path: root/src/reflect/scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2013-03-25 11:03:25 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-03-25 11:03:25 -0700
commit98daf03a902e9af902870448f9de17ff140d9bca (patch)
tree34557b2cc0f7aba376a38e2ee5d76ddd4e55f2d9 /src/reflect/scala
parent1187c9896c097e6e591e5655b35f52c06b3c900a (diff)
Overhauled local/getter/setter name logic.
Sifted through extraneous methods trying to find consistency, consolidating and deprecating as I went. The original motivation for all this was the restoration of LOCAL_SUFFIX to originalName, because: It looks like in an attempt to make originalName print consistently with decodedName, I went a little too far and stripped invisible trailing spaces from originalName. This meant outer fields would have an originalName of '$outer' instead of '$outer ', which in turn could have caused them to be mis-recognized as outer accessors, because the logic of outerSource hinges upon "originalName == nme.OUTER". I don't know if this affected anything - I noticed it by inspection, improbably enough. Deprecated originalName - original, compared to what? - in favor of unexpandedName, which has a more obvious complement. Introduced string_== for the many spots where people have given up and are comparing string representations of names. A light dusting of types is still better than nothing. Editoral note: LOCAL_SUFFIX is the worst. Significant trailing whitespace! It's a time bomb.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/reflect/scala')
7 files changed, 156 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
index f8598dca7a..b8141d25f5 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
@@ -177,6 +177,12 @@ trait Names extends api.Names {
/** @return the hash value of this name */
final override def hashCode(): Int = index
+ /** @return true if the string value of this name is equal
+ * to the string value of the given name or String.
+ */
+ def string_==(that: Name): Boolean = (that ne null) && (toString == that.toString)
+ def string_==(that: String): Boolean = (that ne null) && (toString == that)
* This has been quite useful to find places where people are comparing
* a TermName and a TypeName, or a Name and a String.
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ trait Names extends api.Names {
/** @return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
final def pos(c: Char): Int = pos(c, 0)
- /** @return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
+ /** @return the index of first occurrence of s in this name, length if not found */
final def pos(s: String): Int = pos(s, 0)
/** Returns the index of the first occurrence of character c in
@@ -319,15 +325,18 @@ trait Names extends api.Names {
final def endsWith(char: Char): Boolean = len > 0 && endChar == char
final def endsWith(name: String): Boolean = endsWith(newTermName(name))
- def indexOf(ch: Char) = {
- val idx = pos(ch)
- if (idx == length) -1 else idx
- }
- def indexOf(ch: Char, fromIndex: Int) = {
- val idx = pos(ch, fromIndex)
- if (idx == length) -1 else idx
- }
- def lastIndexOf(ch: Char) = lastPos(ch)
+ /** Rewrite the confusing failure indication via result == length to
+ * the normal failure indication via result == -1.
+ */
+ private def fixIndexOf(idx: Int): Int = if (idx == length) -1 else idx
+ def indexOf(ch: Char) = fixIndexOf(pos(ch))
+ def indexOf(ch: Char, fromIndex: Int) = fixIndexOf(pos(ch, fromIndex))
+ def indexOf(s: String) = fixIndexOf(pos(s))
+ /** The lastPos methods already return -1 on failure. */
+ def lastIndexOf(ch: Char): Int = lastPos(ch)
+ def lastIndexOf(s: String): Int = toString lastIndexOf s
/** Replace all occurrences of `from` by `to` in
* name; result is always a term name.
@@ -392,9 +401,24 @@ trait Names extends api.Names {
* reap the benefits because an (unused) $outer pointer so it is not single-field.
final class NameOps[T <: Name](name: T) {
- def stripSuffix(suffix: Name): T = if (name endsWith suffix) dropRight(suffix.length) else name
- def dropRight(n: Int): T = name.subName(0, name.length - n).asInstanceOf[T]
- def drop(n: Int): T = name.subName(n, name.length).asInstanceOf[T]
+ import NameTransformer._
+ def stripSuffix(suffix: String): T = stripSuffix(suffix: TermName)
+ def stripSuffix(suffix: Name): T = if (name endsWith suffix) dropRight(suffix.length) else name
+ def take(n: Int): T = name.subName(0, n).asInstanceOf[T]
+ def drop(n: Int): T = name.subName(n, name.length).asInstanceOf[T]
+ def dropRight(n: Int): T = name.subName(0, name.length - n).asInstanceOf[T]
+ def dropLocal: TermName = name.toTermName stripSuffix LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def dropSetter: TermName = name.toTermName stripSuffix SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def dropModule: T = this stripSuffix MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def localName: TermName = getterName append LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def setterName: TermName = getterName append SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING
+ def getterName: TermName = dropTraitSetterSeparator.dropSetter.dropLocal
+ private def dropTraitSetterSeparator: TermName =
+ case -1 => name.toTermName
+ case idx => name.toTermName drop idx drop TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING.length
+ }
implicit val NameTag = ClassTag[Name](classOf[Name])
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
index 28837c4ae8..e1ef6d6365 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
@@ -29,18 +29,19 @@ trait Printers extends api.Printers { self: SymbolTable =>
def quotedName(name: String): String = quotedName(newTermName(name), decode = false)
private def symNameInternal(tree: Tree, name: Name, decoded: Boolean): String = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if ( == nme.ERROR.toString) {
- "<" + quotedName(name, decoded) + ": error>"
- } else if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol) {
- val prefix = if (sym.isMixinConstructor) "/*%s*/".format(quotedName(, decoded)) else ""
- var suffix = ""
- if (settings.uniqid.value) suffix += ("#" +
- if (settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) suffix += ("#" + sym.abbreviatedKindString)
- prefix + quotedName(tree.symbol.decodedName) + suffix
- } else {
- quotedName(name, decoded)
- }
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ def qname = quotedName(name.dropLocal, decoded)
+ def qowner = quotedName(, decoded)
+ def qsymbol = quotedName(sym.nameString)
+ if ( == nme.ERROR)
+ s"<$qname: error>"
+ else if (sym == null || sym == NoSymbol)
+ qname
+ else if (sym.isMixinConstructor)
+ s"/*$qowner*/$qsymbol"
+ else
+ qsymbol
def decodedSymName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, decoded = true)
@@ -546,7 +547,7 @@ trait Printers extends api.Printers { self: SymbolTable =>
case tree: Tree =>
val hasSymbolField = tree.hasSymbolField && tree.symbol != NoSymbol
- val isError = hasSymbolField && == nme.ERROR.toString
+ val isError = hasSymbolField && ( string_== nme.ERROR)
preamble = _ => {
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
index a894bd649c..4fd86aa8b1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
@@ -86,8 +86,12 @@ trait StdNames {
def flattenedName(segments: Name*): NameType =
compactify(segments mkString NAME_JOIN_STRING)
- val NAME_JOIN_STRING: String = NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
+ val NAME_JOIN_STRING: String = NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
val SINGLETON_SUFFIX: String = ".type"
val ANON_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "$anon"
@@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val BITMAP_PREFIX = "bitmap$"
val CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING = "check$ifrefutable$"
val DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING = "$default$"
- val DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING = "$lessinit$greater" // CONSTRUCTOR.encoded, less is more
+ val DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING = NameTransformer.encode("<init>") + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING
val DO_WHILE_PREFIX = "doWhile$"
val EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX = "evidence$"
val EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX = "exceptionResult"
@@ -275,7 +279,6 @@ trait StdNames {
val PROTECTED_PREFIX = "protected$"
val SUPER_PREFIX_STRING = "super$"
val WHILE_PREFIX = "while$"
// Compiler internal names
@@ -284,10 +287,8 @@ trait StdNames {
val DEFAULT_CASE: NameType = "defaultCase$"
val EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR: NameType = "eqEqTemp$"
val FAKE_LOCAL_THIS: NameType = "this$"
- val INITIALIZER: NameType = CONSTRUCTOR // Is this buying us something?
val LAZY_LOCAL: NameType = "$lzy"
val LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX: NameType = "$lzycompute"
val UNIVERSE_PREFIX: NameType = "$u."
val UNIVERSE_SHORT: NameType = "$u"
@@ -301,21 +302,16 @@ trait StdNames {
val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "$init$"
val OUTER: NameType = "$outer"
- val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER + LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING // "$outer ", note the space
+ val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER.localName
val OUTER_SYNTH: NameType = "<outer>" // emitted by virtual pattern matcher, replaced by outer accessor in explicitouter
val ROOTPKG: NameType = "_root_"
val SELECTOR_DUMMY: NameType = "<unapply-selector>"
val SELF: NameType = "$this"
- val SETTER_SUFFIX: NameType = encode("_=")
+ val SETTER_SUFFIX: NameType = NameTransformer.SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING
val SPECIALIZED_INSTANCE: NameType = "specInstance$"
val STAR: NameType = "*"
val THIS: NameType = "_$this"
- @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
- @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
def isConstructorName(name: Name) = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
def isExceptionResultName(name: Name) = name startsWith EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX
def isImplClassName(name: Name) = name endsWith IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX
@@ -345,31 +341,52 @@ trait StdNames {
name.endChar == '=' && name.startChar != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.startChar)
- /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator`
- */
- def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String = EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING): TermName =
+ private def expandedNameInternal(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String): TermName =
newTermNameCached(base.fullName('$') + separator + name)
+ /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base`
+ */
+ def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol) = expandedNameInternal(name, base, EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING)
/** The expanded setter name of `name` relative to this class `base`
- def expandedSetterName(name: TermName, base: Symbol): TermName =
- expandedName(name, base, separator = TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
+ def expandedSetterName(name: TermName, base: Symbol) = expandedNameInternal(name, base, TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
- /** If `name` is an expandedName name, the original name.
- * Otherwise `name` itself.
- */
- def originalName(name: Name): Name = {
- var i = name.length
- while (i >= 2 && !(name.charAt(i - 1) == '$' && name.charAt(i - 2) == '$')) i -= 1
- if (i >= 2) {
- while (i >= 3 && name.charAt(i - 3) == '$') i -= 1
- name.subName(i, name.length)
- } else name
+ /** If `name` is an expandedName name, the original (unexpanded) name.
+ * Otherwise `name` itself.
+ * Look backward from the end of the string for "$$", and take the
+ * part of the string after that; but if the string is "$$$" or longer,
+ * be sure to retain the extra dollars.
+ */
+ def unexpandedName(name: Name): Name = name lastIndexOf "$$" match {
+ case -1 => name
+ case idx0 =>
+ // Sketchville - We've found $$ but if it's part of $$$ or $$$$
+ // or something we need to keep the bonus dollars, so e.g. foo$$$outer
+ // has an original name of $outer.
+ var idx = idx0
+ while (idx > 0 && name.charAt(idx - 1) == '$')
+ idx -= 1
+ name drop idx + 2
+ @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
+ @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
+ @deprecated("Use unexpandedName", "2.11.0") def originalName(name: Name): Name = unexpandedName(name)
+ @deprecated("Use Name#dropModule", "2.11.0") def stripModuleSuffix(name: Name): Name = name.dropModule
+ @deprecated("Use Name#dropLocal", "2.11.0") def localToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.dropLocal
+ @deprecated("Use Name#dropLocal", "2.11.0") def dropLocalSuffix(name: Name): TermName = name.dropLocal
+ @deprecated("Use Name#localName", "2.11.0") def getterToLocal(name: TermName): TermName = name.localName
+ @deprecated("Use Name#setterName", "2.11.0") def getterToSetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.setterName
+ @deprecated("Use Name#getterName", "2.11.0") def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = name.getterName
+ @deprecated("Use Name#getterName", "2.11.0") def setterToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name.getterName
def unspecializedName(name: Name): Name = (
if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX)
- name.subName(0, name.lastIndexOf('m') - 1)
+ name.subName(0, name.lastIndexOf('m') - 1)
else name
@@ -394,39 +411,23 @@ trait StdNames {
} else
(name, "", "")
- def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = if (isLocalName(name)) localToGetter(name) else name
- def getterToLocal(name: TermName): TermName = name append LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
- def getterToSetter(name: TermName): TermName = name append SETTER_SUFFIX
- def localToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name dropRight LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING.length
- def dropLocalSuffix(name: Name): Name = if (name endsWith ' ') name dropRight 1 else name
- def setterToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = {
- if (p < name.length)
- setterToGetter(name drop (p + TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING.length))
- else
- name.subName(0, name.length - SETTER_SUFFIX.length)
- }
// Nominally, name$default$N, encoded for <init>
- def defaultGetterName(name: Name, pos: Int): TermName = {
- val prefix = if (isConstructorName(name)) DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING else name
- newTermName(prefix + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING + pos)
- }
+ def defaultGetterName(name: Name, pos: Int): TermName = (
+ if (isConstructorName(name))
+ else
+ )
// Nominally, name from name$default$N, CONSTRUCTOR for <init>
- def defaultGetterToMethod(name: Name): TermName = {
- val p = name.pos(DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING)
- if (p < name.length) {
- val q = name.toTermName.subName(0, p)
- // i.e., if (q.decoded == CONSTRUCTOR.toString) CONSTRUCTOR else q
- } else name.toTermName
- }
- def stripModuleSuffix(name: Name): Name = (
- if (isModuleName(name)) name dropRight MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING.length else name
+ def defaultGetterToMethod(name: Name): TermName = (
+ if (name startsWith DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING)
+ else name indexOf DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING match {
+ case -1 => name.toTermName
+ case idx => name.toTermName take idx
+ }
def localDummyName(clazz: Symbol): TermName = newTermName(LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX + + ">")
def superName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(SUPER_PREFIX_STRING + name)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
index c881de7830..547fcdcfa7 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
@@ -761,16 +761,10 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
def compileTimeOnlyMessage = getAnnotation(CompileTimeOnlyAttr) flatMap (_ stringArg 0)
/** Is this symbol an accessor method for outer? */
- final def isOuterAccessor = {
- hasFlag(STABLE | ARTIFACT) &&
- originalName == nme.OUTER
- }
+ final def isOuterAccessor = hasFlag(STABLE | ARTIFACT) && (unexpandedName == nme.OUTER)
/** Is this symbol an accessor method for outer? */
- final def isOuterField = {
- hasFlag(ARTIFACT) &&
- originalName == nme.OUTER_LOCAL
- }
+ final def isOuterField = isArtifact && (unexpandedName == nme.OUTER_LOCAL)
/** Does this symbol denote a stable value? */
def isStable = false
@@ -995,10 +989,12 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
// ------ name attribute --------------------------------------------------------------
- /** If this symbol has an expanded name, its original name, otherwise its name itself.
- * @see expandName
+ @deprecated("Use unexpandedName", "2.11.0") def originalName: Name = unexpandedName
+ /** If this symbol has an expanded name, its original (unexpanded) name,
+ * otherwise the name itself.
- def originalName: Name = nme.originalName(nme.dropLocalSuffix(name))
+ def unexpandedName: Name = nme.unexpandedName(name)
/** The name of the symbol before decoding, e.g. `\$eq\$eq` instead of `==`.
@@ -1006,7 +1002,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
/** The decoded name of the symbol, e.g. `==` instead of `\$eq\$eq`.
- def decodedName: String = nme.dropLocalSuffix(name).decode
+ def decodedName: String = name.decode
private def addModuleSuffix(n: Name): Name =
if (needsModuleSuffix) n append nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING else n
@@ -1025,7 +1021,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
/** These should be moved somewhere like JavaPlatform.
- def javaSimpleName: Name = addModuleSuffix(nme.dropLocalSuffix(simpleName))
+ def javaSimpleName: Name = addModuleSuffix(simpleName.dropLocal)
def javaBinaryName: Name = addModuleSuffix(fullNameInternal('/'))
def javaClassName: String = addModuleSuffix(fullNameInternal('.')).toString
@@ -1046,7 +1042,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
else ((effectiveOwner.enclClass.fullNameAsName(separator) append separator): Name) append name
- def fullNameAsName(separator: Char): Name = nme.dropLocalSuffix(fullNameInternal(separator))
+ def fullNameAsName(separator: Char): Name = fullNameInternal(separator).dropLocal
/** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
* are separated by periods.
@@ -1823,7 +1819,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
// The slightly more principled approach of using the paramss of the
// primary constructor leads to cycles in, for example, pos/t5084.scala.
- val primaryNames = => nme.dropLocalSuffix(
+ val primaryNames = constrParamAccessors map (
caseFieldAccessorsUnsorted.sortBy { acc =>
primaryNames indexWhere { orig =>
( == orig) || ( startsWith (orig append "$"))
@@ -1842,7 +1838,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
/** The symbol accessed by this accessor function, but with given owner type. */
final def accessed(ownerTp: Type): Symbol = {
assert(hasAccessorFlag, this)
- ownerTp decl nme.getterToLocal(getterName.toTermName)
+ ownerTp decl localName
/** The module corresponding to this module class (note that this
@@ -2199,22 +2195,23 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
/** The getter of this value or setter definition in class `base`, or NoSymbol if
* none exists.
- final def getter(base: Symbol): Symbol = filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
+ final def getter(base: Symbol): Symbol =
+ decl getterName filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
- def getterName: TermName = (
- if (isSetter) nme.setterToGetter(name.toTermName)
- else if (nme.isLocalName(name)) nme.localToGetter(name.toTermName)
- else name.toTermName
- )
+ def getterName: TermName = name.getterName
+ def setterName: TermName = name.setterName
+ def localName: TermName = name.localName
/** The setter of this value or getter definition, or NoSymbol if none exists */
- final def setter(base: Symbol): Symbol = setter(base, hasExpandedName = false)
+ final def setter(base: Symbol, hasExpandedName: Boolean = needsExpandedSetterName): Symbol =
+ decl setterNameInBase(base, hasExpandedName) filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
- final def setter(base: Symbol, hasExpandedName: Boolean): Symbol = {
- var sname = nme.getterToSetter(nme.getterName(name.toTermName))
- if (hasExpandedName) sname = nme.expandedSetterName(sname, base)
- filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
- }
+ def needsExpandedSetterName = (
+ if (isMethod) hasStableFlag && !isLazy
+ else hasNoFlags(LAZY | MUTABLE)
+ )
+ def setterNameInBase(base: Symbol, expanded: Boolean): TermName =
+ if (expanded) nme.expandedSetterName(setterName, base) else setterName
/** If this is a derived value class, return its unbox method
* or NoSymbol if it does not exist.
@@ -2391,12 +2388,13 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* If settings.uniqid, adds id.
* If settings.Yshowsymkinds, adds abbreviated symbol kind.
- def nameString: String = (
- if (!settings.uniqid.value && !settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) "" + originalName.decode
- else if (settings.uniqid.value && !settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) originalName.decode + "#" + id
- else if (!settings.uniqid.value && settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) originalName.decode + "#" + abbreviatedKindString
- else originalName.decode + "#" + id + "#" + abbreviatedKindString
- )
+ def nameString: String = {
+ val name_s = if (settings.debug.value) "" + unexpandedName else unexpandedName.dropLocal.decode
+ val id_s = if (settings.uniqid.value) "#" + id else ""
+ val kind_s = if (settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) "#" + abbreviatedKindString else ""
+ name_s + id_s + kind_s
+ }
def fullNameString: String = {
def recur(sym: Symbol): String = {
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
index e96fcc90df..b1f58814c7 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ abstract class TreeInfo {
def isVariableOrGetter(tree: Tree) = {
def sym = tree.symbol
def isVar = sym.isVariable
- def isGetter = mayBeVarGetter(sym) && != NoSymbol
+ def isGetter = mayBeVarGetter(sym) && != NoSymbol
tree match {
case Ident(_) => isVar
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
index c00337e578..410bc738e2 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ trait Trees extends api.Trees { self: SymbolTable =>
trait NameTree extends Tree with NameTreeApi {
def name: Name
+ def getterName: TermName = name.getterName
+ def setterName: TermName = name.setterName
+ def localName: TermName = name.localName
trait RefTree extends SymTree with NameTree with RefTreeApi {
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
index 2e38caaf5d..e58e89a4b1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
@@ -242,10 +242,7 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
def reflectField(field: TermSymbol): FieldMirror = {
checkMemberOf(field, symbol)
if ((field.isMethod && !field.isAccessor) || field.isModule) ErrorNotField(field)
- val name =
- if (field.isGetter) nme.getterToLocal(
- else if (field.isSetter) nme.getterToLocal(nme.setterToGetter(
- else
+ val name = if (field.isAccessor) field.localName else
val field1 = ( decl name).asTerm
try fieldToJava(field1)
catch {
@@ -313,7 +310,7 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
// the "symbol == Any_getClass || symbol == Object_getClass" test doesn't cut it
// because both AnyVal and its primitive descendants define their own getClass methods
- private def isGetClass(meth: MethodSymbol) = == "getClass" && meth.paramss.flatten.isEmpty
+ private def isGetClass(meth: MethodSymbol) = ( string_== "getClass") && meth.paramss.flatten.isEmpty
private def isStringConcat(meth: MethodSymbol) = meth == String_+ || (meth.owner.isPrimitiveValueClass && meth.returnType =:= StringClass.toType)
lazy val bytecodelessMethodOwners = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass, ObjectClass, ArrayClass) ++ ScalaPrimitiveValueClasses
lazy val bytecodefulObjectMethods = Set[Symbol](Object_clone, Object_equals, Object_finalize, Object_hashCode, Object_toString,
@@ -844,9 +841,10 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
* that start with the given name are searched instead.
private def lookup(clazz: Symbol, jname: String): Symbol = {
- def approximateMatch(sym: Symbol, jstr: String): Boolean =
- ( == jstr) ||
- sym.isPrivate && nme.expandedName(, sym.owner).toString == jstr
+ def approximateMatch(sym: Symbol, jstr: String): Boolean = (
+ ( string_== jstr)
+ || sym.isPrivate && (nme.expandedName(, sym.owner) string_== jstr)
+ ) orElse {
( filter (approximateMatch(_, jname))).toList match {
@@ -1008,7 +1006,7 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
private def typeParamToScala1(jparam: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): TypeSymbol = {
val owner = genericDeclarationToScala(jparam.getGenericDeclaration) match {
- case PolyType(tparams, _) => tparams.find( == jparam.getName).get.asType
+ case PolyType(tparams, _) => tparams.find( string_== jparam.getName).get.asType
@@ -1202,7 +1200,7 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
def fieldToJava(fld: TermSymbol): jField = fieldCache.toJava(fld) {
val jclazz = classToJava(fld.owner.asClass)
- val jname = nme.dropLocalSuffix(
+ val jname =
try jclazz getDeclaredField jname
catch {
case ex: NoSuchFieldException => jclazz getDeclaredField expandedName(fld)
@@ -1215,7 +1213,7 @@ private[reflect] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUni
def methodToJava(meth: MethodSymbol): jMethod = methodCache.toJava(meth) {
val jclazz = classToJava(meth.owner.asClass)
val paramClasses = transformedType(meth).paramTypes map typeToJavaClass
- val jname = nme.dropLocalSuffix(
+ val jname =
try jclazz getDeclaredMethod (jname, paramClasses: _*)
catch {
case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>