path: root/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <>2009-10-16 15:38:40 +0000
committerMartin Odersky <>2009-10-16 15:38:40 +0000
commit136c1cce62ab8a35d7f0a515d7456fe4764611c3 (patch)
tree8dd0f923e82158ea72f5ccd997bd96dba8185c7c /src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala
parent8ce658f6653bc6fedb7c7f43f9e307fe55847297 (diff)
moved Range and GenericRange to collection.immu...
moved Range and GenericRange to collection.immutable, with alias for Range in scala package object; made Range strict. moved from filter to withFilter in translation for for expressions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..886895215b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/GenericRange.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2006-2009, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+\* */
+// $Id: Range.scala 18987 2009-10-08 18:31:44Z odersky $
+package scala.collection.immutable
+import annotation.experimental
+import collection.VectorView
+import util.control.Exception.catching
+import util.Hashable
+/** <p>
+ * <code>GenericRange</code> is a generified version of the
+ * <code>Range</code> class which works with arbitrary types.
+ * It must be supplied with an Integral implementation of the
+ * range type.
+ *
+ * Factories for likely types include Range.BigInt, Range.Long,
+ * and Range.BigDecimal. Range.Int exists for completeness, but
+ * the Int-based scala.Range should be more performant.
+ * </p><pre>
+ * <b>val</b> r1 = new Range(0, 100, 1)
+ * <b>val</b> veryBig = Math.MAX_INT.toLong + 1
+ * <b>val</b> r2 = Range.Long(veryBig, veryBig + 100, 1)
+ * assert(r1 sameElements - veryBig))
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ * @version 2.8
+ */
+abstract class GenericRange[T]
+ (val start: T, val end: T, val step: T, val isInclusive: Boolean = false)
+ (implicit num: Integral[T])
+extends VectorView[T, collection.immutable.Vector[T]]
+ with RangeToString[T] // !!! I think this does too little to be its trait --> see simplified impl ion Range
+ with Hashable // !!! not needed because it inherits from Vector
+ import num._
+ // todo? - we could lift the length restriction by implementing a range as a sequence of
+ // subranges and limiting the subranges to MAX_INT. There's no other way around it because
+ // the generics we inherit assume integer-based indexing (as well they should.)
+ require(!(step equiv zero))
+ require(genericLength <= fromInt(Math.MAX_INT), "Implementation restricts ranges to Math.MAX_INT elements.")
+ // By adjusting end based on isInclusive, we can treat all ranges as exclusive.
+ private lazy val trueEnd: T = if (isInclusive) end + step else end
+ protected def underlying = collection.immutable.Vector.empty[T]
+ /** Create a new range with the start and end values of this range and
+ * a new <code>step</code>.
+ */
+ def by(newStep: T): GenericRange[T] = copy(start, end, newStep)
+ /** Create a copy of this range.
+ */
+ def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): GenericRange[T]
+ /** Shift or multiply the entire range by some constant.
+ */
+ def -(shift: T) = this + negate(shift)
+ def +(shift: T) = copy(this.start + shift, this.end + shift, step)
+ def *(mult: T) = copy(this.start * mult, this.end * mult, step * mult)
+ override def foreach[U](f: T => U) {
+ var i = start
+ if (step > zero) {
+ while (i < trueEnd) {
+ f(i)
+ i = i + step
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (i > trueEnd) {
+ f(i)
+ i = i + step
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val genericLength: T = {
+ def plen(s: T, e: T, stp: T) =
+ if (e <= s) zero else ((e - s) / stp)
+ if (step > zero) plen(start, trueEnd, step)
+ else plen(trueEnd, start, -step)
+ }
+ lazy val length: Int = toInt(genericLength)
+ // Since apply(Int) already exists, we are not allowed apply(T) since
+ // they erase to the same thing.
+ def apply(idx: Int): T = applyAt(fromInt(idx))
+ def applyAt(idx: T): T = {
+ if (idx < zero || idx >= genericLength) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
+ start + (idx * step)
+ }
+ // The contains situation makes for some interesting code.
+ // This attempts to check containerhood in a range-sensible way, but
+ // falls back on super.contains if the cast ends up failing.
+ // !!! [Martin] contains should only return `true' for numbers of the form start + n * step.
+ override def contains(_x: Any): Boolean = {
+ def doContains = {
+ // checking for Int is important so for instance BigIntRange from
+ // 1 to Googlefinity can see if 5 is in there without calling super.
+ val x = _x match {
+ case i: Int => fromInt(i)
+ case _ => _x.asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
+ def matchesStep = (x - start) % step == zero
+ def withinRange =
+ if (step > zero) start <= x && x < trueEnd
+ else start >= x && x > trueEnd
+ withinRange && matchesStep
+ }
+ // !!! [Martin] That's too inefficient foir a core library class in my opinion:
+ catching(classOf[ClassCastException]) opt doContains getOrElse super.contains(_x)
+ }
+ // Using trueEnd gives us Range(1, 10, 1).inclusive == Range(1, 11, 1)
+ val hashValues = List(start, trueEnd, step)
+ // [Martin] !!! this means that GenericRange(0, 0, 1) and GenericRange(0, -1, 1) are not equal,
+ // which violates the sequence equality conventions. See Range.equals for how it needs to be done.
+ override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
+ case x: GenericRange[_] => this equalHashValues x
+ case _ => false
+ }
+private[scala] trait RangeToString[T] extends VectorView[T, collection.immutable.Vector[T]] {
+ // The default toString() tries to print every element and will exhaust memory
+ // if the Range is unduly large. This interacts poorly with the REPL.
+ override def toString() = {
+ val MAX_PRINT = 512 // some arbitrary value
+ val str = (this take MAX_PRINT).mkString(", ")
+ if (length > MAX_PRINT) str.replaceAll("""\)$""", ", ...)")
+ else str
+ }
+object GenericRange
+ class Inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T])
+ extends GenericRange(start, end, step, true) {
+ def exclusive: Exclusive[T] = GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): Inclusive[T] = GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+ }
+ class Exclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T])
+ extends GenericRange(start, end, step, false) {
+ def inclusive: Inclusive[T] = GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+ def copy(start: T, end: T, step: T): Exclusive[T] = GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ }
+ def apply[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Exclusive[T] =
+ new Exclusive(start, end, step)
+ def inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T]): Inclusive[T] =
+ new Inclusive(start, end, step)