path: root/src/library/scala/util
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authorJanek Bogucki <>2016-05-02 09:09:09 +0100
committerLukas Rytz <>2016-05-02 10:09:09 +0200
commit0db65ea0c4805cfa501c8300547aef318256dbf9 (patch)
treefa0059387b8a65e77d6bbcdd18bba8cbcd3dd264 /src/library/scala/util
parent4c4c5e61a3b24e44247380eaf0519ee46036431a (diff)
Add examples to Exception object and group members (#5111)
- Extend main comment with additional examples - Group methods from a user perspective - List exceptions special cased by shouldRethrow - Include overlooked withTry in opt, either notes.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/util')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/util/control/Exception.scala b/src/library/scala/util/control/Exception.scala
index 8aa4073a51..64f491d7f0 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/util/control/Exception.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/util/control/Exception.scala
@@ -13,21 +13,136 @@ package control
import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag }
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** Classes representing the components of exception handling.
- * Each class is independently composable. Some example usages:
+ *
+ * Each class is independently composable.
+ *
+ * This class differs from [[scala.util.Try]] in that it focuses on composing exception handlers rather than
+ * composing behavior. All behavior should be composed first and fed to a [[Catch]] object using one of the
+ * `opt`, `either` or `withTry` methods. Taken together the classes provide a DSL for composing catch and finally
+ * behaviors.
+ *
+ * === Examples ===
+ *
+ * Create a `Catch` which handles specified exceptions.
* {{{
* import scala.util.control.Exception._
* import
* val s = ""
- * val x1 = catching(classOf[MalformedURLException]) opt new URL(s)
- * val x2 = catching(classOf[MalformedURLException], classOf[NullPointerException]) either new URL(s)
+ *
+ * // Some(
+ * val x1: Option[URL] = catching(classOf[MalformedURLException]) opt new URL(s)
+ *
+ * // Right(
+ * val x2: Either[Throwable,URL] =
+ * catching(classOf[MalformedURLException], classOf[NullPointerException]) either new URL(s)
+ *
+ * // Success(
+ * val x3: Try[URL] = catching(classOf[MalformedURLException], classOf[NullPointerException]) withTry new URL(s)
+ *
+ * val defaultUrl = new URL("")
+ * // URL( because htt/xx throws MalformedURLException
+ * val x4: URL = failAsValue(classOf[MalformedURLException])(defaultUrl)(new URL("htt/xx"))
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Create a `Catch` which logs exceptions using `handling` and `by`.
+ * {{{
+ * def log(t: Throwable): Unit = t.printStackTrace
+ *
+ * val withThrowableLogging: Catch[Unit] = handling(classOf[MalformedURLException]) by (log)
+ *
+ * def printUrl(url: String) : Unit = {
+ * val con = new URL(url) openConnection()
+ * val source =
+ * source.getLines.foreach(println)
+ * }
+ *
+ * val badUrl = "htt/xx"
+ * // Prints stacktrace,
+ * // no protocol: htt/xx
+ * // at<init>(
+ * withThrowableLogging { printUrl(badUrl) }
+ *
+ * val goodUrl = ""
+ * // Prints page content,
+ * // &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
+ * // &lt;html&gt;
+ * withThrowableLogging { printUrl(goodUrl) }
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Use `unwrapping` to create a `Catch` that unwraps exceptions before rethrowing.
+ * {{{
+ * class AppException(cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(cause)
+ *
+ * val unwrappingCatch: Catch[Nothing] = unwrapping(classOf[AppException])
+ *
+ * def calcResult: Int = throw new AppException(new NullPointerException)
+ *
+ * // Throws NPE not AppException,
+ * // java.lang.NullPointerException
+ * // at .calcResult(&lt;console&gt;:17)
+ * val result = unwrappingCatch(calcResult)
* }}}
- * This class differs from `scala.util.Try` in that it focuses on composing exception handlers rather than
- * composing behavior. All behavior should be composed first and fed to a `Catch` object using one of the
- * `opt` or `either` methods.
+ * Use `failAsValue` to provide a default when a specified exception is caught.
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * val inputDefaulting: Catch[Int] = failAsValue(classOf[NumberFormatException])(0)
+ * val candidatePick = "seven" //
+ *
+ * // Int = 0
+ * val pick = inputDefaulting(candidatePick.toInt)
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Compose multiple `Catch`s with `or` to build a `Catch` that provides default values varied by exception.
+ * {{{
+ * val formatDefaulting: Catch[Int] = failAsValue(classOf[NumberFormatException])(0)
+ * val nullDefaulting: Catch[Int] = failAsValue(classOf[NullPointerException])(-1)
+ * val otherDefaulting: Catch[Int] = nonFatalCatch withApply(_ => -100)
+ *
+ * val combinedDefaulting: Catch[Int] = formatDefaulting or nullDefaulting or otherDefaulting
+ *
+ * def p(s: String): Int = s.length * s.toInt
+ *
+ * // Int = 0
+ * combinedDefaulting(p("tenty-nine"))
+ *
+ * // Int = -1
+ * combinedDefaulting(p(null: String))
+ *
+ * // Int = -100
+ * combinedDefaulting(throw new IllegalStateException)
+ *
+ * // Int = 22
+ * combinedDefaulting(p("11"))
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * @groupname composition-catch Catch behavior composition
+ * @groupprio composition-catch 10
+ * @groupdesc composition-catch Build Catch objects from exception lists and catch logic
+ *
+ * @groupname composition-finally Finally behavior composition
+ * @groupprio composition-finally 20
+ * @groupdesc composition-finally Build Catch objects from finally logic
+ *
+ * @groupname canned-behavior General purpose catch objects
+ * @groupprio canned-behavior 30
+ * @groupdesc canned-behavior Catch objects with predefined behavior. Use combinator methods to compose additional behavior.
+ *
+ * @groupname dsl DSL behavior composition
+ * @groupprio dsl 40
+ * @groupdesc dsl Expressive Catch behavior composition
+ *
+ * @groupname composition-catch-promiscuously Promiscuous Catch behaviors
+ * @groupprio composition-catch-promiscuously 50
+ * @groupdesc composition-catch-promiscuously Useful if catching `ControlThrowable` or `InterruptedException` is required.
+ *
+ * @groupname logic-container Logic Containers
+ * @groupprio logic-container 60
+ * @groupdesc logic-container Containers for catch and finally behavior.
+ *
+ * @define protectedExceptions `ControlThrowable` or `InterruptedException`
* @author Paul Phillips
@@ -51,6 +166,7 @@ object Exception {
/** !!! Not at all sure of every factor which goes into this,
* and/or whether we need multiple standard variations.
+ * @return true if `x` is $protectedExceptions otherwise false.
def shouldRethrow(x: Throwable): Boolean = x match {
case _: ControlThrowable => true
@@ -70,7 +186,9 @@ object Exception {
override def toString() = name + "(" + desc + ")"
- /** A container class for finally code. */
+ /** A container class for finally code.
+ * @group logic-container
+ */
class Finally private[Exception](body: => Unit) extends Described {
protected val name = "Finally"
@@ -87,6 +205,7 @@ object Exception {
* @param pf Partial function used when applying catch logic to determine result value
* @param fin Finally logic which if defined will be invoked after catch logic
* @param rethrow Predicate on throwables determining when to rethrow a caught [[Throwable]]
+ * @group logic-container
class Catch[+T](
val pf: Catcher[T],
@@ -153,23 +272,30 @@ object Exception {
final def nonFatalCatcher[T]: Catcher[T] = mkThrowableCatcher({ case NonFatal(_) => true; case _ => false }, throw _)
final def allCatcher[T]: Catcher[T] = mkThrowableCatcher(_ => true, throw _)
- /** The empty `Catch` object. */
+ /** The empty `Catch` object.
+ * @group canned-behavior
+ **/
final val noCatch: Catch[Nothing] = new Catch(nothingCatcher) withDesc "<nothing>"
- /** A `Catch` object which catches everything. */
+ /** A `Catch` object which catches everything.
+ * @group canned-behavior
+ **/
final def allCatch[T]: Catch[T] = new Catch(allCatcher[T]) withDesc "<everything>"
- /** A `Catch` object which catches non-fatal exceptions. */
+ /** A `Catch` object which catches non-fatal exceptions.
+ * @group canned-behavior
+ **/
final def nonFatalCatch[T]: Catch[T] = new Catch(nonFatalCatcher[T]) withDesc "<non-fatal>"
/** Creates a `Catch` object which will catch any of the supplied exceptions.
* Since the returned `Catch` object has no specific logic defined and will simply
- * rethrow the exceptions it catches, you will typically want to call `opt` or
- * `either` on the return value, or assign custom logic by calling "withApply".
+ * rethrow the exceptions it catches, you will typically want to call `opt`,
+ * `either` or `withTry` on the return value, or assign custom logic by calling "withApply".
* Note that `Catch` objects automatically rethrow `ControlExceptions` and others
* which should only be caught in exceptional circumstances. If you really want
* to catch exactly what you specify, use `catchingPromiscuously` instead.
+ * @group composition-catch
def catching[T](exceptions: Class[_]*): Catch[T] =
new Catch(pfFromExceptions(exceptions : _*)) withDesc (exceptions map (_.getName) mkString ", ")
@@ -178,42 +304,56 @@ object Exception {
/** Creates a `Catch` object which will catch any of the supplied exceptions.
* Unlike "catching" which filters out those in shouldRethrow, this one will
- * catch whatever you ask of it: `ControlThrowable`, `InterruptedException`,
- * `OutOfMemoryError`, you name it.
+ * catch whatever you ask of it including $protectedExceptions.
+ * @group composition-catch-promiscuously
def catchingPromiscuously[T](exceptions: Class[_]*): Catch[T] = catchingPromiscuously(pfFromExceptions(exceptions : _*))
def catchingPromiscuously[T](c: Catcher[T]): Catch[T] = new Catch(c, None, _ => false)
- /** Creates a `Catch` object which catches and ignores any of the supplied exceptions. */
+ /** Creates a `Catch` object which catches and ignores any of the supplied exceptions.
+ * @group composition-catch
+ */
def ignoring(exceptions: Class[_]*): Catch[Unit] =
catching(exceptions: _*) withApply (_ => ())
- /** Creates a `Catch` object which maps all the supplied exceptions to `None`. */
+ /** Creates a `Catch` object which maps all the supplied exceptions to `None`.
+ * @group composition-catch
+ */
def failing[T](exceptions: Class[_]*): Catch[Option[T]] =
catching(exceptions: _*) withApply (_ => None)
- /** Creates a `Catch` object which maps all the supplied exceptions to the given value. */
+ /** Creates a `Catch` object which maps all the supplied exceptions to the given value.
+ * @group composition-catch
+ */
def failAsValue[T](exceptions: Class[_]*)(value: => T): Catch[T] =
catching(exceptions: _*) withApply (_ => value)
+ class By[T,R](f: T => R) {
+ def by(x: T): R = f(x)
+ }
/** Returns a partially constructed `Catch` object, which you must give
- * an exception handler function as an argument to `by`. Example:
+ * an exception handler function as an argument to `by`.
+ * @example
* {{{
- * handling(ex1, ex2) by (_.printStackTrace)
+ * handling(classOf[MalformedURLException], classOf[NullPointerException]) by (_.printStackTrace)
* }}}
+ * @group dsl
- class By[T,R](f: T => R) {
- def by(x: T): R = f(x)
- }
+ // TODO: Add return type
def handling[T](exceptions: Class[_]*) = {
def fun(f: Throwable => T) = catching(exceptions: _*) withApply f
new By[Throwable => T, Catch[T]](fun _)
- /** Returns a `Catch` object with no catch logic and the argument as `Finally`. */
+ /** Returns a `Catch` object with no catch logic and the argument as the finally logic.
+ * @group composition-finally
+ */
def ultimately[T](body: => Unit): Catch[T] = noCatch andFinally body
- /** Creates a `Catch` object which unwraps any of the supplied exceptions. */
+ /** Creates a `Catch` object which unwraps any of the supplied exceptions.
+ * @group composition-catch
+ */
def unwrapping[T](exceptions: Class[_]*): Catch[T] = {
def unwrap(x: Throwable): Throwable =
if (wouldMatch(x, exceptions) && x.getCause != null) unwrap(x.getCause)