path: root/test/files/run
diff options
authorpaltherr <>2003-03-21 10:12:37 +0000
committerpaltherr <>2003-03-21 10:12:37 +0000
commit5e7f6d941d16569f430fd4e078b32329c028ae21 (patch)
tree3299ae08c20cebcbdf0c93e22473c0a78581b5d2 /test/files/run
parent6a7bec093bbf8da427657fa84783dcc21c59fcc0 (diff)
- Added exercices
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/run')
2 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.check b/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.check
index d2e92a6463..bb69b26734 100644
--- a/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.check
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.check
@@ -100,3 +100,38 @@ g'(x) = 2 * x * 1 + x * (2 * 1 + x * 0) + 3 * 1 + x * 0
g (3) = 27
g'(3) = 15
+ta(x) = x + 3
+tb(x) = x + 3
+tc(x) = x + 3
+td(x) = x + 3
+te(x) = 2 * x + 3
+tf(x) = 2 * x + 3
+tg(x) = 6 * x
+th(x) = x^6
+f4(x) = x^4 + 7 * x^3 + 20 * x^2 + 23 * x + 5
+f3(x) = 4 * x^3 + 21 * x^2 + 40 * x + 23
+f2(x) = 12 * x^2 + 42 * x + 40
+f1(x) = 24 * x + 42
+f0(x) = 24
+f4(0) = 5 ok
+f4(1) = 56 ok
+f4(2) = 203 ok
+f4(3) = 524 ok
+f4(4) = 1121 ok
+f3(0) = 23 ok
+f3(1) = 88 ok
+f3(2) = 219 ok
+f3(3) = 440 ok
+f2(0) = 40 ok
+f2(1) = 94 ok
+f2(2) = 172 ok
+f1(0) = 42 ok
+f1(1) = 66 ok
+f0(0) = 24 ok
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.scala b/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.scala
index aebef8b429..3d1f21b209 100644
--- a/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-07.scala
@@ -449,6 +449,260 @@ module MA {
+module Utils {
+ private def power0(x: int, y: int): int =
+ if (y == 1) x else if (y % 2 == 0) power0(x*x,y/2) else x*power0(x, y-1);
+ def power(x: int, y: int): int = Pair(x,y) match {
+ case Pair(0,0) => error("power(0,0)")
+ case Pair(0,_) => 0
+ case Pair(1,_) => 1
+ case Pair(_,0) => 1
+ case Pair(_,1) => x
+ case Pair(_,2) => x*x
+ case Pair(_,_) => if (y < 0) 1/power0(x,y) else power0(x,y)
+ }
+ def lookup(entries: List[Pair[String,int]], key: String):int = entries match{
+ case List() => error("no value for " + key)
+ case Pair(k,v) :: _ if (k == key) => v
+ case _ :: rest => lookup(rest, key)
+ }
+ def compare(xs: List[String], ys: List[String]): int = Pair(xs,ys) match{
+ case Pair(List(), List()) => 0
+ case Pair(List(), _ ) => -1
+ case Pair(_ , List()) => +1
+ case Pair(x::xs , y::ys ) => {
+ val diff = x.compareTo(y);
+ if (diff != 0) diff else compare(xs,ys)
+ }
+ }
+module MB {
+ import Utils._;
+ trait Expr {
+ private def count: int = match {
+ case Lit(n) => n
+ case Mul(Lit(n),_) => n
+ case _ => 1
+ }
+ private def term: Expr = match {
+ case Lit(_) => Lit(1)
+ case Mul(Lit(_),r) => r
+ case _ => this
+ }
+ private def vars: List[String] = match {
+ case Var(n) => List(n)
+ case Mul(l,r) => l.vars ::: r.vars
+ case Pow(l,n) => { val vs = l.vars; List.range(0,n).flatMap(i => vs) }
+ case _ => List()
+ }
+ private def +< (that: Expr): boolean = (this +<? that) < 0;
+ private def +<= (that: Expr): boolean = (this +<? that) <= 0;
+ private def +<? (that: Expr): int = Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(Add(_,_), _ ) => 0
+ case Pair(_ , Add(_,_)) => 0
+ case Pair(_ , _ ) => compare(this.vars,that.vars)
+ }
+ def + (that: Expr): Expr = if (that +<= this) Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(_ , Lit(0) ) => this
+ case Pair(Lit(l) , Lit(r) ) => Lit(l + r)
+ case Pair(_ , Add(rl,rr)) => (this + rl) + rr
+ case Pair(Add(ll,lr), _ ) if (lr +<= that) => ll + (that + lr)
+ case Pair(_ , _ ) => {
+ val l = this.term;
+ val r = that.term;
+ if (l equ r) Lit(this.count + that.count) * r else Add(this, that)
+ }
+ } else that + this;
+ private def *< (that: Expr): boolean = (this *<? that) < 0;
+ private def *<= (that: Expr): boolean = (this *<? that) <= 0;
+ private def *<? (that: Expr): int = Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(Mul(_,_), _ ) => 0
+ case Pair(_ , Mul(_,_)) => 0
+ case Pair(Add(_,_), Add(_,_)) => 0
+ case Pair(Add(_,_), _ ) => -1
+ case Pair(_ , Add(_,_)) => +1
+ case Pair(Lit(_) , Lit(_) ) => 0
+ case Pair(Lit(_) , _ ) => -1
+ case Pair(_ , Lit(_) ) => +1
+ case Pair(Var(l) , Var(r) ) => l.compareTo(r)
+ case Pair(Var(_) , Pow(r,_)) => if (this *<= r) -1 else +1
+ case Pair(Pow(l,_), Var(_) ) => if (l *< that) -1 else +1
+ case Pair(Pow(l,_), Pow(r,_)) => l *<? r
+ }
+ def * (that: Expr): Expr = if (this *<= that) Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(Lit(0) , _ ) => this
+ case Pair(Lit(1) , _ ) => that
+ case Pair(Mul(ll,lr), r ) => ll * (lr * r)
+ case Pair(Add(ll,lr), r ) => ll * r + lr * r
+ case Pair(Lit(l) , Lit(r) ) => Lit(l * r)
+ case Pair(Var(_) , Var(_) ) if (this equ that) => Pow(this,2)
+ case Pair(Var(_) , Pow(r,n) ) if (this equ r) => Pow(this,n + 1)
+ case Pair(Pow(ll,lr), Pow(rl,rr)) if (ll equ rl) => Pow(ll,lr + rr)
+ case Pair(l , Mul(rl,rr)) if (rl *<= l) => (rl * l) * rr
+ case Pair(_ , _ ) => Mul(this,that)
+ } else that * this;
+ def ^ (that: int): Expr = Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(_ ,1) => this
+ case Pair(Lit(i) ,n) => Lit(power(i,n))
+ case Pair(Var(_) ,n) => Pow(this,n)
+ case Pair(Add(_,_),n) => this * (this ^ (n - 1))
+ case Pair(Mul(l,r),n) => (l ^ n) * (r ^ n)
+ case Pair(Pow(e,m),n) => Pow(e,m + n)
+ }
+ def derive(v: Var): Expr = match {
+ case Lit(_) => Lit(0)
+ case Var(name) => if (name == Lit(1) else Lit(0)
+ case Add(e1, e2) => (e1 derive v) + (e2 derive v)
+ case Mul(e1, e2) => e1 * (e2 derive v) + e2 * (e1 derive v)
+ case Pow(e1, i2) => Lit(i2) * (e1 derive v) * (e1 ^ (i2 - 1))
+ }
+ def evaluate(vars: List[Pair[String,int]]): int = match {
+ case Lit(cst) => cst
+ case Var (name) => lookup(vars, name)
+ case Add (l, r) => l.evaluate(vars) + r.evaluate(vars)
+ case Mul (l, r) => l.evaluate(vars) * r.evaluate(vars)
+ case Pow(l, r) => power(l.evaluate(vars), r)
+ }
+ def equ(that: Expr): boolean = Pair(this,that) match {
+ case Pair(Lit(l) ,Lit(r)) => l == r
+ case Pair(Var(l) ,Var(r)) => l == r
+ case Pair(Add(ll,lr),Add(rl,rr)) => (ll equ rl) && (lr equ rr)
+ case Pair(Mul(ll,lr),Mul(rl,rr)) => (ll equ rl) && (lr equ rr)
+ case Pair(Pow(ll,lr),Pow(rl,rr)) => (ll equ rl) && (lr == rr)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ case class Lit(x: int) extends Expr {
+ override def toString() = x.toString()
+ }
+ case class Var(name: String) extends Expr {
+ override def toString() = name;
+ }
+ case class Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ override def toString() = e1.toString() + " + " + e2.toString(); // !!! .toString
+ }
+ case class Mul(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ override def toString() = {
+ def factorToString(e: Expr) = e match {
+ case Add(_, _) => "(" + e.toString() + ")"
+ case _ => e.toString()
+ }
+ factorToString(e1) + " * " + factorToString(e2);
+ }
+ }
+ case class Pow(e1: Expr, i2: int) extends Expr {
+ override def toString() = {
+ def factorToString(e: Expr) = e match {
+ case Add(_, _) => "(" + e.toString() + ")"
+ case Mul(_, _) => "(" + e.toString() + ")"
+ case _ => e.toString()
+ }
+ factorToString(e1) + "^" + i2;
+ }
+ }
+ def test = {
+ val _1 = Lit(1);
+ val _2 = Lit(2);
+ val _3 = Lit(3);
+ val _4 = Lit(4);
+ val _5 = Lit(5);
+ val x = Var("x");
+ val ta = (_1 + (_2 + x));
+ val tb = (_1 + (x + _2));
+ val tc = ((_1 + x) + _2);
+ val td = ((x + _1) + _2);
+ val te = ((x + _1) + (x + _2));
+ val tf = ((_1 + x) + (_2 + x));
+ val tg = x + x + (x * _2) + x + x;
+ val th = x * x * (x ^ 2) * x * x;
+ System.out.println("ta(x) = " + ta);
+ System.out.println("tb(x) = " + tb);
+ System.out.println("tc(x) = " + tc);
+ System.out.println("td(x) = " + td);
+ System.out.println("te(x) = " + te);
+ System.out.println("tf(x) = " + tf);
+ System.out.println("tg(x) = " + tg);
+ System.out.println("th(x) = " + th);
+ System.out.println();
+ val f4 = (x+ _3)*(_2+x)*x*(x+ _1) + (x+ _5)*(x*(x+ _2)+x+ _1) + (x^2) + x;
+ val f3 = f4.derive(x);
+ val f2 = f3.derive(x);
+ val f1 = f2.derive(x);
+ val f0 = f1.derive(x);
+ System.out.println("f4(x) = " + f4);
+ System.out.println("f3(x) = " + f3);
+ System.out.println("f2(x) = " + f2);
+ System.out.println("f1(x) = " + f1);
+ System.out.println("f0(x) = " + f0);
+ System.out.println();
+ def check(n: String, f: Expr, x: int, e: int) = {
+ val a: int = f.evaluate(List(Pair("x",x)));
+ val s: String = if (a == e) "ok" else "KO(" + e + ")";
+ System.out.println(n + "(" + x + ") = " + a + " " + s);
+ }
+ check("f4", f4, 0, 5);
+ check("f4", f4, 1, 56);
+ check("f4", f4, 2, 203);
+ check("f4", f4, 3, 524);
+ check("f4", f4, 4, 1121);
+ System.out.println();
+ check("f3", f3, 0, 23);
+ check("f3", f3, 1, 88);
+ check("f3", f3, 2, 219);
+ check("f3", f3, 3, 440);
+ System.out.println();
+ check("f2", f2, 0, 40);
+ check("f2", f2, 1, 94);
+ check("f2", f2, 2, 172);
+ System.out.println();
+ check("f1", f1, 0, 42);
+ check("f1", f1, 1, 66);
+ System.out.println();
+ check("f0", f0, 0, 24);
+ System.out.println();
+ }
module Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): unit = {
@@ -462,6 +716,7 @@ module Test {
+ MB.test;