path: root/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests
diff options
authorIulian Dragos <>2011-02-03 15:08:36 +0000
committerIulian Dragos <>2011-02-03 15:08:36 +0000
commit8fb1b1aaffa5167bb7f6986ddcd06f9f4436b2bf (patch)
tree9434640566bbecfff2cb5f676dcb702b4c7d88d3 /test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests
parent961b881659c16c8b9e12497d522a576adbaaa0c9 (diff)
Switched back to StoreReporter for presentation...
Switched back to StoreReporter for presentation compiler tests. This eats up error messages, but if the output is correct we don't mind a spurious error here and there. Renabled simple presentation compiler tests. no review.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/SimpleInteractiveTest.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/SimpleInteractiveTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 014fd24b6f..0000000000
--- a/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/SimpleInteractiveTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/** Simple test that shows how to use the InteractiveTest class. It uses the
- * inherited runTest method that runs completion and typedAt tests on all
- * sources found under src/
- */
-object Test extends InteractiveTest {
- override val runRandomTests = false
-// settings.YpresentationDebug.value = true
-// override val synchronousRequests = false
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/src/Tester.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/src/Tester.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cb62187514..0000000000
--- a/test/disabled/presentation/simple-tests/src/Tester.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-package interactive
-package tests
-import util._
-import reporters._
-import io.AbstractFile
-import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-class Tester(ntests: Int, inputs: Array[SourceFile], settings: Settings) {
- val reporter = new StoreReporter
- val compiler = new Global(settings, reporter)
- def askAndListen[T, U](msg: String, arg: T, op: (T, Response[U]) => Unit) {
- if (settings.verbose./*!*/value) print(msg+" "+arg+": ")
- val TIMEOUT = 10 // ms
- val limit/*?*/ = System.currentTimeMillis() + randomDelayMillis
- val res/*?*/ = new Response[U]
- op(arg, res)
- while (!res.isComplete && !res.isCancelled) {
- if (System.currentTimeMillis() > limit) {
- print("c"); res./*!*/cancel()
- } else res.get(TIMEOUT) match {
- case Some(Left(t)) =>
- /**/
- if (settings./*!*/verbose.value) println(t)
- case Some(Right(ex)) =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- println(ex)
- case None =>
- }
- }
- }
- def askReload(sfs: SourceFile*) = askAndListen("reload", sfs.toList, compiler.askReload)
- def askTypeAt(pos: Position) = askAndListen("type at", pos, compiler.askTypeAt)
- def askTypeCompletion(pos: Position) = askAndListen("type at", pos, compiler.askTypeCompletion)
- def askScopeCompletion(pos: Position) = askAndListen("type at", pos, compiler.askScopeCompletion)
- val rand = new java.util.Random()
- private def randomInverse(n: Int) = n / (rand.nextInt(n) + 1)
- private def randomDecreasing(n: Int) = {
- var r = rand.nextInt((1 to n).sum)
- var limit = n
- var result = 0
- while (r > limit) {
- result += 1
- r -= limit
- limit -= 1
- }
- result
- }
- def randomSourceFileIdx() = rand.nextInt(inputs.length)
- def randomBatchesPerSourceFile(): Int = randomDecreasing(100)
- def randomChangesPerBatch(): Int = randomInverse(50)
- def randomPositionIn(sf: SourceFile) = rand.nextInt(sf.content.length)
- def randomNumChars() = randomInverse(100)
- def randomDelayMillis = randomInverse(10000)
- class Change(sfidx: Int, start: Int, nchars: Int, toLeft: Boolean) {
- private var pos = start
- private var deleted: List[Char] = List()
- override def toString =
- "In "+inputs(sfidx)+" at "+start+" take "+nchars+" to "+
- (if (toLeft) "left" else "right")
- def deleteOne() {
- val sf = inputs(sfidx)
- deleted = sf.content(pos) :: deleted
- val sf1 = new BatchSourceFile(sf.file, sf.content.take(pos) ++ sf.content.drop(pos + 1))
- inputs(sfidx) = sf1
- askReload(sf1)
- }
- def deleteAll() {
- print("/"+nchars)
- for (i <- 0 until nchars) {
- if (toLeft) {
- if (pos > 0 && pos <= inputs(sfidx).length) {
- pos -= 1
- deleteOne()
- }
- } else {
- if (pos < inputs(sfidx).length) {
- deleteOne()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def insertAll() {
- for (chr <- if (toLeft) deleted else deleted.reverse) {
- val sf = inputs(sfidx)
- val (pre, post) = sf./*!*/content splitAt pos
- pos += 1
- val sf1 = new BatchSourceFile(sf.file, pre ++ (chr +: post))
- inputs(sfidx) = sf1
- askReload(sf1)
- }
- }
- }
- val testComment = "/**/"
- def testFileChanges(sfidx: Int) = {
- lazy val testPositions: Seq[Int] = {
- val sf = inputs(sfidx)
- val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
- var pos = sf.content.indexOfSlice(testComment)
- while (pos > 0) {
- buf += pos
- pos = sf.content.indexOfSlice(testComment, pos + 1)
- }
- buf
- }
- def otherTest() {
- if (testPositions.nonEmpty) {
- val pos = new OffsetPosition(inputs(sfidx), rand.nextInt(testPositions.length))
- rand.nextInt(3) match {
- case 0 => askTypeAt(pos)
- case 1 => askTypeCompletion(pos)
- case 2 => askScopeCompletion(pos)
- }
- }
- }
- for (i <- 0 until randomBatchesPerSourceFile()) {
- val changes = Vector.fill(/**/randomChangesPerBatch()) {
- /**/
- new Change(sfidx, randomPositionIn(inputs(sfidx)), randomNumChars(), rand.nextBoolean())
- }
- doTest(sfidx, changes, testPositions, otherTest) match {
- case Some(errortrace) =>
- println(errortrace)
- minimize(errortrace)
- case None =>
- }
- }
- }
- def doTest(sfidx: Int, changes: Seq[Change], testPositions: Seq[Int], otherTest: () => Unit): Option[ErrorTrace] = {
- print("new round with "+changes.length+" changes:")
- changes foreach (_.deleteAll())
- otherTest()
- def errorCount() = compiler.ask(() => reporter.ERROR.count)
-// println("\nhalf test round: "+errorCount())
- changes.view.reverse foreach (_.insertAll())
- otherTest()
- println("done test round: "+errorCount())
- if (errorCount() != 0)
- Some(ErrorTrace(sfidx, changes, reporter.infos, inputs(sfidx).content))
- else
- None
- }
- case class ErrorTrace(
- sfidx: Int, changes: Seq[Change], infos: collection.Set[reporter.Info], content: Array[Char]) {
- override def toString =
- "Sourcefile: "+inputs(sfidx)+
- "\nChanges:\n "+changes.mkString("\n ")+
- "\nErrors:\n "+infos.mkString("\n ")+
- "\nContents:\n"+content.mkString
- }
- def minimize(etrace: ErrorTrace) {}
- /**/
- def run() {
- askReload(inputs: _*)
- for (i <- 0 until ntests)
- testFileChanges(randomSourceFileIdx())
- }
-/* A program to do presentation compiler stress tests.
- * Usage:
- *
- * scala <n> <files>
- *
- * where <n> is the number os tests to be run and <files> is the set of files to test.
- * This will do random deletions and re-insertions in any of the files.
- * At places where an empty comment /**/ appears it will in addition randomly
- * do ask-types, type-completions, or scope-completions.
- */
-object Tester {
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val settings = new Settings()
- val (_, filenames) = settings.processArguments(args.toList.tail, true)
- println("filenames = "+filenames)
- val files = filenames.toArray map (str => new BatchSourceFile(AbstractFile.getFile(str)): SourceFile)
- new Tester(args(0).toInt, files, settings).run()
- sys.exit(0)
- }