path: root/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-19 17:33:17 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-20 16:16:02 -0700
commit473a1692abf4d64e5df81cd19be214fe5bfa06ec (patch)
treec5f26f42296e3e585fe211b5a4e93f7c45d3b543 /src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala
parent738441cf58136bd4af9985886dd0cd38ccda0777 (diff)
Move partest to
As partest is now resolved from maven, `test/partest` uses `ant test.suite.init` to determine the classpath (serialized to build/pack/ that's necessary to run ``. Thus, partest gets exactly the same classpath, whether run from the command line through `test/partest` or via `ant test`. The version of partest we're using is specified by properties defined in (formerly `starr.number`). Currently, we're using: ``` scala.binary.version=2.11.0-M4 partest.version.number=1.0-RC3 ``` NOTES: - The version of Scala being tested must be backwards binary compatible with the version of Scala that was used to compile partest. - Once 2.11 goes final, `scala.binary.version=2.11`, and `starr.version=2.11.0`. - Need scalacheck on classpath for test/partest scalacheck tests. - Removed atrophied ant tests (haven't been run/changed for at least two years I checked 81d659141a as a "random" sample). - Removed scalacheck. It's resolved as a partest dependency. - For now, use a locally built scalap - Kept the trace macro in the main repo (partest-extras) - New targets for faster pr validation: test-core-opt, test-stab-opt - Reused partest eclipse/intellij project to partest-extras (note: the partest dependency is hard-coded)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala b/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e9b6b88fd..0000000000
--- a/src/scalacheck/org/scalacheck/Test.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-** ScalaCheck **
-** Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
-** **
-** **
-** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
-** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
-\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-package org.scalacheck
-object Test {
- import util.FreqMap
- import scala.collection.immutable
- import Prop.FM
- import util.CmdLineParser
- /** Test parameters used by the `Test.check` method.
- */
- trait Parameters {
- /** The minimum number of tests that must succeed for ScalaCheck to
- * consider a property passed. */
- def minSuccessfulTests: Int
- /** The starting size given as parameter to the generators. */
- def minSize: Int
- /** The maximum size given as parameter to the generators. */
- def maxSize: Int
- /** The random numbe generator used. */
- def rng: java.util.Random
- /** The number of tests run in parallell. */
- def workers: Int
- /** A callback that ScalaCheck calls each time a test is executed. */
- def testCallback: TestCallback
- /** The maximum ratio between discarded and passed tests allowed before
- * ScalaCheck gives up and discards the property. At least
- * `minSuccesfulTests` will always be run, though. */
- def maxDiscardRatio: Float
- /** A custom class loader that should be used during test execution. */
- def customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]
- // private since we can't guarantee binary compatibility for this one
- private[scalacheck] def copy(
- _minSuccessfulTests: Int = Parameters.this.minSuccessfulTests,
- _minSize: Int = Parameters.this.minSize,
- _maxSize: Int = Parameters.this.maxSize,
- _rng: java.util.Random = Parameters.this.rng,
- _workers: Int = Parameters.this.workers,
- _testCallback: TestCallback = Parameters.this.testCallback,
- _maxDiscardRatio: Float = Parameters.this.maxDiscardRatio,
- _customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = Parameters.this.customClassLoader
- ): Parameters = new Parameters {
- val minSuccessfulTests: Int = _minSuccessfulTests
- val minSize: Int = _minSize
- val maxSize: Int = _maxSize
- val rng: java.util.Random = _rng
- val workers: Int = _workers
- val testCallback: TestCallback = _testCallback
- val maxDiscardRatio: Float = _maxDiscardRatio
- val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = _customClassLoader
- }
- }
- /** Test parameters used by the `Test.check` method.
- *
- * To override default values, extend the
- * [[org.scalacheck.Test.Parameters.Default]] trait:
- *
- * {{{
- * val myParams = new Parameters.Default {
- * override val minSuccesfulTests = 600
- * override val maxDiscardRatio = 8
- * }
- * }}}
- */
- object Parameters {
- /** Default test parameters trait. This can be overriden if you need to
- * tweak the parameters. */
- trait Default extends Parameters {
- val minSuccessfulTests: Int = 100
- val minSize: Int = 0
- val maxSize: Int = Gen.Params().size
- val rng: java.util.Random = Gen.Params().rng
- val workers: Int = 1
- val testCallback: TestCallback = new TestCallback {}
- val maxDiscardRatio: Float = 5
- val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None
- }
- /** Default test parameters instance. */
- val default: Parameters = new Default {}
- }
- /** Test parameters
- * @deprecated (in 1.10.0) Use [[org.scalacheck.Test.Parameters]] instead.
- */
- @deprecated("Use [[org.scalacheck.Test.Parameters]] instead", "1.10.0")
- case class Params(
- minSuccessfulTests: Int = 100,
- maxDiscardedTests: Int = -1,
- minSize: Int = 0,
- maxSize: Int = Gen.Params().size,
- rng: java.util.Random = Gen.Params().rng,
- workers: Int = 1,
- testCallback: TestCallback = new TestCallback {}
- )
- @deprecated("Use [[org.scalacheck.Test.Parameters]] instead", "1.10.0")
- private def paramsToParameters(params: Params) = new Parameters {
- val minSuccessfulTests = params.minSuccessfulTests
- val minSize = params.minSize
- val maxSize = params.maxSize
- val rng = params.rng
- val workers = params.workers
- val testCallback = params.testCallback
- // maxDiscardedTests is deprecated, but if someone
- // uses it let it override maxDiscardRatio
- val maxDiscardRatio =
- if(params.maxDiscardedTests < 0) Parameters.default.maxDiscardRatio
- else (params.maxDiscardedTests: Float)/(params.minSuccessfulTests: Float)
- val customClassLoader = Parameters.default.customClassLoader
- }
- /** Test statistics */
- case class Result(status: Status, succeeded: Int, discarded: Int, freqMap: FM, time: Long = 0) {
- def passed = status match {
- case Passed => true
- case Proved(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- /** Test status */
- sealed trait Status
- /** ScalaCheck found enough cases for which the property holds, so the
- * property is considered correct. (It is not proved correct, though). */
- case object Passed extends Status
- /** ScalaCheck managed to prove the property correct */
- sealed case class Proved(args: Prop.Args) extends Status
- /** The property was proved wrong with the given concrete arguments. */
- sealed case class Failed(args: Prop.Args, labels: Set[String]) extends Status
- /** The property test was exhausted, it wasn't possible to generate enough
- * concrete arguments satisfying the preconditions to get enough passing
- * property evaluations. */
- case object Exhausted extends Status
- /** An exception was raised when trying to evaluate the property with the
- * given concrete arguments. */
- sealed case class PropException(args: Prop.Args, e: Throwable,
- labels: Set[String]) extends Status
- /** An exception was raised when trying to generate concrete arguments
- * for evaluating the property. */
- sealed case class GenException(e: Throwable) extends Status
- trait TestCallback { self =>
- /** Called each time a property is evaluated */
- def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int, succeeded: Int,
- discarded: Int): Unit = ()
- /** Called whenever a property has finished testing */
- def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = ()
- def chain(testCallback: TestCallback) = new TestCallback {
- override def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int,
- succeeded: Int, discarded: Int
- ): Unit = {
- self.onPropEval(name,threadIdx,succeeded,discarded)
- testCallback.onPropEval(name,threadIdx,succeeded,discarded)
- }
- override def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = {
- self.onTestResult(name,result)
- testCallback.onTestResult(name,result)
- }
- }
- }
- private def assertParams(prms: Parameters) = {
- import prms._
- if(
- minSuccessfulTests <= 0 ||
- maxDiscardRatio <= 0 ||
- minSize < 0 ||
- maxSize < minSize ||
- workers <= 0
- ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid test parameters")
- }
- private def secure[T](x: => T): Either[T,Throwable] =
- try { Left(x) } catch { case e: Throwable => Right(e) }
- private[scalacheck] lazy val cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser {
- object OptMinSuccess extends IntOpt {
- val default = Parameters.default.minSuccessfulTests
- val names = Set("minSuccessfulTests", "s")
- val help = "Number of tests that must succeed in order to pass a property"
- }
- object OptMaxDiscarded extends IntOpt {
- val default = -1
- val names = Set("maxDiscardedTests", "d")
- val help =
- "Number of tests that can be discarded before ScalaCheck stops " +
- "testing a property. NOTE: this option is deprecated, please use " +
- "the option maxDiscardRatio (-r) instead."
- }
- object OptMaxDiscardRatio extends FloatOpt {
- val default = Parameters.default.maxDiscardRatio
- val names = Set("maxDiscardRatio", "r")
- val help =
- "The maximum ratio between discarded and succeeded tests " +
- "allowed before ScalaCheck stops testing a property. At " +
- "least minSuccessfulTests will always be tested, though."
- }
- object OptMinSize extends IntOpt {
- val default = Parameters.default.minSize
- val names = Set("minSize", "n")
- val help = "Minimum data generation size"
- }
- object OptMaxSize extends IntOpt {
- val default = Parameters.default.maxSize
- val names = Set("maxSize", "x")
- val help = "Maximum data generation size"
- }
- object OptWorkers extends IntOpt {
- val default = Parameters.default.workers
- val names = Set("workers", "w")
- val help = "Number of threads to execute in parallel for testing"
- }
- object OptVerbosity extends IntOpt {
- val default = 1
- val names = Set("verbosity", "v")
- val help = "Verbosity level"
- }
- val opts = Set[Opt[_]](
- OptMinSuccess, OptMaxDiscarded, OptMaxDiscardRatio, OptMinSize,
- OptMaxSize, OptWorkers, OptVerbosity
- )
- def parseParams(args: Array[String]) = parseArgs(args) {
- optMap => Parameters.default.copy(
- _minSuccessfulTests = optMap(OptMinSuccess),
- _maxDiscardRatio =
- if (optMap(OptMaxDiscarded) < 0) optMap(OptMaxDiscardRatio)
- else optMap(OptMaxDiscarded).toFloat / optMap(OptMinSuccess),
- _minSize = optMap(OptMinSize),
- _maxSize = optMap(OptMaxSize),
- _workers = optMap(OptWorkers),
- _testCallback = ConsoleReporter(optMap(OptVerbosity))
- )
- }
- }
- /** Tests a property with the given testing parameters, and returns
- * the test results.
- * @deprecated (in 1.10.0) Use
- * `check(Parameters, Properties)` instead.
- */
- @deprecated("Use 'checkProperties(Parameters, Properties)' instead", "1.10.0")
- def check(params: Params, p: Prop): Result = {
- check(paramsToParameters(params), p)
- }
- /** Tests a property with the given testing parameters, and returns
- * the test results. */
- def check(params: Parameters, p: Prop): Result = {
- import params._
- assertParams(params)
- if(workers > 1) {
- assert(!p.isInstanceOf[Commands], "Commands cannot be checked multi-threaded")
- }
- val iterations = math.ceil(minSuccessfulTests / (workers: Double))
- val sizeStep = (maxSize-minSize) / (iterations*workers)
- var stop = false
- def worker(workerIdx: Int) =
- if (workers < 2) () => workerFun(workerIdx)
- else actors.Futures.future {
- workerFun(workerIdx)
- }
- def workerFun(workerIdx: Int) = {
- var n = 0 // passed tests
- var d = 0 // discarded tests
- var res: Result = null
- var fm = FreqMap.empty[immutable.Set[Any]]
- while(!stop && res == null && n < iterations) {
- val size = (minSize: Double) + (sizeStep * (workerIdx + (workers*(n+d))))
- val propPrms = Prop.Params(Gen.Params(size.round.toInt, params.rng), fm)
- secure(p(propPrms)) match {
- case Right(e) => res =
- Result(GenException(e), n, d, FreqMap.empty[immutable.Set[Any]])
- case Left(propRes) =>
- fm =
- if(propRes.collected.isEmpty) fm
- else fm + propRes.collected
- propRes.status match {
- case Prop.Undecided =>
- d += 1
- testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
- // The below condition is kind of hacky. We have to have
- // some margin, otherwise workers might stop testing too
- // early because they have been exhausted, but the overall
- // test has not.
- if (n+d > minSuccessfulTests && 1+workers*maxDiscardRatio*n < d)
- res = Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
- case Prop.True =>
- n += 1
- testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
- case Prop.Proof =>
- n += 1
- res = Result(Proved(propRes.args), n, d, fm)
- stop = true
- case Prop.False =>
- res = Result(Failed(propRes.args,propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
- stop = true
- case Prop.Exception(e) =>
- res = Result(PropException(propRes.args,e,propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
- stop = true
- }
- }
- }
- if (res == null) {
- if (maxDiscardRatio*n > d) Result(Passed, n, d, fm)
- else Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
- } else res
- }
- def mergeResults(r1: () => Result, r2: () => Result) = {
- val Result(st1, s1, d1, fm1, _) = r1()
- val Result(st2, s2, d2, fm2, _) = r2()
- if (st1 != Passed && st1 != Exhausted)
- () => Result(st1, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
- else if (st2 != Passed && st2 != Exhausted)
- () => Result(st2, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
- else {
- if (s1+s2 >= minSuccessfulTests && maxDiscardRatio*(s1+s2) >= (d1+d2))
- () => Result(Passed, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
- else
- () => Result(Exhausted, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
- }
- }
- val start = System.currentTimeMillis
- val results = for(i <- 0 until workers) yield worker(i)
- val r = results.reduceLeft(mergeResults)()
- stop = true
- results foreach (_.apply())
- val timedRes = r.copy(time = System.currentTimeMillis-start)
- params.testCallback.onTestResult("", timedRes)
- timedRes
- }
- /** Check a set of properties.
- * @deprecated (in 1.10.0) Use
- * `checkProperties(Parameters, Properties)` instead.
- */
- @deprecated("Use 'checkProperties(Parameters, Properties)' instead", "1.10.0")
- def checkProperties(prms: Params, ps: Properties): Seq[(String,Result)] =
- checkProperties(paramsToParameters(prms), ps)
- /** Check a set of properties. */
- def checkProperties(prms: Parameters, ps: Properties): Seq[(String,Result)] =
- { case (name,p) =>
- val testCallback = new TestCallback {
- override def onPropEval(n: String, t: Int, s: Int, d: Int) =
- prms.testCallback.onPropEval(name,t,s,d)
- override def onTestResult(n: String, r: Result) =
- prms.testCallback.onTestResult(name,r)
- }
- val res = check(prms copy (_testCallback = testCallback), p)
- (name,res)
- }