path: root/src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2011-01-12 06:16:56 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-01-12 06:16:56 +0000
commit2e7d7d45557474df61d54e672bedf07a8ff149d4 (patch)
treefb218a2c7a37c4326525e32134990dd9756c5fc4 /src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala
parent5bada810b4c7eda186aa40b94a78326520b3fa92 (diff)
More fiddling with the process code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala b/src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala
index aebce5ac94..23b0ffc266 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessImpl.scala
@@ -9,224 +9,225 @@
package scala.sys
package process
-import processAliases._
-import{ FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream, PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream }
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
-/** Runs provided code in a new Thread and returns the Thread instance. */
-private object Spawn {
- def apply(f: => Unit): Thread = apply(f, false)
- def apply(f: => Unit, daemon: Boolean): Thread = {
- val thread = new Thread() { override def run() = { f } }
- thread.setDaemon(daemon)
- thread.start()
- thread
- }
+import processInternal._
+import{ PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream }
+private[process] trait ProcessImpl {
+ self: Process.type =>
+ /** Runs provided code in a new Thread and returns the Thread instance. */
+ private[process] object Spawn {
+ def apply(f: => Unit): Thread = apply(f, false)
+ def apply(f: => Unit, daemon: Boolean): Thread = {
+ val thread = new Thread() { override def run() = { f } }
+ thread.setDaemon(daemon)
+ thread.start()
+ thread
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] object Future {
+ def apply[T](f: => T): () => T = {
+ val result = new SyncVar[Either[Throwable, T]]
+ def run: Unit =
+ try result set Right(f)
+ catch { case e: Exception => result set Left(e) }
+ Spawn(run)
+ () => result.get match {
+ case Right(value) => value
+ case Left(exception) => throw exception
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] class AndProcess(
+ a: ProcessBuilder,
+ b: ProcessBuilder,
+ io: ProcessIO
+ ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ == 0)
+ private[process] class OrProcess(
+ a: ProcessBuilder,
+ b: ProcessBuilder,
+ io: ProcessIO
+ ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ != 0)
+ private[process] class ProcessSequence(
+ a: ProcessBuilder,
+ b: ProcessBuilder,
+ io: ProcessIO
+ ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ => true)
+ private[process] class SequentialProcess(
+ a: ProcessBuilder,
+ b: ProcessBuilder,
+ io: ProcessIO,
+ evaluateSecondProcess: Int => Boolean
+ ) extends CompoundProcess {
+ protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
+ val first =
+ runInterruptible(first.exitValue)(first.destroy()) flatMap { codeA =>
+ if (evaluateSecondProcess(codeA)) {
+ val second =
+ runInterruptible(second.exitValue)(second.destroy())
+ }
+ else Some(codeA)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] abstract class BasicProcess extends Process {
+ def start(): Unit
+ }
+ private[process] abstract class CompoundProcess extends BasicProcess {
+ def destroy() = destroyer()
+ def exitValue() = getExitValue() getOrElse sys.error("No exit code: process destroyed.")
+ def start() = getExitValue
+ protected lazy val (getExitValue, destroyer) = {
+ val code = new SyncVar[Option[Int]]()
+ code set None
+ val thread = Spawn(code set runAndExitValue())
+ (
+ Future { thread.join(); code.get },
+ () => thread.interrupt()
+ )
+ }
+ /** Start and block until the exit value is available and then return it in Some. Return None if destroyed (use 'run')*/
+ protected[this] def runAndExitValue(): Option[Int]
+ protected[this] def runInterruptible[T](action: => T)(destroyImpl: => Unit): Option[T] = {
+ try Some(action)
+ catch onInterrupt { destroyImpl; None }
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] class PipedProcesses(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, defaultIO: ProcessIO, toError: Boolean) extends CompoundProcess {
+ protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
+ val currentSource = new SyncVar[Option[InputStream]]
+ val pipeOut = new PipedOutputStream
+ val source = new PipeSource(currentSource, pipeOut, a.toString)
+ source.start()
+ val pipeIn = new PipedInputStream(pipeOut)
+ val currentSink = new SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]]
+ val sink = new PipeSink(pipeIn, currentSink, b.toString)
+ sink.start()
+ def handleOutOrError(fromOutput: InputStream) = currentSource put Some(fromOutput)
+ val firstIO =
+ if (toError)
+ defaultIO.withError(handleOutOrError)
+ else
+ defaultIO.withOutput(handleOutOrError)
+ val secondIO = defaultIO.withInput(toInput => currentSink put Some(toInput))
+ val second =
+ val first =
+ try {
+ runInterruptible {
+ first.exitValue
+ currentSource put None
+ currentSink put None
+ second.exitValue
+ } {
+ first.destroy()
+ second.destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ BasicIO close pipeIn
+ BasicIO close pipeOut
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] abstract class PipeThread(isSink: Boolean, labelFn: () => String) extends Thread {
+ def run(): Unit
+ private[process] def runloop(src: InputStream, dst: OutputStream): Unit = {
+ try BasicIO.transferFully(src, dst)
+ catch ioFailure(ioHandler)
+ finally BasicIO close {
+ if (isSink) dst else src
+ }
+ }
+ private def ioHandler(e: IOException) {
+ println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + labelFn())
+ e.printStackTrace()
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] class PipeSource(
+ currentSource: SyncVar[Option[InputStream]],
+ pipe: PipedOutputStream,
+ label: => String
+ ) extends PipeThread(false, () => label) {
+ final override def run(): Unit = currentSource.get match {
+ case Some(source) =>
+ try runloop(source, pipe)
+ finally currentSource.unset()
+ run()
+ case None =>
+ currentSource.unset()
+ BasicIO close pipe
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] class PipeSink(
+ pipe: PipedInputStream,
+ currentSink: SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]],
+ label: => String
+ ) extends PipeThread(true, () => label) {
+ final override def run(): Unit = currentSink.get match {
+ case Some(sink) =>
+ try runloop(pipe, sink)
+ finally currentSink.unset()
+ run()
+ case None =>
+ currentSink.unset()
+ }
+ }
+ /** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process. `ioThreads` are the Threads created to do I/O.
+ * The implementation of `exitValue` waits until these threads die before returning. */
+ private[process] class DummyProcess(action: => Int) extends Process {
+ private[this] val exitCode = Future(action)
+ override def exitValue() = exitCode()
+ override def destroy() { }
+ }
+ /** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process. `outputThreads` are the Threads created to read from the
+ * output and error streams of the process. `inputThread` is the Thread created to write to the input stream of
+ * the process.
+ * The implementation of `exitValue` interrupts `inputThread` and then waits until all I/O threads die before
+ * returning. */
+ private[process] class SimpleProcess(p: JProcess, inputThread: Thread, outputThreads: List[Thread]) extends Process {
+ override def exitValue() = {
+ try p.waitFor() // wait for the process to terminate
+ finally inputThread.interrupt() // we interrupt the input thread to notify it that it can terminate
+ outputThreads foreach (_.join()) // this ensures that all output is complete before returning (waitFor does not ensure this)
+ p.exitValue()
+ }
+ override def destroy() = {
+ try p.destroy()
+ finally inputThread.interrupt()
+ }
+ }
+ private[process] final class ThreadProcess(thread: Thread, success: SyncVar[Boolean]) extends Process {
+ override def exitValue() = {
+ thread.join()
+ if (success.get) 0 else 1
+ }
+ override def destroy() { thread.interrupt() }
+ }
-private object Future {
- def apply[T](f: => T): () => T = {
- val result = new SyncVar[Either[Throwable, T]]
- def run: Unit =
- try result.set(Right(f))
- catch { case e: Exception => result set Left(e) }
- Spawn(run)
- () => result.get match {
- case Right(value) => value
- case Left(exception) => throw exception
- }
- }
-object Uncloseable {
- def apply(in: InputStream): InputStream = new FilterInputStream(in) { override def close() { } }
- def apply(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = new FilterOutputStream(out) { override def close() { } }
- def protect(in: InputStream): InputStream = if (in eq Uncloseable(in) else in
- def protect(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = if ((out eq System.out) || (out eq System.err)) Uncloseable(out) else out
-private class AndProcess(
- a: ProcessBuilder,
- b: ProcessBuilder,
- io: ProcessIO
-) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ == 0)
-private class OrProcess(
- a: ProcessBuilder,
- b: ProcessBuilder,
- io: ProcessIO
-) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ != 0)
-private class ProcessSequence(
- a: ProcessBuilder,
- b: ProcessBuilder,
- io: ProcessIO
-) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ => true)
-private class SequentialProcess(
- a: ProcessBuilder,
- b: ProcessBuilder,
- io: ProcessIO,
- evaluateSecondProcess: Int => Boolean
-) extends CompoundProcess {
- protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
- val first =
- runInterruptible(first.exitValue)(first.destroy()) flatMap { codeA =>
- if (evaluateSecondProcess(codeA)) {
- val second =
- runInterruptible(second.exitValue)(second.destroy())
- }
- else Some(codeA)
- }
- }
-private abstract class BasicProcess extends Process {
- def start(): Unit
-private abstract class CompoundProcess extends BasicProcess {
- def destroy() = destroyer()
- def exitValue() = getExitValue() getOrElse sys.error("No exit code: process destroyed.")
- def start() = getExitValue
- protected lazy val (getExitValue, destroyer) = {
- val code = new SyncVar[Option[Int]]()
- code set None
- val thread = Spawn(code.set(runAndExitValue()))
- (
- Future { thread.join(); code.get },
- () => thread.interrupt()
- )
- }
- /** Start and block until the exit value is available and then return it in Some. Return None if destroyed (use 'run')*/
- protected[this] def runAndExitValue(): Option[Int]
- protected[this] def runInterruptible[T](action: => T)(destroyImpl: => Unit): Option[T] = {
- try Some(action)
- catch { case _: InterruptedException => destroyImpl; None }
- }
-private class PipedProcesses(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, defaultIO: ProcessIO, toError: Boolean) extends CompoundProcess {
- protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
- val currentSource = new SyncVar[Option[InputStream]]
- val pipeOut = new PipedOutputStream
- val source = new PipeSource(currentSource, pipeOut, a.toString)
- source.start()
- val pipeIn = new PipedInputStream(pipeOut)
- val currentSink = new SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]]
- val sink = new PipeSink(pipeIn, currentSink, b.toString)
- sink.start()
- def handleOutOrError(fromOutput: InputStream) = currentSource put Some(fromOutput)
- val firstIO =
- if (toError)
- defaultIO.withError(handleOutOrError)
- else
- defaultIO.withOutput(handleOutOrError)
- val secondIO = defaultIO.withInput(toInput => currentSink put Some(toInput))
- val second =
- val first =
- try {
- runInterruptible {
- first.exitValue
- currentSource put None
- currentSink put None
- val result = second.exitValue
- result
- } {
- first.destroy()
- second.destroy()
- }
- }
- finally {
- BasicIO.close(pipeIn)
- BasicIO.close(pipeOut)
- }
- }
-private class PipeSource(currentSource: SyncVar[Option[InputStream]], pipe: PipedOutputStream, label: => String) extends Thread {
- final override def run() {
- currentSource.get match {
- case Some(source) =>
- try BasicIO.transferFully(source, pipe)
- catch { case e: IOException => println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + label); e.printStackTrace() }
- finally {
- BasicIO.close(source)
- currentSource.unset()
- }
- run()
- case None =>
- currentSource.unset()
- BasicIO.close(pipe)
- }
- }
-private class PipeSink(pipe: PipedInputStream, currentSink: SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]], label: => String) extends Thread {
- final override def run() {
- currentSink.get match {
- case Some(sink) =>
- try BasicIO.transferFully(pipe, sink)
- catch { case e: IOException => println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + label); e.printStackTrace() }
- finally {
- BasicIO.close(sink)
- currentSink.unset()
- }
- run()
- case None =>
- currentSink.unset()
- }
- }
-/** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process. `ioThreads` are the Threads created to do I/O.
-* The implementation of `exitValue` waits until these threads die before returning. */
-private class DummyProcess(action: => Int) extends Process {
- private[this] val exitCode = Future(action)
- override def exitValue() = exitCode()
- override def destroy() { }
-/** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process. `outputThreads` are the Threads created to read from the
-* output and error streams of the process. `inputThread` is the Thread created to write to the input stream of
-* the process.
-* The implementation of `exitValue` interrupts `inputThread` and then waits until all I/O threads die before
-* returning. */
-private class SimpleProcess(p: JProcess, inputThread: Thread, outputThreads: List[Thread]) extends Process {
- override def exitValue() = {
- try p.waitFor() // wait for the process to terminate
- finally inputThread.interrupt() // we interrupt the input thread to notify it that it can terminate
- outputThreads.foreach(_.join()) // this ensures that all output is complete before returning (waitFor does not ensure this)
- p.exitValue()
- }
- override def destroy() = {
- try p.destroy()
- finally { inputThread.interrupt() }
- }
-private final class ThreadProcess(thread: Thread, success: SyncVar[Boolean]) extends Process {
- override def exitValue() = {
- thread.join()
- if (success.get) 0 else 1
- }
- override def destroy() { thread.interrupt() }
-private object Streamed {
- def apply[T](nonzeroException: Boolean): Streamed[T] = {
- val q = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Either[Int, T]]
- def next(): Stream[T] = q.take match {
- case Left(0) => Stream.empty
- case Left(code) => if (nonzeroException) error("Nonzero exit code: " + code) else Stream.empty
- case Right(s) => Stream.cons(s, next)
- }
- new Streamed((s: T) => q.put(Right(s)), code => q.put(Left(code)), () => next())
- }
-private final class Streamed[T](val process: T => Unit, val done: Int => Unit, val stream: () => Stream[T]) extends NotNull \ No newline at end of file