path: root/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-19 17:33:17 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-20 16:16:02 -0700
commit473a1692abf4d64e5df81cd19be214fe5bfa06ec (patch)
treec5f26f42296e3e585fe211b5a4e93f7c45d3b543 /src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala
parent738441cf58136bd4af9985886dd0cd38ccda0777 (diff)
Move partest to
As partest is now resolved from maven, `test/partest` uses `ant test.suite.init` to determine the classpath (serialized to build/pack/ that's necessary to run ``. Thus, partest gets exactly the same classpath, whether run from the command line through `test/partest` or via `ant test`. The version of partest we're using is specified by properties defined in (formerly `starr.number`). Currently, we're using: ``` scala.binary.version=2.11.0-M4 partest.version.number=1.0-RC3 ``` NOTES: - The version of Scala being tested must be backwards binary compatible with the version of Scala that was used to compile partest. - Once 2.11 goes final, `scala.binary.version=2.11`, and `starr.version=2.11.0`. - Need scalacheck on classpath for test/partest scalacheck tests. - Removed atrophied ant tests (haven't been run/changed for at least two years I checked 81d659141a as a "random" sample). - Removed scalacheck. It's resolved as a partest dependency. - For now, use a locally built scalap - Kept the trace macro in the main repo (partest-extras) - New targets for faster pr validation: test-core-opt, test-stab-opt - Reused partest eclipse/intellij project to partest-extras (note: the partest dependency is hard-coded)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala b/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala
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--- a/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/ScalaCheckFramework.scala
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-** ScalaCheck **
-** Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
-** **
-** **
-** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
-** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
-\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-// vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et:
-package org.scalacheck
-import org.scalatools.testing._
-class ScalaCheckFramework extends Framework {
- private case object PropFingerprint extends TestFingerprint {
- val superClassName = "org.scalacheck.Prop"
- val isModule = false
- }
- private case object PropsFingerprint extends TestFingerprint {
- val superClassName = "org.scalacheck.Properties"
- val isModule = true
- }
- val name = "ScalaCheck"
- val tests = Array[Fingerprint](PropsFingerprint, PropsFingerprint)
- def testRunner(loader: ClassLoader, loggers: Array[Logger]) = new Runner2 {
- private def asEvent(nr: (String, Test.Result)) = nr match {
- case (n: String, r: Test.Result) => new Event {
- val testName = n
- val description = n
- val result = r.status match {
- case Test.Passed => Result.Success
- case _:Test.Proved => Result.Success
- case _:Test.Failed => Result.Failure
- case Test.Exhausted => Result.Skipped
- case _:Test.PropException | _:Test.GenException => Result.Error
- }
- val error = r.status match {
- case Test.PropException(_, e, _) => e
- case _:Test.Failed => new Exception(Pretty.pretty(r,Pretty.Params(0)))
- case _ => null
- }
- }
- }
- def run(testClassName: String, fingerprint: Fingerprint, handler: EventHandler, args: Array[String]) {
- val testCallback = new Test.TestCallback {
- override def onPropEval(n: String, w: Int, s: Int, d: Int) = {}
- override def onTestResult(n: String, r: Test.Result) = {
- for (l <- loggers) {
- import Pretty._
- (if (r.passed) "+ " else "! ") + n + ": " + pretty(r, Params(0))
- )
- }
- handler.handle(asEvent((n,r)))
- }
- }
- import Test.cmdLineParser.{Success, NoSuccess}
- val prms = Test.cmdLineParser.parseParams(args) match {
- case Success(params, _) =>
- params.copy(_testCallback = testCallback, _customClassLoader = Some(loader))
- // TODO: Maybe handle this a bit better than throwing exception?
- case e: NoSuccess => throw new Exception(e.toString)
- }
- fingerprint match {
- case fp: SubclassFingerprint =>
- if(fp.isModule) {
- val obj = Class.forName(testClassName + "$", true, loader)
- val ps = obj.getField("MODULE$").get(null).asInstanceOf[Properties]
- Test.checkProperties(prms, ps)
- } else {
- val p = Class.forName(testClassName, true, loader).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Prop]
- handler.handle(asEvent((testClassName, Test.check(prms, p))))
- }
- }
- }
- }