path: root/test/files/run/manifests-new.scala
diff options
authorEugene Burmako <>2012-04-23 16:04:56 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-04-23 17:54:50 +0200
commit0f0144c74088e396fc1440166bed5a7c6d5f44f4 (patch)
treefd7cc379f1926a3e6a0b94ccb22dd071384cdeb1 /test/files/run/manifests-new.scala
parent2b09d8caf5497c4e016a3e1179e5f7e842766176 (diff)
migrates stdlib and compiler to tags
* all usages of ClassManifest and Manifest are replaced with tags * all manifest tests are replaced with tag tests
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/run/manifests-new.scala')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/run/manifests-new.scala b/test/files/run/manifests-new.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4485ce9124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/manifests-new.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+object Test
+ object Variances extends Enumeration {
+ val CO, IN, CONTRA = Value
+ }
+ import Variances.{ CO, IN, CONTRA }
+ object SubtypeRelationship extends Enumeration {
+ val NONE, SAME, SUB, SUPER = Value
+ }
+ import SubtypeRelationship.{ NONE, SAME, SUB, SUPER }
+ class VarianceTester[T, U, CC[_]](expected: Variances.Value)(
+ implicit ev1: TypeTag[T], ev2: TypeTag[U], ev3: TypeTag[CC[T]], ev4: TypeTag[CC[U]]) {
+ def elements = List(ev1.tpe <:< ev2.tpe, ev2.tpe <:< ev1.tpe)
+ def containers = List(ev3.tpe <:< ev4.tpe, ev4.tpe <:< ev3.tpe)
+ def isUnrelated = typeCompare[T, U] == NONE
+ def isSame = typeCompare[T, U] == SAME
+ def isSub = typeCompare[T, U] == SUB
+ def isSuper = typeCompare[T, U] == SUPER
+ def showsCovariance = (elements == containers)
+ def showsContravariance = (elements == containers.reverse)
+ def showsInvariance = containers forall (_ == isSame)
+ def allContainerVariances = List(showsCovariance, showsInvariance, showsContravariance)
+ def showsExpectedVariance =
+ if (isUnrelated) allContainerVariances forall (_ == false)
+ else if (isSame) allContainerVariances forall (_ == true)
+ else expected match {
+ case CO => showsCovariance && !showsContravariance && !showsInvariance
+ case IN => showsInvariance && !showsCovariance && !showsContravariance
+ case CONTRA => showsContravariance && !showsCovariance && !showsInvariance
+ }
+ }
+ def showsCovariance[T, U, CC[_]](implicit ev1: TypeTag[T], ev2: TypeTag[U], ev3: TypeTag[CC[T]], ev4: TypeTag[CC[U]]) =
+ new VarianceTester[T, U, CC](CO) showsExpectedVariance
+ def showsInvariance[T, U, CC[_]](implicit ev1: TypeTag[T], ev2: TypeTag[U], ev3: TypeTag[CC[T]], ev4: TypeTag[CC[U]]) =
+ new VarianceTester[T, U, CC](IN) showsExpectedVariance
+ def showsContravariance[T, U, CC[_]](implicit ev1: TypeTag[T], ev2: TypeTag[U], ev3: TypeTag[CC[T]], ev4: TypeTag[CC[U]]) =
+ new VarianceTester[T, U, CC](CONTRA) showsExpectedVariance
+ def typeCompare[T, U](implicit ev1: TypeTag[T], ev2: TypeTag[U]) = (ev1.tpe <:< ev2.tpe, ev2.tpe <:< ev1.tpe) match {
+ case (true, true) => SAME
+ case (true, false) => SUB
+ case (false, true) => SUPER
+ case (false, false) => NONE
+ }
+ def assertAnyRef[T: TypeTag] = List(
+ typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[Any].tpe,
+ typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[AnyRef].tpe,
+ !(typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[AnyVal].tpe)
+ ) foreach (assert(_, "assertAnyRef"))
+ def assertAnyVal[T: TypeTag] = List(
+ typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[Any].tpe,
+ !(typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[AnyRef].tpe),
+ typeTag[T].tpe <:< typeTag[AnyVal].tpe
+ ) foreach (assert(_, "assertAnyVal"))
+ def assertSameType[T: TypeTag, U: TypeTag] = assert(typeCompare[T, U] == SAME, "assertSameType")
+ def assertSuperType[T: TypeTag, U: TypeTag] = assert(typeCompare[T, U] == SUPER, "assertSuperType")
+ def assertSubType[T: TypeTag, U: TypeTag] = assert(typeCompare[T, U] == SUB, "assertSubType")
+ def assertNoRelationship[T: TypeTag, U: TypeTag] = assert(typeCompare[T, U] == NONE, "assertNoRelationship")
+ def testVariancesVia[T: TypeTag, U: TypeTag] = assert(
+ typeCompare[T, U] == SUB &&
+ showsCovariance[T, U, List] &&
+ showsInvariance[T, U, Set],
+ "testVariancesVia"
+ )
+ def runAllTests = {
+ assertAnyVal[AnyVal]
+ assertAnyVal[Unit]
+ assertAnyVal[Int]
+ assertAnyVal[Double]
+ assertAnyVal[Boolean]
+ assertAnyVal[Char]
+ assertAnyRef[AnyRef]
+ assertAnyRef[java.lang.Object]
+ assertAnyRef[java.lang.Integer]
+ assertAnyRef[java.lang.Double]
+ assertAnyRef[java.lang.Boolean]
+ assertAnyRef[java.lang.Character]
+ assertAnyRef[String]
+ assertAnyRef[scala.List[String]]
+ assertAnyRef[scala.List[_]]
+ // variance doesn't work yet
+ // testVariancesVia[String, Any]
+ // testVariancesVia[String, AnyRef]
+ assertSubType[List[String], List[Any]]
+ assertSubType[List[String], List[AnyRef]]
+ assertNoRelationship[List[String], List[AnyVal]]
+ assertSubType[List[Int], List[Any]]
+ assertSubType[List[Int], List[AnyVal]]
+ assertNoRelationship[List[Int], List[AnyRef]]
+ // Nothing
+ assertSubType[Nothing, Any]
+ assertSubType[Nothing, AnyVal]
+ assertSubType[Nothing, AnyRef]
+ assertSubType[Nothing, String]
+ assertSubType[Nothing, List[String]]
+ assertSubType[Nothing, Null]
+ assertSameType[Nothing, Nothing]
+ // Null
+ assertSubType[Null, Any]
+ assertNoRelationship[Null, AnyVal]
+ assertSubType[Null, AnyRef]
+ assertSubType[Null, String]
+ assertSubType[Null, List[String]]
+ assertSameType[Null, Null]
+ assertSuperType[Null, Nothing]
+ // Any
+ assertSameType[Any, Any]
+ assertSuperType[Any, AnyVal]
+ assertSuperType[Any, AnyRef]
+ assertSuperType[Any, String]
+ assertSuperType[Any, List[String]]
+ assertSuperType[Any, Null]
+ assertSuperType[Any, Nothing]
+ // Misc unrelated types
+ assertNoRelationship[Unit, AnyRef]
+ assertNoRelationship[Unit, Int]
+ assertNoRelationship[Int, Long]
+ assertNoRelationship[Boolean, String]
+ assertNoRelationship[List[Boolean], List[String]]
+ assertNoRelationship[Set[Boolean], Set[String]]
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = runAllTests