path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala
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authorSeth Tisue <>2017-03-20 17:13:56 -0700
committerSeth Tisue <>2017-03-20 17:24:33 -0700
commit25048bc73741846107c18ed01e0e9f6f07785379 (patch)
treec1c9d60002fec74fc13af354e51bb3d688b33902 /test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala
parent0563c4b23cdc7ed6c05e9defe2a675df4d838347 (diff)
rm -r test/{flaky,disabled*,checker-tests,support,debug}
keeping this stuff, somewhere, forever and ever and ever is what version control is for. who dares disturb the ancient and accursed tomb of all this code...?
Diffstat (limited to 'test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 503 deletions
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bc51b635..0000000000
--- a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/Actor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-/** Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>
- */
-import akka.dispatch._
-import akka.config.Config._
-import akka.util.Helpers.{ narrow, narrowSilently }
-import akka.util.ListenerManagement
-import akka.AkkaException
-import scala.beans.BeanProperty
-import akka.util.{ ReflectiveAccess, Duration }
-import akka.remoteinterface.RemoteSupport
-import akka.japi.{ Creator, Procedure }
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
-/** Life-cycle messages for the Actors
- */
-sealed trait LifeCycleMessage extends Serializable
-/* Marker trait to show which Messages are automatically handled by Akka */
-sealed trait AutoReceivedMessage { self: LifeCycleMessage => }
-case class HotSwap(code: ActorRef => Actor.Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true)
- extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage {
- /** Java API
- */
- def this(code: akka.japi.Function[ActorRef, Procedure[Any]], discardOld: Boolean) =
- this((self: ActorRef) => {
- val behavior = code(self)
- val result: Actor.Receive = { case msg => behavior(msg) }
- result
- }, discardOld)
- /** Java API with default non-stacking behavior
- */
- def this(code: akka.japi.Function[ActorRef, Procedure[Any]]) = this(code, true)
-case object RevertHotSwap extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case class Restart(reason: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case class Exit(dead: ActorRef, killer: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case class Link(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case class Unlink(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case class UnlinkAndStop(child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case object PoisonPill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case object Kill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage
-case object ReceiveTimeout extends LifeCycleMessage
-case class MaximumNumberOfRestartsWithinTimeRangeReached(
- @BeanProperty val victim: ActorRef,
- @BeanProperty val maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int],
- @BeanProperty val withinTimeRange: Option[Int],
- @BeanProperty val lastExceptionCausingRestart: Throwable) extends LifeCycleMessage
-// Exceptions for Actors
-class ActorStartException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-class IllegalActorStateException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-class ActorKilledException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-class ActorInitializationException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-class ActorTimeoutException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-class InvalidMessageException private[akka] (message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
-/** This message is thrown by default when an Actors behavior doesn't match a message
- */
-case class UnhandledMessageException(msg: Any, ref: ActorRef) extends Exception {
- override def getMessage() = "Actor %s does not handle [%s]".format(ref, msg)
- override def fillInStackTrace() = this //Don't waste cycles generating stack trace
-/** Actor factory module with factory methods for creating various kinds of Actors.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-object Actor extends ListenerManagement {
- /** Add shutdown cleanups
- */
- private[akka] lazy val shutdownHook = {
- val hook = new Runnable {
- override def run {
- // Clear Thread.subclassAudits
- val tf = classOf[java.lang.Thread].getDeclaredField("subclassAudits")
- tf.setAccessible(true)
- val subclassAudits = tf.get(null).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[_, _]]
- subclassAudits synchronized { subclassAudits.clear }
- }
- }
- Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread(hook))
- hook
- }
- val registry = new ActorRegistry
- lazy val remote: RemoteSupport = {
- ReflectiveAccess
- .Remote
- .defaultRemoteSupport
- .map(_())
- .getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need to have akka-remote.jar on classpath"))
- }
- private[akka] val TIMEOUT = Duration(config.getInt("", 5), TIME_UNIT).toMillis
- private[akka] val SERIALIZE_MESSAGES = config.getBool("", false)
- /** A Receive is a convenience type that defines actor message behavior currently modeled as
- * a PartialFunction[Any, Unit].
- */
- type Receive = PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
- private[actor] val actorRefInCreation = new ThreadLocal[Option[ActorRef]] {
- override def initialValue = None
- }
- /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor with type T.
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor]
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor].start()
- * </pre>
- */
- def actorOf[T <: Actor: ClassTag]: ActorRef = actorOf(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]])
- /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class.
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor])
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor]).start()
- * </pre>
- */
- def actorOf(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => {
- import ReflectiveAccess.{ createInstance, noParams, noArgs }
- createInstance[Actor](clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[_]], noParams, noArgs) match {
- case Right(actor) => actor
- case Left(exception) =>
- val cause = exception match {
- case i: InvocationTargetException => i.getTargetException
- case _ => exception
- }
- throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Could not instantiate Actor of " + clazz +
- "\nMake sure Actor is NOT defined inside a class/trait," +
- "\nif so put it outside the class/trait, f.e. in a companion object," +
- "\nOR try to change: 'actorOf[MyActor]' to 'actorOf(new MyActor)'.", cause)
- }
- }, None)
- /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor. Allows you to pass in a factory function
- * that creates the Actor. Please note that this function can be invoked multiple
- * times if for example the Actor is supervised and needs to be restarted.
- * <p/>
- * This function should <b>NOT</b> be used for remote actors.
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf(new MyActor)
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf(new MyActor).start()
- * </pre>
- */
- def actorOf(factory: => Actor): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => factory, None)
- /** Creates an ActorRef out of the Actor. Allows you to pass in a factory (Creator<Actor>)
- * that creates the Actor. Please note that this function can be invoked multiple
- * times if for example the Actor is supervised and needs to be restarted.
- * <p/>
- * This function should <b>NOT</b> be used for remote actors.
- */
- def actorOf(creator: Creator[Actor]): ActorRef = new LocalActorRef(() => creator.create, None)
- /** Use to spawn out a block of code in an event-driven actor. Will shut actor down when
- * the block has been executed.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: If used from within an Actor then has to be qualified with 'Actor.spawn' since
- * there is a method 'spawn[ActorType]' in the Actor trait already.
- * Example:
- * <pre>
- * import Actor.{spawn}
- *
- * spawn {
- * ... // do stuff
- * }
- * </pre>
- */
- def spawn(body: => Unit)(implicit dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = Dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher): Unit = {
- case object Spawn
- actorOf(new Actor() {
- self.dispatcher = dispatcher
- def receive = {
- case Spawn => try { body } finally { self.stop() }
- }
- }).start() ! Spawn
- }
- /** Implicitly converts the given Option[Any] to a AnyOptionAsTypedOption which offers the method <code>as[T]</code>
- * to convert an Option[Any] to an Option[T].
- */
- implicit def toAnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption: Option[Any]) = new AnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption)
- /** Implicitly converts the given Future[_] to a AnyOptionAsTypedOption which offers the method <code>as[T]</code>
- * to convert an Option[Any] to an Option[T].
- * This means that the following code is equivalent:
- * (actor !! "foo").as[Int] (Deprecated)
- * and
- * (actor !!! "foo").as[Int] (Recommended)
- */
- implicit def futureToAnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyFuture: Future[_]) = new AnyOptionAsTypedOption({
- try { anyFuture.await } catch { case t: FutureTimeoutException => }
- anyFuture.resultOrException
- })
-/** Actor base trait that should be extended by or mixed to create an Actor with the semantics of the 'Actor Model':
- * <a href=""></a>
- * <p/>
- * An actor has a well-defined (non-cyclic) life-cycle.
- * <pre>
- * => NEW (newly created actor) - can't receive messages (yet)
- * => STARTED (when 'start' is invoked) - can receive messages
- * => SHUT DOWN (when 'exit' is invoked) - can't do anything
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p/>
- * The Actor's API is available in the 'self' member variable.
- *
- * <p/>
- * Here you find functions like:
- * - !, !!, !!! and forward
- * - link, unlink, startLink, spawnLink etc
- * - makeRemote etc.
- * - start, stop
- * - etc.
- *
- * <p/>
- * Here you also find fields like
- * - dispatcher = ...
- * - id = ...
- * - lifeCycle = ...
- * - faultHandler = ...
- * - trapExit = ...
- * - etc.
- *
- * <p/>
- * This means that to use them you have to prefix them with 'self', like this: <tt>self ! Message</tt>
- *
- * However, for convenience you can import these functions and fields like below, which will allow you do
- * drop the 'self' prefix:
- * <pre>
- * class MyActor extends Actor {
- * import self._
- * id = ...
- * dispatcher = ...
- * spawnLink[OtherActor]
- * ...
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-trait Actor {
- /** Type alias because traits cannot have companion objects.
- */
- type Receive = Actor.Receive
- /*
- * Some[ActorRef] representation of the 'self' ActorRef reference.
- * <p/>
- * Mainly for internal use, functions as the implicit sender references when invoking
- * the 'forward' function.
- */
- @transient
- implicit val someSelf: Some[ActorRef] = {
- val optRef = Actor.actorRefInCreation.get
- if (optRef.isEmpty) throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "ActorRef for instance of actor [" + getClass.getName + "] is not in scope." +
- "\n\tYou can not create an instance of an actor explicitly using 'new MyActor'." +
- "\n\tYou have to use one of the factory methods in the 'Actor' object to create a new actor." +
- "\n\tEither use:" +
- "\n\t\t'val actor = Actor.actorOf[MyActor]', or" +
- "\n\t\t'val actor = Actor.actorOf(new MyActor(..))'")
- Actor.actorRefInCreation.set(None)
- optRef.asInstanceOf[Some[ActorRef]] = getClass.getName //FIXME: Is this needed?
- optRef.asInstanceOf[Some[ActorRef]]
- }
- /*
- * Option[ActorRef] representation of the 'self' ActorRef reference.
- * <p/>
- * Mainly for internal use, functions as the implicit sender references when invoking
- * one of the message send functions ('!', '!!' and '!!!').
- */
- implicit def optionSelf: Option[ActorRef] = someSelf
- /** The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.
- * <p/>
- * Can be used to send messages to itself:
- * <pre>
- * self ! message
- * </pre>
- * Here you also find most of the Actor API.
- * <p/>
- * For example fields like:
- * <pre>
- * self.dispatcher = ...
- * self.trapExit = ...
- * self.faultHandler = ...
- * self.lifeCycle = ...
- * self.sender
- * </pre>
- * <p/>
- * Here you also find methods like:
- * <pre>
- * self.reply(..)
- *
- * self.unlink(..)
- * self.start(..)
- * self.stop(..)
- * </pre>
- */
- @transient
- val self: ScalaActorRef = someSelf.get
- /** User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Partial function implementing the actor logic.
- * To be implemented by concrete actor class.
- * <p/>
- * Example code:
- * <pre>
- * def receive = {
- * case Ping =&gt;
- * println("got a 'Ping' message")
- * self.reply("pong")
- *
- * case OneWay =&gt;
- * println("got a 'OneWay' message")
- *
- * case unknown =&gt;
- * println("unknown message: " + unknown)
- * }
- * </pre>
- */
- protected def receive: Receive
- /** User overridable callback.
- * <p/>
- * Is called when an Actor is started by invoking 'actor.start()'.
- */
- def preStart() {}
- /** User overridable callback.
- * <p/>
- * Is called when 'actor.stop()' is invoked.
- */
- def postStop() {}
- /** User overridable callback.
- * <p/>
- * Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean up of resources before Actor is terminated.
- */
- def preRestart(reason: Throwable) {}
- /** User overridable callback.
- * <p/>
- * Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash.
- */
- def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {}
- /** User overridable callback.
- * <p/>
- * Is called when a message isn't handled by the current behavior of the actor
- * by default it throws an UnhandledMessageException
- */
- def unhandled(msg: Any) {
- throw new UnhandledMessageException(msg, self)
- }
- /** Is the actor able to handle the message passed in as arguments?
- */
- def isDefinedAt(message: Any): Boolean = {
- val behaviorStack = self.hotswap
- message match { //Same logic as apply(msg) but without the unhandled catch-all
- case l: AutoReceivedMessage => true
- case msg if behaviorStack.nonEmpty &&
- behaviorStack.head.isDefinedAt(msg) => true
- case msg if behaviorStack.isEmpty &&
- processingBehavior.isDefinedAt(msg) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- /** Changes the Actor's behavior to become the new 'Receive' (PartialFunction[Any, Unit]) handler.
- * Puts the behavior on top of the hotswap stack.
- * If "discardOld" is true, an unbecome will be issued prior to pushing the new behavior to the stack
- */
- def become(behavior: Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true) {
- if (discardOld) unbecome()
- self.hotswap = self.hotswap.push(behavior)
- }
- /** Reverts the Actor behavior to the previous one in the hotswap stack.
- */
- def unbecome(): Unit = {
- val h = self.hotswap
- if (h.nonEmpty) self.hotswap = h.pop
- }
- // =========================================
- // =========================================
- private[akka] final def apply(msg: Any) = {
- if (msg.isInstanceOf[AnyRef] && (msg.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq null))
- throw new InvalidMessageException("Message from [" + self.sender + "] to [" + self.toString + "] is null")
- val behaviorStack = self.hotswap
- msg match {
- case l: AutoReceivedMessage => autoReceiveMessage(l)
- case msg if behaviorStack.nonEmpty &&
- behaviorStack.head.isDefinedAt(msg) => behaviorStack.head.apply(msg)
- case msg if behaviorStack.isEmpty &&
- processingBehavior.isDefinedAt(msg) => processingBehavior.apply(msg)
- case unknown => unhandled(unknown) //This is the only line that differs from processingbehavior
- }
- }
- private final def autoReceiveMessage(msg: AutoReceivedMessage): Unit = msg match {
- case HotSwap(code, discardOld) => become(code(self), discardOld)
- case RevertHotSwap => unbecome()
- case Exit(dead, reason) => self.handleTrapExit(dead, reason)
- case Link(child) =>
- case Unlink(child) => self.unlink(child)
- case UnlinkAndStop(child) => self.unlink(child); child.stop()
- case Restart(reason) => throw reason
- case Kill => throw new ActorKilledException("Kill")
- case PoisonPill =>
- val f = self.senderFuture
- self.stop()
- if (f.isDefined) f.get.completeWithException(new ActorKilledException("PoisonPill"))
- }
- private lazy val processingBehavior = receive //ProcessingBehavior is the original behavior
-private[actor] class AnyOptionAsTypedOption(anyOption: Option[Any]) {
- /** Convenience helper to cast the given Option of Any to an Option of the given type. Will throw a ClassCastException
- * if the actual type is not assignable from the given one.
- */
- def as[T]: Option[T] = narrow[T](anyOption)
- /** Convenience helper to cast the given Option of Any to an Option of the given type. Will swallow a possible
- * ClassCastException and return None in that case.
- */
- def asSilently[T: ClassTag]: Option[T] = narrowSilently[T](anyOption)
-/** Marker interface for proxyable actors (such as typed actor).
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-trait Proxyable {
- private[actor] def swapProxiedActor(newInstance: Actor)
-/** Represents the different Actor types.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-sealed trait ActorType
-object ActorType {
- case object ScalaActor extends ActorType
- case object TypedActor extends ActorType