path: root/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2013-03-06 07:39:19 -0800
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-03-09 11:59:07 -0800
commitc6ca941ccc017a8869f4def717cfeb640f965077 (patch)
treee21038cc55d3a4231544d148913504a754eafdf8 /src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram
parent9094822181c398b945b7f30ac1e2b05da9796f53 (diff)
Moved scaladoc sources into separate directory.
This change is not externally visible. It moves the scaladoc sources into src/scaladoc and adds an ant target for building them. The compilation products are still packaged into scala-compiler.jar as before, but with a small change to build.xml a separate jar can be created instead.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram')
4 files changed, 850 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramGenerator.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramGenerator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61c1819d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramGenerator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * @author Damien Obrist
+ * @author Vlad Ureche
+ */
+package doc
+package html
+package page
+package diagram
+import scala.xml.NodeSeq
+trait DiagramGenerator {
+ /**
+ * Generates a visualization of the internal representation
+ * of a diagram.
+ *
+ * @param d The model of the diagram
+ * @param p The page the diagram will be embedded in (needed for link generation)
+ * @return The HTML to be embedded in the Scaladoc page
+ */
+ def generate(d: Diagram, t: DocTemplateEntity, p: HtmlPage):NodeSeq
+object DiagramGenerator {
+ // TODO: This is tailored towards the dot generator, since it's the only generator. In the future it should be more
+ // general.
+ private[this] var dotRunner: DotRunner = null
+ private[this] var settings: doc.Settings = null
+ def initialize(s: doc.Settings) =
+ settings = s
+ def getDotRunner() = {
+ if (dotRunner == null)
+ dotRunner = new DotRunner(settings)
+ dotRunner
+ }
+ def cleanup() = {
+ DiagramStats.printStats(settings)
+ if (dotRunner != null) {
+ dotRunner.cleanup()
+ dotRunner = null
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramStats.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramStats.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec00cace75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DiagramStats.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * @author Vlad Ureche
+ */
+object DiagramStats {
+ class TimeTracker(title: String) {
+ var totalTime: Long = 0l
+ var maxTime: Long = 0l
+ var instances: Int = 0
+ def addTime(ms: Long) = {
+ if (maxTime < ms)
+ maxTime = ms
+ totalTime += ms
+ instances += 1
+ }
+ def printStats(print: String => Unit) = {
+ if (instances == 0)
+ print(title + ": no stats gathered")
+ else {
+ print(" " + title)
+ print(" " + "=" * title.length)
+ print(" count: " + instances + " items")
+ print(" total time: " + totalTime + " ms")
+ print(" average time: " + (totalTime/instances) + " ms")
+ print(" maximum time: " + maxTime + " ms")
+ print("")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] val filterTrack = new TimeTracker("diagrams model filtering")
+ private[this] val modelTrack = new TimeTracker("diagrams model generation")
+ private[this] val dotGenTrack = new TimeTracker("dot diagram generation")
+ private[this] val dotRunTrack = new TimeTracker("dot process runnning")
+ private[this] val svgTrack = new TimeTracker("svg processing")
+ private[this] var brokenImages = 0
+ private[this] var fixedImages = 0
+ def printStats(settings: Settings) = {
+ if (settings.docDiagramsDebug.value) {
+ settings.printMsg("\nDiagram generation running time breakdown:\n")
+ filterTrack.printStats(settings.printMsg)
+ modelTrack.printStats(settings.printMsg)
+ dotGenTrack.printStats(settings.printMsg)
+ dotRunTrack.printStats(settings.printMsg)
+ svgTrack.printStats(settings.printMsg)
+ println(" Broken images: " + brokenImages)
+ println(" Fixed images: " + fixedImages)
+ println("")
+ }
+ }
+ def addFilterTime(ms: Long) = filterTrack.addTime(ms)
+ def addModelTime(ms: Long) = modelTrack.addTime(ms)
+ def addDotGenerationTime(ms: Long) = dotGenTrack.addTime(ms)
+ def addDotRunningTime(ms: Long) = dotRunTrack.addTime(ms)
+ def addSvgTime(ms: Long) = svgTrack.addTime(ms)
+ def addBrokenImage(): Unit = brokenImages += 1
+ def addFixedImage(): Unit = fixedImages += 1
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotDiagramGenerator.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotDiagramGenerator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..837d9e6f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotDiagramGenerator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ * @author Damien Obrist
+ * @author Vlad Ureche
+ */
+package doc
+package html
+package page
+package diagram
+import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, XML, PrefixedAttribute, Elem, MetaData, Null, UnprefixedAttribute}
+import scala.collection.immutable._
+import model._
+import model.diagram._
+class DotDiagramGenerator(settings: doc.Settings) extends DiagramGenerator {
+ // the page where the diagram will be embedded
+ private var page: HtmlPage = null
+ // path to the "lib" folder relative to the page
+ private var pathToLib: String = null
+ // maps nodes to unique indices
+ private var node2Index: Map[Node, Int] = null
+ // true if the current diagram is a class diagram
+ private var isInheritanceDiagram = false
+ // incoming implicit nodes (needed for determining the CSS class of a node)
+ private var incomingImplicitNodes: List[Node] = List()
+ // the suffix used when there are two many classes to show
+ private final val MultiSuffix = " classes/traits"
+ // used to generate unique node and edge ids (i.e. avoid conflicts with multiple diagrams)
+ private var counter = 0
+ def generate(diagram: Diagram, template: DocTemplateEntity, page: HtmlPage):NodeSeq = {
+ counter = counter + 1
+ = page
+ pathToLib = "../" * (page.templateToPath(template).size - 1) + "lib/"
+ val dot = generateDot(diagram)
+ val result = generateSVG(dot, template)
+ // clean things up a bit, so we don't leave garbage on the heap
+ = null
+ node2Index = null
+ incomingImplicitNodes = List()
+ result
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a dot string for a given diagram.
+ */
+ private def generateDot(d: Diagram) = {
+ // inheritance nodes (all nodes except thisNode and implicit nodes)
+ var nodes: List[Node] = null
+ // inheritance edges (all edges except implicit edges)
+ var edges: List[(Node, List[Node])] = null
+ // timing
+ var tDot = -System.currentTimeMillis
+ // variables specific to class diagrams:
+ // current node of a class diagram
+ var thisNode:Node = null
+ var subClasses = List[Node]()
+ var superClasses = List[Node]()
+ var incomingImplicits = List[Node]()
+ var outgoingImplicits = List[Node]()
+ isInheritanceDiagram = false
+ d match {
+ case InheritanceDiagram(_thisNode, _superClasses, _subClasses, _incomingImplicits, _outgoingImplicits) =>
+ def textTypeEntity(text: String) =
+ new TypeEntity {
+ val name = text
+ def refEntity: SortedMap[Int, (base.LinkTo, Int)] = SortedMap()
+ }
+ // it seems dot chokes on node names over 8000 chars, so let's limit the size of the string
+ // conservatively, we'll limit at 4000, to be sure:
+ def limitSize(str: String) = if (str.length > 4000) str.substring(0, 3996) + " ..." else str
+ // avoid overcrowding the diagram:
+ // if there are too many super / sub / implicit nodes, represent
+ // them by on node with a corresponding tooltip
+ superClasses = if (_superClasses.length > settings.docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses.value) {
+ val superClassesTooltip = Some(limitSize(", ")))
+ List(NormalNode(textTypeEntity(_superClasses.length + MultiSuffix), None)(superClassesTooltip))
+ } else _superClasses
+ subClasses = if (_subClasses.length > settings.docDiagramsMaxNormalClasses.value) {
+ val subClassesTooltip = Some(limitSize(", ")))
+ List(NormalNode(textTypeEntity(_subClasses.length + MultiSuffix), None)(subClassesTooltip))
+ } else _subClasses
+ incomingImplicits = if (_incomingImplicits.length > settings.docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses.value) {
+ val incomingImplicitsTooltip = Some(limitSize(", ")))
+ List(ImplicitNode(textTypeEntity(_incomingImplicits.length + MultiSuffix), None)(incomingImplicitsTooltip))
+ } else _incomingImplicits
+ outgoingImplicits = if (_outgoingImplicits.length > settings.docDiagramsMaxImplicitClasses.value) {
+ val outgoingImplicitsTooltip = Some(limitSize(", ")))
+ List(ImplicitNode(textTypeEntity(_outgoingImplicits.length + MultiSuffix), None)(outgoingImplicitsTooltip))
+ } else _outgoingImplicits
+ thisNode = _thisNode
+ nodes = List()
+ edges = (thisNode -> superClasses) :: -> List(thisNode))
+ node2Index = (thisNode::subClasses:::superClasses:::incomingImplicits:::outgoingImplicits).zipWithIndex.toMap
+ isInheritanceDiagram = true
+ incomingImplicitNodes = incomingImplicits
+ case _ =>
+ nodes = d.nodes
+ edges = d.edges
+ node2Index = d.nodes.zipWithIndex.toMap
+ incomingImplicitNodes = List()
+ }
+ val implicitsDot = {
+ if (!isInheritanceDiagram) ""
+ else {
+ // dot cluster containing thisNode
+ val thisCluster = "subgraph clusterThis {\n" +
+ "style=\"invis\"\n" +
+ node2Dot(thisNode) +
+ "}"
+ // dot cluster containing incoming implicit nodes, if any
+ val incomingCluster = {
+ if(incomingImplicits.isEmpty) ""
+ else "subgraph clusterIncoming {\n" +
+ "style=\"invis\"\n" +
+ => node2Dot(n)).mkString +
+ (if (incomingImplicits.size > 1)
+ => "node" + node2Index(n)).mkString(" -> ") +
+ " [constraint=\"false\", style=\"invis\", minlen=\"0.0\"];\n"
+ else "") +
+ "}"
+ }
+ // dot cluster containing outgoing implicit nodes, if any
+ val outgoingCluster = {
+ if(outgoingImplicits.isEmpty) ""
+ else "subgraph clusterOutgoing {\n" +
+ "style=\"invis\"\n" +
+ => node2Dot(n)).mkString +
+ (if (outgoingImplicits.size > 1)
+ => "node" + node2Index(n)).mkString(" -> ") +
+ " [constraint=\"false\", style=\"invis\", minlen=\"0.0\"];\n"
+ else "") +
+ "}"
+ }
+ // assemble clusters into another cluster
+ val incomingTooltip =", ") + " can be implicitly converted to " +
+ val outgoingTooltip = + " can be implicitly converted to " +", ")
+ "subgraph clusterAll {\n" +
+ "style=\"invis\"\n" +
+ outgoingCluster + "\n" +
+ thisCluster + "\n" +
+ incomingCluster + "\n" +
+ // incoming implicit edge
+ (if (!incomingImplicits.isEmpty) {
+ val n = incomingImplicits.last
+ "node" + node2Index(n) +" -> node" + node2Index(thisNode) +
+ " [id=\"" + cssClass(n, thisNode) + "|" + node2Index(n) + "_" + node2Index(thisNode) + "\", tooltip=\"" + incomingTooltip + "\"" +
+ ", constraint=\"false\", minlen=\"2\", ltail=\"clusterIncoming\", lhead=\"clusterThis\", label=\"implicitly\"];\n"
+ } else "") +
+ // outgoing implicit edge
+ (if (!outgoingImplicits.isEmpty) {
+ val n = outgoingImplicits.head
+ "node" + node2Index(thisNode) + " -> node" + node2Index(n) +
+ " [id=\"" + cssClass(thisNode, n) + "|" + node2Index(thisNode) + "_" + node2Index(n) + "\", tooltip=\"" + outgoingTooltip + "\"" +
+ ", constraint=\"false\", minlen=\"2\", ltail=\"clusterThis\", lhead=\"clusterOutgoing\", label=\"implicitly\"];\n"
+ } else "") +
+ "}"
+ }
+ }
+ // assemble graph
+ val graph = "digraph G {\n" +
+ // graph / node / edge attributes
+ graphAttributesStr +
+ "node [" + nodeAttributesStr + "];\n" +
+ "edge [" + edgeAttributesStr + "];\n" +
+ implicitsDot + "\n" +
+ // inheritance nodes
+ => node2Dot(n)).mkString +
+ => node2Dot(n)).mkString +
+ => node2Dot(n)).mkString +
+ // inheritance edges
+{ case (from, tos) => => {
+ val id = "graph" + counter + "_" + node2Index(to) + "_" + node2Index(from)
+ // the X -> Y edge is inverted twice to keep the diagram flowing the right way
+ // that is, an edge from node X to Y will result in a dot instruction nodeY -> nodeX [dir="back"]
+ "node" + node2Index(to) + " -> node" + node2Index(from) +
+ " [id=\"" + cssClass(to, from) + "|" + id + "\", " +
+ "tooltip=\"" + + (if ( " are subtypes of " else " is a subtype of ") +
+ + "\", dir=\"back\", arrowtail=\"empty\"];\n"
+ }).mkString}.mkString +
+ "}"
+ tDot += System.currentTimeMillis
+ DiagramStats.addDotGenerationTime(tDot)
+ graph
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the dot string of a given node.
+ */
+ private def node2Dot(node: Node) = {
+ // escape HTML characters in node names
+ def escape(name: String) = name.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+ // assemble node attribues in a map
+ val attr = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
+ // link
+ node.doctpl match {
+ case Some(tpl) => attr += "URL" -> (page.relativeLinkTo(tpl) + "#inheritance-diagram")
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ // tooltip
+ node.tooltip match {
+ case Some(text) => attr += "tooltip" -> text
+ // show full name where available (instead of TraversableOps[A] show scala.collection.parallel.TraversableOps[A])
+ case None if node.tpl.isDefined => attr += "tooltip" -> node.tpl.get.qualifiedName
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ // styles
+ if(node.isImplicitNode)
+ attr ++= implicitStyle
+ else if(node.isOutsideNode)
+ attr ++= outsideStyle
+ else if(node.isTraitNode)
+ attr ++= traitStyle
+ else if(node.isClassNode)
+ attr ++= classStyle
+ else if(node.isObjectNode)
+ attr ++= objectStyle
+ else if(node.isTypeNode)
+ attr ++= typeStyle
+ else
+ attr ++= defaultStyle
+ // HTML label
+ var name = escape(
+ var img = ""
+ if(node.isTraitNode)
+ img = "trait_diagram.png"
+ else if(node.isClassNode)
+ img = "class_diagram.png"
+ else if(node.isObjectNode)
+ img = "object_diagram.png"
+ else if(node.isTypeNode)
+ img = "type_diagram.png"
+ if(!img.equals("")) {
+ img = "<TD><IMG SCALE=\"TRUE\" SRC=\"" + settings.outdir.value + "/lib/" + img + "\" /></TD>"
+ name = name + " "
+ }
+ val label = "<<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\">" +
+ "<TR>" + img + "<TD VALIGN=\"MIDDLE\">" + name + "</TD></TR>" +
+ "</TABLE>>"
+ // dot does not allow to specify a CSS class, therefore
+ // set the id to "{class}|{id}", which will be used in
+ // the transform method
+ val id = "graph" + counter + "_" + node2Index(node)
+ attr += ("id" -> (cssClass(node) + "|" + id))
+ // return dot string
+ "node" + node2Index(node) + " [label=" + label + "," + flatten(attr.toMap) + "];\n"
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the CSS class for an edge connecting node1 and node2.
+ */
+ private def cssClass(node1: Node, node2: Node): String = {
+ if (node1.isImplicitNode && node2.isThisNode)
+ "implicit-incoming"
+ else if (node1.isThisNode && node2.isImplicitNode)
+ "implicit-outgoing"
+ else
+ "inheritance"
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the CSS class for a node.
+ */
+ private def cssClass(node: Node): String =
+ if (node.isImplicitNode && incomingImplicitNodes.contains(node))
+ "implicit-incoming" + cssBaseClass(node, "", " ")
+ else if (node.isImplicitNode)
+ "implicit-outgoing" + cssBaseClass(node, "", " ")
+ else if (node.isThisNode)
+ "this" + cssBaseClass(node, "", " ")
+ else if (node.isOutsideNode)
+ "outside" + cssBaseClass(node, "", " ")
+ else
+ cssBaseClass(node, "default", "")
+ private def cssBaseClass(node: Node, default: String, space: String) =
+ if (node.isClassNode)
+ space + "class"
+ else if (node.isTraitNode)
+ space + "trait"
+ else if (node.isObjectNode)
+ space + "object"
+ else if (node.isTypeNode)
+ space + "type"
+ else
+ default
+ /**
+ * Calls dot with a given dot string and returns the SVG output.
+ */
+ private def generateSVG(dotInput: String, template: DocTemplateEntity) = {
+ val dotOutput = DiagramGenerator.getDotRunner().feedToDot(dotInput, template)
+ var tSVG = -System.currentTimeMillis
+ val result = if (dotOutput != null) {
+ val src =
+ try {
+ val cpa = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(src, preserveWS = false)
+ val doc = cpa.document()
+ if (doc != null)
+ transform(doc.docElem)
+ else
+ NodeSeq.Empty
+ } catch {
+ case exc: Exception =>
+ if (settings.docDiagramsDebug.value) {
+ settings.printMsg("\n\n**********************************************************************")
+ settings.printMsg("Encountered an error while generating page for " + template.qualifiedName)
+ settings.printMsg(dotInput.toString.split("\n").mkString("\nDot input:\n\t","\n\t",""))
+ settings.printMsg(dotOutput.toString.split("\n").mkString("\nDot output:\n\t","\n\t",""))
+ settings.printMsg(exc.getStackTrace.mkString("\nException: " + exc.toString + ":\n\tat ", "\n\tat ",""))
+ settings.printMsg("\n\n**********************************************************************")
+ } else {
+ settings.printMsg("\nThe diagram for " + template.qualifiedName + " could not be created due to an internal error.")
+ settings.printMsg("Use " + + " for more information and please file this as a bug.")
+ }
+ NodeSeq.Empty
+ }
+ } else
+ NodeSeq.Empty
+ tSVG += System.currentTimeMillis
+ DiagramStats.addSvgTime(tSVG)
+ result
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transforms the SVG generated by dot:
+ * - adds a class attribute to the SVG element
+ * - changes the path of the node images from absolute to relative
+ * - assigns id and class attributes to nodes and edges
+ * - removes title elements
+ */
+ private def transform(e:scala.xml.Node): scala.xml.Node = e match {
+ // add an id and class attribute to the SVG element
+ case Elem(prefix, "svg", attribs, scope, child @ _*) => {
+ val klass = if (isInheritanceDiagram) "class-diagram" else "package-diagram"
+ Elem(prefix, "svg", attribs, scope, child map(x => transform(x)) : _*) %
+ new UnprefixedAttribute("id", "graph" + counter, Null) %
+ new UnprefixedAttribute("class", klass, Null)
+ }
+ // change the path of the node images from absolute to relative
+ case img @ <image></image> => {
+ val href = (img \ "@{}href").toString
+ val file = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, href.size)
+ img.asInstanceOf[Elem] %
+ new PrefixedAttribute("xlink", "href", pathToLib + file, Null)
+ }
+ // assign id and class attributes to edges and nodes:
+ // the id attribute generated by dot has the format: "{class}|{id}"
+ case g @ Elem(prefix, "g", attribs, scope, children @ _*) if (List("edge", "node").contains((g \ "@class").toString)) => {
+ var res = new Elem(prefix, "g", attribs, scope, (children map(x => transform(x))): _*)
+ val dotId = (g \ "@id").toString
+ if (dotId.count(_ == '|') == 1) {
+ val Array(klass, id) = dotId.toString.split("\\|")
+ /* Sometimes dot "forgets" to add the image -- that's very annoying, but it seems pretty random, and simple
+ * tests like excute 20K times and diff the output don't trigger the bug -- so it's up to us to place the image
+ * back in the node */
+ val kind = getKind(klass)
+ if (kind != "")
+ if (((g \ "a" \ "image").isEmpty)) {
+ DiagramStats.addBrokenImage()
+ val xposition = getPosition(g, "x", -22)
+ val yposition = getPosition(g, "y", -11.3334)
+ if (xposition.isDefined && yposition.isDefined) {
+ val imageNode = <image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href={ ("./lib/" + kind + "_diagram.png") } width="16px" height="16px" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" x={ xposition.get.toString } y={ yposition.get.toString }/>
+ val anchorNode = (g \ "a") match {
+ case Seq(Elem(prefix, "a", attribs, scope, children @ _*)) =>
+ transform(new Elem(prefix, "a", attribs, scope, (children ++ imageNode): _*))
+ case _ =>
+ g \ "a"
+ }
+ res = new Elem(prefix, "g", attribs, scope, anchorNode: _*)
+ DiagramStats.addFixedImage()
+ }
+ }
+ res % new UnprefixedAttribute("id", id, Null) %
+ new UnprefixedAttribute("class", (g \ "@class").toString + " " + klass, Null)
+ }
+ else res
+ }
+ // remove titles
+ case <title>{ _* }</title> =>
+ scala.xml.Text("")
+ // apply recursively
+ case Elem(prefix, label, attribs, scope, child @ _*) =>
+ Elem(prefix, label, attribs, scope, child map(x => transform(x)) : _*)
+ case x => x
+ }
+ def getKind(klass: String): String =
+ if (klass.contains("class")) "class"
+ else if (klass.contains("trait")) "trait"
+ else if (klass.contains("object")) "object"
+ else ""
+ def getPosition(g: scala.xml.Node, axis: String, offset: Double): Option[Double] = {
+ val node = g \ "a" \ "text" \ ("@" + axis)
+ if (node.isEmpty)
+ None
+ else
+ Some(node.toString.toDouble + offset)
+ }
+ /* graph / node / edge attributes */
+ private val graphAttributes: Map[String, String] = Map(
+ "compound" -> "true",
+ "rankdir" -> "TB"
+ )
+ private val nodeAttributes = Map(
+ "shape" -> "rectangle",
+ "style" -> "filled",
+ "penwidth" -> "1",
+ "margin" -> "0.08,0.01",
+ "width" -> "0.0",
+ "height" -> "0.0",
+ "fontname" -> "Arial",
+ "fontsize" -> "10.00"
+ )
+ private val edgeAttributes = Map(
+ "color" -> "#d4d4d4",
+ "arrowsize" -> "0.5",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#aaaaaa",
+ "fontsize" -> "10.00",
+ "fontname" -> "Arial"
+ )
+ private val defaultStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#ababab",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#e1e1e1",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#7d7d7d",
+ "margin" -> "0.1,0.04"
+ )
+ private val implicitStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#ababab",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#e1e1e1",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#7d7d7d"
+ )
+ private val outsideStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#ababab",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#e1e1e1",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#7d7d7d"
+ )
+ private val traitStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#37657D",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#498AAD",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#ffffff"
+ )
+ private val classStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#115F3B",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#0A955B",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#ffffff"
+ )
+ private val objectStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#102966",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#3556a7",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#ffffff"
+ )
+ private val typeStyle = Map(
+ "color" -> "#115F3B",
+ "fillcolor" -> "#0A955B",
+ "fontcolor" -> "#ffffff"
+ )
+ private def flatten(attributes: Map[String, String]) ={ case (key, value) => key + "=\"" + value + "\"" }.mkString(", ")
+ private val graphAttributesStr ={ case (key, value) => key + "=\"" + value + "\";\n" }.mkString
+ private val nodeAttributesStr = flatten(nodeAttributes)
+ private val edgeAttributesStr = flatten(edgeAttributes)
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotRunner.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotRunner.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fa1bf62f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/diagram/DotRunner.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+package doc
+package html
+package page
+package diagram
+import scala.sys.process._
+import scala.concurrent.SyncVar
+import model._
+/** This class takes care of running the graphviz dot utility */
+class DotRunner(settings: doc.Settings) {
+ private[this] var dotRestarts = 0
+ private[this] var dotProcess: DotProcess = null
+ def feedToDot(dotInput: String, template: DocTemplateEntity): String = {
+ if (dotProcess == null) {
+ if (dotRestarts < settings.docDiagramsDotRestart.value) {
+ if (dotRestarts != 0)
+ settings.printMsg("Graphviz will be restarted...\n")
+ dotRestarts += 1
+ dotProcess = new DotProcess(settings)
+ } else
+ return null
+ }
+ val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis
+ val result = dotProcess.feedToDot(dotInput, template.qualifiedName)
+ val tFinish = System.currentTimeMillis
+ DiagramStats.addDotRunningTime(tFinish - tStart)
+ if (result == null) {
+ dotProcess.cleanup()
+ dotProcess = null
+ if (dotRestarts == settings.docDiagramsDotRestart.value) {
+ settings.printMsg("\n")
+ settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************")
+ settings.printMsg("Diagrams will be disabled for this run because the graphviz dot tool")
+ settings.printMsg("has malfunctioned too many times. These scaladoc flags may help:")
+ settings.printMsg("")
+ val baseList = List(settings.docDiagramsDebug,
+ settings.docDiagramsDotPath,
+ settings.docDiagramsDotRestart,
+ settings.docDiagramsDotTimeout)
+ val width = (baseList map (_.helpSyntax.length)).max
+ def helpStr(s: doc.Settings#Setting) = ("%-" + width + "s") format (s.helpSyntax) + " " + s.helpDescription
+ baseList.foreach((sett: doc.Settings#Setting) => settings.printMsg(helpStr(sett)))
+ settings.printMsg("\nPlease note that graphviz package version 2.26 or above is required.")
+ settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************\n\n")
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def cleanup() =
+ if (dotProcess != null)
+ dotProcess.cleanup()
+class DotProcess(settings: doc.Settings) {
+ @volatile var error: Boolean = false // signal an error
+ val inputString = new SyncVar[String] // used for the dot process input
+ val outputString = new SyncVar[String] // used for the dot process output
+ val errorBuffer: StringBuffer = new StringBuffer() // buffer used for both dot process error console AND logging
+ // set in only one place, in the main thread
+ var process: Process = null
+ var templateName: String = ""
+ var templateInput: String = ""
+ def feedToDot(input: String, template: String): String = {
+ templateName = template
+ templateInput = input
+ try {
+ // process creation
+ if (process == null) {
+ val procIO = new ProcessIO(inputFn(_), outputFn(_), errorFn(_))
+ val processBuilder: ProcessBuilder = Seq(settings.docDiagramsDotPath.value, "-Tsvg")
+ process =
+ }
+ // pass the input and wait for the output
+ assert(!inputString.isSet)
+ assert(!outputString.isSet)
+ inputString.put(input)
+ var result = outputString.take(settings.docDiagramsDotTimeout.value * 1000)
+ if (error) result = null
+ result
+ } catch {
+ case exc: Throwable =>
+ errorBuffer.append(" Main thread in " + templateName + ": " +
+ (if (exc.isInstanceOf[NoSuchElementException]) "Timeout" else "Exception: " + exc))
+ error = true
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ def cleanup(): Unit = {
+ // we'll need to know if there was any error for reporting
+ val _error = error
+ if (process != null) {
+ // if there's no error, this should exit cleanly
+ if (!error) feedToDot("<finish>", "<finishing>")
+ // just in case there's any thread hanging, this will take it out of the loop
+ error = true
+ process.destroy()
+ // we'll need to unblock the input again
+ if (!inputString.isSet) inputString.put("")
+ if (outputString.isSet) outputString.take()
+ }
+ if (_error) {
+ if (settings.docDiagramsDebug.value) {
+ settings.printMsg("\n**********************************************************************")
+ settings.printMsg("The graphviz dot diagram tool has malfunctioned and will be restarted.")
+ settings.printMsg("\nThe following is the log of the failure:")
+ settings.printMsg(errorBuffer.toString)
+ settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Last template: " + templateName)
+ settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Last dot input: \n " + templateInput.replaceAll("\n","\n ") + "\n")
+ settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Dot path: " + settings.docDiagramsDotPath.value)
+ if (process != null)
+ settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Dot exit code: " + process.exitValue)
+ settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************")
+ } else {
+ // we shouldn't just sit there for 50s not reporting anything, no?
+ settings.printMsg("Graphviz dot encountered an error when generating the diagram for:")
+ settings.printMsg(templateName)
+ settings.printMsg("These are usually spurious errors, but if you notice a persistant error on")
+ settings.printMsg("a diagram, please use the " + + " flag and report a bug with the output.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* The standard input passing function */
+ private[this] def inputFn(stdin: OutputStream): Unit = {
+ val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stdin))
+ try {
+ var input = inputString.take()
+ while (!error) {
+ if (input == "<finish>") {
+ // empty => signal to finish
+ stdin.close()
+ return
+ } else {
+ // send output to dot
+ writer.write(input + "\n\n")
+ writer.flush()
+ }
+ if (!error) input = inputString.take()
+ }
+ stdin.close()
+ } catch {
+ case exc: Throwable =>
+ error = true
+ stdin.close()
+ errorBuffer.append(" Input thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] def outputFn(stdOut: InputStream): Unit = {
+ val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdOut))
+ val buffer: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
+ try {
+ var line = reader.readLine
+ while (!error && line != null) {
+ buffer.append(line + "\n")
+ // signal the last element in the svg (only for output)
+ if (line == "</svg>") {
+ outputString.put(buffer.toString)
+ buffer.setLength(0)
+ }
+ if (error) { stdOut.close(); return }
+ line = reader.readLine
+ }
+ assert(!outputString.isSet)
+ outputString.put(buffer.toString)
+ stdOut.close()
+ } catch {
+ case exc: Throwable =>
+ error = true
+ stdOut.close()
+ errorBuffer.append(" Output thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] def errorFn(stdErr: InputStream): Unit = {
+ val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdErr))
+ try {
+ var line = reader.readLine
+ while (line != null) {
+ errorBuffer.append(" DOT <error console>: " + line + "\n")
+ error = true
+ line = reader.readLine
+ }
+ stdErr.close()
+ } catch {
+ case exc: Throwable =>
+ error = true
+ stdErr.close()
+ errorBuffer.append(" Error thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n")
+ }
+ }