path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala
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authorSeth Tisue <>2017-03-20 17:13:56 -0700
committerSeth Tisue <>2017-03-20 17:24:33 -0700
commit25048bc73741846107c18ed01e0e9f6f07785379 (patch)
treec1c9d60002fec74fc13af354e51bb3d688b33902 /test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala
parent0563c4b23cdc7ed6c05e9defe2a675df4d838347 (diff)
rm -r test/{flaky,disabled*,checker-tests,support,debug}
keeping this stuff, somewhere, forever and ever and ever is what version control is for. who dares disturb the ancient and accursed tomb of all this code...?
Diffstat (limited to 'test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 493 deletions
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5219c49dcb..0000000000
--- a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/remoteinterface/RemoteInterface.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Scalable Solutions AB <>
- */
-package akka.remoteinterface
-import akka.japi.Creator
-import akka.util._
-import akka.dispatch.CompletableFuture
-import akka.AkkaException
-import scala.beans.BeanProperty
-import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
-import{ PrintWriter, PrintStream }
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
-trait RemoteModule {
- val UUID_PREFIX = "uuid:".intern
- def optimizeLocalScoped_?(): Boolean //Apply optimizations for remote operations in local scope
- protected[akka] def notifyListeners(message: => Any): Unit
- private[akka] def actors: ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef]
- private[akka] def actorsByUuid: ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef]
- private[akka] def actorsFactories: ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => ActorRef]
- private[akka] def typedActors: ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef]
- private[akka] def typedActorsByUuid: ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef]
- private[akka] def typedActorsFactories: ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => AnyRef]
- /** Lookup methods **/
- private[akka] def findActorById(id: String): ActorRef = actors.get(id)
- private[akka] def findActorByUuid(uuid: String): ActorRef = actorsByUuid.get(uuid)
- private[akka] def findActorFactory(id: String): () => ActorRef = actorsFactories.get(id)
- private[akka] def findTypedActorById(id: String): AnyRef = typedActors.get(id)
- private[akka] def findTypedActorFactory(id: String): () => AnyRef = typedActorsFactories.get(id)
- private[akka] def findTypedActorByUuid(uuid: String): AnyRef = typedActorsByUuid.get(uuid)
- private[akka] def findActorByIdOrUuid(id: String, uuid: String): ActorRef = {
- var actorRefOrNull = if (id.startsWith(UUID_PREFIX)) findActorByUuid(id.substring(UUID_PREFIX.length))
- else findActorById(id)
- if (actorRefOrNull eq null) actorRefOrNull = findActorByUuid(uuid)
- actorRefOrNull
- }
- private[akka] def findTypedActorByIdOrUuid(id: String, uuid: String): AnyRef = {
- var actorRefOrNull = if (id.startsWith(UUID_PREFIX)) findTypedActorByUuid(id.substring(UUID_PREFIX.length))
- else findTypedActorById(id)
- if (actorRefOrNull eq null) actorRefOrNull = findTypedActorByUuid(uuid)
- actorRefOrNull
- }
- * Life-cycle events for RemoteClient.
- */
-sealed trait RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientError(
- @BeanProperty cause: Throwable,
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientDisconnected(
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientConnected(
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientStarted(
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientShutdown(
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteClientWriteFailed(
- @BeanProperty request: AnyRef,
- @BeanProperty cause: Throwable,
- @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule,
- @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
- * Life-cycle events for RemoteServer.
- */
-sealed trait RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerStarted(
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerShutdown(
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerError(
- @BeanProperty val cause: Throwable,
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerClientConnected(
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule,
- @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerClientDisconnected(
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule,
- @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerClientClosed(
- @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule,
- @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
-case class RemoteServerWriteFailed(
- @BeanProperty request: AnyRef,
- @BeanProperty cause: Throwable,
- @BeanProperty server: RemoteServerModule,
- @BeanProperty clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent
- * Thrown for example when trying to send a message using a RemoteClient that is either not started or shut down.
- */
-class RemoteClientException private[akka] (
- message: String,
- @BeanProperty val client: RemoteClientModule,
- val remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)
- * Thrown when the remote server actor dispatching fails for some reason.
- */
-class RemoteServerException private[akka] (message: String) extends AkkaException(message)
- * Thrown when a remote exception sent over the wire cannot be loaded and instantiated
- */
-case class CannotInstantiateRemoteExceptionDueToRemoteProtocolParsingErrorException private[akka] (cause: Throwable, originalClassName: String, originalMessage: String)
- extends AkkaException("\nParsingError[%s]\nOriginalException[%s]\nOriginalMessage[%s]"
- .format(cause.toString, originalClassName, originalMessage)) {
- override def printStackTrace = cause.printStackTrace
- override def printStackTrace(printStream: PrintStream) = cause.printStackTrace(printStream)
- override def printStackTrace(printWriter: PrintWriter) = cause.printStackTrace(printWriter)
-abstract class RemoteSupport extends ListenerManagement with RemoteServerModule with RemoteClientModule {
- lazy val eventHandler: ActorRef = {
- val handler = Actor.actorOf[RemoteEventHandler].start()
- // add the remote client and server listener that pipes the events to the event handler system
- addListener(handler)
- handler
- }
- def shutdown() {
- eventHandler.stop()
- removeListener(eventHandler)
- this.shutdownClientModule()
- this.shutdownServerModule()
- clear
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class.
- * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"", 2552)
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"", 2552).start()
- * </pre>
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- def actorOf(factory: => Actor, host: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- Actor.remote.clientManagedActorOf(() => factory, host, port)
- /**
- * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class.
- * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"",2552)
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"",2552).start()
- * </pre>
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- def actorOf(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], host: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- clientManagedActorOf(() => createActorFromClass(clazz), host, port)
- /**
- * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class.
- * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor]("",2552)
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- * You can create and start the actor in one statement like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor]("",2552).start()
- * </pre>
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- def actorOf[T <: Actor: ClassTag](host: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- clientManagedActorOf(() => createActorFromClass(classTag[T].erasure), host, port)
- protected def createActorFromClass(clazz: Class[_]): Actor = {
- import ReflectiveAccess.{ createInstance, noParams, noArgs }
- createInstance[Actor](clazz, noParams, noArgs) match {
- case Right(actor) => actor
- case Left(exception) =>
- val cause = exception match {
- case i: InvocationTargetException => i.getTargetException
- case _ => exception
- }
- throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Could not instantiate Actor of " + clazz +
- "\nMake sure Actor is NOT defined inside a class/trait," +
- "\nif so put it outside the class/trait, f.e. in a companion object," +
- "\nOR try to change: 'actorOf[MyActor]' to 'actorOf(new MyActor)'.", cause)
- }
- }
- protected override def manageLifeCycleOfListeners = false
- protected[akka] override def notifyListeners(message: => Any): Unit = super.notifyListeners(message)
- private[akka] val actors = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef]
- private[akka] val actorsByUuid = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef]
- private[akka] val actorsFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => ActorRef]
- private[akka] val typedActors = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef]
- private[akka] val typedActorsByUuid = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef]
- private[akka] val typedActorsFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => AnyRef]
- def clear {
- actors.clear
- actorsByUuid.clear
- typedActors.clear
- typedActorsByUuid.clear
- actorsFactories.clear
- typedActorsFactories.clear
- }
- * This is the interface for the RemoteServer functionality, it's used in Actor.remote
- */
-trait RemoteServerModule extends RemoteModule {
- protected val guard = new ReentrantGuard
- /**
- * Signals whether the server is up and running or not
- */
- def isRunning: Boolean
- /**
- * Gets the name of the server instance
- */
- def name: String
- /**
- * Gets the address of the server instance
- */
- def address: InetSocketAddress
- /**
- * Starts the server up
- */
- def start(): RemoteServerModule =
- start(ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getAddress.getHostAddress,
- ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getPort,
- None)
- /**
- * Starts the server up
- */
- def start(loader: ClassLoader): RemoteServerModule =
- start(ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getAddress.getHostAddress,
- ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getPort,
- Option(loader))
- /**
- * Starts the server up
- */
- def start(host: String, port: Int): RemoteServerModule =
- start(host, port, None)
- /**
- * Starts the server up
- */
- def start(host: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): RemoteServerModule =
- start(host, port, Option(loader))
- /**
- * Starts the server up
- */
- def start(host: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): RemoteServerModule
- /**
- * Shuts the server down
- */
- def shutdownServerModule(): Unit
- /**
- * Register typed actor by interface name.
- */
- def registerTypedActor(intfClass: Class[_], typedActor: AnyRef): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, typedActor)
- /**
- * Register remote typed actor by a specific id.
- * @param id custom actor id
- * @param typedActor typed actor to register
- */
- def registerTypedActor(id: String, typedActor: AnyRef): Unit
- /**
- * Register typed actor by interface name.
- */
- def registerTypedPerSessionActor(intfClass: Class[_], factory: => AnyRef): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, factory)
- /**
- * Register typed actor by interface name.
- * Java API
- */
- def registerTypedPerSessionActor(intfClass: Class[_], factory: Creator[AnyRef]): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, factory)
- /**
- * Register remote typed actor by a specific id.
- * @param id custom actor id
- * @param typedActor typed actor to register
- */
- def registerTypedPerSessionActor(id: String, factory: => AnyRef): Unit
- /**
- * Register remote typed actor by a specific id.
- * @param id custom actor id
- * @param typedActor typed actor to register
- * Java API
- */
- def registerTypedPerSessionActor(id: String, factory: Creator[AnyRef]): Unit = registerTypedPerSessionActor(id, factory.create)
- /**
- * Register Remote Actor by the Actor's 'id' field. It starts the Actor if it is not started already.
- */
- def register(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = register(, actorRef)
- /**
- * Register Remote Actor by the Actor's uuid field. It starts the Actor if it is not started already.
- */
- def registerByUuid(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Register Remote Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument. The actor is registered by UUID rather than ID
- * when prefixing the handle with the “uuid:” protocol.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself.
- */
- def register(id: String, actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Register Remote Session Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself.
- */
- def registerPerSession(id: String, factory: => ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Register Remote Session Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself.
- * Java API
- */
- def registerPerSession(id: String, factory: Creator[ActorRef]): Unit = registerPerSession(id, factory.create)
- /**
- * Unregister Remote Actor that is registered using its 'id' field (not custom ID).
- */
- def unregister(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Unregister Remote Actor by specific 'id'.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID.
- */
- def unregister(id: String): Unit
- /**
- * Unregister Remote Actor by specific 'id'.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID.
- */
- def unregisterPerSession(id: String): Unit
- /**
- * Unregister Remote Typed Actor by specific 'id'.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID.
- */
- def unregisterTypedActor(id: String): Unit
- /**
- * Unregister Remote Typed Actor by specific 'id'.
- * <p/>
- * NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID.
- */
- def unregisterTypedPerSessionActor(id: String): Unit
-trait RemoteClientModule extends RemoteModule { self: RemoteModule =>
- def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None)
- def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef =
- actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, Some(loader))
- def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- actorFor(serviceId, className, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None)
- def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef =
- actorFor(serviceId, className, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, Some(loader))
- def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, timeout, hostname, port, None)
- def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef =
- actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader))
- def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef =
- actorFor(serviceId, className, timeout, hostname, port, None)
- def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, hostname: String, port: Int): T =
- typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None)
- def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): T =
- typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, timeout, hostname, port, None)
- def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): T =
- typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader))
- def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceId: String, implClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): T =
- typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceId, implClassName, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader))
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- def clientManagedActorOf(factory: () => Actor, host: String, port: Int): ActorRef
- /**
- * Clean-up all open connections.
- */
- def shutdownClientModule(): Unit
- /**
- * Shuts down a specific client connected to the supplied remote address returns true if successful
- */
- def shutdownClientConnection(address: InetSocketAddress): Boolean
- /**
- * Restarts a specific client connected to the supplied remote address, but only if the client is not shut down
- */
- def restartClientConnection(address: InetSocketAddress): Boolean
- /** Methods that needs to be implemented by a transport **/
- protected[akka] def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceId: String, implClassName: String, timeout: Long, host: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): T
- protected[akka] def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): ActorRef
- protected[akka] def send[T](message: Any,
- senderOption: Option[ActorRef],
- senderFuture: Option[CompletableFuture[T]],
- remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress,
- timeout: Long,
- isOneWay: Boolean,
- actorRef: ActorRef,
- typedActorInfo: Option[Tuple2[String, String]],
- actorType: ActorType,
- loader: Option[ClassLoader]): Option[CompletableFuture[T]]
- private[akka] def registerSupervisorForActor(actorRef: ActorRef): ActorRef
- private[akka] def deregisterSupervisorForActor(actorRef: ActorRef): ActorRef
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- private[akka] def registerClientManagedActor(hostname: String, port: Int, uuid: Uuid): Unit
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1")
- private[akka] def unregisterClientManagedActor(hostname: String, port: Int, uuid: Uuid): Unit