path: root/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-19 17:33:17 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-20 16:16:02 -0700
commit473a1692abf4d64e5df81cd19be214fe5bfa06ec (patch)
treec5f26f42296e3e585fe211b5a4e93f7c45d3b543 /src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala
parent738441cf58136bd4af9985886dd0cd38ccda0777 (diff)
Move partest to
As partest is now resolved from maven, `test/partest` uses `ant test.suite.init` to determine the classpath (serialized to build/pack/ that's necessary to run ``. Thus, partest gets exactly the same classpath, whether run from the command line through `test/partest` or via `ant test`. The version of partest we're using is specified by properties defined in (formerly `starr.number`). Currently, we're using: ``` scala.binary.version=2.11.0-M4 partest.version.number=1.0-RC3 ``` NOTES: - The version of Scala being tested must be backwards binary compatible with the version of Scala that was used to compile partest. - Once 2.11 goes final, `scala.binary.version=2.11`, and `starr.version=2.11.0`. - Need scalacheck on classpath for test/partest scalacheck tests. - Removed atrophied ant tests (haven't been run/changed for at least two years I checked 81d659141a as a "random" sample). - Removed scalacheck. It's resolved as a partest dependency. - For now, use a locally built scalap - Kept the trace macro in the main repo (partest-extras) - New targets for faster pr validation: test-core-opt, test-stab-opt - Reused partest eclipse/intellij project to partest-extras (note: the partest dependency is hard-coded)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b88021dbf..0000000000
--- a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/PartestTask.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala Parallel Testing **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package partest
-import scala.util.Properties.setProp
-import java.lang.reflect.Method
-import{ Reference, FileSet}
-/** An Ant task to execute the Scala test suite (NSC).
- *
- * This task can take the following parameters as attributes:
- * - `srcdir`,
- * - `classpath`,
- * - `classpathref`,
- * - `erroronfailed`,
- * - `javacmd`,
- * - `javaccmd`,
- * - `scalacopts`,
- * - `debug`,
- * - `junitreportdir`.
- *
- * It also takes the following parameters as nested elements:
- * - `compilationpath`.
- *
- * @author Philippe Haller
- */
-class PartestTask extends Task with CompilationPathProperty with ScalaTask {
- type Path =
- private var kinds: List[String] = Nil
- private var classpath: Option[Path] = None
- private var debug = false
- private var errorOnFailed: Boolean = true
- private var jUnitReportDir: Option[File] = None
- private var javaccmd: Option[File] = None
- private var javacmd: Option[File] = Option(sys.props("java.home")) map (x => new File(x, "bin/java"))
- private var scalacArgs: Option[Seq[Argument]] = None
- private var srcDir: Option[String] = None
- private var colors: Int = 0
- def setSrcDir(input: String) {
- srcDir = Some(input)
- }
- def setColors(input: String) {
- try colors = input.toInt catch { case _: NumberFormatException => () }
- if (colors > 0)
- sys.props("partest.colors") = colors.toString
- }
- def setClasspath(input: Path) {
- if (classpath.isEmpty)
- classpath = Some(input)
- else
- classpath.get.append(input)
- }
- def createClasspath(): Path = {
- if (classpath.isEmpty) classpath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
- classpath.get.createPath()
- }
- def setClasspathref(input: Reference) {
- createClasspath().setRefid(input)
- }
- def setErrorOnFailed(input: Boolean) {
- errorOnFailed = input
- }
- def setJavaCmd(input: File) {
- javacmd = Some(input)
- }
- def setKinds(input: String) {
- kinds = words(input)
- }
- def setJavacCmd(input: File) {
- javaccmd = Some(input)
- }
- def setScalacOpts(input: String) {
- val s = input.split(' ').map { s => val a = new Argument; a.setValue(s); a }
- scalacArgs = Some(scalacArgs.getOrElse(Seq()) ++ s)
- }
- def createCompilerArg(): Argument = {
- val a = new Argument
- scalacArgs = Some(scalacArgs.getOrElse(Seq()) :+ a)
- a
- }
- def setDebug(input: Boolean) {
- debug = input
- }
- def setJUnitReportDir(input: File) {
- jUnitReportDir = Some(input)
- }
- override def execute() {
- if (debug || sys.props.contains("partest.debug")) {
- nest.NestUI.setDebug()
- }
- srcDir foreach (x => setProp("partest.srcdir", x))
- val classpath = this.compilationPath getOrElse sys.error("Mandatory attribute 'compilationPath' is not set.")
- val cpfiles = classpath.list map { fs => new File(fs) } toList
- def findCp(name: String) = cpfiles find (f =>
- (f.getName == s"scala-$name.jar")
- || (f.absolutePathSegments endsWith Seq("classes", name))
- ) getOrElse sys.error(s"Provided classpath does not contain a Scala $name element.")
- val scalaLibrary = findCp("library")
- val scalaReflect = findCp("reflect")
- val scalaCompiler = findCp("compiler")
- val scalaPartest = findCp("partest")
- val scalaActors = findCp("actors")
- def scalacArgsFlat: Option[Seq[String]] = scalacArgs map (_ flatMap { a =>
- val parts = a.getParts
- if (parts eq null) Nil else parts.toSeq
- })
- val antRunner = new
- val antFileManager = antRunner.fileManager
- // antFileManager.failed = runFailed
- antFileManager.CLASSPATH = ClassPath.join(classpath.list: _*)
- antFileManager.LATEST_LIB = scalaLibrary.getAbsolutePath
- antFileManager.LATEST_REFLECT = scalaReflect.getAbsolutePath
- antFileManager.LATEST_COMP = scalaCompiler.getAbsolutePath
- antFileManager.LATEST_PARTEST = scalaPartest.getAbsolutePath
- antFileManager.LATEST_ACTORS = scalaActors.getAbsolutePath
- javacmd foreach (x => antFileManager.JAVACMD = x.getAbsolutePath)
- javaccmd foreach (x => antFileManager.JAVAC_CMD = x.getAbsolutePath)
- scalacArgsFlat foreach (antFileManager.SCALAC_OPTS ++= _)
- def runSet(kind: String, files: Array[File]): (Int, Int, List[String]) = {
- if (files.isEmpty) (0, 0, List())
- else {
- log(s"Running ${files.length} tests in '$kind' at $now")
- // log(s"Tests: ${files.toList}")
- val results = antRunner.reflectiveRunTestsForFiles(files, kind)
- val (passed, failed) = results partition (_.isOk)
- val numPassed = passed.size
- val numFailed = failed.size
- def failedMessages = failed map (_.longStatus)
- log(s"Completed '$kind' at $now")
- // create JUnit Report xml files if directory was specified
- jUnitReportDir foreach { d =>
- d.mkdir
- val report = testReport(kind, results, numPassed, numFailed)
-"/"+kind+".xml", report)
- }
- (numPassed, numFailed, failedMessages)
- }
- }
- val _results = kinds map (k => runSet(k, TestKinds testsFor k map (_.jfile) toArray))
- val allSuccesses = _results map (_._1) sum
- val allFailures = _results map (_._2) sum
- val allFailedPaths = _results flatMap (_._3)
- def f = if (errorOnFailed && allFailures > 0) buildError(_: String) else log(_: String)
- def s = if (allFailures > 1) "s" else ""
- val msg =
- if (allFailures > 0)
- "Test suite finished with %d case%s failing:\n".format(allFailures, s)+
- allFailedPaths.mkString("\n")
- else if (allSuccesses == 0) "There were no tests to run."
- else "Test suite finished with no failures."
- f(msg)
- }
- private def oneResult(res: TestState) =
- <testcase name={res.testIdent}>{
- if (res.isOk) scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty
- else <failure message="Test failed"/>
- }</testcase>
- private def testReport(kind: String, results: Iterable[TestState], succs: Int, fails: Int) =
- <testsuite name={kind} tests={(succs + fails).toString} failures={fails.toString}>
- <properties/>
- {
- results map oneResult
- }
- </testsuite>