path: root/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-19 17:33:17 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-20 16:16:02 -0700
commit473a1692abf4d64e5df81cd19be214fe5bfa06ec (patch)
treec5f26f42296e3e585fe211b5a4e93f7c45d3b543 /src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala
parent738441cf58136bd4af9985886dd0cd38ccda0777 (diff)
Move partest to
As partest is now resolved from maven, `test/partest` uses `ant test.suite.init` to determine the classpath (serialized to build/pack/ that's necessary to run ``. Thus, partest gets exactly the same classpath, whether run from the command line through `test/partest` or via `ant test`. The version of partest we're using is specified by properties defined in (formerly `starr.number`). Currently, we're using: ``` scala.binary.version=2.11.0-M4 partest.version.number=1.0-RC3 ``` NOTES: - The version of Scala being tested must be backwards binary compatible with the version of Scala that was used to compile partest. - Once 2.11 goes final, `scala.binary.version=2.11`, and `starr.version=2.11.0`. - Need scalacheck on classpath for test/partest scalacheck tests. - Removed atrophied ant tests (haven't been run/changed for at least two years I checked 81d659141a as a "random" sample). - Removed scalacheck. It's resolved as a partest dependency. - For now, use a locally built scalap - Kept the trace macro in the main repo (partest-extras) - New targets for faster pr validation: test-core-opt, test-stab-opt - Reused partest eclipse/intellij project to partest-extras (note: the partest dependency is hard-coded)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d618e086f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/ASMConverters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import asm.tree.{ClassNode, MethodNode, InsnList}
+/** Makes using ASM from ByteCodeTests more convenient.
+ *
+ * Wraps ASM instructions in case classes so that equals and toString work
+ * for the purpose of bytecode diffing and pretty printing.
+ */
+trait ASMConverters {
+ // wrap ASM's instructions so we get case class-style `equals` and `toString`
+ object instructions {
+ def fromMethod(meth: MethodNode): List[Instruction] = {
+ val insns = meth.instructions
+ val asmToScala = new AsmToScala{ def labelIndex(l: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) = insns.indexOf(l) }
+ asmToScala.mapOver(insns.iterator.asScala.toList).asInstanceOf[List[Instruction]]
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Instruction { def opcode: String }
+ case class Field (opcode: String, desc: String, name: String, owner: String) extends Instruction
+ case class Incr (opcode: String, incr: Int, `var`: Int) extends Instruction
+ case class Op (opcode: String) extends Instruction
+ case class IntOp (opcode: String, operand: Int) extends Instruction
+ case class Jump (opcode: String, label: Label) extends Instruction
+ case class Ldc (opcode: String, cst: Any) extends Instruction
+ case class LookupSwitch (opcode: String, dflt: Label, keys: List[Integer], labels: List[Label]) extends Instruction
+ case class TableSwitch (opcode: String, dflt: Label, max: Int, min: Int, labels: List[Label]) extends Instruction
+ case class Method (opcode: String, desc: String, name: String, owner: String) extends Instruction
+ case class NewArray (opcode: String, desc: String, dims: Int) extends Instruction
+ case class TypeOp (opcode: String, desc: String) extends Instruction
+ case class VarOp (opcode: String, `var`: Int) extends Instruction
+ case class Label (offset: Int) extends Instruction { def opcode: String = "" }
+ case class FrameEntry (local: List[Any], stack: List[Any]) extends Instruction { def opcode: String = "" }
+ case class LineNumber (line: Int, start: Label) extends Instruction { def opcode: String = "" }
+ }
+ abstract class AsmToScala {
+ import instructions._
+ def labelIndex(l: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): Int
+ def mapOver(is: List[Any]): List[Any] = is map {
+ case i: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode => apply(i)
+ case x => x
+ }
+ def op(i: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) = if (asm.util.Printer.OPCODES.isDefinedAt(i.getOpcode)) asm.util.Printer.OPCODES(i.getOpcode) else "?"
+ def lst[T](xs: java.util.List[T]): List[T] = if (xs == null) Nil else xs.asScala.toList
+ def apply(l: asm.tree.LabelNode): Label = this(l: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode).asInstanceOf[Label]
+ def apply(x: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): Instruction = x match {
+ case i: asm.tree.FieldInsnNode => Field (op(i), i.desc: String, String, i.owner: String)
+ case i: asm.tree.IincInsnNode => Incr (op(i), i.incr: Int, i.`var`: Int)
+ case i: asm.tree.InsnNode => Op (op(i))
+ case i: asm.tree.IntInsnNode => IntOp (op(i), i.operand: Int)
+ case i: asm.tree.JumpInsnNode => Jump (op(i), this(i.label))
+ case i: asm.tree.LdcInsnNode => Ldc (op(i), i.cst: Any)
+ case i: asm.tree.LookupSwitchInsnNode => LookupSwitch (op(i), this(i.dflt), lst(i.keys), mapOver(lst(i.labels)).asInstanceOf[List[Label]])
+ case i: asm.tree.TableSwitchInsnNode => TableSwitch (op(i), this(i.dflt), i.max: Int, i.min: Int, mapOver(lst(i.labels)).asInstanceOf[List[Label]])
+ case i: asm.tree.MethodInsnNode => Method (op(i), i.desc: String, String, i.owner: String)
+ case i: asm.tree.MultiANewArrayInsnNode => NewArray (op(i), i.desc: String, i.dims: Int)
+ case i: asm.tree.TypeInsnNode => TypeOp (op(i), i.desc: String)
+ case i: asm.tree.VarInsnNode => VarOp (op(i), i.`var`: Int)
+ case i: asm.tree.LabelNode => Label (labelIndex(x))
+ case i: asm.tree.FrameNode => FrameEntry (mapOver(lst(i.local)), mapOver(lst(i.stack)))
+ case i: asm.tree.LineNumberNode => LineNumber (i.line: Int, this(i.start): Label)
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file