path: root/src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2015-06-17 11:06:31 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2015-06-18 10:33:33 -0700
commitdfb70b632c1e8a2c6ce27eaacb74dbbb47ce9532 (patch)
tree277124732e329eb78b6168ad8ad3a6c908fb407f /src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala
parent43139faa4f4348b95907e06883f2fefb41ea3a3b (diff)
SI-9339 Support classpaths with no single compatible jline
As usual, the repl will use whatever jline 2 jar on the classpath, if there is one. Failing that, there's a fallback and an override. If instantiating the standard `jline.InteractiveReader` fails, we fall back to an embedded, shaded, version of jline, provided by `jline_embedded.InteractiveReader`. (Assume `import` for this message.) The instantiation of `InteractiveReader` eagerly exercises jline, so that a linkage error will result if jline is missing or if the provided one is not binary compatible. The property `scala.repl.reader` overrides this behavior, if set to the FQN of a class that looks like `YourInteractiveReader` below. ``` class YourInteractiveReader(completer: () => Completion) extends InteractiveReader ``` The repl logs which classes it tried to instantiate under `-Ydebug`. # Changes to source & build The core of the repl (`src/repl`) no longer depends on jline. The jline interface is now in `src/repl-jline`. The embedded jline + our interface to it are generated by the `quick.repl` target. The build now also enforces that only `src/repl-jline` depends on jline. The sources in `src/repl` are now sure to be independent of it, though they do use reflection to instantiate a suitable subclass of `InteractiveReader`, as explained above. The `quick.repl` target builds the sources in `src/repl` and `src/repl-jline`, producing a jar for the `repl-jline` classes, which is then transformed using jarjar to obtain a shaded copy of the `` package. Jarjar is used to combine the `jline` jar and the `repl-jline` into a new jar, rewriting package names as follows: - `org.fusesource` -> `` - `jline` -> `` - `` -> `` Classes not reachable from `**` are pruned, as well as empty dirs. The classes in the `repl-jline` jar as well as those in the rewritten one are copied to the repl's output directory. PS: The sbt build is not updated, sorry. PPS: A more recent fork of jarjar:
Diffstat (limited to 'src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala b/src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6c9792ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl-jline/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/FileBackedHistory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2015 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+import _root_.jline.console.history.PersistentHistory
+import{File, Path}
+/** TODO: file locking.
+ */
+trait FileBackedHistory extends JLineHistory with PersistentHistory {
+ def maxSize: Int
+ protected lazy val historyFile: File = FileBackedHistory.defaultFile
+ private var isPersistent = true
+ locally {
+ load()
+ }
+ def withoutSaving[T](op: => T): T = {
+ val saved = isPersistent
+ isPersistent = false
+ try op
+ finally isPersistent = saved
+ }
+ def addLineToFile(item: CharSequence): Unit = {
+ if (isPersistent)
+ append(item + "\n")
+ }
+ /** Overwrites the history file with the current memory. */
+ protected def sync(): Unit = {
+ val lines = asStrings map (_ + "\n")
+ historyFile.writeAll(lines: _*)
+ }
+ /** Append one or more lines to the history file. */
+ protected def append(lines: String*): Unit = {
+ historyFile.appendAll(lines: _*)
+ }
+ def load(): Unit = {
+ if (!historyFile.canRead)
+ historyFile.createFile()
+ val lines: IndexedSeq[String] = {
+ try historyFile.lines().toIndexedSeq
+ catch {
+ // It seems that control characters in the history file combined
+ // with the default codec can lead to nio spewing exceptions. Rather
+ // than abandon hope we'll try to read it as ISO-8859-1
+ case _: Exception =>
+ try historyFile.lines("ISO-8859-1").toIndexedSeq
+ catch {
+ case _: Exception => Vector()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ interpreter.repldbg("Loading " + lines.size + " into history.")
+ // avoid writing to the history file
+ withoutSaving(lines takeRight maxSize foreach add)
+ // truncate the history file if it's too big.
+ if (lines.size > maxSize) {
+ interpreter.repldbg("File exceeds maximum size: truncating to " + maxSize + " entries.")
+ sync()
+ }
+ moveToEnd()
+ }
+ def flush(): Unit = ()
+ def purge(): Unit = historyFile.truncate()
+object FileBackedHistory {
+ // val ContinuationChar = '\003'
+ // val ContinuationNL: String = Array('\003', '\n').mkString
+ import
+ def defaultFileName = ".scala_history"
+ def defaultFile: File = File(Path(userHome) / defaultFileName)