path: root/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
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authorEugene Burmako <>2012-10-04 07:37:41 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-10-11 19:53:52 +0200
commit6eb48f9602c3a21c85a38651c2e0b887e06b8d18 (patch)
tree641403b5a61dcc12d3419c0028a786ffc21cafff /src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
parent553ee0118dbc052bed8c4580376b48cd9cb5d0f9 (diff)
docs for reflection and macros
Diffstat (limited to 'src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
index 2f201d033d..1f303877de 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,82 @@
package scala.reflect
package api
- * Defines the type hierachy for compile-time constants.
+/** A slice of [[scala.reflect.api.Universe the Scala reflection cake]] that defines compile-time constants and operations on them.
+ * See [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]] for a description of how the reflection API is encoded with the cake pattern.
- * @see [[scala.reflect]] for a description on how the class hierarchy is encoded here.
+ * According to the section 6.24 "Constant Expressions" of the Scala language specification,
+ * certain expressions (dubbed ''constant expressions'') can be evaluated by the Scala compiler at compile-time.
+ *
+ * [[scala.reflect.api.Constants#Constant]] instances represent certain kinds of these expressions
+ * (with values stored in the `value` field and its strongly-typed views named `booleanValue`, `intValue` etc.), namely:
+ * 1. Literals of primitive value classes (bytes, shorts, ints, longs, floats, doubles, chars, booleans and voids).
+ * 1. String literals.
+ * 1. References to classes (typically constructed with [[scala.Predef#classOf]]).
+ * 1. References to enumeration values.
+ *
+ * Such constants are used to represent literals in abstract syntax trees (the [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#Literal]] node)
+ * and literal arguments for Java class file annotations (the [[scala.reflect.api.Annotations#LiteralArgument]] class).
+ *
+ * === Example ===
+ *
+ * The `value` field deserves some explanation. Primitive and string values are represented as themselves, whereas
+ * references to classes and enums are a bit roundabout.
+ *
+ * Class references are represented as instances of [[scala.reflect.api.Types#Type]]
+ * (because when the Scala compiler processes a class reference, the underlying runtime class might not yet have been compiled).
+ * To convert such a reference to a runtime class, one should use the `runtimeClass` method of a mirror such as [[scala.reflect.api.Mirrors#RuntimeMirror]]
+ * (the simplest way to get such a mirror is using [[scala.reflect.runtime.package#currentMirror]]).
+ *
+ * Enumeration value references are represented as instances of [[scala.reflect.api.Symbols#Symbol]], which on JVM point to methods
+ * that return underlying enum values. To inspect an underlying enumeration or to get runtime value of a reference to an enum,
+ * one should use a [[scala.reflect.api.Mirrors#RuntimeMirror]] (the simplest way to get such a mirror is again [[scala.reflect.runtime.package#currentMirror]]).
+ * {{{
+ * enum JavaSimpleEnumeration { FOO, BAR }
+ *
+ * import java.lang.annotation.*;
+ * @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
+ * @Target({ElementType.TYPE})
+ * public @interface JavaSimpleAnnotation {
+ * Class<?> classRef();
+ * JavaSimpleEnumeration enumRef();
+ * }
+ *
+ * @JavaSimpleAnnotation(
+ * classRef = JavaAnnottee.class,
+ * enumRef = JavaSimpleEnumeration.BAR
+ * )
+ * public class JavaAnnottee {}
+ * }}}
+ * {{{
+ * import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
+ * import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm}
+ *
+ * object Test extends App {
+ * val jann = typeOf[JavaAnnottee].typeSymbol.annotations(0).javaArgs
+ * def jarg(name: String) = jann(newTermName(name)).asInstanceOf[LiteralArgument].value
+ *
+ * val classRef = jarg("classRef").typeValue
+ * println(showRaw(classRef)) // TypeRef(ThisType(<empty>), JavaAnnottee, List())
+ * println(cm.runtimeClass(classRef)) // class JavaAnnottee
+ *
+ * val enumRef = jarg("enumRef").symbolValue
+ * println(enumRef) // value BAR
+ *
+ * val siblings = enumRef.owner.typeSignature.declarations
+ * val enumValues = siblings.filter(sym => sym.isVal && sym.isPublic)
+ * println(enumValues) // Scope{
+ * // final val FOO: JavaSimpleEnumeration;
+ * // final val BAR: JavaSimpleEnumeration
+ * // }
+ *
+ * // doesn't work because of
+ * // val enumValue = mirror.reflectField(enumRef.asTerm).get
+ * val enumClass = cm.runtimeClass(enumRef.owner.asClass)
+ * val enumValue = enumClass.getDeclaredField(
+ * println(enumValue) // BAR
+ * }
+ * }}}
trait Constants {
self: Universe =>
@@ -34,8 +106,14 @@ trait Constants {
def unapply(arg: Constant): Option[Any]
+ /** The API of `Constant` instances.
+ * The main source of information about constants is the [[scala.reflect.api.Constants]] page.
+ */
abstract class ConstantApi {
+ /** Payload of the constant. */
val value: Any
+ /** Scala type that describes the constant. */
def tpe: Type