path: root/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
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authorEugene Burmako <>2012-06-06 02:46:31 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-06-08 15:31:33 +0200
commit6bb5975289c5b11cb8c88dd4629286956b5d3d27 (patch)
tree39b1f4bffc4c64c98ae3cb01cedae88cdc95d9b5 /src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
parent8ce47873f2207a72d902e01cc54eef26f28d1213 (diff)
The new reflection
A must read: "SIP: Scala Reflection": Highlights: * Architecture has undergone a dramatic rehash. * Universes and mirrors are now separate entities: universes host reflection artifacts (trees, symbols, types, etc), mirrors abstract loading of those artifacts (e.g. JavaMirror loads stuff using a classloader and annotation unpickler, while GlobalMirror uses internal compiler classreader to achieve the same goal). * No static reflection mirror is imposed on the user. One is free to choose between lightweight mirrors and full-blown classloader-based mirror (read below). * Public reflection API is split into scala.reflect.base and scala.reflect.api. The former represents a minimalistic snapshot that is exactly enough to build reified trees and types. To build, but not to analyze - everything smart (for example, getting a type signature) is implemented in scala.reflect.api. * Both reflection domains have their own universe: scala.reflect.basis and scala.reflect.runtime.universe. The former is super lightweight and doesn't involve any classloaders, while the latter represents a stripped down compiler. * Classloader problems from 2.10.0-M3 are solved. * Exprs and type tags are now bound to a mirror upon creation. * However there is an easy way to migrate exprs and type tags between mirrors and even between universes. * This means that no classloader is imposed on the user of type tags and exprs. If one doesn't like a classloader that's there (associated with tag's mirror), one can create a custom mirror and migrate the tag or the expr to it. * There is a shortcut that works in most cases. Requesting a type tag from a full-blown universe will create that tag in a mirror that corresponds to the callsite classloader aka `getClass.getClassLoader`. This imposes no obligations on the programmer, since Type construction is lazy, so one can always migrate a tag into a different mirror. Migration notes for 2.10.0-M3 users: * Incantations in Predef are gone, some of them have moved to scala.reflect. * Everything path-dependent requires implicit prefix (for example, to refer to a type tag, you need to explicitly specify the universe it belongs to, e.g. reflect.basis.TypeTag or reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag). * ArrayTags have been removed, ConcreteTypeTag have been renamed to TypeTags, TypeTags have been renamed to AbsTypeTags. Look for the reasoning in the nearby children of this commit. Why not in this commit? Scroll this message to the very bottom to find out the reason. * Some of the functions have been renamed or moved around. The rule of thumb is to look for anything non-trivial in scala.reflect.api. Some of tree build utils have been moved to * staticModule and staticClass have been moved from universes to mirrors * ClassTag.erasure => ClassTag.runtimeClass * For the sake of purity, type tags no longer have erasures. Use multiple context bounds (e.g. def foo[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](...) = ...) if you're interested in having both erasures and types for type parameters. * reify now rolls back macro applications. * Runtime evaluation is now explicit, requires import and scala-compiler.jar on the classpath. * Macro context now has separate universe and mirror fields. * Most of the useful stuff is declared in c.universe, so be sure to change your "import c.universe._" to "import c.mirror._". * Due to the changes in expressions and type tags, their regular factories are now really difficult to use. We acknowledge that macro users need to frequently create exprs and tags, so we added old-style factories to context. Bottom line: almost always prepend Expr(...)/TypeTag(...) with "c.". * Expr.eval has been renamed to Expr.splice. * Expr.value no longer splices (it can still be used to express cross-stage path-dependent types as specified in SIP-16). * c.reifyTree now has a mirror parameter that lets one customize the initial mirror the resulting Expr will be bound to. If you provide EmptyTree, then the reifier will automatically pick a reasonable mirror (callsite classloader mirror for a full-blown universe and rootMirror for a basis universe). Bottom line: this parameter should be EmptyTree in 99% of cases. * c.reifyErasure => c.reifyRuntimeClass. Known issues: * API is really raw, need your feedback. * All reflection artifacts are now represented by abstract types. This means that pattern matching against them will emit unchecked warnings. Adriaan is working on a patch that will fix that. WARNING, FELLOW CODE EXPLORER! You have entered a turbulence zone. For this commit and its nearby parents and children tests are not guaranteed to work. Things get back to normal only after the "repairs the tests after the refactoring spree" commit. Why so weird? These twentish changesets were once parts of a humongous blob, which spanned 1200 files and 15 kLOC. I did my best to split up the blob, so that the individual parts of the code compile and make sense in isolation. However doing the same for tests would be too much work.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala b/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
index 32faee2512..1d266dc778 100755
--- a/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
@@ -1,149 +1,55 @@
package scala.reflect
package api
-trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
- type Symbol >: Null <: AbsSymbol
- type TypeSymbol <: Symbol with TypeSymbolApi
- type TermSymbol <: Symbol with TermSymbolApi
- type MethodSymbol <: TermSymbol with MethodSymbolApi
- type ModuleSymbol <: TermSymbol with ModuleSymbolApi
- type PackageSymbol <: ModuleSymbol with PackageSymbolApi
- type ClassSymbol <: TypeSymbol with ClassSymbolApi
- val NoSymbol: Symbol
- trait TypeSymbolApi {
- self: TypeSymbol =>
- def name: TypeName
- }
- trait TermSymbolApi {
- self: TermSymbol =>
- def name: TermName
- }
- trait MethodSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi {
- self: MethodSymbol =>
- }
- trait ClassSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi {
- self: ClassSymbol =>
- }
- trait ModuleSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi {
- self: ModuleSymbol =>
- }
- trait PackageSymbolApi extends ModuleSymbolApi {
- self: PackageSymbol =>
- }
- // I intend to pull everything in here out of the public API.
- trait AbsSymbolInternal {
- this: Symbol =>
- /** A fresh symbol with given name `name`, position `pos` and flags `flags` that has
- * the current symbol as its owner.
- */
- def newNestedSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position, flags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol
- // needed by LiftCode !!! not enough reason to have in the api
- /** Low-level operation to set the symbol's flags
- * @return the symbol itself
- */
- def setInternalFlags(flags: Long): this.type
- // needed by LiftCode !!! not enough reason to have in the api
- /** Set symbol's type signature to given type
- * @return the symbol itself
- */
- def setTypeSignature(tpe: Type): this.type
- // needed by LiftCode !!! not enough reason to have in the api
- /** Set symbol's annotations to given annotations `annots`.
- */
- def setAnnotations(annots: AnnotationInfo*): this.type
- // needed by LiftCode !!! not enough reason to have in the api
- /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a skolem?
- * Skolems are used during typechecking to represent type parameters viewed from inside their scopes.
- * If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
- */
- def isSkolem : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent a free type captured by reification?
- */
- // needed for ones who wish to inspect reified trees
- def isFreeType : Boolean
- /** The type signature of this symbol.
- * Note if the symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
- * in `typeSignatureIn` with a site type instead.
- */
- def typeSignature: Type // !!! Since one should almost never use this, let's give it a different name.
- /** A type reference that refers to this type symbol
- * Note if symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
- * in `asTypeIn` with a site type instead.
- *
- * Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
- * `C`. Then `C.asType` is the type `C[T]`.
- *
- * By contrast, `C.typeSignature` would be a type signature of form
- * `PolyType(ClassInfoType(...))` that describes type parameters, value
- * parameters, parent types, and members of `C`.
- */
- def asType: Type // !!! Same as typeSignature.
- /** The kind of this symbol; used for debugging */
- def kind: String
+trait Symbols extends base.Symbols { self: Universe =>
+ override type Symbol >: Null <: SymbolApi
+ override type TypeSymbol >: Null <: Symbol with TypeSymbolApi
+ override type TermSymbol >: Null <: Symbol with TermSymbolApi
+ override type MethodSymbol >: Null <: TermSymbol with MethodSymbolApi
+ override type ModuleSymbol >: Null <: TermSymbol with ModuleSymbolApi
+ override type ClassSymbol >: Null <: TypeSymbol with ClassSymbolApi
+ override type FreeTermSymbol >: Null <: TermSymbol with FreeTermSymbolApi
+ override type FreeTypeSymbol >: Null <: TypeSymbol with FreeTypeSymbolApi
+ trait HasFlagsApi {
+ def flags: FlagSet
+ def hasFlag(fs: FlagSet): Boolean
+ def hasAllFlags(fs: FlagSet): Boolean
+ def flagString: String
- trait AbsSymbol extends AbsSymbolInternal {
- this: Symbol =>
+ /** The API of symbols */
+ trait SymbolApi extends SymbolBase with HasFlagsApi { this: Symbol =>
/** The position of this symbol
def pos: Position
- /** The modifiers of this symbol
- */
- def modifiers: Set[Modifier]
- /** Does this symbol have given modifier?
- */
- def hasModifier(mod: Modifier): Boolean
/** A list of annotations attached to this Symbol.
- def annotations: List[self.AnnotationInfo]
+ // [Eugene++] we cannot expose the `annotations` method because it doesn't auto-initialize a symbol (see SI-5423)
+ // there was an idea to use the `isCompilerUniverse` flag and auto-initialize symbols in `annotations` whenever this flag is false
+ // but it doesn't work, because the unpickler (that is shared between reflective universes and global universes) is very picky about initialization
+ // scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeError: bad reference while unpickling scala.collection.immutable.Nil: type Nothing not found in scala.type not found.
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan.toTypeError(UnPickler.scala:836)
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan$LazyTypeRef.complete(UnPickler.scala:849) // auto-initialize goes boom
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.initialize(Symbols.scala:1272) // this triggers auto-initialize
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.annotations(Symbols.scala:1438) // unpickler first tries to get pre-existing annotations
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.addAnnotation(Symbols.scala:1458) // unpickler tries to add the annotation being read
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan.readSymbolAnnotation(UnPickler.scala:489) // unpickler detects an annotation
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$
+ // at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler.unpickle(UnPickler.scala:37)
+ // at scala.reflect.runtime.JavaMirrors$JavaMirror.unpickleClass(JavaMirrors.scala:253) // unpickle from within a reflexive mirror
+ // def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]
+ def getAnnotations: List[AnnotationInfo]
/** Whether this symbol carries an annotation for which the given
* symbol is its typeSymbol.
def hasAnnotation(sym: Symbol): Boolean
- /** The owner of this symbol. This is the symbol
- * that directly contains the current symbol's definition.
- * The `NoSymbol` symbol does not have an owner, and calling this method
- * on one causes an internal error.
- * The owner of the Scala root class [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootClass]]
- * and the Scala root object [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootPackage]] is `NoSymbol`.
- * Every other symbol has a chain of owners that ends in
- * [[scala.reflect.api.mirror.RootClass]].
- */
- def owner: Symbol
- /** The name of the symbol as a member of the `Name` type.
- */
- def name: Name
- /** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
- * are separated by periods.
- */
- def fullName: String
- /** An id number which is unique for all symbols in this universe */
- def id: Int
/** ...
def orElse(alt: => Symbol): Symbol
@@ -152,6 +58,11 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
def filter(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol
+ /** If this is a NoSymbol, returns NoSymbol, otherwise
+ * returns the result of applying `f` to this symbol.
+ */
+ def map(f: Symbol => Symbol): Symbol
/** ...
def suchThat(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol
@@ -189,82 +100,57 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
def companionSymbol: Symbol
- /** If symbol is an object definition, its implied associated class,
- * otherwise NoSymbol
+ /** If this symbol is a package class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
+ * package class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
- def moduleClass: Symbol // needed for LiftCode
+ def enclosingPackageClass: Symbol
/** If this symbol is a top-level class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
* top-level class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
def enclosingTopLevelClass: Symbol
- /** If this symbol is a class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
- * class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
- */
- def enclosingClass: Symbol
- /** If this symbol is a method, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
- * method, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
- */
- def enclosingMethod: Symbol
- /** If this symbol is a package class, this symbol; otherwise the next enclosing
- * package class, or `NoSymbol` if none exists.
+ /** Does this symbol represent a value, i.e. not a module and not a method?
+ * If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
+ * [Eugene++] I need a review of the implementation
- def enclosingPackageClass: Symbol
+ def isValue: Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent the definition of term?
- * Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
- * So for every symbol `sym`, either `sym.isTerm` is true
- * or `sym.isType` is true.
+ /** Does this symbol represent a mutable value?
+ * If yes, `isTerm` and `isValue` are also guaranteed to be true.
- def isTerm : Boolean
+ def isVariable: Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent a package?
+ /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a package?
* If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
- def isPackage : Boolean
+ def isPackage: Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent the definition of method?
- * If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
+ /** Does this symbol represent a package class?
+ * If yes, `isClass` is also guaranteed to be true.
- def isMethod : Boolean
+ def isPackageClass: Boolean
/** Is this symbol an overloaded method?
def isOverloaded : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent a free term captured by reification?
- */
- // needed for ones who wish to inspect reified trees
- def isFreeTerm : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent the definition of type?
- * Note that every symbol is either a term or a type.
- * So for every symbol `sym`, either `sym.isTerm` is true
- * or `sym.isType` is true.
- */
- def isType : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent the definition of class?
- * If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
- */
- def isClass : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol represent a package class?
- * If yes, `isClass` is also guaranteed to be true.
- */
- def isPackageClass : Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a primitive class?
* Namely, is it one of [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]],
* [[scala.Short]], [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Unit]] or [[scala.Boolean]]?
def isPrimitiveValueClass: Boolean
+ /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a numeric value class?
+ * Namely, is it one of [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]],
+ * [[scala.Short]], [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Unit]] or [[scala.Boolean]]?
+ */
+ def isNumericValueClass: Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a custom value class?
* Namely, is AnyVal among its parent classes?
+ * TODO: Why not just have in reflect.internal?
+ * [Eugene++] because it's useful for macros
def isDerivedValueClass: Boolean
@@ -283,6 +169,38 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
def isExistential : Boolean
+ /** Does this symbol represent a free type captured by reification?
+ */
+ def isFreeType : Boolean
+ /** Does this symbol or its underlying type represent a typechecking error?
+ */
+ def isErroneous : Boolean
+ /** The type signature of this symbol seen as a member of given type `site`.
+ */
+ def typeSignatureIn(site: Type): Type
+ /** The type signature of this symbol.
+ * Note if the symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
+ * in `typeSignatureIn` with a site type instead.
+ */
+ def typeSignature: Type
+ /** The string discriminator of this symbol; useful for debugging */
+ def kind: String
+ }
+ /** The API of term symbols */
+ trait TermSymbolApi extends SymbolApi with HasFlagsApi with TermSymbolBase { this: TermSymbol =>
+ /** The overloaded alternatives of this symbol */
+ def alternatives: List[Symbol]
+ def resolveOverloaded(pre: Type = NoPrefix, targs: Seq[Type] = List(), actuals: Seq[Type]): Symbol
+ }
+ /** The API of type symbols */
+ trait TypeSymbolApi extends SymbolApi with HasFlagsApi with TypeSymbolBase { this: TypeSymbol =>
/** Is the type parameter represented by this symbol contravariant?
def isContravariant : Boolean
@@ -291,40 +209,60 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
def isCovariant : Boolean
- /** Does this symbol or its underlying type represent a typechecking error?
- */
- def isErroneous : Boolean
- /** The type signature of this symbol seen as a member of given type `site`.
+ /** Does this symbol represent the definition of a skolem?
+ * Skolems are used during typechecking to represent type parameters viewed from inside their scopes.
+ * If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
- def typeSignatureIn(site: Type): Type
+ def isSkolem : Boolean
/** A type reference that refers to this type symbol seen
* as a member of given type `site`.
def asTypeIn(site: Type): Type
- /** The type constructor corresponding to this type symbol.
- * This is different from `asType` in that type parameters
- * are part of results of `asType`, but not of `asTypeConstructor`.
- *
- * Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
- * `C`. Then `C.asType` is the type `C[T]`, but `C.asTypeConstructor` is `C`.
- */
- def asTypeConstructor: Type // needed by LiftCode
+ /** A type reference that refers to this type symbol
+ * Note if symbol is a member of a class, one almost always is interested
+ * in `asTypeIn` with a site type instead.
+ *
+ * Example: Given a class declaration `class C[T] { ... } `, that generates a symbol
+ * `C`. Then `C.asType` is the type `C[T]`.
+ *
+ * By contrast, `C.typeSignature` would be a type signature of form
+ * `PolyType(ClassInfoType(...))` that describes type parameters, value
+ * parameters, parent types, and members of `C`.
+ */
+ def asType: Type // !!! Same as typeSignature.
+ }
- /** If this symbol is a class, the type `C.this`, otherwise `NoPrefix`.
- */
- def thisPrefix: Type
+ /** The API of method symbols */
+ type MethodSymbolApi = MethodSymbolBase
+ /** The API of module symbols */
+ type ModuleSymbolApi = ModuleSymbolBase
+ /** The API of class symbols */
+ trait ClassSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi with ClassSymbolBase { this: ClassSymbol =>
/** If this symbol is a class or trait, its self type, otherwise the type
* of the symbol itself.
def selfType: Type
- /** The overloaded alternatives of this symbol */
- def alternatives: List[Symbol]
+ /** The type `C.this`, where `C` is the current class */
+ def thisPrefix: Type
+ }
- def resolveOverloaded(pre: Type = NoPrefix, targs: Seq[Type] = List(), actuals: Seq[Type]): Symbol
+ /** The API of free term symbols */
+ trait FreeTermSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi with FreeTermSymbolBase { this: FreeTermSymbol =>
+ /** The place where this symbol has been spawned */
+ def origin: String
+ /** The valus this symbol refers to */
+ def value: Any
+ }
+ /** The API of free term symbols */
+ trait FreeTypeSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi with FreeTypeSymbolBase { this: FreeTypeSymbol =>
+ /** The place where this symbol has been spawned */
+ def origin: String