[Tree => Tree] = {
+ def reifyIterable(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality): Tree = {
+ def loop(tree: Tree, n: Cardinality) =
+ if (n == NoDot) elementTransform(tree)
+ else {
+ val x: TermName = c.freshName()
+ val wrapped = reifyIterable(Ident(x), n.pred)
+ val xToWrapped = Function(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), x, TypeTree(), EmptyTree)), wrapped)
+ Select(Apply(Select(tree,, List(xToWrapped)), nme.toList)
+ }
+ if (tree.tpe != null && (tree.tpe <:< listTreeType || tree.tpe <:< listListTreeType)) tree
+ else atPos(tree.pos)(loop(tree, n))
+ }
+ val (card, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe)
+ if (card != NoDot) Some(reifyIterable(_, card)) else None
+ }
+ }
+ object NativeType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
+ def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = Some(identity)
+ def location(tpe: Type) = {
+ if (tpe <:< treeType) Some(TreeLocation(tpe))
+ else if (tpe <:< nameType) Some(NameLocation)
+ else if (tpe <:< modsType) Some(ModsLocation)
+ else if (tpe <:< flagsType) Some(FlagsLocation)
+ else if (tpe <:< symbolType) Some(SymbolLocation)
+ else None
+ }
+ }
+ object LiftableType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
+ def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = lifter(tpe)
+ def location(tpe: Type) = Some(TreeLocation(treeType))
+ }
+ object IterableTreeType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
+ def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = iterator(tpe)(identity)
+ def location(tpe: Type) = {
+ val (card, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe)
+ if (card != NoDot && elementTpe <:< treeType) Some(IterableLocation(card, TreeLocation(elementTpe)))
+ else None
+ }
+ }
+ object IterableLiftableType extends HoleTypeExtractor {
+ def preprocessor(tpe: Type) = {
+ val (_, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe)
+ for {
+ lifter <- this.lifter(elementTpe)
+ iterator <- this.iterator(tpe)(lifter)
+ } yield iterator
+ }
+ def location(tpe: Type) = Some(IterableLocation(cardinality(tpe), TreeLocation(treeType)))
+ }
+ }
+ /** Hole encapsulates information about splices in quasiquotes.
+ * It packs together a cardinality of a splice, a splicee (possibly preprocessed)
+ * and the description of the location in Scala syntax where the splicee can be spliced.
+ * This is the third pillar of modularity in the quasiquote reifier.
+ */
+ case class Hole(tree: Tree, location: Location, cardinality: Cardinality)
+ object Hole {
+ def apply(splicee: Tree, holeCard: Cardinality): Hole = {
+ if (splicee.tpe == null) return new Hole(splicee, UnknownLocation, holeCard)
+ val (spliceeCard, elementTpe) = parseCardinality(splicee.tpe)
+ def cantSplice() = {
+ val holeCardMsg = if (holeCard != NoDot) s" with $holeCard" else ""
+ val action = "splice " + splicee.tpe + holeCardMsg
+ val suggestCard = holeCard != spliceeCard || holeCard != NoDot
+ val spliceeCardMsg = if (holeCard != spliceeCard && spliceeCard != NoDot) s"using $spliceeCard" else "omitting the dots"
+ val cardSuggestion = if (suggestCard) spliceeCardMsg else ""
+ def canBeLifted(tpe: Type) = HoleType.LiftableType.unapply(tpe).nonEmpty
+ val suggestLifting = (holeCard == NoDot || spliceeCard != NoDot) && !(elementTpe <:< treeType) && !canBeLifted(elementTpe)
+ val liftedTpe = if (holeCard != NoDot) elementTpe else splicee.tpe
+ val liftSuggestion = if (suggestLifting) s"providing an implicit instance of Liftable[$liftedTpe]" else ""
+ val advice = List(cardSuggestion, liftSuggestion).filter(_ != "").mkString(" or ")
+ c.abort(splicee.pos, s"Can't $action, consider $advice")
+ }
+ val holeTpe = splicee.tpe match {
+ case _ if holeCard != spliceeCard => cantSplice()
+ case HoleType(holeTpe) => holeTpe
+ case _ => cantSplice()
+ }
+ holeTpe.makeHole(splicee)
+ }
+ }
+ def parseCardinality(tpe: Type): (Cardinality, Type) = {
+ if (tpe != null && isIterableType(tpe)) {
+ val (card, innerTpe) = parseCardinality(tpe.typeArguments.head)
+ (card.succ, innerTpe)
+ } else (NoDot, tpe)
+ }
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